Winter's kiss, moon/lady

Tom laughed, gagging a little as he sat down at the dinner table."I do not want to consider you're love lives.I'm scarred enough."He said smiling as frost joined them.

Frost smiled kissing harry's cheek,biting his lip lightly."Hmmm I might let you eat me later."
Harry smiled and licked his lips, deciding to fuck with Tom just a little more. "i could get the whipped cream out, and the chocolate sauce and make a dessert out of you." he smirked glancing at Tom. "i could make him help. i bet it would take both of us to tie you down anyway." he teased winking at them both.
frost blushed, looking down at his food. Not knowing what to say.

"Amazing. You've shocked the demon prince into silence.I didn't think it was possible."Tom snickered looking across at the brunette. "I think we might have to get the chocolate sauce to see how long the silence lasts."
Harry snickered a little and reached over taking Frost's hand. "sorry love." he murmured nuzzling the others neck. "i was only teasing, i wouldn't really let tom help, i'll do it all on my own." he promised smirking at the other nibbling on Frost's neck humming softly. "yeah, and then, right in the middle, i'll untie you and let you up so you can have your revenge on me." he teased snickering a little. "hows that sound?"
Frost smiled at the nuzzling, blushing softly as he leaned into the touch."Hmmmm I do like the sound of that."He said turning his head to steal a kiss,wrapping his arms around the other.
Harry giggled a little and kissed back before slowly pulling away. "alright lets eat." he purred smirking. "the sooner we finish the sooner we can get on to dessert." he teased snickering a little as he started carving the Ham glancing at Tom. "when are you free to do that revenge thing?" he asked, uncertain what else to call it.
Tom laughed softly shrugging."Whenever you would like to go.I have nothing going on, and even if I did, I can leave lucius in charge of things for a few hours."He said starting to eat.
Harry nodded. "tomorrow then." he decided pondering. "noon i think, i like noon." he admitted smirking a little as he took Frost's free hand in his and began to eat as well, humming a little. "and if i do say so myself, i, am an amazing cook."
Frost laughed as he ate, smirking slightly."Hmmm yes you are.Thats why I keep you around."He teased.

Tom snickered,"You can cook frost, you just dont like to."
Harry snickered a little. "well he doesn't have to now that i'm here." he pointed out rolling his eyes as he took a bite of his food. "you know i have to wonder." Harry admitted, deciding to just go out and ask it. "my parents death... and the prophecy about me and you... it was all lies...wasn't it? Dumbledore was lying when he claimed you killed my parents, and he lied about the prophecy." he just had to make sure, because he didn't know how he could forgive Tom if the man really had killed his parents in cold blood. and if Harry got the truth, then maybe, later, he could convince people like Hermione, or the twins to join him and frost int he battle against Dumbledore.
Tom nodded slightly, tilting his head towards frost."He's the one who you should ask what happened.You're mother was his cousin, he'll know which demon it was that dumbledore bought off to betray their own kind."

Frost gave him a look, sighing."You should know by now. Demonkyn don't consider halfbloods their kin.For them it was sport, not murder."
Harry had fallen completely still, and a blank look had crossed his face, a small explosion sounding in the other room as Harry's magic let loose it's temper on the defenseless furniture. "my family was murdered...for SPORT!?" he demanded turning to stare at Frost, a fury shining in his eyes at the realization of why, and how his parents died. now he was just as pissed at Demon kind as he was at the wizarding. he truly didn't belong anywhere...

well he'd like to see a demon come along and try to hunt HIM down, he'd slaughter them all! every last one of them! the only one free from his wrath would be Frost, Tom and Corbin, everyone else would pay, they would all DIE! "please excuse me." harry stated standing up and heading into the bathroom to scream at himself for an hour or so. a demon's rage was an amazing thing, one that harry was going to have to learn to control, though this was the first time he'd ever felt it, it was terrifying even to him. Tom probably thought Harry was completely insane though.
Meanwhile tom had left, with the promise to return the next day to go after ron. And frost had put corbin down for his nap, before knocking on the bathroom door. pretty sure he could handle whatever harry threw at him. The demon prince was returning from being mortal, and he was well in control."Harry?"He said resting his forehead against the cool wood of the door.
harry was hunched over the sink panting hard., "y..yeah?" he demanded letting out a shrill squeal as his wizarding half rose up once more, trying to attack Frost, because Frost was a liar! he was a LIAR! everyone knew that Voldemort killed Harry's parents, everyone knew that Voldemort couldn't be trusted, that Demons where evil and incapable of love! he groaned a little and shook his head hard. "JUST SHUT UP!!! SHUT THE FUCK UP!" he demanded at the voice in his head telling him to attack frost, harry would NOT attack frost, he groaned again as his Demon half practically jumped on his wizarding half, countering that Frost loved them, that they WHERE demons, that Tom had had many chances to attack or even kill Harry and had never taken that chance. it was a never ending battle.
Frost looked hurt for a moment, before snarling. The demon prince side of himself becoming prominant as he let power wash over his skin."Potter let me in."He said, despite his human form, the man had changed.His voice dark and nasty as he leaned into the door, needing to be with his lover."Abadonna, let me in."He growled louder.
Harry groaned softly shaking his head. "i can't, i might hurt you." he whined shuddering violently as his wizarding half rose up again making him snarl violently, his magic surging outwards, cracking the mirror making harry whimper lightly. "go away Frost...please." he whimpered his magic surging outwards again, trying to attack frost, the wizarding half blaming Frost for his parents death, and Harry wouldn't be able to stand it if he hurt his lover.
Frost growled, refusing to leave him alone to his pain."You think you can hurt me without my permission?I am the demon prince of the shadow realm, and have seen a century of lfe. You will not hurt me. Now let me in!"Frost growled shadows and madness in his voice, ice coating the door as he leaned against it.
Harry whimpered again shuddering violently tossing his hand at the door, the lock unlocking and then cracking with the force in which he unlocked the door, letting out a little sob, wondering why on the HELL he had done that, stomping his food hard on the ground as he tried to stamp down his wizarding half before it attacked frost, but this time he wasn't fairing so well. he whimpered a little falling to his knee's as he tried to get himself under control before Frost came in but he only managed to make it worse.
Frost sighed as he walked in crossing the room to cup the other man's face in his hands, pouring power into him, trying to summon the demon part. Remembering what they'd done with children, it was easy to resist giving in and getting angry, knowng that was just the wizard trying to goad him, staying calm and collected, certain harry wouldnt attack him.
Harry shook his head, trying to jerk away from frost as his magic swelled again, shattering the mirror and cracking the tiles as his wizarding half tried to attack frost, though every surge of magic missed Frost completely, the other wasn't even hit by shrapnel. he whimpered as his green eyes met Frost's, his possessive Demon half surging forward, determined to put an end to his wizards nonsense. he groaned softly and closed his eyes falling limp as the 'battle' ended making him groan softly. "thanks." he whispered softly leaning against Frost trembling lightly before he stood up rubbing his eyes a little as he waved a hand at the ruined bathroom, everything fixing itself back up immediately. "i've gotten very good at that."
Frost smiled slightly, wrapping his arms around the other, pressing a kiss to his head."Hmm you have. We tend to mess things up don't we."He said rubbing harry's back."Just remember, I'll fight to keep you with me...even if I have to fight you over it."
he chuckled a little and nodded wrapping his arms around the other sighing softly. "i'm all tired now." he admitted. "that one was bad...i never thought they could get like that." he admitted shaking his head. "thanks for helping me." he murmured softly kissing Frost's forehead. "i would have been in here for hours."
"Probably."Frost smiled pickng up the other man, cuddling him before heading to bed laying him down and crawling in next to him,"You'll be ine.I'll take care of you.Now.Go to sleep.You have a long day tomorrow."
Harry sighed softly and nodded snuggling into Frost closing his eyes, extremely glad that Frost was there to help him, glad that Frost was there to protect him. "yeah, i'm all yours." he promised smiling a little closing his eyes and sighing softly as he went to sleep, he only slept for about two hours, taking a brief power nap before he wrote a letter to Ron.

'Dearest Ron, i have, over the past several months, been traveling across the world in search of clues, and spells in order to kill Voldemort and i find myself missing you more and more every day. i feel heartbroken about the way i left you, i was scared and confused, i felt unworthy of you, being sullied and defiled the way i was. i can no longer be without you, please forgive me and my rash decisions, i have always been an idiot you know. please meet me in the shrieking shack at noon tomorrow, i'm sure Dumbledore will let you go. i need to see you again, without the prying eyes of housemates to judge me...i don't know what has happened to me but i am finding myself spiraling out of control without you there to hold me steady, i never should have ignored my feelings for you. i never should have tried to pretend i don't love you. please, i beg for you to take me back, to be my lover once more, to love me the way you did, the way i love you. yours forever, Harry.'

he nearly gagged at his own heartsick words and grimaced shaking his head as he gathered up his owl and set the letter off, careful not to disturb frost. "alright, that should at least get his attention." Harry grumbled watching the bird fly off. "oh Harry, what have you gotten yourself into?" he wondered staring out at the vast empty grasslands that surrounded his hidden home. "it doesn't really matter does it? all that matters is keeping Frost and Corbin safe." he decided looking over at the sleeping baby. "also, i should really stop talking to myself...people will start to think i'm crazy." he could practically hear Tom telling him that he was.
Frost snickered sleepily from the bed, his cheek resting on his hand as he raised his head to look at the man standing at the window."Well, since you get along with tom, and love me, some might say you are."He pointed out gesturing the other man close, wanting him back in bed again. Needing the reassurance that everything would e fine in the morning.
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