Winter's kiss, moon/lady

"Hmmm..."Tom smiled complating it before tilting his head."I'll meet you back at the house.Frost will want to know what happened...and I have a feeling if left to his own devices he really will call lucius."He said with a soft blushed, yes the dark lord was blushing!Resting his hand on ron's arm, before apprating out. Taking harry at his word and going to use ron as a slave and a reward for the death eaters.
Harry smirked a little and blew Ron a kiss. "have fun Weasel." he chirped a sick smirk on his face. "i'm sure that Dumbledork will try and find you, but don't worry, he never will." he promised laughing a little as he pointed at Tom. "make sure your back for dinner, i wanna celebrate! i'm going to make a special dinner tonight and you have better be on fucking time this time!" he ordered glaring at the other before apparating back home, brushing his clothes off and stepping through the house letting out a long breath of relief. it had all gone as planned, no one had gotten hurt, no one was dead...harry was ok, and so was Tom....harry needed Frost, he was shaking all over from seeing Ron again, scared, guilty, but mostly he felt dirty and defiled from hugging and holding Ron. "Frost?"
Frost glared as he stepped into the room, the look laughingly amusing with corbin cuddled against his chest."DAmmit harry, what kind of letter was that?I nearly came after you.Would have to if lucius would have gotten here in time."He said walking over and pulling the man into a tight hug. Glad that he was bak.
Harry smiled and wrapped his arms around the other tightly. "i just wanted to make sure that you knew i loved you." he admitted kissing the others forehead. "i was worried that i wouldn't be able to kill Ron and....i couldn't." he admitted sighing softly. "but it's alright, because Tom is taking care of him." he promised smiling at him. "he won't ever bother you again, or me." he promised before pausing suddenly realizing the other thing that Frost had said. "he' now?" he asked looking nervous. "hey uh. i'm going to go upstairs then. me and Lucius don't get along so well." they never had, especially after all the shit harry had put the blond through, dismissing his house elf, almost getting him thrown in azakaban, tormenting his son. yeah they certainly didn't get along.
"No.Not yet.He's got orders to come with tom for dinner."He smiled wrapping his arms around harry,holding him closer."He'll obey while he's in my house.I scare the living shit out of him on a bad day, so we'll be fine....and I want to know why tom blushed."He snickered a little kissing him softly."I love you.Come on, time to make dinner."He said nudging him towards the kitchen.
Harry snorted a little looking amused. "isn't it obvious? he wants to hook up with the bastard. duh." harry stated rolling his eyes a little. "can't i have sex first?" he whined slumping his way to the kitchen, dragging his feet like a ten year old who had just been told to clean his room, shaking his head a little. "Tom is going to kill you when he finds out you know."
Frost snickered setting corbin in the basinet before pulling the man into a kiss, feeling him up."Hmmm e might try. I'll be amusing though."He said sliding his hands over the man. Amused that he was pouting that frost hadn't wanted sex.amsusng, since he had every intention of sexing his lover up before the former slytherin's arrived.
Harry was dragging out a large pan, gasping softly as Frost 'snuck up' on him letting out a small chuckled. "what happened to making dinner?" he demanded a smirk on place, lifting an eyebrow at the other his head tilted. "what do you think, Turkey or Chicken? or maybe a roast? we already had a ham...hmm..."
"Chicken."Frost purred smirking as he gently laid a kiss on harry's neck, biting down and sucking as he shifted his hips against the other, moaning as his hardened length brushed against harry's ass."Hmmm forget dinner for now."
Harry groaned softly at the bite and the sucking, closing his eyes as he arched against him, giving him a smirk. "ah, but i have time for..guests." he stuttered, quickly loosing his train of thought as he felt the others cock pressing against him, a slow moan falling from his lips and nodding. "mmm i want you to fuck me...over the table." he muttered his eyes flicking over to the heavy oak Table sitting not tel feet away. harry wanted to be frost's bitch for a while, a smirk playing Harry's lips. "you can punish me for making you worry."
"Good."Frost growled pulling away from a minute before shoving him down onto the table. Holding him down onto it as he let ice make the handcuffs, letting shadows dance over harry's skin. A slow torture for a half demon who ws sensitive to his prince's powers. Leaning down he tugged the man's pants off, crossing his arms as he leaned back and tried to decide how to punish him."You did make me worry something fierce."
Harry yelped as he was suddenly pushed down onto the table, hissing at the cold cuffs around his wrists, making him moan softly, laying his head on the table a shudder running over him as he groaned loudly, feeling the shadows rippling along his skin made every nerve ending he had stand up and to the Cha Cha. "n..nn Frost, hah." he groaned, wiggling around, his body flexing, his cock already hard, waiting for the punishment. eager for it.
Frost snickered a little, crafting a riding crop out of shadows, laying it on his lover's ass."That didn't sound like a apology for making me worry."He said smacking him again, sliding his fingers into the brunette without a warning.
Harry groaned loudly, jerking against his bonds at the smack to his ass, gasping hard as he shuddered violently, groaning as he lay his head on the table, soaking up the punishment like it was a drug. "u...uuh Frost." he whined panting hard, determined not to apologize just yet, that would be too easy. he squealed at the fingers suddenly in his ass and he jerked against them, wanting them in deeper, gasping hard his ayes closed his back arched, shuddering in the pleasure. "nng!"
"All it'd take is a 'I'm sorry' to make me fuck you."Frost said smirking as he left ice slide over his hand, cooling the brunette from the inside out, laying the crop against harry's back in a teasing carress."Come on harry. Just say it."He goaded leaning down and biting him.
harry whimpered panting hard, arching into the icy hand shuddering at the shadow Crop his mouth open too horny to talk for a moment, whimpering into the bite. "so...sorry, i'm sorry." Harry hissed leaning into the bite. "i'm sorry, a..aah Frost please." he whined squirming on the table a whimper falling from his lips. "please!"
"You better be."Frost growled setting the crop down as he pulled his fingers out of the other, hands on the other's hips before thrusting into him, moaning at the feel of the man surrounding his cock.Thsi was prefect."Hmmm I love you."He muttered leaning down, biting down hard on harry's shoulder, fangs nipping hard at his skin, breaking it, licking away the blood with a playful lick.
Harry whimpered and nodded. "i';m sorry." he repeated, just to make sure Frost had heard him, mewling at the pleasure of the fingers pulling free, protesting lightly at the loss of attention before groaning pathetically pleased as Frosty slid back in, panting hard. "a..aah ye...yes please, Frost nnng good." Harry groaned before smiling. "i love you too." he stuttered panting hard arching into the fangs. "pu...punish me more. please, just a little more." harry loved the feeling of shadows wrapping around him, the teasing torment that Frost offered him. harry could never get enough but he always broke down and gave Frost what he wanted before harry had gotten his fill of the teasing. it drove harry mad, mostly at himself and his lack of verbal control.
Frost smirked a little, wrapping his hand in shadows and ice, with a touch of fire as he wrapped it around the other's cock, moing in time with his strokes as he fucked his lover, biting down again."Is that a order?"He growled, wrapping his fingers in her hair,pulling her head back
Harry groaned loudly at the fire and ice around his cock, jerking into the touch gasping hard at the intensity of the feeling, shuddering with pleasure as he was fucked so perfectly, squealing at the pull on his hair, making him moan again shuddering hard. "yes, oooh fuck YES, it was an order!" harry hissed, wanting everything Frost had to offer, hoping that Frost was enjoying this as much as Harry was.
Frost growled tightening his hand around harry's cock, biting down harder,truly enjoying punishing his lover.Knowing that he enjoyed it to."I don't take order potter."He growled fucking him harder, putting all the anger,all the worry he'd been feeling since he'd left into the action of screwing his lover.
Harry yowled in pleasure at the hand on his cock, trembling against Frost panting hard at the bite his mouth open, his eyes closed as he jerked and writhed against the table as his lover fucked him without mercy, struck silent by the force of the pleasure running through him. there was no warning as he came, spilling his seed all over the kitchen floor his ass going tight around Frost's cock, as if trying to milk him, only managing to make a squeak at the pleasure.
Frost moaned as he came, whimpering softly. Panting as he rested his head on harry's shoulder, shivering. After a few long moments pulling away and dressing. There was one thing he never wanted to do, and it was to be caught naked in his kitchen by tom and lucius."You okay?"He muttered releasing harry's handcuffs, brushing his hands over the bite marks healing them enough to not bleed, but not enough to not leave a scar when they finished healing.
Harry groaned, limp on the kitchen table, panting hard as he licked his lips and nodded, reaching up and touching the bite marks with a satisfied smile. "damn Frost, i'm going to have to piss you off more often." he stated with a small chuckle as he slowly, tenderly got to his feet rubbing his wrists and winking at the other. "i feel much better now, don't you?"
Frost smiled easily, stealing a kiss."I do.Now time to make dinner...well you get to cook. I'm going to watch."He said with a smile as he sat down at the table, watching harry. He loved watching his lover cook, it was sweet to be taken care of that much.
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