Winter's kiss, moon/lady

Harry laughed a little and pulled all of his clothes back on, running a hand through his hair as he started cooking, dragging out the chicken, four of them, itty bitty things Cornish Game Hens he called them, that he'd had sitting in the oven and started to stuff them with apple slices humming softly to himself, smirking a little. "this should impress that pompous son of a bitch." Harry grumbled, clearly needing to prove some sort of point to Lucius malfoy, what it was only Harry would know. he grinned as he made twice baked potatoes and garnished them with pretty herbs still on the stalks. then he made glazed carrots, stewing them in sweet sugar and honey before he started tossing a bright green salad filled with all sorts of vegetables. Harry was definitely showing off.
Frost snickered a little."If the man didn't own peacocks, I'd say hed be suitably impressed by-"Frost smrked looking up as the crack of a apparation sounded."Ah Lucius, on time as always."He said glancing at the clock. Knowing that any minute tom would be arriving, and wanting to get the pleasantires with harry out of the way before then.
Harry broke the plate he was holding. "he has fucking PEACOCKS!?" he demanded his eye twitching with rage scowling a little. "Frost! i need to transfigure the couch into some Tigers." Harry decided groaning when Lucius popped in, shaking his head. "never mind." he grumbled, sulking as he started making the dessert, a chocolate mouse topped with a Mint Cream and a homemade ice cream that harry froze with his wand. muttering silent obscenities about blonds and their peacocks
Frost snickered, looking at the blond before at the man making desserts."Don't worry about it.i'm pretty sure he's overcompseting with his peacocks"He smirked, "You have nothing to worry about. no tigers. I dont need corbin becoming attached to it."

(play lucius?Please?)
Harry snorted and turned to stare at Lucius, the two staring at each other in some form of silent challenge, they both turned away at the same time and Lucius settled down at the table, watching Harry cook with a raised eyebrow, thinking something along the lines that harry should have a house elf to do that, but he said nothing, not wanting to piss Frost off. the room was tense and silent, neither Lucius nor Harry willing to 'break the ice' and talk first.
Frost rolled his eyes. Wizards confused him sometimes. If itd been two demons in a room together they would have been duking it out by now."So, must we compare sizes of our cocks before tom gets here so we can all harass him instead of each other?Because I can tell you right now, I'll win this fight."He said breaking the ice forthem.
Lucius turned a light shade of red and Harry choked, and then they where both laughing a little Lucius shooting Frost a smug look. "i can guarantee you my dick is bigger." "oh shove off your both full of it. mines the best there is! besides." he chirped smirking rather viciously. "it's not about size at all, it's how you use it. isn't that right frost?"
" I even want to know what you guys are talking about?"Tom said as he stepped into the room looking at the three of them.

"...we're deciding if lucius is overcompensating by having white peacocks at his house."Frost said with a snicker, looking at the flushed blond, maybe this would be more fun then he thought
Lucius huffed a little. "as a matter of fact the peacocks are not compensating for anything, Narcissa thought they where pretty." he sneered shaking his head. everyone knew Lucius's marriage to Narcissa was only for appearances, what many people did not realize was that Lucius was no longer actually married to Narcissa, they had gotten a divorce and they just lived together for their son's sake and for the public view. everyone thought they where still married, everyone but Tom and Frost.
Frost snickered"So indulgent to your ex-wife.You need someone else to spoil."

Tom smiled sitting down at the table, looking at harry."They're liable to keep arguing until we eat. Lets feed them so they'll shut up for a few minutes."
Tom snorted a little and tossed his head in the air. "it's her money that she buys them with, she has her own job i don't give her a single penny of mine!" he complained glaring at him. "and i have Draco to spoik." "a little too spoiled if you ask me." Harry grumbled Lucius glaring at Harry. "you have something to say boy?" "yeah, i say you have a fat, pigheaded son and that your moral ethics are worse than what i flushed down the loo this morning!" and they where off! really Frost should have known better than to let Harry and Lucius talk to each other.
Frost rolled his eyes as he looked at the two, "Stop it you two."He said softly, though power flowed with the words, thunder and ice, madness and shadows in it. He wasn't a ice prince for nothing.He could command demons into a standstill, he WAS going to have a peaceful dinner dammit.

Tom smirked a little starting to eat, ignoring the two. Really, it was probably the best course of actions.
Harry and Lucius both sat down and started eating silently, glaring at each other over their food before Harry got a wicked smirk across his lips. "so Lucius, admit it. you wanna shag The Dark Lord don't you." Lucius didn't even twitch. "of course i do, he's very handsome." well there went Harry's plan to embarrass Lucius, but the plan to embarrass tom had worked...maybe.
Tom paled a little eating silently. Not saying anything.

Frost snickered a little looking at lucius as he ate."It's not fun to harass you about wanting him if you're not going to get embarassed about it."He pointed out.
Lucius smirked a little. "but i don't want him." he stated simply looking all too calm. "at least, not in the way your thinking. one night stands are nice and all but i've loved him for almost ten years now and he's never made a move other than to crucio my ass. what point is there to dwell on it?" Harry snickered a little looking amused as he glanced at Tom, wondering how the man would take THAT information. "Lucius please, we all know you enjoyed being Crucio'd you little masochist." Lucius smirked suddenly and nodded. "actually for once mr. potter you would be correct."...THAT shut harry up, the brunette grumbling as he went back to his meal.
Frost rolled his eyes looking at the blond, smirking."You do realize that we've managed to cow tom into silence.Toooommmmm, do you have something to say?"He cooed, looking at the man, finding his silence more interesting then blistering protests.Laughing as tom shoved more food into his mouth
Lucius smirked a little as he nibbled on his own meal glancing at the Dark Lord. "ah well i guess my hopes where in vain." he stated simply as he took a sip of wine that Harry had poured for him, Harry snickering a little. "you know Luc, if you..." "luc?" Lucius demanded his voice gone cold again, harry smirking. "yes, Luc, it's rude to interrupt you know." "what would you know about manners you little." "ah ah ah, lets not go there." harry demanded his eyes narrowed dangerously at Lucius who smirked just as Darkly, the word 'orphan' at the tip of his tongue. if someone didn't stop them, they where going to have a duel on their hands.
"Hey!Tom's wants to screw lucius."Frost announced, interrupting. Snickering at the blush on the dark lord's face.

"Shut up frost."Tom growled staring down at his plate. Not amused that frost enjoyed sharing things. And the fact that the ice prince knew lucius got to him more then anyone else, was just a weakness for the man to exploit for his own nefarious reasons.
Lucius and Harry calmed down again and Lucius rolled his eyes. "if Tom wants to fuck me i won't complain." he admitted. "he can fuck me whenever, and however he pleases." "you know, they would both stop if you just admitted it." harry pointed out to the mortified Dark lord. "Frost likes tormenting you, but Lucius just wants to hear you admit it so he can ambush you later and snog the hell out of you." "...why are you so perceptive?" Lucius demanded scowling at Harry for ruining their 'game'. "because my ruining your fun pisses you off. duh."
Frost laughed a little."And he's my mate. I wouldn't settle for a oblivious mate."She said smirking a little as tom squirmed.

"Fine.Fine...maybe...I wouldn't mind..if..."Tom stuttered, for once looking totally out of his element.
Lucius smirked and leaned over to suddenly, and without any warning at all, kiss the Dark lord. "i'm glad." Lucius purred a smirk on his lips. "shall we go on a date? say tomorrow? maybe for lunch?" he offered a smirk on his lips. "i know this wonderful Italian Cafe. they have the best tea." Harry snickered a little and answered for Tom. "he would love to, he'll meet you here at eleven." because Harry fully intended on making Tom look as hot as he could for the Date. the man REALLY needed a haircut.
Tom gave harry a glare, before nodding."That would be nice."She said with a smile.

Frost laughed, reding harry's mind and agreeing.They'd make tom really really hot for what would be the man's first date in years."Well at least something good came out of today.So tom, what are you doing with the blood traitor?"

Tom snickered a little,"Well I was going to give him to lucius to torture, but I have better things for him to do now.Maybe I'll let severus do it. Or greyback."
Harry chuckled a little and ran his tongue along his spoon, playfully tormenting Frost. "give him to Severus." Harry suggested. "that man would love to have Ronald at his knee's. he'd love to have me there more but Ron is a good second place." harry chuckled again./ "or hell, let everyone have a turn with him, slap him in a communal cell and let whoever the hell wants him, have him." he shrugged a little, Lucius staring at him wide eyed, he'd never heard of Harry being so cold before. it was unheard of.
Frost smirked a little. Amused at lucius's reaction, but this was the half demon he knew and loved."I might have to inform the demons that the man who 'killed' their crown prince has been found."he said, really thinking it over.While wizards could be good at torture, demons had long boring centuries to become experts in it.

Tom smirked a little looking at harry."I might do that. Severus has been bored lately."He said thoughtfully, tilting his head.
Harry blinked a little glancing at Frost. "were going to hand Ron over to the demons?" he asked looking startled before looking wickedly gleeful. "i think we should leave Ron to Tom and let the Demons have Dumbledore." he admitted snickering darkly. "after all Ron is just a pawn in all this, Dumbledores the one we should really be pissed at." he admitted sipping on his own wine smirking darkly at Lucius. "you really shouldn't let your mouth hang open like that, you might swallow a fly." Lucius's mouth snapped closed so fast you could swear to have heard his teeth clicking together. "i am now officially frightened ogf you." Lucius admitted staring at Harry who snorted. "why? because i act a little darker now? Lucius i killed a basilisk, a fill grown basilisk by myself when i was TWELVE for christ sake." "yes but you looked rather innocent and goody two shoes back you look like Tom when someone's really pissed him off." "well we do share a bloodline."
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