Winter's kiss, moon/lady

Harry laughed a little and grinned as he settled down next to Frost, sighing softly. "mmm it was a good day, sept for that fat blond oaf, but i can forget about him." he admitted chuckling a little shaking his head. "we should invite the Ferret over sometime, i'd like someone to pick on who doesn't cheat."
Frost laughed softly."The ferret?You mean draco?"He asked. Perking up at the idea of seeing his friend again.And really hoping the other didn't know he'd been pregnant. Having heard all about the amazing bouncing ferret.Really, draco didn't shut up about the emarassment.
Harry laughed and nodded. "yeah! i bet he's never told you this but one year he got turned into a ferret by our fourth year professor...i can't remember why, attacked me i think i forget, i probably started it." he admitted shrugging, he was a lot more willing to give Draco slack, because their rivalry had often kept harry sane. "it was hilarious! Moody bounced him about the floor like he was a rubber ball!"
Frost snickered laughing as he cuddled against the other in bed."hmmm yes, I've heard about the amazing bouncing ferret. He ranted and raved for months after...of course, I didn't help. I had a rubber ball ferret made so I could bounce it off the walls anytime I saw him."
harry clapped a hand over his mouth smirking a little. "have another one made maybe?" he asked smirking a little. "assuming that he blew the first one up, we could make it bounce all by itself." he stated laughing a little as he shook his head. "really, he should have known better telling you something like that."
"I know.You'd really think he'd know better then to tell a demon something like that.There's only so many things that brighten my day in hell.That was one of them."he yawned, cuddling starting to fall asleep
Harry laughed a little and snuggled him chuckling a bit as he got settled in bed and closed his eyes. "Tom better be on time tomorrow or i', going to give him a bad highlight." he grumbled sleepily, fully intending to run a few red and green stripes through Toms hair, it would make him look sexy and highlight the red of the man's eyes and the dark in the mans attitude.
Frost smiled falling asleep.

The next day frost snickered sleepily at the sound of the apparation, cuddling more against harry,"Tom's here."He whined, disliking it.While harry'd said not be late, he hadn't expected the man to show up this early.
Harry snorted and slowly sat up groaning a little. "you sleep a little more, you can't get him dressed until i'm done with his hair anyway." he admitted yawning a little as he got to his feet and stretched sighing softly shaking his head. "Tom you son of a bitch." he grumbled glaring at him. "i know your nervous as all fucking hell, but why so early!?"
Tom blushed a brushing his fingers through his hair."Well...uh... lucius is sleeping in my bed, and I was nervous and...I'm sorry."For once the dark lord was stuttering and clumsy....adorably cute.
Harry blinked at him before he chuckled a little. "ah well i suppose that's to be expected, you guys do have this intense need to be together. alright into the bathroom, i don't want hair all over my kitchen." he admitted. "so i was thinking a short cut to frame your face, green highlights mixed with red to highlight your eyes. what do you think?"
Tom smiled slightly following him into the bathroom."I dunno...I guess. I usually just trim it so I have no idea what would look best."He said, hoping that harry knew what he was doing.
Harry snorted and rolled his eyes shaking his head. "that's just wrong." he complained shoving the other into the bathroom, giving him a firm hair cut, shortening his hair so that it only came down to his chin, there was only room for one 'woman' in the relationship and Lucius was definitely pretty enough to cover that. Harry hummed as he clipped and snipped and cut and when he was finished he turned Tom to the mirror, using his wand to add the highlights. "what do you think?"
Tom smiled turning his head his way and that, admiring the look."It looks good."he said before looking at the other, tilting his head."Frost's not out of bed yet?"He asked, amused tht the demon prince who'd once always been out of bed at dawn,was sleeping well past dawn.
Harry smirked a little. "i kept him up late, you didn't feel the earthquake?" he teased snickering a little shaking his head a little. "i'll go check on him." he admitted waving away the hair clippings with his wand heading into the bedroom and gently shaking the other awake. "Frost, you awake love? come see what i did to Tom."
Frost whined, burying his head under the pillow, yawning as he waved a hand at the other."Sleepin'."He whined shivering cuddling agaisnt the other.
Harry chuckled a little and started to nibble on the others ear and neck a smirk on his lips. "come on Frost, Ton needs you, he can't handle my outrageous style." he teased snickering a little. "if you get up, i'll let you tie me up and have your wicked way with me tonight."
Tom whined, waking up."I do that anyways."He growled sitting up, rubbing his eyes as he looked at the other."Why can't we put tom in your clothes?You know he's not going to be dressed most of the time."
Harry snorted a little. "because we need that fuckers jaw hanging to the floor when he see's the amazing job we did on tom. he needs to be so sexy that Lucius realizes that he doesn't have a fucking chance in HELL with the Sexy Dark Lord." he admitted smirking. "so Lucius starts respecting Tom and making sure that Tom actually enjoys himself. after all, with Tom as hot as he is going to be after you get your hands on him, he could have anyone, i want Lucius to know that so he doesn't just use Tom for sex and then abandon him. savvy?" who knew Harry actually thought about things like that?
Frost stared at him, amused and happy.Befoe nodding."Fine.Come along then."He said dragging the other out of the room, heading for tom.Smirking slightly at the nervous look on the man's face.

"Morning frost."Tom smiled.

"Morning."Frost said,starting to work. Two hours later stepping back as he admired the man in front of him. Dark red leather pants, that were so snug they were a second skin, and the brilliant red shirt set off the highlights in his hair, and his eyes. The boots that encased the mans legs were made of ice and shadow, just like frost's armor, the darkly colored ice drawing attention and adding that touch of other."Well?"Frost asked looking at harry for his opinion.
Harry looked dumb struck as he looked up his eyes gleaming lightly. "Damn frost, i'm gonna let you start dressing me from now on." he decided smirking a little. "Lucius won't be able to contain himself." he growled snickering a little as he stood up and stalked around the other. "you look almost as good as frost." he glanced up at the clock. "and just in time too, Lucius should be here at any moment.
Frost smirked as he looked at harry, wrapping hsi arms around the other as tom walked into the living room to wait."Darling, no one looks as good as me."He said kissing him.
Harry snickered a little and nodded kissing frost back as Lucius knocked on the door Harry smirking a little as he went to answer the door, being overly assey as he did so. "now there is to be no drinking, no drugs, and NO sex! and you better have our Tom back by eleven do you hear me!?" Lucius ignored him, too excited to care what Harry was saying. he looked dashing as well, his long hair bespelled to shimmer in the light, wearing black leather pants and a white wife beater with a black leather jacket to top it off. he looked like a dangerous angel and even he was staring at Tom with wide eyes. "i love what you did with your hair." he breathed softly, sounding so amazed.
Tom blushed at harry's words, smiling as he loked at lucius ,blushing more as he walked towards him."Thanks.Harry thought it looked good."He muttered looking embarassed."You look good yourself."
Harry smirked. "alright you two have fun." harry ordered softly shaking his head a little Lucius smiling as he offered his hand to Tom. "shall we then?" he asked grinning a little his head tilted. "Back by eleven!" Harry ordered again laughing as Lucius flipped him off.
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