Winter's kiss, moon/lady

Lucius laughed a little and shook his head tugging his boots off and transfiguring them into Swimming trunks for the both of them. "then we should make sure you don't get sand in them." he teased smiling as he stripped off his own clothes, humming lightly, naked for almost a half a minute as he readjusted the size of his trunks before finally slipping them on.

Harry moaned and smirked looking pleased. "You know, your the first man i've ever let top me." he asked smiling at Frost. "you where the first man i ever trusted to do it." he admitted kissing Frost gently. "your the first, and only man i will ever love."
Tom moaned softly looking at the other, swallowing hard as he studied the other, watching him strip before stripping off his own clothes. Pulling on the swim trunks."Think it'll be cold?"He asked looking at the water.

Frost smirked slightly kissing him, wrapping his arms around him, holding him close."Good."He said smugly, pleased at the announcement, whining as corbin yelled for attention."Your son wants you."He whined.
Lucius chuckled a little at the others moan and headed towards the water, dipping his toes into the water. "it's a little chilly." he admitted wadding in deeper. "do you know how to swim?" he wanted to know how close he needed to stay to shore.

Harry chuckled a little as he got to his feet, yawning a little as he headed for the other room, bringing Corbin back bottle on one hand baby in the other. "i was wondering." Harry admitted crawling back into bed. "with you back in full power, does that mean you can be the prince again? you even want to be?"
"Of course I can swim."Tom said looking insulted at the idea that he couldn't. Stepping into teh water with him, shvering a little as he turned to face the blond, kissing him lightly.

Frost groaned, burying his head under the pillow, not wanting to even consider it."I could.But it'd mean fighting every step of the way, because I was weak once, no demon would accept that I was just taking a break...even though I still am a winterborn prince."He sighed softly."But more then anything else, it'd mean exposing corbin and you to a society that would rather kill you over embracing the differences."
Lucius laughed a little and nodded. "i wanted to make sure." he admitted grinning at him. "some people have never had the chance to learn, Draco can't swim." he admitted kissing Tom back before grinning impishly at him. "if you can catch me, i'll let you fuck me." he teased winking at him as he prepared to dive backwards into the water.

Harry nodded smiling softly. "i'm glad." he whispered. "i don't want to have to go through all that." he admitted sighing a little. "but, that does mean that Dumbledore has a chance to take the throne..." he bit his lip a little. "how strong it Tom? do you think he could take the Demon Throne?"
Tom growled at the challenge, diving after him, smiling happily as he swam after the blond. This was just to much fun.Snickering as his hand closed around lucius's ankle, pulling him back.

Frost froze, raising his head.Having not thought it through."He's strong but I don't know if he'll want to."He frowned a little, "I don't know if dumbledore can take it.If he had corbin...he could be regent...which was probably his plan..but I don't know..."He frowned looking concerned. Maybe he should take back the throne.
Lucius laughed as he tried to flee, but he wasn't as good in the water as Tom was. he yelped as he was caught and pulled backwards, laughing a little as he glanced back at the other. "mm you caught me." he growled a smirk on his lips. "what do you plan to do with me now?"

Harry sighed a little and bit his lip a little. "well this is simple then, we just have to kill Dumbledore." he stated yawning a little. "then the demons can get their own prince. simple." Harry decided. "i'll join Tom in his half of the war and we'll completely obliterate Dumbledore's half. easy."
Tom smirked pulling the other back into him, pulling him into a kiss."Hmm I don't know yet.What do you want me to do to you?"He asked wrapping his arms around him.

Frost nodded a little,"And I'll help.Between two half demons and a full demon, we'll destroy him."He said smiling softly, kissing harry slowly."We'll talk to him when he gets back from his date."
Lucius chuckled as he kissed back a smirk on his lips as well. "mm i'm up for just about anything." he teased. "your the victor here, your supposed to decide." he teased chuckling a little.

Harry smirked viciously. "and i know a couple of people who would be willing to switch sides. i know a girl who's a Seer, though no one knows because everyone just thinks she's insane, Luna Lovegood. and her lover Neville Longbottom would probably join our side. i know Bill and Charley Weasley, Ron's brothers, would give us a hand. they know a lot of Dumbledore's dirty little secretes, their completely appalled. back when they turned on Dumbledore i thought they where traitors, turns out they where right after all." he grimaced a little qand shook his head. "i know a couple of 'Dark Creatures' might be willing to help, and i can definitely get a Giant or two on our side, maybe even a herd of centaur or two." he smirked a little. Dumbeldore is never going to know what hit him."
Tom laughed, absently groping the other before stepping back."Hmm I'll claim my prize later.We probably should get through a first date without having sex."He snickered.

Frost nodded looking thoughtful. "Tomorrow we'll go talk to ron's brothers."He said, shuddering a little."We'll talk to them first, see what they know and what their brother did. Then we'll start talking to the dark creatures.They'll be easier to convince, after all I am one of the dark creatures."He said smiling as he watched harry feed corbin. The other was good with the child
Lucius laughed a little and nodded, trying to ignore his own half hard cock. "you are such a tease." he complained, grinning as he half floated in the water. "mmm it's nice today." he admitted, smiling up at the now well risen sun. "this is the most fun i've had in years."

Harry nodded and smiled as he kissed Frost's forehead. "i'll send out some letters, and have them meet us in the shrieking shack. i don't want just anyone to know about this place, it would ruin our cover." he teased winking at Frost. "though i do have other hidden homes this one is my favorite."
"It is for me to."he smiled looking over at the blond, trying to ignore his body's need to throw the blond down on the sand and enjoy himself."Uh maybe tonight we'll see about that prize.AFTER we go see harry and frost and tell them we behaved ourselves. If frost knew we can't even make it through a date without sex, I'll never hear the end of it."

Frost nodded, pulling him down for a kiss."Maybe we can ask lucius to make draco come visit. Let him babysit while we go see the men.I know they'er on our side...but I dont want corbin about them..>"He said biting his lip.wondering if he was being paranoid or just careful
Lucius snickered a little and glanced at Tom. "how would frost know?" he teased smiling a little as he paddled around. "besides, we can always come back here after we report in." he admitted grinning. "i have this intense urge to be taken on the beach." he admitted tossing Tom a seductive, and sly smirk as he licked his lips.

Harry nodded. "i agree." he admitted scowling a little. "i don't want anyone to know about Corbin unless their very trustworthy. you've known Tom for years, and Lucius and Draco too for that matter or i would never have let them come here... but i don't think i want anyone else to know about Corbin, i don't know if my 'freinds' are actually trustworthy or not." he admitted biting his lip. "i hope they are, but until the war is over i would rather not let anyone find out about him, especially not the demons."
"Frost knows things he just shouldn't."Tom snickered before looking at the beach swallowing hard. Heading for it. Having every intent of checking in early, then dragging lucius back here."Kinda like how he knows Draco's a whiny little whore without actually sleeping with him....though I don't think from lack of trying on draco's part."he snickered, having had to listen to frost howl about getting hit on by a friend, and a wizard. As if he'd ever demean himsel and sleep with a wizard....though if you asked him now, he'd pretend to have no idea what you were talking about.

Frost scowled at the idea."No, no demons. They'll probably kill him before they let us leave in peace."He said sighing softly, holding harry closer."Write the letter. We'll see what happens when we meet them."He glanced at the clock."Anyways, we probably should get dressed. I don't want to have lucius coming in and getting jealous of me and my gorgeous body."He said snickering softly.
Lucius laughed and followed him to the beach shaking his head. "Draco is a little man whore." he admitted looking amused. "if he wasn't my son i dare say i would call him a slut." he admitted shaking his head. "i think he's even gone after some of the older death eaters, last i heard he was trying to hit up one of the Order Members, a Lupin? something about wanting to screw a werewolf."

harry nodded staring up at the ceiling for a moment before smirking a little. "please, he's already jealous." he admitted getting up and walking, naked out the door, perfectly happy in being naked, uncaring if someone might come in and see. it was HIS house dammit, they would have to deal with it. he got the letters written and sent off, a smirk on his lips. it was going to be a fun few months.
Tom gave him a look, tilting his head."....I'm actually mildly disturbed at that idea."He sid wrinkling his nose."He needs someone his own age...not someone old enough to be his father."Tom shuddered."Okay, now I really am squicked out.That's just weird."He said walking to the beach.Drying off and pulling on his clothes again.

Frost laughed watching him, picking up corbin and following harry downstairs, heading for the front porch, sitting down in the chair to wait for the two to come back.Perfectly comfortable with being naked after he'd gotten permission to do so."Harry!I'm hungry!"He yelled back inside, feeding corbin his bottle.
he laughed a little and nodded, "he really does, but people his own age don't hold his attention, the only one he's ever seamed to like was Frost, he's always had an unnatural obsession with older people." he shook his head. "i can only hope that he finds someone someday, because even if i introduce him to a kid his own age he always goes after their much more experienced fathers."

Harry chuckled a little and started cooking, looking amused as he started whipping together some twice baked potatoes and stuffed chicken as he hummed, cooking naked was always fun.
Tom shuddered."That's disturbing."He wrinkled his nose. Before wrapping his arms around lucius, apparating back to harry's. Stopping with a foot on the stairs, staring at the sight before him.REally....frost was feeding a baby...butt ass naked..."'re missing some things."

"No I'm not. I'm hot and I wanted to cool off."He smiled softly, looking up from the sleeping baby.
Harry smirked walking out of the room. "not even love, you shouldn't lie to your freinds." he teased kissing his lover beaming at Tom and Lucius. "we've decided to be Nudist's!" "...he's bigger than me..." Lucius muttered sounding jealous as he stared at Harry's junk. "that is so not fair." but then again, Lucius knew how to magically enlarge his cock, and he knew tricks that harry would NEVER be able to do.
Tom smirked a little, pressing a kiss to lucius's cheek, shaking his head."Don't think about it.You're perfect."

Frost smirked shaking his head."No we're not."He said rollnig his eyes studying the two."So how was the date?"He asked looking curious.
Lucius chuckled a little puffing himself up. "of course i am!" he purred happily, glancing over at Frost pouting at him. "i got us tossed out of the restaurant." he admitted sheepishly, Harry bursting into laughter, wild, overly amused laughter as he stalked back into the house shaking his head, Lucius glaring furiously after Harry.
Frost stared, starting to snicker."Dare I ask for what?"

Tom blushed a little, transfiguring one of the plants into a pair of pants and shoving them at frost."Get dressed.And it was just for yelling."

"....yelling in escasty?You didn't make it through a date?"

"Yes we did. Now shut up."Tom blushed more, stomping into the house after harry as frost dressed.
Tom laughed a little. "no nothing like that." he promised waving his hand. "Tom wouldn't let me molest him." he admitted sighing softly. "no i found out that Draco was turned into a ferret by a professor and i was more than a little outraged by such a thing." "oh yeah, i remember that, Malfoy! the amazing bouncing Ferret!" "Shut up potter! he could have been hurt!" "but he wasn't, AND i WAS kind enough to wait and make sure he was alright before mocking him him." ",,," Lucius just glared at harry who smirked a little and didn't get dressed, didn't even make a motion to. "i don't want to get dressed, i enjoy knowing i am the biggest Dick in this house." that could have meant more than one thing.
Frost rolled his eyes, looking at his lover."Yes you ARE the biggest dick in the house, not that you HAVE the biggest dick in the house."He smirked before looking at lucius."I have a bouncy ball if you want to see what your son looks like as a ferret."He said seriously, ignoring the look he was getting from tom.
Harry smirked a little and shrugged his shoulder. "as long as i get one of the titles." he admitted laughing a little as Lucius rolled his eyes before glaring at Frost. "no thank you." he grumbled through gritted teeth shaking his head a little. "ah come on Lucy, wheres your sense of adventure?" "...what did you call Me!?" Lucius demanded staring at Harry with a look of deadly rage that only made harry smirk more. "well, your look like a woman, and you smell like a woman, and your CLEARLY the bitch between you and tom, so i think Lucy fits." "DIE! SUFFER AND DIE!" Lucius demanded tearing after the bare ass harry who took off into the yard as Lucius chased him, ranting about how he was going to throttle harry to death.
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