Winter's kiss, moon/lady

Frost snarled as he laid corbin in a startled tom's arms before he walked outside looking at the two. Looking gloriously angry, and hot in a pair of cut off jeans and nothing else. Raising a hand he summoned ice, freezing harry in place and slamming a wall of shadow in front of lucius, smirking slightly as the man smacked into it and landed on his ass. Raising his hand again he smacked harry hard into the ground with a blast of fire. The prince of ice and winter was well and truly pissed off.

"Stop it both of you!I WILL kill you both if you don't."He snarled lifting them both up off the ground again before slamming them painfully into it again before stomping back inside.

Tom swallowed hard, tilting his head.Cuddling the baby as corbin started to fuss. The baby wasn't used to seeing his father bent out of shape, and was upset at the feel of pwer in the yard. Tom sighed as he calmed the baby, shivering a little in the after effects of power. Dear god, standing near frost while he smacked someone around was like getting a high, potent magic that was as rich as sugar."I think you're sleeping on the couch tonight."He said mildly glancing at the door that bore scorch marks from where frost'd grabbed it.
Harry groaned as he sat up, Lucius gripping his bloody nose, he'd broken it when he'd smacked into the invisible wall, Harry nodding a little. "yeah, i wouldn't doubt it." he admitted staggering to his feet and offering a hand to Lucius, who looked startled but accepted the help to his feet as harry bounced inside pausing for a moment. "would you watch Corbin for a moment? Frost doesn't usually get like that, i want to make sure nothings wrong." he admitted heading inside and gently wrapping his burnt arms around Frost. "Love? whats wrong?" he asked softly, sounding worried, looking worried. he didn't even care that all his ass hairs had been burned off and that he had heat blisters all down his back. Frost rarely lost his temper, and it worried Harry every time he did.
Tom nodded cuddling the baby, walking out into the yard, looking over lucius's nose."Well, at least a broken nose will look dashing."He said teasing a little.

Frost growled softly, not wanting touched, but unwiling to push him away. "Nothing."He sighed a little before squirming away."I'll be back. I'm going to go yell at draco for awhile."He said, apparating out, nearly running up the front steps of draco's townhouse. Needing someone to yell at that he wouldn't later regret being mad at. "Draco!Get your ass in here!"Frost yelled, letting the words echo like thunder through the house as he marched into the living room to wait for the blond.
Lucius chuckled a little and shook his head. "it will ruin my natural feminine charm." he complained, laughter in his voice. "i've never seen someone throw off that much power before." he admitted shuddering a little. "it's frightening."

Harry sighed a little but let Frost go, Tom could heal the few injuries that he had if it came down to it, and Frost seemed very troubled, Harry hoped that Draco could help. Draco himself headed into the living room with a morning tea in one hand and a firewhiskey in the other, heading down to comfort his long time friend. "good morning to you too frost." he stated snidely, annoyed at being interrupted. made him wonderful target to yell at.
Tom nodded a little."As kind as he is, it's always good to remember frost's had a hundred years to be who he is.A demon prince among a race that would kill him if he showed weakness.He's had to be frightening to keep his throne."

Frost glared at the other taking his firewhiskey without saying anything as he took a sip."Morning ferret."He smirked."You're father's going to drive me insane.Did you know him and harry don't get along?You could have warned me when I stopped by the other day looking for him."He complained.
Lucius nodded as Harry came back out grimacing a little as he rubbed the burns on his arms looking upset and worried. but he had put pants on. "he went to go yell at Draco..." "oh boy, it's a good think Draco is made of some stern stuff." Lucius stated, his voice muffled from his broken nose. "Hey Tom, could you heal this or should i be going to the hospital?" "i need someone to heal my back too." harry admitted with a grimace. "i wasn't able to throw up my shields in time and i don't want frost feeling guilty for hurting me."

"well of course harry and my father dislike each other, they've always hated each other. wouldn't you hate someone after they openly tried to kill you three times?" he asked lifting an eyebrow. "see, my father tried to kill harry using a giant basilisk, so harry freed my fathers house elf and tried to poison him. my father tried to get Harry killed by egging him on towards the madman Sirius black, who wasn't all that mad, and harry retaliated by almost killing my father during that fiasco at the ministry. then before harry went missing they had an intense duel that almost killed them both. they're just getting their angry feelings out of the way, they'll calm down."
Tom laughed softly, shaking his head as he reached out, healing lucius nose before walking around to heal harry's back, shaking his head as he looked them both ove."Frost hardly ever feels guilty about anything, and I'm certain draco's used to having frost yell at him."

"They're going to drive myself insane in the meantime."He scowled, disliking having them arguing, because it was like being at home again. Were everyone argued over every little insult, and it was rubbing the part of his heart that longed to be ethe prince again, raw. "I informed your father you make a pretty ferret."he announced snickering."Well, actually tom did, but it's my fault he knew."
Lucius chuckled and nodded Harry shrugged a little as he sighed, feeling the pain vanish. "yes well, i have to admit we did deserve that." he grumbled scowling at Lucius. "i'll call a Truce if you will." "fine, we'll only fight each other in private." he agreed, both of them shaking hands. "besides, i suppose were already even, we almost managed to kill each other the last time we met." "mmm you DID kill me." Harry admitted smirking a little. "Dead for a full three seconds."

Draco chuckled a little as he sipped on his tea. "knowing them, they've already called a truce, i'm guessing you went all 'demon' on them...burnt harry all to hell and shattered a few dozen of my fathers bones and left them laying there and suffering." Draco was always one for over embellishing. "and thank you VERY much for that." he growled glaring at frost. "it's bad enough you tricked me into telling YOU, now you have to tell the one person who's opinion actually matters!?"
Tom rolled his eyes, laughing softly."Now that we have that out of the way, we might want to rescue draco from frost's attentions luc."

Frost rolled his eyes thinking about his over reacting imagination before sighing,"I'm sorry!I told Tom. He asked me about my bouncy ball, and he told your father. It ISN"T my fault he's a bastard who's a gossip."He said, his temper testing the bounds again, starting to slip as he looked at his friend.He hadn't come here to get yelled at.
Harry snorted a little. "Let frost yell at Draco for a while." "i agree with Harry, Draco can handle it and i want to hold the baby." "...." harry hesitated, uncertain whether he wanted to trust Lucius with the baby or not, but handed Corbin over to the blond, Lucius's face lighting up as the babe gurgled at him and giggled yanking on the blonds hair. Harry even relaxed seeing the look on Lucius's face. "he almost looks like Draco." Lucius admitted chuckling a little. "Draco looked just like a little ice prince when he was a baby." "and he acts like one now." Harry teased chuckling a little.

Draco rolled his eyes. "ah well, i suppose he would have found out eventually." Draco stated with a sigh, sulking a little. "of course now i'm going to have to tell you about the time i got you in a dress." don't get mad, get even! "and it is too your fault because you told tom in the first place." he paused. "or maybe it was my fault for telling you." he shrugged. "whatever, want some cream puffs?"
Tom snickered,"He does doesn't he?Though he does look like one."He smiled slightly heading back insde wanting something to eat. Having gotten kicked out of the resturant before he'd gotten food, he was hungry."He still looks like one.Though maybe that's ice princess instead."

Frost smiled slightly."Of course."He said blushing a little.At both the mention of the dress, and the cream puffs. He had a serious addiction to the treat."You wouldn't dare!It's bad enough potter can make me do what he wants. I don't need him knowing I've worn a dress."He whined.
Harry and Lucius both snickered and harry muttered. "More like the Ice Whore..." Lucius looked startled, blinking at Harry. "does EVERYONE know he's a slut?" "pretty much." Harry admitted shaking his head. "he's the first one i've ever met that had a class to it though." he admitted smirking a little. "he always had a thing for older students."

Draco smirked a little as he snapped his fingers, the house elves coming in with the cream puffs, Draco taking one before Frost got to them, otherwise he wouldn't have gotten one. "Why not? it's not like Potters never worn a dress, granted he lost a bet, and we tormented him for years, but he's still worn a dress. all day, in the school for that matter." ah, it all made sense, Draco was taking the opportunity to let Frost pick on someone ELSE for a while.
Tom snickered a little getting corbin his bottle."Don't even go there."He said shuddering, really really not thinking about what that 'thing' had developed into.

Frost snickered starting to eat his cream puffs, hogging them all as he looked at the one the blond was holding, pouting at losing one."Yes, but he has the ass for one.I don't. I have a flat ass, harry has a bubble butt, and you my high class whore, just look like a girl."He said looking at draco. Smirking.
Harry smirked a little. "last i heard he was going after my 'uncle' Remus." he snickered a little. "Draco really is very aggressive in his man hunting, Lupin wrote me a terrified letter when Draco started." he admitted finding the whole situation very amusing, Lucius lifting an unamused eyebrow. "what do you guys want for lunch?"

Draco chuckled as he nibbled slowly on his cream puff, taunting Frost about it. "yes but i ENJOY looking like a girl." he admitted smirking. "especially since i just got my hands on one very sexy Professor." he admitted smirking. "he's upstairs right now nursing a sore ass." he admitted with a bright laugh. "Hows harry handling your dick? we both know he's the more feminine of you two."
Chicken noddle soup."tom said smiling as he sat dow at the table with the baby, shivering a little."We need to find hm a young guy.This old thing is just creepy."

Frost whined as he ate his cream puffs giving him a look."Just fine.And do not terrify the poor man, he's old enough you might give him a heart attack."He pouted out.
Lucius chuckled a little. "i have set him up with youngsters." "hell i tried tapping his skinny blond ass once." "what? really?" Lucius asked looking surprised Harry nodding a little. "he told me i 'wasn't his type' and that 'i was probably going to hex him in the morning for it.' maybe because i was drunk?" "yeah Draco is funny that way, he doesn't fuck drunks." Harry shrugged. "it was get drunk or find you and let you kill me, i chose the lesser of two evils." Harry admitted smirking a little as he started making the soup, cheating as he forced the water to boil with his wand, he was too hungry to do it all the muggle way.

Draco laughed a little and shook his head. "lord no! he honestly seamed to appreciate the flirting, he was a little nervous at first but damn is he a good fuck. older men are just BETTER." he admitted smirking a little as he ran his eyes over Frost's form. "you know, if you ever want to give me a run before you get too attached to Harry." he teased smirking at him as he twitched his eyebrow seductively. "oh and do me a favor and don't tell my dad that Lupin is here? he might freak out a little."
Tom snickered slightly at harry's impatience."Draco's funny about alot of things."He smirked."Draco can't fuck anything under 60 and nothing prettier then him."

Frost whined giving him a look."I'm pretty sure your dad already knows you're a pervert who dates men his age."He pointed out before sighing, "You do realize I'm already attatched?He's watching my son while I'm here."He said closing his eyes as he ate the last cream puff.
Harry snorted a little. "nothing under thirty, he's probably in the middle of screwing my uncle Remus right now and he's nowhere near that old." he stated simply stirring the soup around humming a little as Lucius choked, looking horrified. "he..he.." "oh yeah, Lupin finally caved, it took almost a week, honestly i'm surprised at Remus's self control, most people don't last a day under Draco's 'affections'. he smirked a little. "better keep Tom out of his clutches."

Draco chuckled a little. "not my father, Lupin, the guy already feels guiltier than all hell but he's too sore to get up, so i promised that no one would know he's there." he admitted chuckling a little shaking his head a little. "and just because you had a baby with someone." he complained pouting a little before sighing. he knew that Frost would never sleep with him, he was a lowly wizard... "Hey wait a minute! Harry's a wizard!"
Tom wrinkled his nose disgusted."I think I can stay away from a boy who's young enough to be my grandson."He said rolling his eyes cooing at the baby as corbin laughed.

Frost gave him a look,"A wizard who is also a demon."He shrugged a little."Lily potter is one of my line.Harry's a fireborn prince, even though he is only a quarter demon."He shrugged again yawning. Looking bored now that he wasn't angry."And I had a baby with ron wealsey, now that was a poor excuse for a mate. Harry's helping me raise him."
Harry snickered a little and shook his head a little. "it's not you i'm worried about Tom." he admitted smirking a little. "i know Lucius has never once laid a hand on Draco but if that idiot, no offense Lucius, goes after you then i'm pretty sure big shot there won't have the patience to do anything other than take Draco over his knee." he paused. "of course, it's probably well overdue." "Potter, stop talking." Lucius ordered fighting not to sound amused.

Draco blinked, looking shocked. "does Harry know this!? about him being a demon i mean? dammit i hate getting information second hand like this! is it so hard to write me a letter and keep me in the loop!?" he complained outing furiously before he blinked, looking started. "Ronald weasley? new pet Ronald weasley!?" he demanded looking startled. Lucius had given Ron to Draco to break in, Draco wasn't very into people his own age, but he was sadistic to the slaves he was breaking in. Ron was most definitely suffering like he deserved if he had been given to draco.
"Now there's a sight I'd pay to see. Lucius bending his son over his knee. Though given his perchant for older men,I don't know if it'd be a good idea..."A smirk played at his lips, shivering."okay that's just disturbing.And crossing the line I think"

Frost sighed softly, looking away from him."Yes harry knows.And I'm sorry!It's been a rough few months!"He growled rubbing his eyes before stopping, as the rest of the words sank in."....Yes, that ronald wesley. Potter and tom decided that he wouldn't suffer enough dead, so they gave him over to a death eater, which, apparently was you, to torture. glad to know he's suffering."He said shuddering, struggling to stay calm now that he knew the other was nearby.Not with anger, fear was making him unstable.
Harry burst into wicked laughter at Tom's statement as Lucius sputtered and paled looking decidedly sickened at the thought of turning on his own son shaking his head.Harry was still laughing. "Incest is Wincest!" he chirped, roaring into laughter once more as Lucius glared at him and cast another silencing spell on harry, who just continued to roar with silent laughter.

Draco sighed and shook his head taking another sip of his tea. "don't worry, Ronald isn't here. i have him at my personal Villa." he admitted smirking a little. "chained in the cellar naked." he admitted taking another sip of tea. "he's a bit more resilient than i thought he would be, whipping isn't doing much to him, i'm going to brand him tomorrow, see what that does." he smirked a little. "in any case, when do i get to see your baby? i bet he looks just like you!" he purred grinning. "i can't wait to have my own little nephew to spoil relentlessly."
"You spoil my son, I might tan your hide."He said smirking."You just like me cause I'm old."he pouted before apparating them both the the house, tilting his head at the sight in front of him.

"Just think, he'd get both his father punishing him and his preverted need to have a older man-oh hello draco."Tom snickered as he looked at the blond.

Frost stared,before rescuing corbin from tom's arms, "I don't think I want to know what any of you are talking about."
Draco snickered a little and smirked. "your not THAT old." he teased. "but yes, i guess you are old." he teased smirking a little as he sent a house elf to inform the wounded Lupin that Draco had to leave to take care of something, and that the elf was to get Lupin anything the man needed.

Harry roared with even more laughter, collapsing onto the floor at Tom's perverted comments Lucius red with rage and embarrassment as Draco blinked at them all. "..i'm fairly certain that that i don't want to know either, aaaw Frost he's ADORABLE!" Draco gushed beaming at the little baby. "i'm going to corrupt you, yes i am." he teased making silly faces at Corbin. "oh yes i am, i'm going to teach you to gamble, and use your pretty face to get you whatever you want, and how to flirt." Harry smacked the back of Draco's head, glaring violently at him. "ow....or not.."
"I'm older then anyone you've ever dated."Frost snickered,"Hmmm he can teach him to flirt, as long as it's not with the men he likes..Ill be scarred for life if corbin ame home with lucius."

Tom smiled slightly wrapping his arms around lucius, pressing a kiss to the man's head.I'm sorry."He said smirking a little
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