Winter's kiss, moon/lady

Frost smirked a little."Poor draco, he's finally going to learn what its like to bottom."he said eating his cream puffs, reaching out and wrapping his arms around his lover."Come here."He said wanting a good cuddle now that they were alone.

Tom moaned softly looking at the man as he forced him down to his knees."I'd suggest a blow job first.Then go from there."He said laughing softly as he looked at the towel, laying down after he stripped out of his pants, laying back with a pleased sigh.
Harry smirked a little and snuggled into Frost, sighing softly, relieved that everyone was gone. "i got a letter from Bill Weasley today." he admitted softly. "he's agreed to help us in the war." he admitted smiling a little looking up at Frost. "Neville responded to my letter too, he says that he's more than happy to cut away from Dumbledore, and so is Luna. she's the Seer i was talking about, i was thinking of inviting them to one of my other houses for tea, would you like to come with?"

Lucius smirked a little as he settled onto his knees in-between the dark lords legs and obediently got to work, slurping and licking at the others cock like a pro, paying close attention to the head as he swirled his tongue around it and tried to take his lover all the way to the hilt, moaning softly a he tasted 'his lords' flesh, trying to be as physically pleasing as possible.
Frost nodded."We'll see them tomorrow.We'll have draco or tom watch corbin, and I'll go with you."he said, not wanting to leave the man alone with the others. Needing to make sure his lover was safe.

Tom moaned closing his eyes, squirming a little. The man was amazingly good at doing that. Shivering as he opened his eyes, pulling the other off his cock."You better stop that before you make me come."He whined looking at the other ,pulling him up for a kiss.
Harry smiled and nodded nuzzling Frost gently. "i know that Luna is completely loyal to me, she always was, she won't hesitate to abandon anyone, save maybe Neville since she loves him but i'm pretty sure he'll be on my side too. it's Bill we have to be careful about, he might be a spy for Dumbledore."

Lucius chuckled a little and released his cock, licking his lips. "that's the whole point of a blow job isn't it? to Cum?" he teased a smirk on his lips as he leaned in for the kiss, setting his wand to the others ass and muttering the lubing spell and stretching spell, causing Tom's ass to become slick and loose as if Lucius had spent a great deal of time stretching him. "do you want me to finger you first?" he asked looking amused. "or shall i just 'get down to business' Mr. Impatient?"
Frost growled a little, at the idea of having a betrayer around him. And even more, a brother of his rapists. Yes, bill would be lucky to make it out of the meeting with the demon lord alive."If he is, we'll take care of him."

Tom growled at him, making a face."I could always go home if your going to make fun of me."He said pouting a little, sitting up on his elbows to look at him, stealing another kiss.
Harry smiled a little and licked along Frost's neck. "don't be so hasty." he teased chuckling. "it would be better to capture him alive, that way we can use him for information, blackmail, or even trade him in for something we want." he admitted nibbling on the others ear. "but it's a fifty fifty chance right now, i don't have any idea what side he's on." he admitted shrugging a little.

he chuckled a little and kissed him intently running his fingers along the entrance. "i would never make fun of you." he promised smiling a little. "i might tease you, but i would never mock you."
Frost moaned as harry licked him, shivering as he kissed the other's head."We'll see."He muttered shivering again."Are you trying to do something?"

Tom whined softly, squirming back a little, trying to get the other's fingers into him, wanting him."Good."He purred softly.
Harry smirked a little. "Maaaybeee." he teased snickering a little his hands trailing up Frost's inner thighs tickling the flesh gently, sucking on the others neck gently. "i'd HATE to be the only couple not having sex." he teased chuckling a little.

Lucius chuckled a little and kissed him intently, slinking his tongue into the other, rubbing the wet muscles together as two fingers slid deep into tom and wiggled around, stroking the sensitive flesh all over.
Frost laughed, moaning softly as he squirmed a little."Hmm are you so sure that everyone's having sex?"He said shifting a little, biting his lip. trying not to react to the touch.

Tom moaned, fingers tangling in the other's hair, holding against him tightly, biting down on his lip slightly, shifting against the other's hand."Luc..."He whimpered wanting more.
Harry smirked. "i know they are." he ran his fingers along Frost's nipple his tongue curling around the sensitive neck flesh, his other hand stroking the hidden cock with a delighted snicker on his lips. "come on lovely, you know you want me." he purred nibbling on the others ear.

Lucius panted softly, kissing a line down the others neck as he removed his fingers and lubed up his own cock, panting softly. "i'm going to fuck you so much." he groaned softly, rubbing his head against the others entrance. "going to make you cum again and again until you pass out from pleasure.
Frost whined, shifting against him, running his hands over the other's body with a growl."And you're so sure of this?"He whimpered, tugging harry's pants off, pulling him into his lap.

Tom moaned softly, wrapping his legs around the other, squirming a little as he stroked himself."Are you so sure you can?"He said snickering a little as he kissed along lucius's neck.Nibbling softly.
Harry smirked a little. "very sure." he purred snickering a little as he let his pants fall way, stepping out of them and rubbing himself against his lover, groaning softly as he rubbed their groins together.

Lucius smirked a little. "i am overconfident for a reason." he teased snickering a little as he slowly, so fucking slowly began to press into the other, moaning softly. "fuck you feel good." he whispered panting softly, making sure to drag as much of his cock against the others prostate as he could.
Frost moaned, shivering as he tightened his hold on the other's hips, shivering."I love you."He said kissing the other hard, tangling his hand in the other's hair, holding him close, wrapping ice against his skin. Holding him with power.

Tom moaned shivering as he stroked himself, biting down on the other's neck."Arrogant ass."He growled nails biting into the other's skin. It felt so much better then anyone else he'd ever had.
Harry moaned and smirked a little kissing back, his tongue tangling in the others mouth, stroking and rubbing, groaning at the fingers in his hair, gasping hard as he trembled, stunned into stillness from the shock of power and ice, letting out a long slow moan. "ch..cheating."

Lucius moaned at the bite, a smirk on his lips. "i would be much less interesting if i wasn't.' he teased, rocking his hips in and out of the other panting hard, running his hand along tom's cock, knocking the older mans hand away as he thrust into him, pleasuring him his free hand teasing the nipples as he kissed and licked and marked the others neck, trying to be as pleasing as possible.
Frost growled softly, shifting him into his lap, thrusting up into him without warning, smriking as he wrapped his cock in shadows and ice, not cold to him, but wickedly cold for harry. Testing a theory to see if it'd work.His hot mouth trailing along harry's neck as coldness seeped into him."Is not."

Tom moaned, shivering, biting his lip. Moving with him, eyes fluttering closed. It'd been to long since he'd done this. It was to much."L-luc."He stuttered as he came, splattering both their chests as he trembled.
Harry panted hard and shrieked in intense pleasure as he tossed his head back as he felt the power fluttering deep, so deep inside of him making him tremble and moan panting hard, too lost in the feelings to complain trembling against him. "a..aah." that was all he could manage as he shuddered against the other, his ass clamping tightly around the others cock. "f...fff.." Harry couldn't even cuss.

Lucius moaned, wrapping his arms around the other, panting hard against his neck as he felt his Lord cum, jerking gently against him as he spilled his seed along the other as well, panting hard. "nnng fuck, Tom your so wonderful." he groaned licking the others ear a little with a small smile.
Frost moaned, shifting against the other, fuking him slowly. Taking his time. Smirking a little, panting."Hmmm glad to know I can reduce you to no words."He said kissing the other.

Tom shuddered a little as lucius licked his ear, turning his head to look at him, looking sleepily content."You are two."he said yawning, "Sleepy.."He said childishly, cuddling against lucius, starting to fall warm and content to stay away.
Harry could only whimper as Draco took him slowly, oh so slowly, so ridiculously slowly, his fingers gripping the others shoulder hard as he kissed him back frantically, needfully, moaning and groaning into the others mouth, trying to jerk, trying to make him move faster. "NNF!"

he chuckled a little and shook his head. "we can't sleep here Tom." Lucius protested before chuckling and pulling the other into his arms, apparating them to Malfoy Manor, or more specifically, Lucius's bedroom, laying Tom in bed and them joining him, content to sleep.
Frost laughed softly as he listened to the unspoken demand, thrusting into him harder and faster, using some of that demon born speed and strength to ruthlessly take his lover. Giving into his demon side fully, for the first time in months. Fully,once again the ice prince of shadow's keep. raising his head as he looked down at his lover, love and lust, and power showing in those oh so blue eyes.
he groaned loudly tossing his head back arching into him, gripping him tightly as he felt Frost taking him, so fast, so good. "yes, yes YES oh yes!" he whimpered his green eyes meeting Frost's panting hard, lost, love, need, want. harry panted hard, keeping the others gaze jerking a little as he spilled his seed all over the others belly. "mmmmg yesss."
Frost moaned cumming into the other, shivering as he laid down on the other, pulling out slowly, cuddling against him."love you."he muttered, nuzzling the other's neck, yawning.
Harry mumbled softly. something that was probably 'i love you too' but he was too tired and too relaxed to actually manage words, besides frost made a very comfortable bed.

the next morning harry had made a very nice breakfast for them to share before dressing up to look as regal as he could, smirking at Frost as he shook his ass at the other. "ready to go meet Luna? i know your going to love her." he admitted grinning. "she's so...wacky!" he admitted with a small laugh. he had a feeling she was going to talk about tinklewaps and hornflusters and everything else that was strange and nonexistent. of course for her, they really did exist, she was tapped into an entirely different realm, could see things that others could not, and that gave her the ability to see certain aspects of peoples futures."
Frost nodded."Is everyone else meeting us there?"He asked, worried abot meeting neville and bill. Cuddling the baby in his arms he sighed, feeding corbin his bottle."And draco said bring him over as soon as we were done eating."He said, glad that he'd asked the blond to babysit cause well, he didn't like the idea of their son being anywhere close to someone he didn't know.
Harry nodded. "yes, Luna is going to be there when we get there, and then she's going to bring Neville in." he promised smiling a little. "we'll get everything explained to him and see his reaction before we tell Bill it's alright to come, then it's four against one in case he is a spy." he admitted smirking a little tapping his head. "got it all planned out." he admitted kissing Corbin's forehead. "i don't think i want Draco babysitting him." he admitted sulking a little. "the man seduced my Uncle...TWICE!" he admitted smirking a little. "though Lupin did inform me that he had put the little Blond Pup in his place, i assume Draco's walking with a limp today."
Frost snickered a little."Well, he's a whiner when he's hurt. So it might be lupin babysitting more then draco, if he really is limping."He said smiling a little as he wrapped his arms around harry, gathering the things they'd need before apparating them all to draco's."Blondie?"He cried out, looking around for the babysitter.Anxious and nervous about meeting harry's friends. He wasn't good with mortals, they were just to breakable. The fact that he liked draco and lucius said alot about them as people.
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