Winter's kiss, moon/lady

there was a small movement as Lupin suddenly stood up from where he';d been hidden by a counter, going bright red when he saw who it was. "ha..harry!?" he squeaked a bag of ice in his hands looking utterly mortified, Harry smirking a little. "heya." he chirped snickering. "Draco agreed to babysit." he admitted looking Lupin over, the man naked save a pair of boxers. "i...uh..i...uh..." "he can't get up can he?" "" "that's ok you can watch Corbin instead." Harry stated gently Laying the sleeping baby in Lupin's arms. "i...i...i can!?" the werewolf demanded, clearly not having a single clue what the hell was going on. "Harry who's baby is this!?" "mine." "...WHEN THE HELL DID YOU HAVE A BABY!?" "oh... a while ago." harry teased smirking as Lupin sputtered and spluttered and flushed clearly unable to decide to yell at harry or gush over the baby
Frost snickered at the reaction, shaking his head."Actually he's my son. Harry's just claimed ownership."He said snickering a little. Shaking his head."You'll be fine. we can't take him where we're going, and he'll be safe long as you two can stop having sex long enough to give him a bottle."He teased.
Lupin smirked a little and looked wickedly devious. "don't worry, Draco won't be getting sex anytime soon he's whining too much." That made harry laugh as he handed lupin the baby bag. "he sleeps most of the time and usually only cries when he needs something, if he wakes up give him the blue blanket, that always calms him down." Harry instructed Lupin nodding as he listened to the instructions. "can do Harry." he promised smiling a little. "have fun with the whatever your doing." "i'll try." harry promised grinning as he set his hand on Frost's. "ready? or are we going to torment draco first?"
"we'll tease him after."Frost said snickering, before apparating them to the meeting spot, wrapping his arms around harry. Trying not to don his armor. even in his paranonia, he was pretty sure that wouldn't lead to a pleasant first meeting."Ready?"He asked, letting magic fill his hands. Though not visible, it'd be a deadly weapon. And one he wanted available in case anything went wrong.
Harry smiled and kissed his lovers forehead as they where apparated, grinning a little as he looked around the dusty, rarely used meeting house that Harry often set up for meetings. "Harry." Luna purred as she stood up and headed over to him, grabbing him into a tight hug pulling away and blinking at him. "something is different." she stated simply her head tilted before looking at Frost a small smile lifting her lips. "aaah that's whats so different." she stated picking up Frost's hand, carefully avoiding the magic that covered them by grabbing him bu the wrist instead, closing her eyes a little. "hmm... i'm sorry." she stated patting his hand gently Harry looking horrified. "what!? why!?" "oh don't worry, you'll know soon." she stated patting Harry's hand smirking a little as the boy blinked a little. "..Luna..." "oh honestly Harry don't worry it's nothing TOO bad. just a flue." "ah SHIT." Harry cursed groaning a little. "i HATE it when i get sick."
Frost snickered a little, jumping surprised as she grabbed his wrist instead of his hand. Wondering how she'd known. And hoping no one else would notice."thats okay love, I'll take care of you while you whine and bemoan being sick."Frost said leaning over to kiss him lightly.
she giggled a little and settled onto the couch. "and congratulations on your new baby Harry." she chirped gently. "Corbin looks so sweet." she admitted smiling a little as Harry chuckled a little, well used to Luna knowing things she shouldn't. "Luna can see past, present, and future of someone by touching them." he explained to frost. "she can't control it very well, it just happens nilly willy, fortunately, no one but me and Neville knows what she can do." Luna and Harry trusted Frost with a secrete that big!? "if anyone was to find out, what i am...i would be killed." she admitted sipping at Tea she had already made. "i trust Harry's judgment, and so i assume you will not tell anyone." she stated her eyes staring into Frost's, as if daring him to refuse her.
Frost smirked a little."As if I'd concern myself in a wizard's matter."He said arrogantly. Because well, it was true. While he had friends among wizards, and was in love with one, he really didn't care to sully his good name and make deals and involve him in a wizard's life style more then he already was.
she smiled a little and nodded. "that's alright." she admitted gently. "your going to have problems all your own soon enough." she admitted taking another sip of Tea, "now then, i hear your going up against Dumbledore?" "you mean you saw us going against Dumbledore." "mmm, that too." she admitted smirking a little. "oh and Jackie, before i forget, i made you some cream puffs." Harry snorted as she offered him a plate of cream puffs, smiling as innocently as ever.
Frost cringed as she said his name, even though he took the cream puffs,holding the plate close as he started eating. As possessive of the food as a two year old."Don't call me jackie."He said loking at her."And I just want dmbledore to leave everyone I care about alone."
she smiled a little. "Dumbledore is the least of your problems." she admitted sipping her tea again Harry chuckling a little. "she's going to call you Jackie no matter what you tell her love." he stated simply. "she enjoys annoying people, the less you react the less she'll do it." he informed him smiling at Luna, though there was a cold edge to it, giving her a warning that she simply shrugged about. "i'm going to call Neville through, he's been worried sick about you."
"Fine."Jackie sulked. He was so not going to like this girl if she was going to call him by his given name. Smiling a little as heard the edge in harry's voice, proud that the man could defend him like that."So protective."he teased brushing a kiss over his lips before frowning."What do you mean I'll have other things to worry about?"
she smiled a little and sipped at her tea. "oh. nothing."s he stated simply Harry snorting a little. "that means she doesn't know, sometimes all she gets is vague feelings, sort of like...mmm when you get a chill down you back right before something bad happens and stuff like that." he admitted, Luna giving him the stink eye for ruining her 'image'. "i'm sure it's nothing to worry about, probably just Corbin getting the flue or something, he probably gets it to me." "or gives it to you." Luna agreed with a small giggle.
Frost wrinkled his nose at the thought, rolling his eyes as he sat down in the seat, getting comfortable as he waited for neville to show up."Potter, I think I'm moving in with draco for the duration of the flu."He said smirking a little, closing his eyes.Giving the appearance of being perfectly calm, and yet ready and willing to injure someone if they trie hurting anyone.
Harry snorted a little. "hell, Draco probably will give it to you." he stated pouting a little. "besides, how could you leave your lover all alone when he's sick!?" he complained, his voice opting a teasing tone to it. "leaving me all alone, can't even crawl to get a drink of water, leave me for the vultures." he kissed the others neck just as the fireplace burst into emerald flames and Neville stepped through, looking bright red with embarrassment Harry snickering. "went to the wrong fireplace again Nev?" ".... i saw things i never want to see again." he admitted sitting down next to Luna, smiling at Frost. "hi there, you must be Harry's Lover, it's nice to meet you."
Frost smiled a little, nodding."I'd say the same, but I dont know you yet, and I try not to lie to anyone. HArry gets annoyed if I lie to mortals."He said tilting his head. "And what did you see?"He asked curious."Did you see draco in the buff?Cause that could scar anyone...or lupin...or seeing lucius naked.That would truly be scarring..."He said rambling a little. Yes, he was like a kid on a sugar high, and nervous to boot. Harry'd said this was a friend, and he wanted to be liked by harry's friends.
Neville laughed at Frost's statement and nodded. "Harry is annoyed by lying period." Neville admitted smiling a little. "probably because he's been lied to by so many people in his life." he admitted shrugging his shoulder a little. "and no but you are close. i walked in on two strangers doing it on their couch." he admitted shuddering a little. "and they where OLD!" he complained Luna giggling a little. "i don't mind older people, but when they LOOK old, really they should keep their clothes on." he admitted Harry snickering silently into Frost's neck. "oh Nev, you always have the worst luck."
Frost laughed,"That really is worse. At least lucius still looks good for how old he is.And hell, I still look good. I am not old enough to require a clothing on restriction. Am I?"HE asked turning to look at harry, cutely pouting. Really actually worried about it. After all, he was pretty sure that he was older then the two neville had seen.
Harry laughed a little. "Lover you still look like your nineteen." he teased smirking a little as he shook his head Neville lifting an eyebrow. "he's not?" "no darling." Luna stated simply. "Lord Frost is about a hundred years old." "..." Neville clearly didn't beleive them as he drank his own cup of tea, harry reaching to grab a cup for himself. "trust me Frost, if you looked old, i wouldn't be with you, i don't date people that look like they could be my older brother, let alone my father like Draco does. i like men that look my age." he admitted smiling at the other. "besides, you always look beautiful."
"I am aren't I?"Frost said turning in place, looking very much like a dog chasing his own tail as he looked at his own ass."And I have a good ass."He confirmed before settling down again."And I am a respectable 102.The youngest winter prince in existance. Unlike you, mongrel."He wrinkled his nose, cuddling against harry, but looking at neville. Because while he accepted the diluated bloodline of harry's and his own son's, the slight presence of demon blood he got from neville made him sneer. Because he knew the demon who was that far back in the bloodline and he had no respect for the weak demon. At least harry's grandfather had been worthy of the name demon....yes, yes frost was a arrogant bigot, but really...he'd been raised from it for a century. There was only so much one can do to change him.
Harry laughed a little and smirked a little. "a VERY good ass." he agreed looking puzzled, as did Neville. "mongrel?" he asked lifting an eyebrow before shrugging. "must be a term for wizards." "mm, i've never heard that term before either, at least not in demon or the wizarding worlds. in the muggle, it means an animal usually, a dirty stray." "....i actually feel insulted." Neville admitted sourly Luna and Harry laughing a bit as Neville shrugged. "i've been called worse things and i probably will again." he stated brushing off Frost's insult like the other was a small child throwing a tantrum, "i'm here for Harry anyway, if it means that i have to deal with someone just as Bad as Draco, well that also won't be anything new." "please be nice to Neville Frost." Luna chirped smiling a little. "he might not be all that handsome but he is very powerful, and he's one of the only freinds harry has that's never stabbed him in the back." "very loyal." Harry agreed smiling at Neville who grinned a little.
Frost sulked, "Not a term for wizards.Just for wizards with distant blood."He sighed closing his eyes, looking very at ease and content."But I digress. None of you are here for me. So talk, make merry, make little wizarding babies....don't involve me."He growled. More out of sorts then he probably should, but really it had been months since he'd been anywhere but harry's/
Neville lifted an eyebrow. "distant blood?" Harry and Neville chorused looking a bit baffled Luna chuckling a little. "they don't know." she admitted smiling at Frost, it's best to just let them be, after all ignorance is bliss." "ignorance!?" Harry and Neville both bitched, glaring at Luna who dissolved into amused giggles, like she was trying to rile them up. "...anyway!" Neville stated sternly shooting Luna another stern scowl before grinning at Harry. "i've been hearing Rumors that Ron has ended up in the hands of Draco Malfoy." he admitted smirking a little as he licked his lips, Luna smirking a little. "it's called Revenge." she stated simply. "he hurt harry, AND Harry's husband, that red headed bastard deserves everything he gets." "agreed." Neville admitted. "i just wanted to make sure i don't like having second hand information, it tends to be wrong."
Frost snickered looking over at him."Oh no, it's true. Ron's currently cleaning draco's floors with a toothbrush when he's not being made drink out of the toliet, or play catch me if you can with a werewolf."He said, dissolving into giggles at the reminder. Because well, it was good to think about ron's fate.
Harry snorted a little and shook his head as Neville smirked a little. "oh damn that's good." Neville purred smirking a little as he examined his nails. "i wonder what your planning on doing to Dumbledore?" "him i will be dealing with myself, i don't have any emotional ties to that old bastard, i'll torture him until the man begs for mercy, and then i'll let Frost have him... or maybe Fenrir, Fenrir needs a chewtoy." Neville snickered a little and nodded. "can i have a turn at him? turns out the old bastard had a lock on my magic, it's why i was so bad at everything for a while there." "for a while?" "ok almost my whole life, shut up."
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