Winter's kiss, moon/lady

Frost snickers a little looking at the man, before shrugging."IF there's enough of him left after I take care of him, sure."He said mentally already planning it. A dark little smirk on his features, really showing the demon behind the childlike emotions, the demon that basked in torture and mayham.
Neville smirked a little as he glanced at Frost. "you know, it's nice to see someone taking an active interest in your life Harry." Neville admitted. "i fully approve of you two getting married." "i think we already are." "you think?" "yeah, Frost, being who he is, can marry us, i'm not sure if he's already done it or not, i just assume we are." "....i see your brains haven't improved much." "now that's hitting below the belt." Harry complained pouting a little as Luna laughed again. "anyway, i've invited Bill, and i think he's going to bring his brother Charley, i've already got the Twins on my side, hell they where always on my side." "don't bother with Percy, he's only loyal to power and that means the Minister." "oh yes, i forgot about him, i need to deal with him too."
Frost perked up a little more.Only half listening to the wizards."Can I deal with him?" "Who are we dealing with, and what's the ice prince doing here?"Bill asked curious as he stepped into the room,charlie following close behind Trying not to shudder at the look on frost's face.He'd heard rumors...but The ice prince surely wasn't living in the human world.That was like percy not being annoying. Totally unthinkable.
Harry smirked at Frost , opening his mouth to say something but froze at the sight of bill and Charley, he hadn't realized what time it was. "Dealing with some nuisances is all." harry stated simply. "and he's here because he wants to be, he's the demon prince, there's no telling him no after all." harry stated with a small shrug, unwilling to disclose personal information just yet. "have a seat and grab a cup of Tea, there's a lot of information to...disclose." he admitted watching the two brothers closley. "first though, i'm going to have to ask that anything you hear here, does not make it to anyone else's ears, i need complete privacy in the matters that i am about to share with you all."
The wealsey's nodded, tilting their head as they studied their friend. Giving a look at frost, knowing that if anything left this room, they'd be decoratng a wall somewhere in his castle.Smiling slightly as he looked at harry charlie answered for them both."IT wont make it out of this room." Frost yawned closing his eyes, absently playing with ice, looking innocent until you noticed it was actually a sword made of ice that he was holding.
Harry smirked a little. "good." he stated glancing at Frost and snickering a little shaking his head a little. "alright then, about a year ago, i 'ran off' as Dumbledore so kindly puts it." he admitted smirking a little. "but there is a REASON that i ran off. i found out something, something amazing." he admitted watching everyone closely. "i am not a wizard, not fully anyway. i am part demon, a third i think, i was never very good at fractions." he admitted shrugging a little. "even more than that, Dumbledore knew, and sent people into the demon realms, one of which was your jackass brother Ronald." he admitted a look in his eyes that indicated harry was still very pissed about it. "ronald raped several key members of the demon council, and then they both used me as a distraction to try and murder said key members so that Dumbledore could take the throne." he admitted indicating frost. "that's part of why Frost is here, i'm protecting him." harry wasn't lying, he was just not stating all the facts, and he was stretching he story a little, but it was only for personal protection that was all. "not only that, but Dumbledore has been using Tom, er, Voldemort. he drove the man crazy to start a war for his own gains. and he created a false prophecy so that he could use me as a pawn as well. Dumbledore has to be stopped, and i can't do it by myself. i need help, your help." harry admitted watching the Weasely's closely the entire time, uncertain of their reactions.
Bill nodded."What do you need us to do?"He said willing to believe everything.Even if he was sure harry left a few things out.

Charlie frowned thinking it over. Looking thoughtful. It made a insane sort of sense that things had gone down like that. Eyes going to the demon prince lounging quietly in his chair."You're being protected?"That was the one point that didn't make sense. that the demon prince couldn't protect himself,even against a enemy as strong dumbledore.

Frost gave the man a look, tilting his head. Before promptly ignoring the question. He didn't like wizards. Didn't like these two enough to willingly talk to them.They looked to much like ron.His heart hurt, and he didn't want to be nice.
Harry looked a little startled at Bill and then smirked a little. "honestly?...i'm not sure yet." he admitted. "i was never good at thinking things through, honestly i didn't expect you to even beleive me." he admitted watching him closely glancing at Charley. "Frost's people are angry." he stated simply. "if they realize that he's still alive, well they might go after him to make sure he doesn't try to take back the throne." he admitted simply. "it's not wizards he's being protected from, it's the Demons, no better place to hide then in a place that doesn't technically exist." because even the toughest, smartest, or slyest Aurors or Death Eaters had ever been able to find Harry's little hidey hole. "more than anything he's just hiding until he gets over being sick and can kick ass again." he didn't have to say it out loud, for the Weasleys, and Neville to realize that Frost was one of the 'key figures' that Ron had raped.
"Hey I'm not sick."rost whined ignoring everyone as they stared at him. Blantantly ignoring them as much as he could.Cause well, he wasn't feeling comfortale. Wincing as his twitching made the ice blade cut into his pants."Goddamnit, I liked these pants."He whined raising his leg to inspect the damage.

Bill laughed softly, that's just not something you'd see every day. A demon complaining and bitching over pants. Looking at harry, regret showing on his face."I take it ron's been taken care of?"He asked.
Harry snickered a little and set his hand on the others leg, silently healing flesh and pants alike a smirk on his lips. "there, better?" he teased smirking a little as he looked back at Bill. "he's only a hundred or so." he stated softly shrugging a little. "you should see the OTHER demons." he snickered a little. "five hundred years old and can't even handle sharing, really very immature, Frost is VERY mature for his age." he smirked a little and shook his head. "and yes, Ron has already been dealt with." he admitted, sounding regretful despite the betrayal.
Bill laughed softly."Only 100 he says."He smiled slightly shaking his head before looking at ahrry."You did the right thing...handling him. He would have only hurt you worse once he realized frost was still alive."

Frost smiled relaxing as he rested his head on harry's shoulder, poking him."Love, can we go?If we hurry we can see...before he goes down for his nap."He whined softly.
Harry smiled a little at Bill and dropped his gaze to the floor, looking ashamed. "sometimes, i think he might have been using a love potion on me." he admitted shaking his head. "alright Frost Alright." Harry teased grinning a little, glancing at Bill and Charley. "Luna will fill you in on everything else." Harry promised wrapping his arm around Frost's hip and apparating back to Malfoy manor, where Lupin was playing Peek-a0boo with Corbin, Draco laying on the couch with an icepack on his ass and whining pathetically that Lupin was cruel.

Neville and Luna both turned to Bill and Charley, small smirks on their lips. "oh, and just so you know, if you try to tell anyone about all of this, you'll suddenly find yourself completely incapable of talking." Neville informed them, Luna smiling dreamily. "Lovely spell isn't it? i came up with it myself. just a safety precaution you know."
The brother's stared at the two as they got up, shaking their heads."You two are completely scary.Let us know what we can do."He said smiling slightly as they left.

Frost smiled as he walked over, stealing the baby from lupin,cuddling him as he cooed.Before looking up at harry."See this is muh better company to keep."He declared, glad to be out of the weasley's prescence.
Luna giggled a little. "were not scary, Harry is scary." she corrected smiling at him. "i'll make sure that Harry knows your safe." she promised smiling at them.

Lupin pouted as the baby was stolen from him. "heeey!" he whined pouting at frost. "it's still my turn with the baby, you get to be with him all the time." he complained Harry laughing a little. "maybe if your a good Lupin, Draco will agree to bear your babies." "MY ASS!" "that's right! the dick goes in your ass, aaw Lupin you gave him some intelligence!" "if i didn't hurt so much i'd kick your ass!" "no you wouldn't." Lupin stated simply. "because then you'd piss me off." "....damnit.."
Frost growled a little."He's my baby."He said grinning as corbin pulled on his hair, snickering as he looked at draco."Just think, you could have a cute little girl, and we could marry...wait, no that's your dad that's having corbin's future bride.I'm sorry, harry this means I need to have more kids. Draco's going to have a baby."He decided looking singularly proud of himself for the thought.
Harry snorted looking amused. "what if Tom has a boy? or what if he does have a girl and Corbin is gay?" he asked looking amused. "and besides i thought you didn't want to have more kids!" he teased snickering a little shaking his head. "besides, i don't think Draco can be impregnated." "...." what no one realized was that Draco, and Lucius for that matter where part Veela, with Narcissa also being part Veela, that made Draco able to bear children.
"Oh.Well.I'm not carrying it. I never said that I wouldn't make you carry it."Frost said. Willing to give in, for the moment at least. Feeling a little giddy at being home, well almost, and surrounded by people that he actually liked...and well, he'd gotten the flu. Poor frost, he'd been so worried when luna announced harry was going to get it, he hadn't realized he was already coming down with it."And my son is going to marry tom's daughter, and life will be grand. And we'll have pretty grandbabies if they look like draco."He stated.
Harry snickered a little. "does this mean i can take the infertility spell off myself?" he asked looking amused, which explained how harry had prevented himself from getting pregnant so far. he chuckled a little and shook his head. "Frost...i think your feverish." he stated gently setting his hand on the others forehead. "yup, your sick, dammit, i better get him home and quarantined." he stated simply kissing his lovers forehead vanishing with a Crack as Lupin snickered at the thought of giving Draco Pups, Draco was way too young for lupin... so why was he still there? he didn't know.
Frost whined as corbin was put down in the crib, letting himself be herded into bed, whining pathetically as he cuddled under the blankets. "I'm not sick."He whined, looking up at him, rubbing his eyes as he yawned.Though he complained, he really was content to be put in bed.As long as it meant harry got in with him.
he chuckled a little and kissed the others forehead, settling into the bed next to him, sighing softly. "mmm your warm." he murmured smirking a little. "that means your sick." he was well aware he was going to get sick from Frost, but honestly, he didn't mind. he was more then willing to get sick taking care of Frost, if that was what it took, harry would do it.
Frost whined cuddling against the other pathetically, like a child wanting comfort. "I'm always warm."He stated, though it wasn't true. If anything his body temprature ran low, because he was the ice prince. But he wanted to not be sick,and dammit he wasnt going to be the one who got sick first."I'm cuddly and warm all the time."He added.yes, he was rambling, and yes if harry could direct it, he'd probably start telling him things.but as it was, the poor demon was rambling as he went.
Harry chuckled a little and nuzzled the other. "your rambling love." he teased smiling a little. "if your going to ramble, you should ramble about all of your sexual kinks and fetishes, something useful." he teased smiling a little, he'd meant it as a joke of course, but Harry's mouth always did have a bad habit of going off before he properly thought about what he was saying.
Frost was quiet for a little while before starting again."I like my head being rubbed. Like a dog's. It feels good. And fire feels good sometimes.Cause I'm a ice prince, I get cold."He said rambling, before going on for about a half hour about various sexual and fetish things before he drifted to sleep, cuddling against harry.
Harry was surprised that Frost had actually admitted some things. "...ookay." he muttered chuckling a little, wondering if he should start calling Frost 'good boy' or something. he chuckled at the silly thought before he cuddled with the other and slept. when frost woke in the morning it was to Harry gently petting his hair, a tray of hot soup in his other hand. "love." he murmured softly. "time to get up, you need to eat something."
Frost whined snuggling into the blanket, but shifting around to sit up and eat some. Looking at the other."You're petting me."He said, wondering just how much he had said out loud and how much he'd thought. Blushing as he looked at his lover.
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