Winter's kiss, moon/lady

Frost snickered shaking his head, reaching over and drawing the other into a playful kiss. More to shock him then anything else. "Darling, you ARE a moron. You should have more faith that he is a better man than either of us."He said resting his forehead against draco's, pain in those clear blue eyes. Because it hurt, because he really didn't think he was worthy of the half blood demon, despite who he was...or maybe because of it.
Draco DID look shocked as he was kissed, shocked, and rather pleased. "i don't really have faith in anyone except you." he admitted shrugging a little. "besides, i've seen Harry's nasty streak, and he has every right to unleash it on me." he admitted shaking his head. "i'd rather not give him the chance." he smiled a little and gave Frost's hair a tug. "and stop what your thinking, i know you. your more than worthy of being with Harry, your the only person who he's ever been with, or been around that hasn't used him, that doesn't lie to him, and even more...your the only person who has ever made him happy." "that's a lie!" Harry stated walking in, catching the tail end. "Hedwig made me happy too!" "....wasn't Hedwig..." "my owl? yes." harry admitted looking amused as he carried in some more soup and another platter of eclairs and cream puffs.
Frost leaned back settling on his pillows as he wrinkled his nose at the sight of the tray."I don't want more soup!I feel fine!"HE whined, v pointedly ignoring what draco had tried to tell him. Because well, he just couldn't believe it. If he trusted the words, and smething happened to change harry's opinion of him....he wouldn't lve through it.
Harry smirked a little. "if you eat the soup now, then i'll make you anything you want later." he promised grinning a little. "steak, or stuffed pork chops, anything at all." he promised smiling a little as he settled into bed next to him. "i'll even help you eat the soup." he promised chuckling a little Draco rolling his eyes. "your only offering to help because your hoping to keep from getting sick yourself." harry had even been taking health potions with Frost, of course Frost didn't know that.
Frost laughed,"Nah. He's doomed to being in my unsatisfying care while he's sick."He snickered kissing harry, laughing softly as he laid back, yawning as he started eating the soup. After he started eating, he was amusingly unwilling to share his soup.
Harry sighed and shook his head before sneezing hard, groaning a little as he flopped his head back on the pillow. "but i HATE being sick! and i'm always sick for so LONG!" "don't worry, i'll stay and help you take care of Harry. he always gets WAY sick." Draco admitted shaking his head. "the last time i think he ended up in Saint Mungoes." "...i contracted a form of dragon pox...not the flue, i will be fine, i am NOT getting sick, i made SURE of ot." "where did you come on contact with the dragon where in professor snape's personal ingredients!" "of course i was, i had to make a potion." "what kind of potion!?" "oh, a potion to turn me and R... a friend into Crabbe and Goyle so we could find out if you where the Heir of Slytherin." "...i'm going to kill you someday potter, i really am." "i still find it unfair that Hermione never came down with it, SHE was the one who stole them anyway!" "i hate you." "aaaw Draco i hate you too."
Frost watched the conversation avidly, before dissolving into giggles. "You you thought the moron was tom!?Hahahah"frost giggled harder, looking truly riddiculous as he laid back onto the bed, struggling to come to terms with that."I'm so telling tom. And lucius. He'd be happy to hear that his son is evil enough to warrant a look."He giggle.d
Harry snorted a little looking amused. "no. in our second year someone was controlling the giant Basilisk." he explained. "i was certain that it was Draco, as it turned out it was Ginny Weasley, who was being possessed by a fraction of the Soul that Tom left behind after he 'died'... the first one if i remember correctly. "besides Draco is an Evil little Git." "hells yeah." Draco chirped looking pleased with himself. "i'm totally evil." Harry smirked. "yup, your SO evil that you wear a robe that cost more than my house, with a pair of shoes that most women couldn't afford, eating Eclairs, oh and lets not forget that your getting your ass owned by an old man." "...shut up potter."
Frost snickered looking at the two, smirking darkly, getting ready to turn the tables."I own clothes that cost more then a small country's gross income, I eat creams, and YOU'RE getting your ass owned by a old man." HE smirked laughing as he looked at the two.
Harry laughed a little. "ah yes, but i know, and accept that i am a gay ass pansy girly boy. Draco is in deniel." "I AM NOT A PANSY BOY!" "see, denial." Harry stated simply with a small smirk. "besides, your clothes don't make you look like a girl and Cream puffs are manly." "how the hell does that work!?" "because i said so, and because Frost said so, right Love?" "You both suck!" Draco complained pouting a little as Harry laughed a little and shook his head. "no, i suck, Frost fucks."
Frost smirked."so I do.And cream puffs are manly because they have CREAM in them."He snickered looking at the two."Poor draco, he doesn't get to do either.He gets sucked, and fucked.poor poor chewtoy."He sat up straighter."Do you think lupin'd be mad if I gave hm a ferret chew toy for those nights he's a werewolf?"
Draco lifted an eyebrow, considering commenting that Eclairs had Cream in them too, but said nothing, he didn't need to get yelled at by a sick frost and a getting sick Harry. "i hate you both." he complained pouting as Harry laughed a little. "no, we have to leave him human, then Werewolf Lupin can fuck him all over again. "..." Draco half wondered if werewolf junk was human or animal, he suddenly had a desire to find out.
Frost shuddered seeing the look on draco's face."I don't want to know. You are NEVER ever going to tell me."He demanded shivering a little, "But I can give him my bouncy ball. Surely lupin'd like that."He said deciding on it. Smirking a little. Before giving draco a look, "I'm telling your father you're demeaning yourself with a wolf.Ha!Now you can't tell me what it looks like."He said smugly.
Draco smirked a little as Harry snorted. "Lupin will eat you if you give him a bouncy ball frost." he pointed out looking amused. "get him a rope toy instead." that made Draco laugh. "stop thinking of ways to piss off my boyfriend!" Draco whined pouting a little. "besides my father already knows, he walked in on me and Lupin and started laughing his ass off."
"That's one thing I thin-"Frost stuttered to a stop turning looking at the man a litle wide eyed, tilting his head."You've claimed him as a boyfriend?Can I plan the wedding?It's not every day our resident whore decides to settle down."He faked a tear and a sniffle."I'm so proud."
Draco glared at him. "Lupin and i decided this morning." he admitted biting his lip a little. "that's why i'm so scared to tell him that i can get pregnant... i mean, he might not want me after that right?" "are you shitting me?" Harry asked with a raised eyebrow. "Lupin will be ecstatic, he's always wanted Pups of his own you know." "he does?" "yup." harry admitted smirking a little. "but don't tell him i told you that."
"I told you to tell him."Frost pouted out, smirking as he sighed."Sorry."He said, sorry for teasing him. Smirking a little before he perked up."Can I tell your father?"he said. He totally wanted to see the elder's face when he realized his son was actually settling down.With someone his father's age.
Draco snorted a little tossing Frost a glance. "no your not." he teased back before sighing a little. "i think he might already know but sure, you can tell him if you really feel you must." he agreed smirking a little. "besides, when a wizard of my bloodline lives to be about two hundred and fifty years old, twenty or so years isn't much." he admitted smirking a little. "and with Lupin being a werewolf, he'll live a lot longer as well, we fit perfectly together." "yeah, your both insane."
"Oh good, I get to see you when I turn 300. NOW I feel better."he snickered before getting up."I have to go inform lucius is his slut of a son is getting married."He announced, needing to do it because he was getting antsy with being in bed. Apparating out before either could stop him. Appearing in malfoy manor he whistled a little as he headed for lucius's bedroom.knowing he was probably interrupting things."Luc!"

Tom groaned, resting his head on lucius's chest."What in the bloody hell does he want. I thought he was sick."He complained.
Draco laughed a little. "but i'm not getting Marri..." he blinked when Frost suddenly vanished and he groaned a little. "i have to go stop him." he stated vanishing with a pop, Harry laughing as he followed, if only to watch all the fun fireworks.

Lucius groaned as well as he ran his fingers through Tom's hair. "i'll go check." he decided sighing a little before pausing as he hears two more cracks. "Frost! get your ass back here!" Draco ordered. "Whatever he said, it's a LIE!" then Harry's laughter as Draco dove towards Frost, only to dive right past him and into a potted plant, sending it smashing to the ground. "...on the other hand, i think i'll stay here." Lucius decided shaking his head as he flicked his wand at the door locking it.
Tom laughed, pulling his lover back into the bed, freezing mid motion as frost passed through the door, before turning to face the wood again, sticking his tongue out even though draco couldn't see him."Ha!Now I get to tell him."He snickered before turning to look at the two bemused older men."Draco's getting married!Almost!It might as well be marriage. He's declared he has a boyfriend."
Lucius scowled at Frost. "does the term Privacy mean NOTHING to you people!?" he demanded pulling the blanket to make sure that Frost didn't see anything that he didn't need to be seeing. "my son is not getting married, get out!" he demanded before pausing. "...he did what now? to who!?" he paused and then groaned. "goddammit, please, please tell me it's not the werewolf, i beg you."
Frost's smirk grew as he looked at the two, not really realizing he'd interrupted them. Just to amused to care."You're having grandkids that are puppies."He stated smirking."But if you want to beg me, i'm willing to listen."

Tom groaned raising his head to look at him, rubbing his eyes."Frost, it's to early in the day to be listening to this. Dont tease luc."

"I'm not teasing. He really did declare a man his father's age his boyfriend.Told him I wanted to be the one who told you."
Lucius groaned a little and shook his head a little. "i don't beleive you frost, Draco wouldn't be trying to break down my door if he was actually intending for me to know. now GET OUT!" he demanded glaring at frost. "before i hex you." Lucius was grouchy in the mornings and was liable to bite someones head off, so far only Tom could screw with Lucius in the mornings without getting bitched at. "GET OUT, GET OUT, GET OUT!!!" Lucius demanded of frost just as Harry unlocked the door and grabbed Frost's wrist, yanking him out of the room before Lucius started throwing curses. "Frost, really. don't bother Lucius before he's had his coffee."
Frost pouted before perking up."I want coffee!You didn't give me any while I was sick."He pouted poking his lover.

Tom laugehd softly pulling the other back into bed, kissing him slowly."You know he's only giving you a hard time because he wants to annoy draco."
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