Winter's kiss, moon/lady

frost laughed, shifting cuddling up against harry as he pulled the blanket."It's a comfortable bed. Plush and bouncy."He said smirking a little."You could always join us."He teased shifting to make room for the two.

Tom groaned burying his face under the pillow."Don't remind me. I LIKE when he forgets we're related."He whined before smiling."A girl huh?We could have a girl."He said warming up to the idea.
pin laughed a little and shook his head. "i'm FAR too possessive to have a foursome." he admitted smirking a little. "how about you go home, so i can have my bed back?" "your bed!?" "yes MY bed, now that your officially my boyfriend everything you own is mine." "how the hell does that work!?" "well, because i don't have anything." "...dammit i hate it when you make good points like that!"

Lucius chuckled a little and grinned happily. in the end, he ALWAYS got what he wanted. "so, now that our breakfast is cold, you've owned my ass, and a peaceful morning has been completely shattered by your family, shall we make an appearance in the house hold?"
"I wasn't purposing a foursome. IT could be a twosome, I'm just to comfy to be moved to far."He yawned, cuddling at harry, laughing. it was to much. The two were just to cute.

Tom grinned getting up, getting dressed."he probably should. After all, frost is probably still here somewhere, and if he's feeling peckish, he'll have sex in draco's bed just because he ruined frost's game. We should go save him from draco."He said wisely, waiting till the blond to get dressed, heading out the door.
Harry laughed as well and Lupin snorted, Draco whining in distress. "if you two don't get the hell out of here, your going to see what a werewolf cock looks like for yourselves!" "i've already seen it." Harry admitted yawning a little. "he learned to lock the bathroom door after that." "we'll then i guess you'll have to watch." Lupin decided, grinding into Draco who moaned softly, arching into it, too horny to care that Harry was laughing at them again.

Lucius snorted a little and shook his head. "if i know my son, and i do know my son, he's probably out in the garden feeling up Lupin until the werewolf cracks and carries Draco into the bedroom for sex. so i would rather not walk in on that." but Lucius was getting dressed anyway, making himself presentable.
Frost whined, snuggling into harry. Starting to fall asleep, watching the show through half closed eyes."Harry do we have to leave?I'm comfy."He whined snickering a little at the needy little moans escaping his friend.

Tom laughed, wrapping a arm around his waist, walking out with him." Yea....I don't want to see that either.So, whatever shall we do?"He said heading outside. He liked walking through the gardens with lucius in the mornings. It was relaxing. Not to mention there were no memories of narcissa out there.
Harry snickered a little and kissed Frost's forehead as Lupin growled. "my house." the werewolf decided, giving Draco no chance to protest as they vanished, Harry snickering a little. "i guess we don't have to leave." he admitted laying back down and sighing softly.

Lucius chuckled a little walking with his lover, smiling a little. "i think, we shall take a walk, Draco and Lupin should be in the bedroom by now." he admitted humming a little. "maybe we could even have a little Garden Fun ourselves."
"Good.Though we should go check on corbin. He was sleeping and the house elves will take care of him,but..."He looked antsy as he sat up, apparating out without dressing. Needing to check on the baby. Breathing relieved at the sight of him still sleeping.

Tom smiled a little, "Hmm garden fun huh?Sounds fun."He said amused before frowning. Looking off into the distance, not wanting to tell the other, but needing to."Narcissa came to visit me the other day."
Harry nodded and smiled as he followed his lover, apparating next to Frost with both their clothes in his arms, smiling at his little one and tickling the bees toes, smiling at Frost. "you make the prettiest babies." he admitted softly. "i can't wait to see what we can make together." he admitted, tangling his fingers with frost's. "i think you should keep pumping me full of seed, until i give birth to quintuplets." he teased smiling a little.

Lucius smiled as he looked out into the garden before choking on his air, coughing lightly as he tried to regain his composure. "she... did... what now!?" he demanded, looking utterly horrified. "WHY!?" he demanded looking outraged. "what did that horrid thing say to you tom?" he demanded gently picking up the others hand, looking worried and concerned, knowing that Tom wouldn't have brought it up unless he was upset, or angry about it.
Frost snickered kissing the other, cuddling the baby against his chest as corbin woke up. "Hmmm so is this you asking to have more kids?"he teased. Actually seriously considering it. Though he wasn't sure...he was willing to go with it if it'd make harry happy.

Tom shrugged a little, trying to stay calm and not looking at him curling his fingers around the other's hand. Trying not to be upset about it."Oh she wanted to know if you'd be interested in going back to her. And that we wouldn't last cause...I don't know. I quit listening after that."He said avoiding saying the words, for a moment that had been eating at him.
Harry grinned a little and nodded. "yup, this is me asking for more kids." he admitted hesitating a little. "if your ok with it." he asked glancing at the other. "it's not fair to make Corbin grow up alone." he stated, trying to rationalize his want to have as big a family as possible. "besides, we need to expand out bloodline if we're going to take over the world." he pointed out, smirking a little.

Lucius snarled a little tightening his fingers around Tom's hand turning to look at him, a dull fury in his eyes. "what did she say tom?" he demanded, silently promising Narcissa swift punishment for what she said. "i am not going to get back together with her, i suffered for long enough of that horrid little bitch." he promised his eyes narrowed. "why does she think we won't last?"
"Oh so now you have designs on ruling the world?Why hello tom, I didnt know I was dating you."He snickered sitting down in the rocker, holding the baby against his chest before looking at harry, smiling softly."Babies... are fine.As long...I don't want to be pregnant."he said looking at him."And don't rationalizze.Its not you."He said laughing.

Tom sighed avoiding looking at the other as he sat down on a bench, tugging lucius down next to him, resting her hed on his shoulder."because your a whore for power, and I'm not the most powerful person on the block anymore....though I think harry would have a issue with you dating frost."He said shuddering a little at the idea. Truly disturbed at the words the former malfoy's words had done.
Harry smirked a little. "hey, Tom had his time, it's MY turn." he teased chuckling a little as he gently kissed the others neck. "i understand." he admitted smiling. "you wanna see me all round and grouchy and call me cute and adorable when i'm not listening." he teased chuckling a little as he nuzzled the other. "besides, i think i'd look awesome all full with your babies." he admitted smiling happily. "and we ALL know i'm the girl in this relationship."

Lucius scowled a little as he looked over at Tom. "i'm a whore am i?" he muttered darkly, huffing a little. "that bitch." he stated simple, shaking his head. "i don't date for anything other than my own personal feelings. the only reason why i married that bitch in the first place was because my father made me." he looked down at Tom. "besides, Frost would chop my dick off before he ever let me touch him." he stated simply, looking amused as he tipped Toms head up. "i love you tom, YOU, i don't love your name, i don't love your power, i don't love your money, i love YOU and those pretty red eyes of yours. i love how you worry, even when there's nothing to worry about, and i love how quickly you can go from happy to pissed all in an instant... i love how you enjoy a nice cuddle, and i love how your not afraid to boss me around, or even afraid of me at all. i love you, and nothing will ever change that."
"Oh yea, you're most definately the girl."He smirked smiling as corbin reached for harry, wanting a cuddle. Rubbing his cheek against harry's shoulder he smiled, "I call you cute and adorable all the time. Though it wasn't nice telling me I was.I am not adorable."He said pouting a little/

Tom relaxed smiling a little as he cuddled into the other's side, kissing him softly."You boss me around to."He pouted laughing a little."And yea, I'm pretty sure frost would have issues with your wizard hands coming anywhere near his body."He snickered kissing him slowly."Hmmm narcissa just needs to go away."He said biting his lip, sure they hadnt heard the end of it.
Harry chuckled as he pulled Corbin into a happy cuddle, nuzzling his baby all over with a small chuckle. "you where adorable." he teased smiling at Frost. "you just didn't see it because you where grumpy." he snickered a little. "besides, Adorable is just as sexy as being deliciously and utterly hot is. and your both, so that means your irresistible."

Lucius laughed a little and nodded. "yes, yes i do." he agreed kissing the other back, gently tangling their fingers together. "Narcissa just wants be back, because she realizes that by divorcing me, if i remarry she gets kicked out and looses all my money. that's all she wants. if i have to i'll pay her to leave us alone and that will be the end of it."
Frost preened under the attention, smiling a little as he looked at him."I am arent I?"He said grinning, arrogance back. Looking at harry, a touch of vulnerability as he looked at the other,gently touching his hair."We'll try for another."He decided smiling

Tom laughed shaking his head, "Now that would be something. Usually people pay their wives to sleep with them, you pay her to stay away."He grinned kissing him harder, glad that'd told him before sighing."We need to do something about dumbledore.'He said bringing up the other thing he needed to talk about, having already heard rumors, and needing advice before he talked to the demon prince. Because he had a feeling frost would go absolutely ape shit when he heard.
harry chuckled and nodded, smiling at him. "your perfect." he purred nipping at his lover neck, looking overjoyed at the prospect of another baby, hugging his lover tightly. "mmm thank you." he purred smiling. "i promise, when i want creepy food, i won't make you eat it too...i'll make Draco do it instead."

Lucius chuckled a little and shook his head. "i could always just have her killed." he stated with a small shrug. "what about Dumbledore?" he demanded with a small scowl looking over at Tom, worried. "Tom whats going on?"
Frost laughed kissing him slowly, "Hmm will you also make him cook it?I'm to pretty to cook disgusting food."He said smirking a little.

Tom sighed, leaning back on his hands,looking younger then what he was."dumbledore's figured out frost's alive. And that he has a son."He said looking worried."Apparently, despite corbin looking like him, the wizarding world has been convinced the demon prince has kidnapped a child and intends to use it to rule both worlds.And they're up in arms and ready to storm harry's place.As soon as they figure out where he's staying."He sighed a little.
Harry snickered and nodded. "of course he has to cook it, i can't make you cook it after all." he teased smirking. "you'll be too busy rubbing my feet and reassuring me that i'm still pretty." he admitted laughing a little as he kissed Corbin's forehead. "isn't that right little one? your going to have a sibling, what do you think of that?"

Lucius snarled darkly and he nodded. "we'll tell Harry." he decided, "he'll know what to do." he decided biting his lip a little. "for now, Harry is safe, he has a spell set up so that no one can find his house. there's no one stronger in magic than harry is save maybe frost and yourself, so no one is going to find them anytime soon." he admitted sighing a little. "this is getting dangerous."
Frost laughed as the baby cooed, reaching up and grabbing a fistful of harry's hair, pulling to voice his opinion. Frost rubbed his eyes leaning back in his chair, looking content.But worry was getting to him. Those months when he'd been vulnerable had gotten to him, and he was almost afraid to have another, just in case harry had to fight.

Tom sighed,looking up at the sky."Frost wants another baby."he said, admitting why this was more worrying him more then it should.If frost was vulnerable again, had anotiher weakness, he was going to be vicious in dealing with a enemy, and it was going to get ugly.
Harry yelped a little at the Hair yank, laughing a little as he made faces at the baby. "i'm going to interpret that as a yes." he teased Corbin, chuckling a little as he blew a raspberry into Corbin's belly, smiling at the little baby. "i want to have a whole houseful of babies." Harry admitted smiling a little. "i can't beleive i finally have the family i've always wanted.' he admitted laying his head on Frost's shoulder. "sometimes, i wake up terrified that it was all a dream. because i keep thinking, that everything about you and Corbin is just so perfect." that was an aaaw moment wasn't it?

Lucius scowled a little. "well, with Harry being half wizard, having a baby will actually amplify his magic." Lucius admitted. "it's a witches, and wizards, the few who can reproduce, natural instinctual protection against threats while being pregnant. not many can challenge him now, pregnant, harry will be nearly unstoppable..." he paused and cracked a smirk. "unless of course he has to stop to throw up or cry."
Frost bit his lip to keep from the nausating awww from escaping. Pressing a kiss to the other's head he yawned, starting to go to sleep himself."I know I'm every person's dream guy, but I AM NOT a dream for you."He smiled kissing his head, holding both his boys. Life was going to be interesting.

Tom snickered nodding."True."He said looking amused, and a little worried. Because he didn't know just how fiercely protective frost was going to get when harry started to cry. Having seen the other freak out once over corbin crying over a dropped toy, it was one of his life ambitions to never be the person who made either of the boys cry."We'll deal with it, before it ever threatens them.For now...we'll just let them be happy. And not tell them unless we have to."
Harry smiled as he kissed the others cheek and snuggled into him. "i love you." harry whispered softly, sounding truly happy.

Lucius grimaced a little. "i fear the day." he admitted shaking his head. "i'm too scared to tell harry that his family was killed." he admitted simply, closing his eyes. "the muggles that where raising him, the Dursley's...they where slaughtered yesterday. the press said it was you, and the death eaters...but everyone knows it was Dumbledore." he admitted swallowing thickly. "i don't have the guts to tell harry." he admitted looking over at tom. "there's no waiting and dealing with it when their not's already started..."
Tom sighed, rubbing his eyes."Shit. I didn't know that.Fuck. Frost's going to fuckign lose it."He sighed, even knowing that harry's family wasn't ideal, or that the demon prince didn't care for humans, didn't mean that the demon wouldn't go looking for a fight just because they were his mate's family. Looking towards the house he grimaced."We'll get draco and lupin.Then go see harry and frost.They'll be more relaxed talking at home...and hopefully we can figure out what to do next."
Lucius grimaced a little. "i'm more worried about Harry's reaction." Lucius admitted. "i know he has no love for his's still his family. he loves them, even as much as he hates them." he admitted softly, standing up. "Frost will react according to Harry's emotions," he ran a hand through his hair. "that's my theory anyway, but Harry's so hard to read... i can never figure out what he's going to do..." his fingers tangled in Tom's. "this war... is going to rip everything we've ever worked for to shreds."
Tom nodded, holding the blond's hand tighter. There was one thing he wasn't willing to let go of, and it was lucius. If the world was going to go up in flames because of it, well that was all, he wouldn't let him go. Heading up to the house he took his time heading upstairs to find the younger blond, because he really didn't want to hear him having sex."He is hard to read. At least with frost I'd have a idea of how he'd react...harry's never reacted right."He sighed."We'll see. And we'll protect what's ours.Even if the rest of the world burns, we'll protect our own."
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