Winter's kiss, moon/lady

Lucius smiled a little as he held the others hand tightly. "well, Harry did have an abused childhood...that might be why he reacts so strangely...even in second year, when we faced each other in the hallway...i didn't see anger in his eyes for me trying to kill him. he didn't look scared or hateful...he just looked..." he shivered, remembering the odd look in Harry's eyes. "he he pitied me." Lucius admitted finally. "like i was the one who had almost i was the one suffering..."
Tom snickered a little, knocking on draco's door."You were remember?You're wife was demanding sex from you still."He teased before nodding, understanding what lucius was saying. Glad that frost hadn't realized his lover had been abused before his family was dead, because he had a feeling whatever dumbledore did to them, was going to be mild to whatever frost was going to unleash on dumbledore for being the cause of all this.
Lucius looked amused and shook his head as muffled cursing filled the room through the door, Lupin laughing uproariously as there was hurried motions inside and Draco's low hissed voice of. "put your goddamn pants on!" Lupin laughing again as the door snapped open, a blushing, and very mussed up Draco snapping the door open. "what!?...oh, father.. i..uh..meant.. what is it that you need?" Lucius had to snicker. "sorry to interrupt your hot wild werewolf sex son but we have a problem that we need your help with." "Harry involved?" Lupin asked buttoning his pants as he looked through the crack in the door. "yes." Lucius admitted. "then it's trouble." Lupin agreed grabbing his shirt and yanking it on. "come on Draco." "i don't take orders!" "you do if you want more sex." "...dammit..."
Tom swallowed his laughter, smirking wider."And its about frost."He warned, because he figured the two better know how messed up things were about to get.Resting his hand on lucius's arm before apparating to the hidden home. Looking startled at the sight of frost laying on the couch with corbin sleeping on his chest. Glancing around before he stepped closer, reaching out to take the baby from him, wanting to cuddle before they told harry what happened.Wincing as his wrist was caught in frost's steel grip,staring down at eyes that revealed the demon behind the human mask, feral and deadly.

Frost stared, snarling softly before he recognized the man in his grip, shifting the baby slightly, but not letting go of tom's hand because there was always the chance that it could be a doppleganger. And he wouldn't relax until lucius-or more likely harry told him it was okay.The problem wtih startling him awake, the demon prince woke deadly"What do you want?"
Lupin and Draco both paused and looked at each other Draco sighing. "i'll get the calming droughts." "i'll get the rope." "we're not going to tie them up!" "it's not for them, it's for when we get back." "LUPIN!" Draco shrieked, turning bright red Lucius snickering a little as Tom apparated them into Harry's house. gasping as Frost nearly attacked Tom. "it's ok frost." Lucius murmured softly, Harry moving into the room, looking startled. "i felt... oh, hey guys. it's ok Frost, you can let Tom go now." Harry promised stroking his lovers neck and kissing his temple.

"Lupin and Draco are on their way as well." Lucius admitted looking amused, also worried. "we have that you need to hear." "...." now harry looked worried as well.
Frost released the other, settling back on the couch with a sigh, once again the calm papa of a baby instead of the demon prince. Wincing at the bruises already incircling the other's wrist."I don't want to know. You interrupted my nap."He whined, struggling not to get worked up. He didn't want to worry dammit.

Tom swallowed hard, prudently moving out of reach of frost. He so did not want to be within arms reach when he told them what was happening. Maybe he could steal corbin.Yea if he was holding corbin frost wouldn't hurt him right?Right. Sounded good."I wnat the baby."He announced taking the baby so smoothly and quickly, none of the parties involved protested.
Harry looked puzzled, and then concerned when Tom took command of the baby and Lucius carefully stepped half in front of Tom, as if being prepared to be attacked. "whats going on?" harry demanded, worry in his voice now as he sat down on the couch and pulled Frost into his lap, gently restraining him, though it looked, and felt like a hug. harry jumped when two more Cracks filled the air, Draco and Lupin appearing, both of them moving forward, Lupin pale, Draco looking stunned. "...Tom." Harry ordered with a growl. "whats going on?"
Frost growled at losing the baby, and being held. "I'm capable of not attacking him."He growled softly at harry, knowing he was being restrained even if it didn't look like it.

Tom swallowed hard, cuddling the baby, looking over lucius's shoulder at the two."Your family is dead.Dumbledore killed them and made it appear as if I was the one who did it."He said, takingn no time to soften the words, knowing it would only piss them both off.
Harry tensed completely in Frost's arms, holding the man so tight that it almost looked like he was holding the other back...but he wasn't, he was just that stunned, holding onto Frost because if he didn't then Harry would have done...something, he didn't know what. you could see the whirl of emotions on his face, pain, sadness, rage...Glee... harry was...sort of glad they where dead. "was it quick?" Harry asked through gritted teeth, Lucius grimacing then. " where tortured." again, pain, sadness, rage...and yet again Glee, followed quickly by shame. "i...i need to..." harry let frost go in an instant, heading for the door. "i need to..." he staggered, Lupin gasping as he rushed to catch his nephew, too late, Harry collapsed onto the floor in a dead Feint, Draco looking very nervous as Lucius prepared to be attacked by frost, Draco simply waiting for a reaction as Lupin tried to get Harry to wake up.
Frost growled softly as lupin touched his lover, struggling for the control to not spill blood. Though none of these men were the ones he wanted to hurt. These men were friends. And one was holding his son....he could remain calm...he could. Choking on the bloodlust he growled out hard."I'm going outside."He said before slowly easing around the others to walk outside, that lope the long easy steps leaving no doubt who the top predator in this room was.Soon enough the flashes of ice and fire lit the backyard, the demon prince destorying his element as fast as he was summoning it.

Tom looked shocked as he cuddled the baby, frowning as he looke at harry worriedly. But staying where he was, sure that even if he was outside, frost was aware of what was happening indoors, an would protest, violently, if anyone but lupin touched harry. Amazed because he couldn't remember the last time frost had had the emotional control to walk away from a fight."Is he okay?"He asked lupin looking worried.
Lucius didn't dare move towards Harry even a step, he knew how pissed off Frost was. Lupin ignored it all as he gently pulled Harry into his arms, laying him on the couch. "He's alright." Lupin promised rushing into the kitchen and coming out with a cool cloth, laying it over the boy's head. "it's just the shock." he explained simply, watching Frost blowing up his own ice. "i'm amazed that Frost didn't try to attack us when Harry passed out." Draco admitted, pale and trembling as he looked out into the field. "i'll be right back." he promised, hesitantly inching outside. "Frost?" Draco asked softly, inching towards the Demon Prince. "you need to calm down, Harry is just fine, he's not hurt alright? you should be calm when harry wakes up or he's going to be worried..."
Frost turned looking at him, hands fisted as he struggled for calm."I. Am.Calm."He said slowly, studying the blond, wondering if draco would give him a duel worth working out the worry. more worried about harry then anything else, which just fueled the fury. He so wasn't used to worrying about people, so it was just pissing him off."Okay. mostly calm. Anyways, the grass could use the water. And blowing up the ice is reating water."
Draco swallowed thickly as he studied the Ice Prince. "no your not." he protested watching Frost closely. "i know your upset but you blowing things up is freaking Corbin out." inside the baby was crying loudly. "and your not helping harry at all..." he stepped forward gently setting his hand on the others arm, looking concerned. "do you need me to get the Cream Puffs?"
Frost froze, before calming, forcing the fire and ice away as he reined in hard on his temper, swallowing as he looked at his friend."No.I'm okay."He swallowed resting his hand over draco's, smiling slightly as he kissed the other's cheek.Thanks,"He muttered before heading back inside, though he let tom keep the screaming baby for the minute. To volitile to trust himself holding his son.

Tom smiled a little, shifting corbin into lucius's arms."'ve held screaming babies before. This is your duty."He said snickering a little.
Lucius chuckled as he obediently took the screaming babe, calmly humming a soft lullaby as he rocked Corbin, the poor frightened child calming under Lucius';s expertise. "Harry! Harry are you alright!?" Lupin demanded from the couch as Harry groaned softly. "wha...what happened?" Harry asked groggily. "you Fainted Pup, just take it easy." "fainted? i don't faint..." harry protested, but didn't try to sit up. "where's frost? is he ok?"
"I'm fine."Frost growled out softly immediatly by his side,cuddling into the groggy man, refusing to let him get up."And you fainted.And hit your head by the way.Scared me."He grumbled,protesting to being scared, relaxing even more as the baby calmed.

Tom snickered, wrapping his arms around lucius. pressing a kiss to his neck as he rested his chin on his shoulder."Hmm you really are good witht babies."He said, considering having one for real now, instead of just teasing the other.
Harry scowled a little but didn't ask anything more, he'd only passed out a few times before, but it was always the same routine, harry could never remembered why he'd passed out until he'd relaxed, he kissed Frost gently. "sorry love, i..." he fell silent as he remembered and he closed his eyes, swallowing thickly. "i don't...really know how to feel right now..." he admitted softly. "one part of me is upset that they died, but the other part of me is laughing, cracking open the Rum and partying his damn head off."

Lucius smiled a little. "i had to be." Lucius admitted snorting a little. "Narcissa was terrible with them, she wouldn't even change Draco's diapers. wouldn't even let him breast feed, she just popped him out, handed him over, and went out to her first party again. i'm amazed that he's as sane as he is."
frost whined a little, nuzzling the other's hair, trying to be comforting and offer support without telling him how to feel. Not sure what to say.""Do you want something to eat?Drink?"He asked holding him close.

Tom smiled, laughing as corbin fisted lucius's hair, chewing on the long strands."Well, I wouldn't call him sane. He's dating someone his father's age.and male. Maybe that's where he got his avoidance of breasts, from narcissa."He said wisely, even if the words were crap.Sounding serious though he was teasing.
Harry chuckled a little, looking amused. "how about half a bottle of firewhiskey and three shots of rum?" "No Drinking." Draco, Lucius and Lupin all sat at the same time with very stern voices Harry sighing a little. "fine..." he grumbled, sulking a little as he closed his eyes shaking his head. "how about some hot Cocoa then?" he decided smiling at Frost, "your so cute when you hover, you make such a good mommy." Harry closed his eyes and snuggled into the couch, Lucius and Draco having stuffed their fists into their mouths to keep from laughing.

"mostly it was Pansy." Lucius explained to Tom through stifled giggles. "the older she got the more forceful she became, she even tried to rape him a few times, well of course that was enough to turn anyone Gay, and Draco just has a predisposition towords older men because he's weird. and with him living as long as he does a mere twenty years isn't going to be much of a difference."
"True."Tom said looking amused, though he was staring hard at the floor to keep from laughing. A good mommy. Heh. Yea..." look like a mommy."He said before he thought better of it, dissolving into laughter, hiding behind lucius. Putting the good mommy's baby between him and a angry demon.

"I do not!"Frost whined, dragging draco into the kitchen,since he could yell at draco if he wanted and not get kicked out of bed for it like he would if he yelled at harry for calling him a good mommy.
Draco looked amused as he was dragged into the kitchen, sitting obediently. "you can't blame harry for saying things like that. he's in shock." he admitted softly sighing a little. "you do know...about Harry's family don't you?" he asked softly. "what they...used to do to him?..i suppose you wouldn't, Harry doesn't talk about it, not even did he to Hermione, or the other gryffindors." he shook his head a little. "Harry would kick my ass if i told you..."
Frost pointed a finger at him."You can't tell me. Not if you don't want me to send corbin home with you so I can blow shit up."She growled rubbing his eyes as he set about making hot coco."I'm pissed off enough to consider doing it anyway, even not knowing what they did.I can't stay calm if you tell me."
Draco nodded. "i'll tell you later." he agreed sighing a little closing his eyes. "just don't let Harry drink." he warned swallowing thickly. "he used to have an alcohol problem, Ron's fault of course, started during fourth year, Triwizard tournament." he shook his head a little. "Harry started drinking, and it took his entire house, and all of the housewives to make him stop." he looked back at the brunette dozing on the couch, Corbin laying in his fathers arms. "the Demons haven't surfaced yet." he admitted suddenly. "i think their going to stay in their own realm for once."
"Not surprising.I was the only one who had a interest in living in the mortal realm. Left to their own devices they'll war among themselves instead of involving themselves here."Frost said relaxing as he tooked. Making cream puffs for himself along with coco.
Draco nodded. "they'll all probably kill themselves out." he admitted sighing a little. "at least until someone Claims the throne." he admitted closing his eyes a little. "Frost..." he muttered suddenly, sounding scared. "..i think i'm pregnant..." he admitted with a small whisper, making sure Lupin couldn't hear them.
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