Winter's kiss, moon/lady

Draco sniffled a little and wiped his eyes before glaring hard at frost. "h..he's not a Mutt!" he protested angrily. "he's be..beautiful and kind and sweet and doesn't let me walk all over him a..and he's going to hate me!" Draco wailed, clearly overwhelmed about being in his first real relationship. "i need a drink." he paused. "shit.. i can't drink anymore i'm pregnant." he whined, sniffing as he wiped his eyes again. "f..fuck this shit!" he whimpered pressing himself into Frost when he hugged him, hiccuping. "alright, lets go b..back to my place. can make some Tea while we wait for H..Harry and Lupin to come back."
Frost smiled slightly, amsued that the other was getting so worked up. Having only said it to get that reaction. Kissing the ther's head when they got to the other's place he pcked the blond up, holding him like he'd hold corbin as he set about making tea."Now draco, you know the mutt wont hate you."he said, trying to get him angry more then sad. Worried about his friend.
Draco growled when he was picked up, squirming against him. "i am NOT a child Frost!" he protested, squirming against him.. "and he's not a Mutt damn you!" he growled, scowling a little. "frost Put Me Down!" he ordered, sulking now, looking at the teapot before sighing a little and closing his eyes. "dammit." he grumbled. "now i'm tired." but he wasn't worked up anymore, Frost had done what he'd set out to do, he'd pissed Draco off, and Draco always forgot everything when he got all pissed off.
Frost snickered as he kissed the other's head shifting his hold on him, but not letting him down as he sat down at the table, holding the blond in his lap.Gently stroking his hair "Go to sleep.I'll wake you up when they get home."he said trying to keep the good mood going.
Draco growled, glaring at him. "i am not your baby dammit!" he growled, but he snuggled in, and went to sleep, getting up that early in the gad awful morning, and the stress of the previous days had left him exhausted. he slept for the two hours it took for Harry and Lupin to return, Lupin laughing as Harry cracked a naughty joke, glancing at Frost, the meaning clear. 'Lupin still doesn't know'. Draco had to tell the wolf, who paused and sniffed at the air, scowling a little. "i think Draco is getting sick." Lupin complained hovering over the blond. "he smells strangely lately." he admitted Draco shifting on the couch with a small sigh. "you guys must have had a hell of a time, Draco doesn't normally take naps."
Frost rolled his eyes a little, shifting his hold on the other. Having not trusted to move draco, not sure if he'd stay asleep for it, his ass hurt from sitting in a kitchen chair."Draco has had a hard day."He said softly gently shaking the blond, trying to wake im up.
Draco groaned as he was shaken awake, rubbing his eyes a little, yelping at Lupin's face in his own, Lupin whining in worry. "Draco? are you ok? you smell funny...are you sick!?" "a...ah no... no not sick.. i... iu..uhm...fuck i need a drink.." "i'll make some tea." Harry suggested before pausing. "no, i think hot chocolate would be better." he decided shaking his head as he headed into the kitchen, Lupin whining again, clearly very concerned. "Draco whats wrong?" "i...i..." Draco squeezed his eyes shut and gritted his teeth. "i'm pregnant..." there was several beats of silence and then. "i....w...wha?" Lupin looked confused.

"but...Draco your a boy..." "i'm part Veela..." "oh..." Lupin looked as if he couldn't decide how to feel. "i'm so sorry Lupin, i used an infertility spell but..." " don't be sorry!" Lupin gasped, looking horrified at the thought of Draco feeling guilty about getting pregnant. "i...i.. are you going to keep it? i..i want to keep it." he admitted hesitantly setting his hands on Draco's belly. "can we keep it?" "i...yes of course!" Draco whispered looking as shocked as Lupin did. they where both clearly in a compleate state of shock.
Frost, with draco still in his lap, bit his lip to keep his serious face as he studied the two, "I am so glad I am not going to have to consider apologizing for killing the mutt."He said smirking a little, relaxing. Having really been afraid Lupin'd react badly, then he'd react to draco being hurt, and that would have just been bad. He probably would have come out of the madness moments after killing him, only to find his life ruined because he hadn't been able to stop himself. This was much better.
Lupin swallowed hard then. "i...what if it hates me!?" Panic flaring across his face. "what if.. what if it comes out as a werewolf!? what if i cursed my baby!?" "Lupin.. Lupin sweetie calm down..." Draco ordered cupping the werewolf's face. "everything will be fine, i promise." Draco murmured. " we can handle a werewolf Pup, you know exactly what out baby will go through, so it will be just fine." "are you sure!?" Lupin asked looking horrified. "what if i'm not a good daddy!?" "Lupin stop that." Harry ordered, handing Lupin a large Mug. "your already a wonderful Father." Harry promised smiling a little. "you helped me through so much, and Corbin loves you." "yes but i didn't give either of you the Werewolf Curse either now did i!?"
Frost growled softly, getting up, setting draco in his vacated chair."I'm going for a walk before I injure him for being a moron."He stated, tilting his head. Beause he understood what it was like to be afraid to be pregnant. To not be sure if the baby would like you or not, and seeing it in someone drac cared about, and wanted to have a baby with was driving him to injure him to make him think clearly. lessons by torture is what frost was good at, but he knew his control was a slippery slope these days since he'd had corbin, so he was going to go before he hurt him. Finding himself pregnant had made the usually icy man more prone to two year old's temper tantrums.
Draco blinked a little as Harry snickered, smacking Lupin over the head, the werewolf wincing a little. "ow harry." "stop being an idiot." he ordered Lupin sulking as he nuzzled Draco's belly. "Draco still loves me." he whined Draco smirking a little as he shook his head. "Lupin your acting ridiculous again." "you like it when i act ridiculous..." "that's true, and it's better than what i was expecting." Draco admitted smiling at Lupin as Harry followed after frost, grabbing the Demon Prince's hand. "Frost? you ok love?" he asked gently nuzzling his lovers neck, looking worried. "you looked all pissed off back there..."
Frost sighed softly, relaxing as the other nuzzled him shifting to wrap his arms around the other, burying his face against the other's neck. Clinging to him desperately, not that he'd ever admit to being that desperate to have something ground him."Hmm I'm okay. Just annoyed at how he seems to think he's the only one who could be worried about what they pass on to their child.Or that he's the only one who's ever worried about the child liking them."
Harry chuckled a little as he kissed Frost's forehead. "he's just in shock." Harry informed the other. "and Draco is too, neither of them really know how to react. besides how would you feel if you had to deal with a curse? it's sort of like giving birth to a child, only to know that he is going to be hated by your entire way of life." he admitted shaking his head. "besides Lupin has always been a worrier." Harry admitted sighing a little. "and i can understand why he would be concerned about being a father, he thinks of himself as a monster, he has to change every month into a blood thirsty werewolf that has to be locked in a room and chained down because he can't afford his Wolfsbane potions. wouldn't you be scared to death about having a son who has to suffer that as well?"
Frost sighed resting his forehead against harry's shoulder."Your forgetting who I am. I lived to have a son just as bloodthristy as I was."-poor delusional frost who thought he was meaner then he was. Poor soft hearted fool."-It's a mortal child I worry about. I don't have anything to teach corbin, if he takes after...weasley instead of me."He said softly. Finally getting around to what was really bothering him.
Harry paused, looking startled and he smiled a little, gently stroking Frost's cheek. "there will be no Weasley in our baby... Ron might have provided the seed, but Corbin is never going to even know that. Corbin is OUR baby, OUR son, WE are raising him." he explained softly, kissing the others forehead. "even if his physical appearance changes, he is always going to be your little boy, he already acts just like you." he admitted smiling. "you should see the way he reacts when he see's himself ion the mirror, he gets so excited." he grinned. "Corbin will never take after someone, that he doesn't even know."
Soething tight and painful relaxed in Frost's chest, smiling a little as he looked down at him, kissing him softly."Hey I don't get excited when I look in the mirror."He whined smirking a little. Because he knew just how deep his vanity went. And while they might give him a hard time about it, he enjoyed being beautiful."And he is ours. We'll raise him."
Harry smirked a little. "you do too." he teased laughing a little. "but you have every right, your the most beautiful thing i've ever seen in my life." he admitted grinning. "and Corning is ours, and Draco's...and a little bit of Lupin's." he snickered a little. "more Draco's then Lupin's." "i heard that!" Lupin complained, laughing a little as Harry snickered. "we'll be fine." Harry promised kissing Frost's nose. "and so will Draco and Lupin." "hey harry, how long does it take for a baby to grow?" Lupin asked his head tilted a little. "mm about nine months for humans why?" "...i fear my impending doom...nine months of Draco being more emotional than usual...i'm doomed." "good thing you understand that, i didn't realize until after Frost tried to kill me a couple of times." harry admitted with a laugh, Lupin smiling a little.
Frost pouted, giving his lover a look."You wouldn't give me my cream puffs!"He whined looking at him, "That's a crime punishable by death."He whined before smirking."Poor man. Draco's going to be a crying wreck..."He stopped. thought about it before smirking."Ohhhh drraaaccooo!"He said with a sing songy voice. And you just knew whtever was going to come out of his mouth was going to be very bad, or very amusing.
Harry laughed a little and summoned a plate of Cream Puffs handing it to the other as Lupin winced. "not too much i hope." he admitted smiling. "i intend to lavish him with affection and give him everything he wants and tell him how pretty he is and." "your babbling again." Harry warned, Draco wincing as he was called. "what Frost?" he demanded, sounding rather wary.
Frost smirked a little, though his face was otherwise oh so innocent looking. Rocking on his feet, he tilted his head. Smirking."Can I tell your dad?"He asked shifting, hiding behind harry, knowing he was probably going to get smacked for wanting to be the one to tell lucius he was going to be a grandfather
Draco groaned and shook his head. "fine...fine tell my dad." he grumbled rolling his eyes as he snuggled into Lupin, smiling a little as Harry burst into laughter, kissing Frost brightly. "i'll go with you." Harry offered snickering a little. "i want to see this." he admitted laughing as he wrapped his arm around Frost's waist, Draco rolling his eyes as he vanishing with a CRACK of apparition heading home.

back at Malfoy Manor, Lucius was balls deep in the dark lord, panting in the mans ear as he made love to the other, he was going to be super pissed when Frost barged in to tell him the 'great news'.
Tom moaned shivering as he moved with him, running his fingers through the other's hair before freezing."You got to be kidding me..."He growled softly raising his head as he turned to look at the door, shivering as he gently pushed at lucius's shoulder."Love, frost's here. And waiting outside the door."He muttered.

Frost whined as he waited patiently on the other side of the door, staring at the hardwood. Holding harry close,."He's making me wait. I can hear them. Tell him to open the door."He whined.
Lucius growled and grabbed the others hips, still thrusting."he can wait! hold still i haven't made you Cum yet." he growled, panting in Tom's ear. Lucius was funny that way, he was perfectly fine with ignoring his own hard on, but he would never leave someone else without release, weird fellow.

Harry and Draco both snorted and rolled their eyes, in almost perfect unison. "Love, he's probably in the middle of something, come on, we'll go wait int he sitting room." Harry decided, Draco shaking his head. "i'll have the Elves bring us some Cream Puffs and some other snacks while we wait." Draco promised smiling a little. he doubted Frost was going to be patient though.
Tom laughed softly, stroking his hair, kissing him again."You're so weird."He teased shivering. Feeling his orgasm build, but not there yet. Lucius was just so good to him.

Frost whined a little staring at the door before following draco and harry to the sitting room."I want cream puffs. And chocolate."He said looking at him, tilting his head as he sat down on the couch, pulling the other down next to him, holding him tightly.
Lucius moaned softly, panting in his ear, nibbling on the lobe as his hand wrapped around the others cock, squeezing gently. "aah yes i am, you know you love it. specially when i get weird in bed." he teased laughing a little. "go on Love, Cum for me, give me your seed."

Draco chuckled and summoned a house elf, who had Pastries of all kind, and two kinds of cream puffs, the usual Vanilla flavored, and chocolate for Frost, Harry grinning a little as he nibbled on an Eclair, Lupin grabbing a slice of cheese. "how do you think your father will react?" Lupin asked nervous, he was half afraid Lucius was going to be pissed and try to kill him. "well, he'll either be pissed." Lupin winced. "or elated. my mother is going to be pissed just because i'm dating a boy, so be prepared for hate mail from her."
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