Winter's kiss, moon/lady

Harry sulked at frost, pouting visibly at the other, looking even more adorable, and disappointed. "no, not the baby, kiss ME!" he whined pathetically leaning down, grabbing Frost's hair so the demon couldn't escape, setting their mouths tightly together, kissing him eagerly with a small moan, an eager groan, grinning when he pulled away. "that's better." even if harry had to take it by force he was pleased now.

Lucius moaned as he gently massaged the others scalp, a small smirk on his lips. "and you abuse your cock fondling privileges, so we're even." he teased with a small chuckle as he bucked into the others hand, moaning softly. "mm damn i love it when you abuse your cock touching privileges."
Frost moaned shifting to kiss him soundly, hands wandering the other's body as he kissed him."Jealous love?"He teased holding him close, making it obvious on who he wanted to please.

Tom smirked nudging him back towards the bench,fingers stroking him expertly, tightening and loosening, stroking just how he knew lucius liked."Good."He growled possessively, having had his confidence shaken by lucius's ex-wife, he was eager to claim the man again. Not that he was about to tell lucius she'd been in contact again, the fact that the blond knew about the one time she tried was enough he wasn't going to upset lucius by telling him
he smirked a little. "always jealous." he murmured, smiling as he snuggled into Frost, sighing a little with a bright grin. "and horny." he admitted stroking Frost's hair. "will you fuck me?" he asked hopefully his head tilted. "i'll spread cream puff cream all over my body, and let you lick it off."

Lucius moaned as he sat down, letting out a small shudder and a moan, arching into the others hand his head tipping back. "fuck, Tom, just like that." he moaned, running his fingers through the others hair, starting from the forehead and running to the nape of his neck, panting hard. "ye..yesss. if you don't stop i'll cum, and then you'll never get to bury your thick hot dick in my tight, wanting ass." it wasn't often that Lucius wanted to bottom.
"Maybe I don't want your cream puff."Frost snickered moving lower, kissing his way down the brunette's body, mouthing the other boy's cock through his pants before growling frustrated and stripping him, lowering his mouth to the straining erection. Humming pleased with himself for making his lover horny.

Tom's head jerked up startled, looking at the blond, raising a eyebrow."You want to bottom?"He said, startled that the blond had offered instead of being asked. pushing him down into the ground he set about removing the other's clothes, taking his time, letting lucius have the time to change his mind if he wanted to.
Harry whined and pouted at Frost. "but you love my cream puffs." he pouted, gasping as he tipped his head back, licking his lips as he arched into the others mouth. "oh...oh yeah. oh yeah like this." he moaned softly, swallowing hard, shuddering when his cock was released, letting out a small moan, his eyes fluttering closed as he gripped Frost's hair tightly, trying to force him deeper onto his cock. "please, more."

Lucius smirked a little. "yes, i like having you in me." he murmured softly, panting hard. "please." he whined as the other moved too slow for his tastes. "don't tease, take me." he whimpered biting his lip hard as he squirmed on the bench, uncaring that there was a pair of eyes watching them, house elf eyes, Narcissa's house elf. "please, fuck me, Tom." he moaned. he couldn't beleive how much he wanted the other inside of him, that Narcissa was spying on them at that particular moment only made it all the more sexy.
Frost growled at him, going down on him more, sucking harder as he slid his fingers into his lover, raising his head to look at him. A slow smirk ucrling his lips."More what?"He purred his free hand stroking over harry's leaking cock.

Tom growled at him playfully, undressing them both hurriedly, preparing him quickly and thrusting into him. It was so rare that he topped that he wanted to do it now, he needed to do it. Growling at him he kissed the other, for once not totally aware of the things going on around him. Aware of only lucius, and not that they had a visitor.
Harry whined loudly as he arched hard against him, tossing his head back as he mewled needfully, arching off the couch, whimpering a little. "please, more..." he whimpered bucking into the fingers in his ass with a loud needy whimper. "please! frost fuck me! don't tease!" harry pleaded, squirming around as his ass was fondled and his cock was stroked, whimpering in need again.

Lucius mewled loudly in pleasure as he was slid into panting hard as he gripped the bench hard, moaning eagerly. "fuck yessss." he hissed arching into the other, shaking his head. "don't stop, harder." he pleaded. "rock my world! make me BEG!" he panted softly, closing his eyes a little. forgetting about the house elf, forgetting about Narcissa. "only you can make me feel this way." he moaned softly. "i love you!"
Frost laughed softly shifting the other, sliding into him with a sigh."Hmm you beg so nicely."He teased leaning down to kiss him, hands wandering the other's body. He just couldn't help touching him.

Tom moaned burying his face against the other's neck, nuzzling him."Love you to."He muttered nibbling at the blond's ear, for once obeying the orders of harder,faster. Intent on making sure lucius was having a good time and would want to do this again.
Harry moaned happily, grinning as he arched into the touches, enjoying everything that his lover gave him. "fuck yesss that's it love." he moaned smiling happily. "give me all your nice hot seed, it's good for the baby too you know." he admitted grinning happily. "mmm i love how you touch me all tender and gentle and nice." he smiled and squirmed into the other. "makes me feel all loved and cared for."

Lucius moaned loudly as the other took him, clawing at the bench as his ass squeezed tightly around the others cock, clenching him tightly. "fuck yessss." he moaned, jerking lightly. "gu..Gonna cum! gonna Cum Tom!" he whimpered shivering and shuddered as he arched hard. "bite me! please...please bite me!"
"I do love you."Frost muttered smling as he moved in his lover slowly, taking his time making lover to the other. Moaning softly as he came, presing a hard kiss to his lips. He loved the other so much more then he could ever say."I love you..."

Tom moaned hands tightening on the other's hips at the order, lowering his head, brushing his lips over his skin, nibbling, teasing before he sank his teeth hard into the skin, sighing as he tasted blood, hand stroking over lucius's cock, moaning as he came.
Harry moaned and moved with frost, not demanding for harder or faster the way he normally did, enjoying the slow gentle affection that Frost was giving him, making him smile happily as he squirmed against the other, panting hard as he came, arching against Frost with a low whimper of pleasure. "good, amazing, a..aah yes i fucking love you." he moaned kissing the other back, wrapping him up in a hug. "love you so much."

Lucius wailed eagerly at the teasing, shivering violently under the other as he squirmed and moaned, jerking in pleasure as he was finally bitten, a howl of pleasure falling from his lips as he came and came hard, jerking into the others hands as he spilled himself all over, panting hard. "fuck yesss Tom!"
Frost laughed softly as he shifted to pull out of him, settling down on the other, cuddling him as he was hugged.Nuzzling his neck,"Hmmm youre only saying that cause you just got a amazing fuck."He teased pressing close.

tom shivered moaning softly as he nuzzled his neck,gently biting him before raising his head to kiss him softly."Hmm love you."He purred, shifting, pulling out of the other's tight body, before laying down half on him.
Harry snickered a little and shook his head a little. "that's only ONE of the reasons." he teased smiling a little. "i also love you because your pretty, and snarky, and powerful, and kind, and gentle and your always giving me what i want, and you boss me around and fuck if that doesn't turn me on, and your so goddamn perfect." he purred smiling a little. "is that enough reasons to love you?"

Lucius moaned smiling a little as he rested, panting hard. "mmm fuck i love it how you fuck me." he purred smiling. "your the only one who can scratch that itch." he purred smiling a little. "your the only one i trust to fuck me." he admitted smiling up at Tom his head tilted a little. "i love you."
"Of course it is.I'm a prince.I should be loved."Frost said preening a little snuggling close, resting his head on the other's chest."I'm perfect.The most perfect being in existance, except maybe you."

Tom smiled kissing him."Love you to."eh said before yawning, laying down again."And good, I should be the only one able to scratch that itch.Certainly not that bitch of a ex wife."He growled possessively.
Harry chuckled as he gently nuzzled the other with his nose, sighing softly. "mm you are perfect." he purred smiling a little. "and i am anything but perfect." he teased smirking a little. "that's what you like most about me." he teased winking at him, chuckling a little.

Lucius chuckled a little and nodded. "i'm thinking of having her 'dealt with'." he admitted with a small yawn as he slowly got to his feet and pulling up his pants, hissing at the spying house elf, making it squeak and vanish. "she's been spying on us. which is highly annoying and i will not allow it." he admitted tucking his shirt in, kissing tom gently. "mmm you always taste so good after sex." he teased, grinning a little.
"what that your not perfect?But you are."Frost muttered blushing as he ran his hands over the other, before sitting up,starting to dress.He so didnt want to get caught naked in here.Last thing he needed was lucius yelling at him.

Tom blushed when he saw the house elf pulling up his pants as he blushed more, resting his forehead against the taller man's shoulder."I better taste good during sex."He muttered, "We could deal with her together..."
Harry smiled a little as he pulled on his pants as well, chuckling a little. "i'm not perfect." harry stated simply. "i wouldn't want to be, perfect people have no fun, like Draco and Lucius!" he stated simply. "you never see them throwing snowballs at the backs of peoples heads just because you can!" he smirked. "i'm not perfect, i'm impish." he laughed a little as he yanked on his shirt, sighing softly.

Lucius snickered a little as he watched the Elf vanish and bent down, kissing Tom's forehead. "mmm you do taste good during sex, you taste good before sex too, and you taste amazing after sex." he dragged his tongue along the other mans neck. "mmm like salt and sweet." he purred, grinning. "and a little bit of Man taste." he chuckled a little and shook his head. "ten sickles that Harry and Frost had sex in my sitting room."
Frost snickered."Draco throws snowballs at me all the time."He whined walking out of the sitting room, going in search of the said blond, wanting to see how he was feeling. Worried about his pregnant friend.

Tom smiled at the look, shaking his head."No. Can't do that.It's a fool's bet. Anyone with a brain knows frost's intent on despoiling every piece of furniture in your house."He said smirking as he wrapped a arm around the other's waist, thinking about narcissa. Wondeing what tehy should do.
he laughed a little and nodded, looking amused. "yes i suppose he does." harry agreed, looking almost smug as he ran a hand through his hair in yet another pathetic attempt to make it lie flat. he shrugged and followed Frost into the kitchen where Draco and Lupin where drinking their morning coffee, Lupin reading a newspaper and commenting on something interesting now and again to Draco, who still looked half asleep. they looked perfect together. "morning." Harry chirped, smiling at everyone. Draco grumbled and Lupin smiled at Harry. "morning Pup." he chirped calmly. "how are you two this morning?" "starved." Harry admitted grinning. "shall i make us breakfast?" Draco mumbled something about eggs and peanut butter and Harry gasped. "that's a brilliant idea Dray!" he muttered eagerly, the craving hitting him in an instant as he gathered up the items needed and started making eggs for everyone, setting the peanut butter on the table, Draco nabbing a spoon and the Jar of peanut butter, simply eating the peanut butter.

Tom laughed a little and nodded. "rotten imp." he complained, smirking a little. "i think we should reclaim my house, by having sex on every object that he;s had sex on." he decided licking his lips. "what do you think of that?"
Frost snickered sitting down next to lupin, wrinkling his nose as he watched harry."I think we should let them live together for the next few months, and suffer their cravings together instead of making me suffer with them."He teased.

Tom laughed softly, "Personally, I like the idea, but I think Id rather burn anything his bare ass was on."He said poking the other in the arm, heading inside
Harry grinned a little. "that's not a bad idea!" he admitted. "this way us pregger people have three people to protect us, instead of one." he nodded. "constant vigilance!" "i swear to god potter if you ever say that again i will kill you myself." "you just don't like him because he turned you into a ferret." "and bounced you around the...sorry." Lupin muttered, barley hiding his mirth as he drank his coffee, Harry laughing as he handed eggs to everyone, most of them peanut butter free, Draco slathering as much peanut butter, and butter onto the eggs as they could hold, Harry doing the same before they tucked in, both of them sighing happily as Lucius walked in, blinking. "...what are you EATING?" he demanded covering Tom's eyes so he wouldn't have to see the nasty concoctions that the two pregnant man had come up with.
"That my darling lord, would be what your son wanted for breakfast."Frost snickered as he rolled his eyes.Having not been serious about moving in, but it was a idea..."Peanut butter and egss."

"...I think I''m going to be sick."Tom said pouting as he knew he looked riddicolous with lucius covering his eyes
Harry nodded. "and then i wanted some!" Harry admitted Lucius grimacing a little as he sat down, Lupin snickering as he took another drink of his morning coffee. "you do realize Tom, that you might be craving the exact same thing in about two more weeks." he tapped his nose and Harry gaped at him. "you mean." "oh yes."
Frost swallowed his sniker as he looked at the other half demon who did a perfect impersonation of draco when he was in a snit."I would never want something so disgusting. I have standards."
Draco smirked a little as he watched Tom mimic him. "it takes CLASS to be able to eat something that looks disgusting without making a face no matter the taste." he stated calmly, Lucius nodding. "Dinner at the Parkensons is always an interesting affair." he agreed Harry snickering a little. "i remember her potions, i can't imagine her cooking skills." "you failed potions." "only because Snape hates me and kept dropping things into my potions." "...he did that?" "between him and Blaise, and Pansy too, yes." "...damn..i never knew that."
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