Winter's kiss, moon/lady

Harry gaped at Frost. "you did WHAT!? when the hell was this!? are you STUPID!?" Harry demanded glaring at his lover as they where apparated, Lucius snickering as Harry chewed Frost out for something done, no doubt, years ago. Harry calmed instantly when he saw Luna and Corbin, the crazy girl smiling as she handed Corbin over. "he was a perfect little angel." she assured him, smiling softly. "the Wrackspurts enjoyed his company as well." "...wrackspurts Luna?" harry asked lifting an eyebrow. "really?" "oh yes, there's one hovering over your shoulder right now." harry resisted the urge to swat at his shoulder. "luna, if i didn't know better i'd swear you where insane." "aaw that's very sweet of you Harry." "...that wasn't meant to be a compliment."
Frost snickered collapsing onto the couch as he summoned the letter."But harry, you'd have to be insane hanging out with us. At least we didn't drive her insane."He pointed o ut frowning as he opened the letter. Not understanding what the witch wanted, but interested.Frowning as hermione granger whined and wheedled her way through wanting her friend back, saying that it would be for his own good that frost 'released' him. As if frost could keep him a prisoner if he wanted to
he snorted a little and rolled his eyes as he flopped back into the chair, blinking at Frost's expression and gently tugged the letter free of his lovers hands before bursting into laughter. "oh god, Hermione your such an idiot. all book smarts and no common sense." he muttered shaking his head glancing up at Luna. "would you do me a favor and tell me where Hermione lives? i want to set up a meeting with her." he admitted looking the letter over again. "i think i'll have her delivered to my house in Spain." he decided. "tell her she's being stupid, again. i don't think you COULD hold me captive." he admitted smiling at Frost. "no offense to you of course but when you've been escaping knots and chains for as long as i have, it gets pretty damn easy."
Frost smirked slowly, gently taking corbin from him, cuddling him in one arm before pulling him down against him,holding him captive."But love, you WANT to be my captive don't you?"He muttered stealing a kiss, before resting his head against the other's shoulder."Set up the meeting for today luna, and take her to harry's place.Then come back here please and watch corbin while we deal with it. Her."He muttered sighing, he held non wizarding people in even lower esteem then wizards-which was saying something-- so hermione really was someone he didn't want to like."And no, you can't go alone. I wont let you."He said before harry could protest.
Harry chuckled a little and nodded. "i wasn't going to suggest going alone." he admitted. "but i would feel better if you where under a disillusionment charm or under my invisibility cloak." he admitted. "if Hermione see's you she's liable to try and curse you, if it's just me she has to admit that i'm not under a spell of yours or something." he yawned a little and laid his head on Frost's shoulder. "she's going to cast several diagnostic spells on me as well, so you need to stay calm when she pulls out her wand alright?"
The grinding of frost's teeth was particularly loud as he considered that, nodding slightly as he turned his head, brushing his lips over the other's forehed."Fine.And I'll do whatever you want me to do, to stay safe."He sighed softly."And I will stay calm.If I haven't cursed lupin's blls off for making draco cry randomly, I am perfectly capable of not cursing her."
Harry chuckled and kissed his lovers temple. "calm down." he murmured softly. "nothing is going to go wrong, i promise. and if something does go wrong you can kill Hermione, ok?" he asked smiling a little as he got up. "besides those where HAPPY tears." he teased grinning a little. "now, i was thinking a disillusionment charm would be fine." he admitted pondering a little as he tickled Corbin's toes. "Hermione won't ponder whether your there with me because she'll be too focused checking for, and breaking any spells on me."
Frost smirked a little, laughing as corbin giggled happily for his papa."That will be best."He said glad for the idea. Already working on facing the friend."We'll be fine."He said making himself believe it.

Two days later Frost smiled as he bent to kiss luna's cheek."Thanks for finding her luna.Come get us if the boy gets to fussy."He said kissing corbin's cheek as he stepped back, letting shadows and ie swirl around his body. Hell, he was going to disillusioned. There was no reason he couldnt wear his armor....besides the fact that itd be him just being paranoid.
Harry smiled a little as Luna beamed at them before focusing all of her attention on Corbin, tickling and nuzzling him as he giggled. "oh he'll be fine." she said in that happy little tone of hers. "you be careful now, she was not pleased when i tied her up." she admitted with a bright giggle, Harry lifting an eyebrow. "you tied her up?" "oh yes, i tied her to a chair so she couldn't get away, and took away her wand, here you better take it with you." she handed harry the woman's wand, Harry looking very, very amused as he shook his head and pocketed it, silently disillusioning his lover, turning him invisible. "ready love? when we get there i'm going to put a silencing charm on you too, i'll be able to hear you but Hermione won't, so don't worry about cussing and cursing and the like." he grinned, kissed his lover, cast the other spell and threw the floo into the flames and stepped through, looking at Hermione carefully.

"wow...she really did tie you up." Harry stated, looking startled. Luna had clearly gone 'crazy artist' on Hermione's bonds, because the girl looked like a present, bows and all. "i swear to god Luna is nits..." Harry grumbled as he looked hermione over. "i'm going to untie you, don't swing at me." he ordered, undoing the ribbon around her mouth first. "sorry about this, i asked Luna to kidnap you, but not to tie you up, i guess she was on one of her sadistic streaks.... or she didn't think about it. i don't know about her half the time." he admitted untying Hermione's hands and then carefully plucking the bows out of her hair. "but you did look rather pretty like that." he teased chuckling a little.
Frost wrinkled his nose as he followed harry through the floo, walking in a circle around hermione, his lip curling in a snarl."This is the she-weasel? She smells harry.Tell her to go away, I don't want to be near her."He declared pouting. Extremely disliking being around the mostly human witch.

Hermione glared a little before sighing."Me either. Though she could have been spending time with your demon prince. She said he was....interesting to say in the least."

"Let her hear me!I'll show her interesting!"Frost growled.
Harry chuckled a little and nodded, ignoring Frost as he finished untying Hermione. "Hermione Frost didn't kidnap me." he stated simply, handing her her own wand back. "go ahead, run the diagnostic spells. i'm not under a love spell or potion, i'm impervious to the imperious you know that. there's no personality spells. it's just me." he stated simply flinging his arms out, letting her see all of him. "he's my lover Hermione, and everything Dumbledore has told you has either been a lie, or a half truth. he's hiding things from you Hermione, he's using you just like he used me." he stated simply, crossing his arms, fixing her with a glare. "Dumbledore is going to pay for the things that he put me and my Mate through, probably with death." he admitted simply. "do you know what he did hermione? he had the Demon Prince raped to turn him mortal, mortal hermione, so that the Demon throne would be his to control." he stared at her, waiting for a reaction.
Hermione stared at him, shaking her head."No!No he wouldn't do that. Thats evil!"she said shaking her head harder."The prince is lying. He has to be."

"i'll teach her to insult me. As if I'd ever degrade myself to lying to a human. Bitch.Let me talk to her.Then again, maybe not. She'll find it more disturbing if she's beat up by something she cant see."
Harry stared at her for a long moment then. "that's why Ron is dead Hermione." he stated simply. "i killed him myself for touching the man that i love. Winter Prince was pregnant hermione, he had the baby, and i ran a paternity test. you know what those are don't you? they tell you the names of the people that birthed that baby. Frosts name was on one side...and Ronald Weasley was on the other." he stated sternly, his green eyes boring into her. "Dumbledore sent me there, sent me to the Demon realms as a DISTRACTION, so that one of the other demons could attack, and kill Frost right in front of me." he stated simply, his voice as cold as ice. "Dumbledore never even told me that I am half demon! that my mother was a half demon. Voldemort never killed my parents hermione." he stated simply. "and i've met him as well, he's a good man and a good friend." he paused and then. "you know legilimency do you not?" he finally asked. "i will bring my memory's forward, i'll let you see them for yourself."
"No no no!I do NOT WANT her seeing this!fuck that. Our son's in those memories!"Frst howled, already trying to undo the silencing anddisillusionment spell."let me go potter!"He said.

Hermione frowned before nodding slightly. REaching for the other's mind, going over the memmoriees. Blushing ever so softly, before anger gathered in her face. Dumbledore...did this?This was evil.
Harry silently shushed his lover, letting her see everything from Frost's pregnancy, letting her see Tom, and Lucius so happy together, letting her see Draco blushing hard as Lupin nuzzled his belly, letting her see Dumbledore and Harry fighting several times over th years, purposely pointing out everything Dumbledore had done to put Harry's life in danger. letting her see the precise moment when he realized that the prophecy was a sham. but he never let her see little Corbin, never let her see his homes, and never let her see how loving Frost could be. those where his memories alone. "you see now what that man has done?" Harry demanded, staring at her. "he's been trying to kill me off since first year. he's using this war to give himself more and more power." he stated simply. "now, i am going to tell you something. and then you have to make a decision Hermione Granger." he stated simply. "this is a war. Dumbledore has hurt the people i love and is plotting to hurt them again. you are either with me, or with him. i will let you leave this house alive no matter what you chose. but if we meet on the battle feild, and you have chosen him, i will not hesitate to kill you."
Hermione nodded slightly,going quiet as she considered it. Tilting her head as she thought before looking at her friend again. Moving closer, even though it made a silent frostgrowl, and rested her hand on hary's arm."Tell me what you need.This...this prince, is what you need. And he's better for you, then ron ever was."

"HA!EVERYONE is better then the weasel!"Frost growled yelping as teh charms suddenly broke.

Hermione looked startled at the sudden appearance of the demon prince, easing away from the man."H-harry?"She said softly, not liking the way the blond was sneering.
Harry snorted a little as he looked at frost. "you broke my spells." he complained pouting at Frost. "Calm down love she's not going to steal me away from you." he promised moving over to the blond and giving him a gentle kiss. "everything is alright, she didn't see anything of importance. and i certainly didn't let her see us going at it like rabbits, alright? calm down." he ordered rubbing the others back. "it's alright Hermione he's been here the whole time, he was afraid to let me come alone, paranoid. you know how old people get." he shrugged his shoulder. "and frost WILL be nice to you or he won't get sex for another nine to ten months." he growled shooting the demon a warning glare. Harry had made true on that promise before, though it had only been three weeks instead of nine months.
Frost wrinkled his nose, sowling at the reminder."I am NOT old, nor am I paranoid. People really ARE trying to kill me. Thats not paranonia."He pouted sulking as he calmed under the touches.

Hermione snickered a little, it was oddly amusing to see this angry demon prince calming under her friend's hand."Now.Do you need me to do anything?Dumbledore still writes me all the time..."She said watching the two, her heart aching because they seemed so content with each other.
Harry snickered a little. "Love your a hundred years old. that's old." he teased smirking a little. "and as a once great man said 'just because your paranoid, doesn't mean that people aren't out to get you. Moody said that." he snickered a little. "he was right." he admitted before glancing at Hermione, hesitating a moment then. "if Dumbledore starts planning anything i need you to let us know." he stated simply. "we have no idea what he's up to, since bloody Snape is apparently too good to help me." he growled his eyes narrowing. "he's another one that's going to get his ass hexed off." Harry knew better than to think he could convince Snape to join him. the greasy haired git was too loyal to Dumbledore. he didn't tell her that the twins, and bill where already on his side. he still wasn't sure about Charley. they where getting information to him almost constantly, but they could only get snippets of information, Harry knew that Dumbledore let Hermione in on nearly everything, even if he did lie to her about most of it.
Hermione nodded."I'll see what I can do."She smiled slightly snickering a little when frost announced he was going home. Scary as he could be, as old as he was, he reminded her of a child, a willful one yes, but a child.

Frost snarled shaking his head."You come right home to."He said poiinting at harry before apparating home. Staring at the mess that was their home. The only thing that stopped rage from burning it down around him was shock, and the hopeful feeling that corbin was there somewhere... not that he thought it was likely, seeing as he'd arrived stradling luna's body, but for those few moments while his brainprocessed what was going on, he hoped.
Harry snickered a little. "he might be a hundred years old, but in comparison from demon to human Frost is actually quite a bit younger than me." Harry admitted looking amused, gently gripping her shoulder. "i'm glad your here with us." he admitted his green eyes shimmering. "i'd have hated to have to kill you." he admitted kissing her forehead. "later." and with that, he too vanished.

he gasped when he saw the house, it looked like an angry hippogryph had attacked, or a wizards duel had gone on in the house. Luna was laying, sprawled at a broken angle over a broken chair, blood leaking from her mouth and nose, but no heartbeat rushed through her body, and no breath left her lips. she was dead, bone breaking curse no doubt. harry didn't pay it any more mind than that as he instantly began to tear through the house with growing terror, trying to find Corbin, his magic beginning to rattle the walls, his fury growing until Tom would be able to feel it through their bond, with a burning ache on his forehead, just like harry experienced when Tom got angry. he screamed in rage, now no longer trying to find Corbin, who was gone, and now more focused on destroying things by flinging them against the wall, white hot rage wrapping around his mind and making it impossible for him to think. he couldn't imagine what Neville was going to do when he found out his wife was dead.
Frost howled, rage growing under the terror, as he gave into what was terrorizing him. Seeing harry lose control, caused the teen that frost's mentality was, to slip the leash, and within moments they were sliding on ice, dancing through flames, and surrounded by shadow. The winter prince was losing it, totally, his control snapping in a way it had never snapped before.

Tom jerked out of a sound sleep, yelping as he felt like his head was on fire, smacking lucius to wake him up before he was even aware of what was happening."Get Draco.And lupin."He snarled before apparating to the potter house. Looking up at the home that was being consumed in a demon prince's rage, he wondered how to get inside, and to get to the two he was sure was trapped inside.
Harry howled as well, tossing his head back, falling limp where he was kneeling, simply sobbing into the air, his magic slowly settling down as his rage was replaced by grief so fierce that it was all he could do not to go to Hogwarts and chuck himself off the tallest tower. unaware of the problems that his lover was having, or the fact that Tom was now waiting outside.

Draco was the first to arrive, Lupin right after, both of them rushing inside without any regard for their personal safety, Draco raced straight for Frost, slipping on the ice and falling on his ass with a pained yelp, Lupin sliding into his blond Lover with a grunt of pain as Draco's elbow slammed into his chest, both of them groaning a little. "shit. we have to calm Frost down." Draco hissed, slipping and crawling over to the Winter Prince. "FROST! FROST STOP!"
Tom cursed as he slid on the ice, grabbing harry, wincing as he ripped the wards apart, letting them apparate out into the yard. Hoping that they'd be able to stop frost. It wasn't like he was a danger to himself, he was a danger to the rest of them."harry!Harry frost needs you!"

Frost snarled as he raised his head, and there was nothing human in that look. Blue eyes had faded to the color of winter at its peak, of emotionless winter skies, his skin covered in a faint sheen of frost, fangs lowered and bared as he studied the wizard in front of him.For long moments there was nothing there, nothing that recognized the man in front of him. Nothing....nothing of jackie frost, and everything that made a winter prince feared among his own people.feral and deadly he stared at the wizard, but didn't go for a kill, which said even more about his self control, cause if he'd really been as out of control as he seemed, draco and probably lupin would have been dead by now. But even in his grief ridden madness, he recognized his friends."How dare you tell me what to do mortal?"His voice was like the wind off the artic sea, cold and biting.
Harry bit out a sob as he was grabbed. "they...have...Corbin!" Harry wailed, broken inside, broken because Luna was dead, Corbin probably was too. something inside of harry had broken, and he wasn't sure how to fix it. he didn't know if he could, Frost? harry couldn't even manage to focus long enough to remember who that was.

Draco panted as he stared at Frost, Lupin frozen in terror as he hovered over Draco, prepared to take the damage if Frost attacked them, both of them shaking in terror. "Getting pissed at us won't help harry!" Draco hissed, his eyes wide as he glanced at Luna, the realization slamming into him. "and it certainly wont save Corbin! you need to calm down and think! you need to snap harry out of it before he does something stupid and gets himself killed! and then what will you do!?" he slowly inched free of Lupin, who whimpered fearfully. "your going to lose everything frost, and your just sitting here and letting it happen! we can help you! we're your freinds! your family! you just have to calm down, and then we can all work together to fix what we can." there was no fixing Luna. but they could fix Dumbledore, they could give the man what he deserved.
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