Winter's kiss, moon/lady

Frost snarled at them, before pushing to his feet, tilting his head back. Letting fire and shadows fade, even as the ice stayed. He was to far gone still to control that. "I'm...corbin's gone.."He growled, that cold voice still in place. shaking himself like a dog he sighed, frost still clinging to his skin as he stepped outside, tilting his head slightly as he crossed the yard to where tom and lucius were.

Tom winced a little, easing back from harry, letting the winter prince take him, pulling lucius away from the enraged man."We better go check on the other two...make sure he didnt make them popicles...."He muttered heading for the house.

Frost winced a little looking down at harry, catching his lover's face in his hands, for once, showing the immortal he was instead of the mortal he could be, had become when he was pregnant."Harry, harry I need your help.We need to go get corbin."
Draco shuddered when Frost snarled and Lupin whimpered, suddenly rolling over onto his back and baring his throat to the demon, Draco sighing in relief as Frost shook himself and left, trembling violently. "Christ, i thought he was going to kill me." he admitted gently patting Lupin. "your alright love, he's gone." "i...he kicked my Wolf to the front." Lupin stated, sounding almost drunk. "that's never happened before... dunno what happened." he stuttered as Tom and Lucius walked in, dizzy and disoriented from having his wolven half dragged to the front of his mind.

Harry sobbed as he looked at Frost. "C..Corbin?" he asked, stuttering, trying to get his mind straightened out. it was everywhere, he couldn't seam to understand anything. "C..Corbin." he staggered to his feet, still sobbing. "Corbin, oh god Corbin, my baby, who has my baby!?" he demanded, staggering out to the woods, determined to find his baby, he wasn't thinking, but at least he had his priorities back.
Tom looked startled, catching the werewolf's arm to balane him, sighing softly."Frost happened.He's every bit as inhuman as you are...more so because he never WAS human. And he's the winter prince...he's dominate to anything that walks under the sun and least in his own mind."He sighed softly, "are you okay?Both of you?They're screwed up enough they're not going to think about how to get corbin back. If we just let them go, they're going to get themselves killed."

Frost snarled not letting him go, a hand closing harshly on his arm and squeezing, using power and pain to ground the other,"Dumbledore took corbin. WE are going to get him back harry. Focus on me, demonling, NOW."He snarled, demanding obienance, not as a lover to his lover, but as a prince to his underling.
Lupin blinked a little as he nodded. "so my wolf half reacted to his power?" he asked sounding a bit relieved to know what had happened. "were alright, he never attacked us." Draco admitted sighing a little as he got to his feet. "Lupin stay here and try to get your head sorted out, Father will you stay here with him? Tom and i will try to keep Frost grounded.

Harry gasped at the pain on his arm, and started to tremble violently as he heard Dumbledore, and Corbin, his breath hitching as he heard the command, felt the power of Demon lord on his demon half and in an instant Harry snapped to, sloughing off the shock as if it had never existed, blinking at Frost before nodding. "we can't just run in there." he stated, as if he had not been a quivering mass of goop not a second ago. "we need a plan. he won't hurt Corbin, he needs Corbin for some reason or another." he looked at Frost, his own eyes shining cold and hateful. "we need a plan."
"You reacted to him because of who he is.Yes."Tom nodded before walking outside with draco, smirking a little as he heard harry. Glad at least one of them was thinking clearly enough to know they couldn't just go running in."WHere'd he take him?Surely not hogwarts."

Frost growle a little, tilting his head back,blond hair looking mussed and disheveled. Thinking it over.Before shivering,"dumbledore wouldn't kill him.But he could use him.And through him, my cousin."he shuddered. "After all, demon blood runs true, at least in the winter princes. Corbin ould claim my throne someday....and whoever raises him, gets the greatest prize of all."
Harry snarled darkly, narrowing his eyes a little. "no, not Hogwarts." he agreed, a sneer on his lips. "no doubt he's taken him to Grimmauld Place." he growled. "luckily, that's MY house now." he admitted smirking darkly. "they can't hide it from ME, or you since your married to me." he admitted simply, cracking his knuckles. "we'll go there, slip in, Detain everyone we find and if Corbin isn't there then we'll try and find him in Hogwarts. we'll make it public, we'll strike at dinner when everyone will be in the great hall, we'll trap everyone in there, demand that Dumbledore return our baby, i can even share some unsightly information about him. we HAVE to make sure that everyone understands he is not a good man, we cannot let him become a martyr."
He nodded looking thoughtfully before swallowing, looking at tom."I assume you are coming?"

"Of course.Though I suggest we take the night to prepare. Like you said, he wont hurt the babe, and you're stressing out to much to be any good in a fight, draco's pregnant and stressed, lucius wont relax. And harry's pregnant to. We all need to get some good sleep before we charge into battle."He said reasonably.

Frost growled looking annoyed before looking at harry."Tell him we don't have to wait. I'm okay to fight NOW!"
Harry snarled his eyes narrowing at Tom before shaking his head. "no, he's right." he muttered softly. "it's better to attack at dawn, everyone will be asleep then, no one will expect an attack. Dumbledore won't warn them, not if he actually has Corbin there, he'll come up with a nice little lie, thinking that it's safe there, that we won't be able to get in. Tom is...unfortunately, right. we need to rest and calm down, if we go in angry and tired we'll make mistakes, and then we might accidentally hurt Corbin, and we can't risk that."
Frost sighed frustrated at having been made to wait efore growling, looking at his blond friend."I want cream puffs."He announced before stomping inside, heading up to the bedroom,having every intent of eating then sleeping since that seemed what everyone wanted from him.

Tom snickered softly, well that'd been a better reaction then what he'd expected."I thought he was seriously going to curse you for a second."He muttered looking tired himself, "Harry go lay down.You need rest more then he does.Go.Draco you to."For the moment forgetting he was pregnant himself in favor of taking care of the others
Lucius looked amused and Lupin and Draco grimaced as Frost stomped inside, harry slowly standing up, looking as ice cold as Frost did. "don't tell me what to do." he hissed at Tom, his eyes narrowed. "i am not some mortal child to be ordered about as if i am lack witted." he spate hatefully before he too stormed inside, slamming the door shut as he drew himself a bath. he felt cold, he wanted to be warm, but he knew he wouldn't be warm until he got Corbin.

"he didn't mean that." Lucius muttered softly gently setting his hand on Tom's shoulder. "he's just upset and his Demon is in full control. once they get Corbin back everything will settle down." "i'm leaving." Lupin stated, a strange look in his eyes. "i have a few places i can look, in case Corbin isn't at Hogwarts or Grimmauld. i can take care of any opposition easily, even more easily since they don't realize i'm a traitor yet. Bill and Charley know of a few places as well, i'm going to get their help as well." he admitted glancing at Draco. "stay here ok love?" he asked, kissing the youngest person there before he vanished with a pop. going in search of the missing Corbin.
Tom sighed rubbing his face before looking up at the blond, heading back insie the home, "I know he is. And if he's this close to losing control ,frost's skating that edge."He said not mentioning it, because he knew just how possessive demons were over their children. After all, they didn't have many of them, since they lived so long, so even a half wizard child, would be precious and carefully guarde by the prine. And... he was going to be insane if they didn't fix it soon. Raising a hand he leviated luna into one of the spare bedrooms, casting a ice charm to keep the body preserved. This was going to be hard. Glancing at lucius he sighed, leaning into his lover's arms."Dumbledore just needs to be dealt with.If we get the chance, make sure he's dead."He ordered softly, not lover to lover, but dark lord to death eater.

Frost sighed softly as he slipped into the bathroom, needing the heat that was his lover to be grounded. Sitting on the floor next to the tub he rested his head on the procelin."This is my fault..."he said softly.
Lucius sighed a little and closed his eyes. "this is going to be trouble." he muttered softly, shaking his head. "poor girl." he muttered softly, gently closing Luna's eyes. "she never had a chance against Dumbledore, and yet she managed to hold him off long enough to completely destroy the house..." he sighed a little. "if it comes down to it, i think Frost needs to be the one to kill him. Frost is the one who suffered against him the most, and i don't know if he will ever get the closure he needs and deserves without killing the man himself."

Harry was staring at the ceiling, simply blinking at nothing as he pondered how fragile life was. how fragile peace and happiness was. he looked over at Frost when the other entered the room and scowled when Frost started to blame himself. "hush." Harry ordered sternly, not Demon to Demon, but husband to husband, banishing the Winter Prince's clothes and yanking him into the tub, wrapping his arms tightly around him. "the only person to blame here is Dumbledore." he growled softly. "and it will be Dumbledore who pays the price for it. not you, not me, not even Tom, or Lucius, or Draco. only Dumbledore is at fault, and Dumbledore will pay the penalty of taking our child. this i promise you."
Tom nodded slightly, resting his head against lucius's chest."we're going to have to make sure corbin and harry leave....or at least leave the immediate area when frost gets to him."He said softly, knowing there was going to be no stopping the other from a complete and utter slaughter...and knew he wouldn''t see anyone as a friend in those moments."If he doesn't do this, I don't think his sanity would survive the strain."

Frost smiled slightly nuzzling the other's shoulder, closing his eyes as he sighed."Good."He purred pleased before sighing,,shivering a little."He wont hurt him will he?"he whispered, sounding so young, and afraid.
Lucius nodded. "i think Harry is already very well aware of what must be done." he admitted softly. "more than likely he will give Corbin to us and tell us to leave. at this point Harry is the only one who is going to be able to keep Frost calm, and to calm him down once Dumbledore has died. he sighed a little. "i don't think his sanity can survive the strain now."

Harry shook his head. "no, Dumbledore won't hurt Corbin." he promised softly. "he'll want Corbin nice and safe, blackmail no doubt, or he wants the boy to be a nice little pawn, someone who he can control and then place on the throne. a puppet like he tried to do to me and Tom." he admitted kissing Frost's temple. "he won't dare hurt Corbin."
"It might not."Tom shuddered a little at the idea, pulling away from lucius wanting to check on draco before they went to bed."He'll survive, even if its just long enough to get corbin out."HE said frowning trying not to think about what would happen with a insane winter prince, the strongest the demons had seen in years, and still in his youth. Wondering what would happen to summer, if the first kiss of winter fell.

Frost nodded a little, nuzzling his neck, sighing softly. Struggling for control, knowing he was skating that fragile line between sanity and nothing, hearing the howl of madness and the rage that was waiting for him."We'll get him back.Then he wont hurt anyone else."
Draco was laying in bed, sleeping as he usually did when things got stressful and worrying. "Harry can keep the Winter Prince grounded." Lucius stated calmly. "even if the man does go insane Harry will be able to keep him from going on a murderous rampage." he hoped. "Frost is young yet, but Harry is old beyond his years. they should be able to keep each other balanced through all of this."

Harry gently ran his fingers through Frost's hair, gently kissing his temple. "hush love." he murmured softly. "i can hear the rage howling in your mind, you need to calm down." he murmured softly kissing along the others body, starting at the hairline and traveling down the jawline and around the neck. "hush love." he murmured softly, keeping connected through touching Frost. physical affection was rooting him to sanity, and he was certain it would help Frost as well.
Tom nodded looking tired as he smiled at the sleeping blond before making his way to the other guest room crawling into bed sleepily. Nuzzling lucius as he got in the bed."I think as soon as dumbledore's gone, he'll calm."he muttered yawning, exhausted, and his body was informing him he needed it done.After all, he was pregnant to...hopefully lucius didnt remember that until it was long over and they wouldn't have to fight over his right to go after dumbledore.

Frost muttered sighing softly at the touches, letting the kisses build his walls one brick at a time, letting it hold off the madness for now."I'm trying."He said softly."I...when I saw her dead, saw corbin gone...something snapped.In some way I've never had it happen before."He muttered, because it was true. It was common knowledge that jackie frost had a hair trigger on his temper, but he'd never snapped so completely as he had earlier. Though it made sense, he'd never loved someone like he did his son.
Lucius nodded a little. "i hope so." he murmured softly, kissing and then nipping at the others throat. "i feel so helpless." he admitted softly, nuzzling the other. "and i have this sudden urge to have you on top of me, fucking me into oblivion." he admitted sounding amused at himself. "sometimes i wonder just what the fuck that man is thinking, he should know that..." there was a pause and then. "you sleep." he ordered slipping out of bed. "i have to write a letter!" he had someone who could help in bringing down Dumbledore. a certain Rita Skeeter.

Harry shuddered against him, panting softly. "hush, love. don't think about it." he murmured softly, licking along Frost's neck, reaching behind himself and stretching himself out, his lover was too out of it to do it himself. "it's ok, let go." he whispered softly, licking and sucking at the others ear. "just fuck me." he hissed softly nuzzling along his neck. "please, fuck me hard, as hard as you can. let out your fury on my willing body."
Tom yelped a little, sleepily but surprised to find himself suddenly alone. And after that delightful image of him fucking lucius.Growling softly he laid there for a few minutes before heading downstairs to get Lucius, knowing the toehre was writing a letter, and dammit he wanted to knwo what was more important then sex.

Frost moaned softly shivering as he shifted."All prepared for me...I think I could get used to this."He growled softly shifting the other, setting him up on the edge of the tub, before giving into the madness. Uncaring for the moment that the bathroom was suffering in the heat-well cold- of his fury as he fucked his mate, though he was careful not to hurt the other to much.
Lucius smirked at the yelp, delighted in having elicited such a response from his lover as he settled at his desk and begane to write a rather long letter. he was already two inches long when Tom made his way down. "i'm writing a letter to rita Skeeter." Lucius stated simply. "she will eagerly embellish every little thing that i have to say." he smirked. "we'll start with the Abuse that Dumbledore forced Harry to suffer, Rita already knows most of it, she just doesn't have PROOF yet, which is why i shall outline some of the key parts and then tell her the address." not even Frost knew the Dursley's address, made one wonder how Lucius had gotten his hands on it.

Harry moaned, smirking as he settled into place, panting as he spread his legs, eager for the rough sex, wanting it more than he should have. but the mix of pain and pleasure would keep him grounded, and that was all harry cared about right then. he moaned and groaned appropriately during the fucking, shivering and moaning eagerly as he wriggled and writhed, moaning and panting as he came into the tub again and again as Frost fucked him without mercy. finally falling limp against the side of the tub, too tired to keep participating, but eagerly vocalizing for more even as he hovered the edges of unconsciousness.
Tom leaned against the back of his chair, pressing a kiss to the blond's head as he smirked a little."...does frost know you knew where his relatives were?He's going to be wickedly pissed that he didnt have a chance to hurt them."He pointed out before nodding, absently carding his figures through the others hair."skeeter will do a fine job of what you want."HE nodded smiling as he pressed other kiss to his lover's neck."Now. Sleep."

Frost growled as he came, holding the other against him as he collapsed against him, sighing softly. Calming down as he felt grounded, reestablishing the boundaries before stumbling out of the tub, not bothering to dry or clean either of them off as he settled them both in bed, cuddling close. Asleep within moments.
Lucius chuckled a little and shook his head. "no he dues not, in fact i really shouldn't even know myself. i got McGonagall drunk one morning and was able to pry the information out of her." he admitted simply. "i had forgotten about it until recently, i was going to use the information to get in your favor when you returned but i'd forgotten i knew the information." he admitted shaking his head a little as he mailed out the letter, smirking a bit. "Harry will no doubt be very angry with me, but what is done is done." he kissed Tom and smirked. "alright, sleep." he agreed faking a yawn. "mm i'm tired, i think we're actually going to have to sleep tonight." because he KNEW Tom was still thinking about fucking Lucius into the mattress.

Harry sighed softly as he snuggled into Frost, his bruises already fading away as he slept, snuggled into Frost happily, grounded and content for the time being, no one heard Lupin slip back into the house, covered in wizards blood and without a baby. he showered as quietly as he could, and tended to his few injuries before slipping into bed with Draco, dreading telling the others that he had found no sign of the little baby boy.
Tom whined but listened to the other's orders."Fine.Sleep."He whined softly before heading back to bed.

In the morning Tom sighed softly, raising a eyebrow at the demon at the edge of the bed."Perverse bastard.Get away."He grumbled cuddling lucius intending to go back to sleep until he found himself wrapped in ice.

"Get up!"Frost demanded before going to go wake draco, arry and lupin in similar fashions.
Harry and Lupin where already up when Frost came to get them, and Lucius was woken by the sound of Tom yelping about the cold ice, Lupin was gently shaking the pregnant Draco awake and Harry was sitting on the edge of the bed, sharpening something...the sword of Gryffindor! how harry had gotten it the world might never know, but the fire red Phoenix sitting on the bed next to harry might have been a pretty good clue. "we'll hit Grimmauld first." Harry decided, his eyes as cold as frostbitten steal. "if he's not there we'll go for Hogwarts. i don't want any deaths at Hogwarts, there's too many students, and the teachers are only pawns." he swallowed hard. "i wrote a letter to Neville, telling him about Luna..."
"Did he respond?"Frost asked, his voice like winds off the artic. So deadly cold that it was like he wasn't himself. For once, the cold hearted prince wizard kind accused him of being. "Anything we should know about the house?"He asked running his fingers through his hair, not even knowing he'd left frost in its wake.Clinging to the strands of his hair like a crown.

Tom groaned, rolling over,stretching as he raised up looking over at lucius."I assume I cant convince you to stay here?"He grumbled starting to look for his clothes as he dressed.Wanting nothing more then to kepe his lover where he was safe.
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