Winter's kiss, moon/lady

Harry sighed and shook his head. "no, he hasn't responded yet." he admitted softly, closing his eyes. "i'm worried that he might have been hurt, or even killed as well." he admitted. "no one should have been able to find our house..." he admitted with a small sigh. "when you first walk into Grimmauld place you have to be very careful not to make any noise or you'll wake Mrs Black, and she yells loud enough to wake everyone up, then we'll loose our advantage. theirs a boggart in the library, stronger than most so be careful if you go in there. other than that everything should be fine."

Lucius shook his head. "we have to go, both of us. if Harry and Frost both lose control i think we might be the only ones who can restrain them if Draco and Lupin can't calm them down." he stated calmly, pulling his long hair back into a ponytail. "i'll be fine love, i promise."
Frost looked thoughtful, frowning as he considered what to do. Wrapping his arms around the brunette he sighed,"Well, we'll search as couples.easier to not worry that way."He muttered knowing his sanity wouldn't hold up to being away from harry for long."It'll go faster if we split up."

tom sighed nodding,"You better be.Or I will kill you."He said smiling slightly getting dressed and heading downstairs, wincing at the sad desperate sight of the two parents.He needed to find corbin,fast.
Harry nodded as he glanced around the room, his eyes narrowed slightly as he pondered the chances of them finding their little boy before Frost lost his mind with pain and rage. "lets try not to kill too many." he muttered softly as he headed out into the hallway to meet up with Draco and Lupin, Lupin who had dark circles under his eyes from the approaching full moon, and the late night he'd had. Harry looked over at Lucius and Tom and swallowed hard. "i want stunners and body locks. no killing curses, torture curses or Dark curses. we don't want to make Dumbledore seam like the good guy in this!" he ordered, baring his teeth in a slim snarl. "don't kill anyone unless you absolutely HAVE to." he ordered looking them all over. "i'll take Apparation Point." he stated handing out pieces of paper to everyone. "this is the house address, you'll need it to see through the Fidelius charm." he stated simply looking them all over. "are we ready?"
"Ready."Frost said smirking a little as he took teh paper reading it over before he sighed. Pouting a little at the idea of not being able to kill anyone."Dumbledore dies though."He growled wrappnig his arms around the other as they prepared to apparate.

Tom sighed nodding softly."Only stunners."He agreed wrapping a arm around lucius's waist as he read the paper, touching harry's shoulder so they could apparate them."Lets go.NO one should be up and about this early."
Harry shook his head. "not yet." Harry growled softly. "if we do not find Corbin then Dumbledore will be our only way to." he stated simply. "besides i will NOT have Dumbledore simply dead for all of this. he will be tortured first." he stated sternly. "i will make it so that the Wizengamot GIVE the foul bastard to us." he snarled baring his teeth. "we will be in the right on all of this." he hissed Draco looking amused. "by god he sounds just like a Malfoy!" Lucius teased gently, Harry flashing the man a smirk. "well, i am a demon." the thinly veiled insult just made Lucius laugh. "now, when we enter the house, not a sound." Harry ordered. "place silencing spells over yourself so that your footsteps don't even sound, we want no one to know we're there."
Tom nodded casting the spell on both himself and a double one on his feet to make sure that it wouldn't betray them, and doig the same for lucius. Sighing softly he frowned looking at fronst and harry before nodding. "Let's go then."He said bracing himself for the apparation.

Frost swallowed hard casting the silencing charm before wrapping his arms around harry, pressing a kiss to his head."Let's go.I need...I need to go."He muttered holding onto his control with a slippery rope, feeling every moment that past like a touch on his skin.
Harry nodded and gently nibbled on Frost's neck before they all vanished with a CRACK, and reappeared silently thanks to a heavy duty silencing spell that Harry had put on them, panting softly from the effort he took a moment to regain his breath. apparating that many people was hard, but, where most people would have passed out from magical exhaustion, Harry just shrugged it off, pressed a finger to his lips, and moved towards the suddenly visible house. slipping inside without a word he motioned for Lupin and Draco to take the upstairs, that was where the kids usually slept, and Ginny was still very young, Harry didn't need the death of a child on their hands. Lucius and Tom he sent down the second floor, where most of the 'big' adult bedrooms where, Harry and Frost took the kitchen, where he spotted Neville of all things....making a Sandwich. "Neville!?" Harry hissed, eyes wide as Neville turned to blink at them, startled, then smug.
Frost stared for a few minutes, before his worry and fear crystalized into rage as he shifted his hand, freezing the man's legs in ice to keep him still, and slapping him with a silencing charm, of sorts. More like a privacy spell, that would allow him and harry to talk to te other man, but not allow anyone else in the house that might be there from hearing neville yell."What.Are you doing here?"He snarled, even though he already had a idea. His rage and sanity pushing the limit as he realized nellive had a hand in killing luna.
Neville's smirk grew unto he tried to dart away, realizing he was trapped in Ice he scowled viciously and glared at Harry and Frost. "what do you think i'm doing here?!" he demanded smirking again. "you think i was just going to let you fucking Demons take over!? i can't allow that! little Corbin is the one chance we have of winning this goddamn war and gaining control over you FREAKS." he spat Harry going cold with horror. "where is Corbin?" he demanded, voice a dangerous calm that made Neville pause and pale a little. "i...i don't know." he admitted. "i wasn't there." he admitted trying to break the ice holding him down, but every time he managed to melt some with his wand, more took it's place. "i just gave Dumbledore the Address." he smirked a little. "and a time."
Frost smirked tilting his head as he studied the other man, "Well.Since you were so kind in giving some time.I'll do the same."He smirked giving the ice over smirking as it covered the other's body, trapping him, with airholes and spae around his hest so that he could breath.Making a living breathing popsicle. Smirking as he coated enough ice to make sure he wasn't going anywhere until frost said s, he sighed."Just think, you made achocice based on lies. Demns wont come here.They despise this world for the people in it.They'll stay in the shadow realm.All you woulkd have had is me and corbin.Now you wont have to deal with either."
Neville shrieked and writhed and twisted, trying to break free of the ice but soon he was completely covered, Harry trembling with violent rage as he shook his head. "he got his own lover killed." he hissed swallowing hard. "i never suspected him... not once! he's always shy and timid and...and fucking LOYAL!" he complained closing hi eyes. "i guess it wasn't us or Luna he was loyal to after all." he grumbled gripping Frost's hand as he tugged the other away to explore the rest of the house. "wotcher!" it was Tonks, stumbling out of a bedroom right into Harry who tensed, the woman with plaid hair blinking sleepily down at him before her eyes widened. "Harry!?" she hissed, sounding both horrified and amazed. "harry are you a ghost!?" she demanded setting her hand on his shoulder. "christ, your solid! your alive!? Dumbledore told us that the Demon Prince killed you! raped you and made you bear his baby and then killed you!" Harry was gaping at Tonks. "but he was lying wasn't he!? your here, alive, with a demon...holding hands... i need to sit..."

"Tonks, shush!" Harry ordered with a firm grinding of his teeth. "Dumbledore is lying about everything." he stated simply, swallowing thickly. "the baby is mine though, he took my baby Tonks...he took my Corbin and now i have to find him!" "baby? white hair, pale skin?" she asked perking up. "he's at the castle! Dumbledore took him in yesterday, said he was in a bad home and gave him to one of the teachers to care for, i don't know which one." she admitted swallowing hard at the wild look in Harry's eyes. "Harry? you alright?" "sorry Tonks, but i can't let you out of this, or it will look suspicious." and without warning he stunned her, turning to frost. "we have to get to the castle."
Frost looked amused for a minute, the amusement as the metamagi breaking through his rage."Now that. Was a interesting witch."he said amused glancing up as Lucius and tom came down the stairs. "Get draco and lupin.We have to get to the castle. And I'd rather have draco go with us, since he IS thinking clearly, and he's lived there recently."

Tom nodded slipping away heading upstairs to get the werewolf and draco, smiling slightly."Draco.Lupin, we're going to hogwarts. Frost and Harry found something."
Draco and Lupin both nodded, stepping over the Weasley twins who looked shocked and betrayed as they watched Lupin with their eyes, body locked into place so they couldn't even struggle, all six of them gathering in the main foyer, Lupin Draco and Harry both spinning to face an ashen faced Tonks, who had somehow managed to break free of her stunner. "Wotcher! easy! i want to help!" she complained breathlessly. "oh and for the record Harry, never Stun a metamorphogi." she teased winking at him. "we can alter our brain chemistry to wake up faster." she admitted her hair turning green cameo as she 'got ready for the fight'. "anyone who can take a baby away like that doesn't deserve my help!" "....Tonk's your not much help in the first place.." Lupin commented the woman turning to glare at him. "i can be helpful!!" "Nymphadora Tonks...aren't you the crazy clumsy woman my mother always complains about?" "no!" Tonk's complained, yelping as she tripped and nearly knocked down a portrait. "...yes..." "well she's amusing at any rate." Lucius muttered wryly.
Frost smirked walking closer. "No. She's more then amusing."He said walking closer to the woman."Can you alter your appearance into appearing to be someone else, or just take physical attubutes of someone?"He asked curious, a plan turning over in his mind, smirking slowly. Oh yes, his rage was turning into something else. Brillance and rage...something that should never be given to a demon, because they were ruthless enemies. And seeing as Hogwarts stood almsot on the gates of the shadow was going to be like going home. A exiled prince, returning. And with it, despite being scorned by his people, he was going to have what he needed. And he had every intent of using this woman to help.

Tom studied the winter prince, tilting his head. He looked...thoughtful. staring at him his mind turned over the possiblites, and nearly laughed out loud as he realized what frost wanted to do. Well...two frosts on a battlefield would be enough to distract anyone.
she blinked at him, looking a little nervous as she got back to her feet, watching him for a long moment and then shaking her hair out, long silver hair sprouting as she shrink a little, it only took a moment before there was an exact replica of frost standing in front of them. "how's this?" she even sounded like him! though she didn't hold herself correctly the accent was perfect and they looked exactly the same, no one was going to know what hit them. "damn, that's kind of creepy." Draco admitted wrinkling his nose. "we have enough trouble with just the ONE frost..."
Frost pouted, "Im not that bad!"He protested tilting his head as he studied himself."I really am handsome aren't I?"He smirked at tonks.

Tom swallowed his laughter."At least tonks'll act grown up. He hasn't left his teen years yet."He snickered before looking at harry."Let's go. We can all find hogwarts."

Frost smirked."No. I have a better idea."He said raising a hand, pushing out enough power to create a doorway, the forbidden forest showing through it."It is connected to the shadow realm. All we have to do, is step through."He smirked before stepping through, pulling harry with him. Anxious to get to corbin and dumbledore.
Tonk's smirked, mimicking Frosts physical movements as she studied him. "yes, yes i am indeed." she teased wiggling an eyebrow, something Frost would never do, that caused harry to burst into laughter and nearly topple over into Lupin who was chuckling. "now we just have to hope she doesn't trip in the castle and everyone will think there are two frost's." Lucius stated stepping through the portal and into the forbidden forest, Lupin a Tonk's and Draco following. "alright folks, same drill." Harry ordered. "stunners and body locks only!" he ordered. "we don't need the death of a child on our hands." he smiled at frost. "by the way i commend your self control in dealing with Neville. i'll have to give you a reward later." he promised kissing Frost's cheek. "lets go get our son."
Frost twitched a little,"You know he's only alive so I can take my time later right?"He said amused before moving away from her for a moment, wrapping a arm around tonk's waist."Hold on for a moment."He smirked before without warning lowered his lips to hers, stripping her barriers down enough, smirking as he fed her ice and shadow before drawing away. Smirking."You wont be able to control it much, but if you touch something and intend harm, they're going to freeze in place. Not kill them...just hold them still."He said smirking as he donned a exact copy of the protections he'd given tonks, before smirking at harry. "Lets go."he said, knowing that between him and tonks they were going to confuse people.Smirking as he started for the castle.
Harry scowled when he saw Frost kissing Tonks. "i don't know whether to be angry or aroused." he complained Tonk's in her frost form blushing furiously at the kiss, Lupin snickering a little. "i'd claim aroused Harry." Draco stated. "hell i thought it was pretty hot." Harry just nodded and smiled as he took both Frost's hands and strode towards the castle, Lupin dragging Draco tot he Whomping Willow, to sneak into the castle. Draco had spent three days clearing the passage to get into the castle through the Shrieking Shack, fearful that they would one day need to use it. Lucius led Tom around the back, entering through the quidditch pitch and the back entrance that was now unknown to the students of Hogwarts while Tonks winked at Harry and opted through a side entrance while Harry took Frost's hand. "shall we make an entrance my love?" he asked smirking as he turned and strode up tot he large Great Hall doors and flung them open with magic. "Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore!" Harry roared, his magic writhing around him in a rage. "!" the entire great hall, every student in it went completely silent as they gaped at the supposed to be dead Harry. Colin Creevy, unable to help himself, took a picture of Harry standing next to the Demon prince, the two of them holding hands.
Dumbledore rose, waving a hand as he faced the two."Now, harry I only took the boy because I believed his father was dead."He said slowly watching the two, eyes wide as shadows swirled around the couples feet, ice coating the floor. Frost turned his head looking at colin, smirking a little as he snapped out, freezing it so quickly it fell apart in the boy's hands, before looking at dumbledore."As you can see, I am very much among the living. Now. Return Collin before I tear the castle apart to find him." Dumbledore studied the two, glad that the child was hidden well away, knowing the young child would call his father if he was near."he is safer here Lord frost, away from your people.He is after all a halfling." Frost snarled softly."And who's fault is that?"

Tom winced as he slipped into the room in time to hear that, glad that everyone's attention was so focused on the couple, that no one noticed him and lucius joining in as backup. To cover a retreat if nothing else, leaving the search to tonks,draco, and lupin. Knowing the parents were reckless enoough to be stupid.
Harry snarled viciously. "you've been saying i've been dead for months now you lying old bastard!" Harry hissed with rage. "i don;t suppose you EVER planned on telling me that I was a half breed!? exactly the same as Collin!? or maybe i should tell everyone here what it is that you ordered Ron and i to do!? or maybe what Ron did!? and WHY he was killed!?" he demanded glaring at Dumbledore. "should i tell everyone here what Neville did!? what you had done to Luna!? you don't want to keep Collin safe you ant to USE him! to gain control over the Demons! just like you tried to kill Frost while he was pregnant! just like you tried to have me killed every single year that i was in this god forsaking castle!"
Dumbledore raised is wand, sending a killing curse not at Harry, but at frost. Moving around to face them."I see being gone has driven you insane my poor boy, just come to me and I'll make things better."He said slowly, hissing as ice and shadow froze him in place.

Frost swallowed hard as he walked closer, trembling slightly as he face the man who'd made things so bad for him."Iwill kill you."He whispered softly reaching for harry, needing the support.

Tom swallowed hard, moving forward, drawing his attention."You cant. You need to know who has corbin first."He said slowly, calmly.As if he was talking to a wild animal,and seeking to sooth it.
Harry snarled, yanking frost out of the way, all of the glasses and cups int he room shattering in an instant as Harry stalked towards Dumbledore. "Don't..." there was another explosion, this time sending one of the teachers backwards, unharmed but certainly out cold. "you EVER!" another explosion, this one on the ceiling, shattering the illusion of the night sky. "A attack my husband!there was no explosion this time, but there where many gasps as everyone realized what Harry had said. "you think, you can point a wand at the man i love and not suffer the consequences!?" Harry roared turning to face Lucius, relaxing a little at the man's words, turning back to Dumbledore. "but luckily for you Lucius is right, i need you to tell me where my son is." he smirked. "did you know, that the reason i can't do occlumency, is because i'm too powerful at legilimency?" he would force the knowledge from Dumbledore if it was the last thing he did. and then broadcast everything he found to the entire room.
Dumbledore stared up at him with wide eyes, shaking his head as he looked up at the two, whimpering as pain as he felt his mind being ripped apart. Knowing nothing but pain as he met the winter prince's eyes."I am lord of winter, of all the things that live in life's shadow. I will not let you take my son."He whispered swallowing hard, closing his eyes as he froze the headmaster's heart exploding the muscle before he straightened."He's with a teacher.a woman."He frowned searching for a name before sending the mental picture to harry since he hadn't paused long enough to get a name.
Harry hissed softly, broadcasting into everyone's head Dumbledore's sin. the man himself had killed Luna, had been trying to kill Harry for years. no one cared to be sad when Dumbledore collapsed, dead on the ground, the professors standing there, hands to their mouths in horror as Harry turned to Frost. "McGonagal." he stated simply. "she probably thinks we're all dead too."he growled turning to frost. "stay here." he ordered softly. "your on a hair pin trigger and i'm certain McGonagal is innocent in all this, she was always like a mother to me." he admitted softly, swallowing hard. "Lucius, come with me." he ordered. "just in case she's not as innocent as we think she is." he muttered softly as he spun on his heal and led the way to the now headmistresses room, kicking the door open to reveal a shocked woman, holding Corbin on one arm and a bottle in the other, feeding the little one. "h..harry!?" she demanded, wide eyed and astonished, too shocked to do anything but sit there and stare as Corbin giggled and reached for his daddy. "Corbin!" harry breathed, rushing forward and snatching up his baby, holding him close and kissing him all over. "oh sweetly daddy missed you so much."
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