Winter's kiss, moon/lady

Frost smiled softly, kissing harry."Do you want me to take care of them?"He offerednuzzling the other.

Tom snickered at the idea."Now that would be interesting to see. Demon prince reduced to taking care of childhood pranks."He teased leaning against lucius's side, willing to be reduced to eating nasty things if they were going to have kids.
Harry snorted a little. "oh, Snape is always going to hate me, there's no worrying about that, and the others aren't worth it." he admitted simply, yawning a little. "in any case i used to get them back just as good, i once put laxatives in all their dinners." "....that was YOU!?" Lupin demanded, looking shocked, harry nodding a little. "everyone thought it was the twins, but since no one could prove it, no one got detention." he smirked. "the Twins thought it was bloody brilliant." his face fell. "i'm not even sure if their still alive." "they are, but their so deep in the order that they've been brainwashed like everyone else." Harry nodded and leaned back, pondering. "we should really hurry up and kill that man."
Frost perked up a little at the idea of death and mayham. Looking at the table of all of them,"CAn I do it?"He said, trying not to sound to thrilled at the idea of takng care of the man that had ruined all their lives.
Harry, Lupin, Draco, and Lucius all chuckled at Frost's eagerness to kill Dumbledore. "of course you can love." harry stated kissing Frost's forehead, sighing softly. "until then, my feet hurt, make Draco massage them for me!" "but my feet hurt!" Draco whined, Lupin immediately set his newspaper down and picked up the blonds feet, Draco looking startled, and then pleased as he relaxed into the werewolves gentle and talented fingers. "what about me!" Harry complained, sulking at Lupin who smirked at Frost.
Tom smirked, hiding a llaugh against lucus's shoulder, hoping he was the only one who knew about frost's secret dislke for feet. Oh that would torture the poor demon.

Frost's lip curled into a sneer as he looked at the werewolf."The mutt'll rub your feet when he's done with his mate's."He announced, settling bak in his chair to enjoy the provided tray of cream puffs/
Harry pouted at frost, his eyes as wide as he could get them, tears lightly filling them ion his best 'but i love you' look, his lip trembling. he'd never used this look on Frost before, hell harry hadn't even known he'd had it now, Lucius suddenly felt himself compelled to rub Harry's feet just so Harry would stop, but didn't move. Lupin seamed completely oblivious to everyone, so that was no help. Draco was, of course, immune.. and that left either Tom, which harry was pretty certain wouldn't, and frost. "but my feet really hurt..."
Frost wrinkled his nose calling up shadows just to reground himself as he saw the look.Dammit tht wasn't fair. He didn't have a look that cute. He wasn't about to give the other even more power over him."Tom can rub them."

Tom gave the demon a look, and knowing why he'd done it. There was only so many indiginites the demon prince's ego could take without breaking him, and he really didn't like feet. Sighing he shifted away from lucius, lifting harry's feet into his lap, starting to rub his feet slowly."Dont get used to this potter.I'm only doing this to be kind."
Harry sulked and yanked his feet away from Tom, offering the once dark lord a furious glare for even DARING to touch the almighty Harry Potter before huffing and snuggling into Frost, sore feet ignored in favor of cuddles, deciding to let Frost's strange behavior go for now. "i'll soak them later." Harry decided, gently kissing Frost's neck, smiling a little. "i love you." he murmured as he watched Draco sagging into the chair as Lupin so proudly rubbed his mates feet.
"Love you to."he muttered kissing the other's forehead."I think we should go. Corbin needs a bath ,and I'm sure luc's already tired of us being here."He smirked getting up, wrapping his arms around him, bending to kiss draco's head."Call if you need anything."

"Does that include me??"Tom asked tilting his head.

"No.I dont do things for you.You're not pregnant. Yet."
Harry chuckled and nodded, getting to his feet as Draco smiled at Frost and nodded. "i'll call if i need anything." he promised, well aware that Frost wouldn't let him be until he promised. "and you do the same, if Harry or you need help with anything you call us."

"also, i beg to disagree about Tom not being pregnant." Lupin stated simply, still rubbing Draco's feet, Lucius choking on his coffee, making the werewolf smirk in amusement.
Frost froze, turning to look at the werewolf."Ha!I told you!I'm so looking forward to draco having a sibling."He stated smirking at the dark lord's shocked silence.The man stubbornly staring at the floor and avoiding looking at any of them
Lucius looked startled, and then he looked ever so pleased as he wrapped his arms around Toms shoulders and nibbled on his ear. "oh i am SO spoiling you for the next..." he paused looking confused. "how long does it take to make a baby again?" "...your hopeless Lucius." Lupin complained, rolling his eyes as Harry snickered. "how long does it take to make a baby? really Lucius? i'm not even that bad!" Draco looked a bit hesitant though, as if he was uncertain about having a sibling, or, more likely, was afraid that Lucius would no longer offer him the attention he was so used to getting. usually something only young children got, but having been an only child, and with a traumatic past all his life, Draco was already jealous of the unborn, and even unformed baby.
Tom tensed a little as the both held him, shifting a little to lean into him even if he didn't say anything. Eyes going up to watch draco, fear in his face. Not about being hurt, but because he knew lucius loved his son, and he was afraid if draco wasn't happy about this...he'd be left alone again.

Frost frowned looking at the small family before huffing."Dammit, I'm buying you all baby clothes and a what to expect when expecting book."He growled looking at them all. Frustrated because he was pcking up the feelings in the room, and there wasnt a damned thing he could do about it.
Draco seemed to be battling with himself, biting his lip as Harry blinked and leaned over to him, whispering in his ear, Draco just shook his head,attracting the attention of Lucius. "Draco? are you alright son?" Draco hesitated, but that was enough for Lucius who kissed Toms forehead. "i'll be right back, Draco's having another identity crises." "another?" Harry asked lifting an eyebrow as Draco went beat red. "I AM NOT! I DO NOT! all SUCK!" he complained storming away from the table, Lucius following at a more calm pace, as Lupin paused. "... yep, that's an identity crises... he did that when he realized he was in love with me too." "actually i think i would like a book." Harry admitted blinking at Frost. "i don't know anything about being pregnant, except what you went through, but i didn't really KNOW what was happening... made everything very difficult for the both of us i think." "i'd like one too." Lupin admitted looking nervous. "i don't know how to take care of a pregnant person, i don't want Draco to be uncomfortable." "Lucius probably already knows but we should get him a book too." "are you alright Tom?" Lupin suddenly asked, blinking at the Dark Lord.
Tom looked startled, before nodding a little."Just thinking to hard."He said his head tilted a little towards the other parts of the house, trying to hear what two of the important people in his life were talking about.

Frost snickered a little, his eyebrow twitching a little."....if I buy them all at once, someone's going to think I've been a busy boy."He said smirking a little, tilting his head. Glad that being a pure demon gave him a boost in his hearing....and let him easedrop without actually leaving the room. And just as equally glad that neither draco or lucius knew he could do it.
Lupin and Harry didn't look very convinced that Tom was alright, but Lupin didn't press and Harry didn't want to upset him as he smirked at Frost. "why do you care what some second rate wizard thinks of you?" he asked curiously. "i mean, if anyone asks it's not really their business, who's to say your not donating to a hospital or something?" he smirked. "if it makes you feel better I'LL go buy the books." he blinked at the odd look on Frost's face and shut up so the demon could listen to Lucius trying to calm his son down. they talked for a moment, Lucius promising Draco that he was always going to love him, mushy stuff, assuring Draco that the new baby wasn't going to force Draco away, Etc Etc. the killing blow was when Lucius informed Draco that he might need a little help in raising Draco's new sibling, and they both came back in looking more relaxed and calm until Draco scowled at Tom.

"My father isn't allowed to name the baby." he informed Tom. "he picks STUPID names. Layfett!? Soren!? stupid names! no little brother or sister of mine is going to be named SOREN of all things." Harry was snickering and Lupin was hiding a grin behind his newspaper. only Draco could go from being worried about being replaced, to automatically being overprotective of the baby that was going to be his sibling.
Tom meanwhile wasn't so kind to hide his snicker, or grin. Relaxed at the blond's acceptance he grinned a little at lucius poking him."I'll choose a name. We could always name him....jackie."He smirked slowly.

"hey hey hey, no more people named jackie.It's cruel and unbecoming." Frost protested, blushing ever so softly. Avoiding looking at any of them. It would be tom who outted him and told everyone what his real name was. Harry already knew, but frost had successful managed not to tell the others. Well damn..."The kids going to be named princess."He growled grumpily.
Lucius paused, looking confused. "Jacki? well.. i don't know, maybe if it's a girl." he conceded Draco snickering a little. "Father cannot name a boy child a girls name." Draco stated simply. "he finds it cruel. mother wanted to name me Caerwyn and Father utterly refused." he admitted smirking a little. "i love hearing the story about how my father threw a temper tantrum in the middle of the hospital." "I DID NOT!" Lucius protested vehemently. "And it's not going to be named Princess either dammit! it will have a nice name! either firm and masculine if it's a boy, or fair and feminine if it's a girl and that's that!" and with that Lucius crossed his arms, and sulked.
"Princess would be lovely.And there's NOTHING wrong with a boy named jackie."Frost sulked glaring at tom.

Tom snickered, smirking at him."No there isn't.And your mother's insane draco, I'm surprised she didn't name you lucy or something."He smirked wrapping his arms around lucius, kissing his head.

"Lucius could be girly.Lucy."Frost said tilting his head smirking.
Lucius blinked a little. "there's nothing wrong with OTHER peoples babies boys being named Jackie." Lucius stated simply but firmly. "in fact Jackie is a very cute name, but we do not need two jackie's in one family, it will get confusing." he pointed out smirking a little before he glared furiously at Frost. "i'll have you know my mother used to call me Luca, which is ALSO male! thank you very much!" oooh touchy. "ANYWAY!" Harry stated loudly, calming Lucius's ruffled feathers. "what are you all getting for my birthday?" "surprise." Lupin stated simply, Draco and Lucius gaping. "when's your birthday!?" "soon." "that is not helpful at all."
Frost smirked a little looking at the two malfoy's."July 31st."He said tilting his head, resting his chin on harry's shoulder.Cuddling the other man as he studied the blonds."I know what I'm getting him."

Tom rolled his eyes laughing a little bit."I would hope you'd know what you were getting.And Luca, we have to go shopping to get him something."He decided smilig up at his lover.
Harry pouted a little at his lover. "aaw i wanted to watch them squirm." he whined sighing a little as he snuggled into Frost, smirking as Draco shrugged. "i'll just put my name on the tag that Lupin got." he decided smirking a little as Harry scoffed and rolled his eyes, Lucius looking ponderous as he looked Harry over. "hmmm, i think i might have a gift idea." he admitted smiling at Tom. "we could go and get busy shopping tomorrow." he decided, pondering. "i do hope he enjoys the idea i have in mind. "you are just so cruel!" Harry complained, well aware Lucius was taunting him, the older man chuckling as he lifted an amused eyebrow at Harry.
Frost snickered, pulling the other mn to his feet, kissing him softly."Aw love, don't worry about him taunting you, I'd be worried about me."He smirked stealing another kiss before looking at the others."As much fun nd educating this has been. I do have a letter I have to read."he said having put off as long as he could....part of the delay tatics he'd used all day, was to just avoid reading the letter.
Harry snorted a little and sulked as he stole Draco's coffee, the blond whining about it until Lupin gave him his own coffee. "anyway, me and Draco should get going." Lupin stated glancing at his watch. "i have to go to a meeting, something about new restrictions on werewolves." Harry hissed hatefully and scowled darkly Lupin shrugging. "can't help it Harry. i AM a werewolf, whether i want to be or not, and people are always going to try and put me down. i'm used to it. they could take away everything i own and ever will own, but they can't take my pride, and they can't take Draco from me." Draco gasped, looking amazed his eyes suddenly brimming with tears. "you really mean that!?" the blond asked, emotional thanks to hormones and Lupin nodded, yelping as Draco tackled him off the chair layering his face with kisses. Lupin laughed before he apparated them both away, Lucius chuckling a little. amused at his pregnant son's activities.
Tom snickered shaking his head."Oh this is going to be great. Emotional draco.Its cute."He smirked looking up at frost, worry as he studied the man."You'll be careful yes?"

Frost snorted, wrapping his arms around harry."Since when am I not?"

"....this is from the man who when skydiving without a chute because he wanted to fly?"

"....shut up."Frost gave him a look before smirking, apprating him and harry home. Pulling away as he looked at luna watching corbin."Was he good?And sorry about being so long. It was a emotional day."He muttered picking up the sleeping baby, cuddling him.
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