Winter's kiss, moon/lady

Tom moaned softly as he came at the words, his body spasming and arching into hte other fingers tangling in his hair as he kissed him. Holding him close.

Frost snickered a little eating his cream puffs, leaning against harry's shoulder."Oh well lucius will probably be glad its not HIM being pregnant first, and your mother....well your mom just needs someone to tell her to go screw herself."he said wisely, nodding like he'd just said the most wise thing in the world.
Lucius moaned softly as he spilled into the other, panting softly, smirking a little. "mmm so good." he purred chuckling. "i love how you can Cum on command." he teased kissing the others neck. "come on, lets go find out what the kids want." he grumbled nuzzling Tom all over before slipping free and getting dressed, slowly, just to make Frost wait.

Harry snorted a little. "no offense Draco but you mom need a good bullet in the head." "a..bull, et?" whats that?" "...never mind, she needs a wand to her temple." he explained Draco nodding. "she is a bitch." he agreed sipping on a tea. "i think Frost would like to do it." he admitted chuckling a little. "i wonder how long it will take Lucius?" Harry mused. "i can make Frost Cum pretty quick." he muttered Draco groaning and rolling his eyes. "this is NOT what i would like to be talking about harry."
Tom smiled layign there for a few moments before getting up,starting to dress. "Only for you."He pointed out. and it was true. Lucius was the only person he'd obey orders from. Sighing softly, he hoped nothing was wrong, heading out of the room.

Frost shuddered."Please I dont want to think about him having sex. Its bad enough he's making me wait to tell him while he finishes."he whined smiling a ittle."And you cant make me do anything!"HE whined poking harry.
Lucius smirked a little and kissed the other tangling their fingers together as he headed out to find the motley crew, blinking as he lifted an eyebrow at Frost. "why are you thinking about me having sex?" he demanded, Harry bursting into laughter and shaking his head. "i can make you do just about anything." he teased winking at Frost gabbing the cream puffs. "i'm going to be pregnant don't forget." he teased nuzzling his lover. "now why don't you tell Lucius the big news?" "oh lord... i need a drink already." Lucius groaned, Draco nodding. "yeah, me too."
Frost bristled, pointing at the younger wizard."Hey!You don't get to drink!"

Tom stopped.Stared. Went through what he knew before crossing the room to pour drinks before frost could say anything. Shoving the glass into lucius's hand he made him sit down, smiling a little.

Frost smirked a little waiting for lucius to sit down."Luc, you're going to be a grandfather. Now dont explode, I know I promised to take care of draco, but I cant stop him from having sex. and he didn't want to tell you himself, so I told him Id take care of it for him"he said reasonably. Okay, he more begged for the right to tell lucius
Draco sighed a little and sulked at Frost, Harry snickering a little as Lupin handed Draco some tea, rolling his eyes as Lucius smiled at tom and muttered a small thanks before he chugged down the drink and sat down, sighing a little, swallowing hard. "i'" his eye twitched and he took a deep breath Lupin cringing, trying to hide behind Harry who was snickering. "actually, Frost begged." Harry tattled smirking a little as Draco rolled his eyes. "Dad calm down, Lupin stop cringing your an adult, act like one." "i'm a werewolf and i know an Alpha when i see one." "your an Alpha..." "not in comparison to Lucius." that made Lucius laugh and relax a little. "so... you got my son pregnant." "not on purpose." Draco admitted. "apparently werewolf sperm is impervious to infertility spells." "really?" Harry asked, started. "apparently." Lupin admitted shaking his head. "i didn't know." he shrugged, i'm sorry Lucius but we're keeping the baby." "only if you plan on marrying my son." "the wedding is tomorrow." "WHAT!?" Lucius roared, enraged, Draco laughing a little. "i'm kidding."
Frost twitched a little with the need to get up and wrestle with lucius. Dude, this would be the perfect moment to see who'd win a fight. Sighing a little as he ground his teeth looking at draco."Sweetheart, it might not be the time to tease him that he's old. And going grey. And going to be a papa."He said barely stifling a snicker.

Tom ground his teeth to keep from laughing at lucius, raising a hand to brush the younger man's hair out of his face, wrapping a arm around lucius's waist. "Love, sit. Be calm. You know they'll get married. And...I dont want to think about werewolf sperm. I think i'm scarred." He declared his eyebrow twitching a little.
Lucius fixed Frost with a scowl but relaxed at the Jibing snorting a little shaking his head as he rubbed his face. "Christ." he whispered softly. "my son is pregnant.... god what a strange thing to find out." he grumbled Harry chuckling a little as he shook his head a little. "and i do NOT go grey, i am a Malfoy! we remain completely and utterly gorgeous until we are twenty feet under the ground with no breath left in our bodies." so proud.

"ARE we getting married?" Draco asked Lupin who looked almost insulted. "of COURSE we're getting married! i have to protect your honor! besides i DID propose to you." he paused. "i dunno if you understood me or not..." "when did you propose!?" "when i didn't kill you in my full werewolf form." "you mean werewolves do not normally screw humans?" ", Draco they don't and i don't think you should have said that out loud." Harry and Lucius where wide eyed and slack jawed, Harry's eye was twitching and the vein in Lucius's forehead was pulsing.
Frost stared at the two, strugglign really really hard not to think about the two having sex in werewolf form. Whistling softly to get lucius's attention."You are so going grey. I bet I can find a grey."He said bounding over looking at the blnd's hair closely, before studying him."Body hair, might have to look for it elsewhere."He said his attention focusing on the other's pants.Ha!Frost was intent on distracting both harry and lucius now.

Tom rolled his eyes at the other's antics, focusing on draco and lupin."You two might want to go for awalk before you make lucius have a heart attack."
Lucius glared at Frost as his head was examined, Harry snarled as Frost suggested that he needed to look elsewhere and grabbed him, yanking him onto the Golden Boy's lap, pulling the others head back and whispering in his ear. "don't even THINK about looking at another mans dick, your MINE." he growled, biting carefully at Frost's neck, showing him who he belonged to. "all MINE. and i don't share." so possessive! but Frost already knew that.

Draco snorted a little and snapped his fingers. "i bet that was when i got pregnant!" "could be...i hope not.." Lupin admitted looking worried. "then out baby really WILL be a werewolf..." Draco rolled his eyes. "and that is just fine Lupin, baby wolfs are cute!" Lupin couldn't help but smile and nod. "i suppose your right...everything will work out." "come on, lets go take a walk, Harry's getting gross and my fathers having an aneurysm." "good idea."
"Harry's not gross!"Frost protested shivering a little as he turned his head to look at the blond. Looking amused as he let the other be bossy. For once not minding being dominated.

Tom smiled a little."Come on luc, we'll something."He said shoving the older blond towards the door,getting hm outside with a small smile."Well, at least its better then you being pregnant."he pointed out logically.
Harry snickered a little and kissed Frost's forehead as Luc and Tom left as well, nibbling on Frost's ear. "i have news for you too love." he admitted softly, grabbing frost's hand and setting it to his belly. "Draco's not the only one about to get all fat and moody."

Luc scowled darkly. "i don't think i even can get pregnant." he admitted smirking at Tom. "but you can." he purred licking his lips as he advanced on the other. "come hither, i wish to make you all round and full with my seed and my babe." he snickered at his own foolishness and pulled Tom into a kiss.
"What?!"Frost yelped looking at him, before grinning goofily.Bounding to his feet he ran out of the room, opening the window so he could yell at tom and draco."I'm going to be a dad!"He yelled before disappearing back into the room with harry, cuddling the other.

Tom smiled a little kissing him back, before turning his head. Groaning a little as he leaned into the blond."Is it your intent on making sure all couples are going to have kids now?"He asked, amused and worried what frost would do if everyone around him was pregnant. Oh gods, that was going to be uncomfortable and awkwardly protective.
he'd a little at the others excitement, smiling as he cuddled Frost, kissing and nibbling at the other, snuggling him as he held him close. "Lucius isn't allowed to touch the baby." he ordered simply. "i still don't like him." yes he did, but he wasn't about to admit that.

Lucius smirked a little. "no, my intent is to make YOU pregnant." he admitted smirking a little. "i love Draco but he has FAR too much of his mother in him." he admitted kissing Tom's neck. "i want to make a perfect baby, just you and me." he admitted running his hands along Tom's belly. "plus you would look so adorable with a round belly, craving all sorts of nasty things."
Frost snickered, "You do to. Don't deny it. You even like draco, even if he's a pompous ass who's screwing your uncle."He teased kissing the other softly.

Tom shot the other a look, smiling a little at hte other because lucius was just to adorable. Tilting his head slightly as his lover kissed his neck he smiled slightly."I would not. I am not capable of looking adorable."
Harry snorted a little. "hate them all." he denied shaking his head as he kissed Frost's neck, smirking a little. "besides, my uncle is screwing Draco." he laughed a little. "lupin doesn't bottom, EVER, he's Alpha, the boss."

Lucius smirked a little as he kissed the other. "your already so adorable i can't stand it." he teased chuckling a little. "but it's ok to be adorable, look at frost, he's adorable and the world is terrified of him!"
Frost shuddered."Don't say that.I'm already scarred enough at the idea of their sex."he smiled slowly."and you love them.Admit it."He said holding the other, tickling him.

Tom snickered, wrapping him in a hug as he kissed him slowly before pulling back."That's only cause they haven't seen him go gaga over a damned cream puff.He's not even pregnant and he's insane."He stopped. Thought about it. Poked the man hard in the stomach."You called him adorable."
Harry snorted a little looking amused. "oh it was only because Lupin broke his restraints." he stated rolling his eyes, "i highly doubt Draco meant to get mounted by a werewolf." he laughed a little and shook his head, giggling as he was tickled. "no! i don't love them! i will never admit it!" he cried dramatically, playing.

he laughed a little and nodded. "and they've never seen the way you pout when i stop right before you cum, or when i tell you you can't kick my house elves over the wall." he smirked. "besides, he's more of a cute adorable, your more of a sexy adorable."
Frost laughed tickling him more."Yes!Yes you will!"He grinned kissing harry as he laughed, running his hands over the other's body."You my love, are beautiful."He said before attaching himself to harry's stomach, lifting his shirt and nuzzling his stomach with his nose. Looking adorable and cute.Just like lucius accused him of being.

Tom pouted a little."ONly once!The damned elf woke me up!"He whined before dragging the other down for a kiss, hand closing on the blond's cok."Ah but you would never do that to me twice now would you."
Harry squealed as he was tickled, laughing and wriggling around as he was tickled, giggling as he was called beautiful, smiling at Frost with love in his eyes. "your the one who's beautiful." he murmured softly, smiling a little stroking Frost's hair, giving it a gentle tug, chuckling. "you look so adorable right now." he admitted smiling. "i love it when you look at me all adorable like that."

he laughed a little and kissed the other back, running his hand through the others hair, gasping loudly as he felt his lovers hand on his cock, groaning a little. "mmm of course i would." he purred smirking sadistically. "you look ever so pretty when your face is all flushed with need, desperation ion your voice when you beg me, beg me to cum, your face twisted with pleasure." he smirked even more. "and we BOTH know you love it just as much."
Frost paused in the middle of his talking to the baby, resting his cheek on harry's stomach as he looked at the other, a soft goofy smile on his fae."Do ont."He said pouting.

Tom wrinkled his nose, tightening his grip a little, shivering as lucius played with his hair, leaning into him."No we do not. And I am not pretty. Devilishly handsome, maybe. Not pretty."He whined a little.
he smirked at the other. "you make me horny when you look all adorable though, it's a good thing." he pointed out with a small snicker. "besides, your going to call me adorable all the time." he pointed out, shrugging a little. "so i guess that makes us even."

Lucius moaned at the tightened grip, wincing a little before smirking. "then why the shiver." he teased chuckling as he kissed the other. "but if you don't let go of my dick your going to damage it, and then we won't be able to have any sex at all."
"I am?"He said smiling a little as he kissed him slowly, snickering as he wrapped his arms around the other."Though you are adorable. Though you're probably going to be bitchy in a few months.Like I was."

Tom smirked as he loosened his grip a little, still keeping a firm hold on his lover."You know I love having my hair played with."He growled softly kissing him again.
Harry chuckled a little. "Frost your ALWAYS bitchy." he pointed out, looking far too amused as he kissed the others cheek, smiling a little. "i can't wait to see the weird shit i start craving. just yesterday i wanted a pickle, and i HATE pickles." he admitted simply, shaking his head a little. "kiss me again." he ordered, pouting a little.

Lucius relaxed a little as the grip loosened, smirking as he pressed his cock into the others hand, moaning as he rubbed into the hand. "mm feels so damn good." he murmured, smiling as he ran his hands through Tom's hair again. "i wouldn't do it if you didn't like it." he pointed out, smirking a little.
"I am not always bitchy."He protested, moving lower and kissing the others stomach.He was just following orders. He WAS kissing him, just not on the lips like he'd wanted. Smiling as he looked up at him.

Tom smirked moaning as he leaned his head into the touch, undoing lucius's pants, gripping him firmly in hand, stroking him in time with lucius's touches t his hair."Hmm no you wouldn't. But you abuse hair touching privilages."He pouted.
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