Winter's kiss, moon/lady

Frost yelped as he dropped the cup of coco he was holding, the hot water splashing over his feet. Wincing before he cleaned it up. Before looking at the malfoy heir."Do you want me to go to the doctor's with you?"he asked tilting his head looking at him. worry in that face as he knelt in front of him, resting his hands on his knees, looking worried.
Draco winced when frost yelped and moved to help him clean it up, waving his wand at the mess. "if you could? i'm scared to go by myself." he admitted softly, his hand on his belly. "i haven't told Lupin i can get pregnant yet." Draco admitted with a whisper still. "what if he doesn't want to keep the baby!? what if he leaves!? i need him frost..." Draco swallowed thickly. "i love him..." in all the time Frost had known Draco, the blond had said love to only three people in his life. his mother, his father, and his uncle Severus, and even then very sparingly...this was serious indeed.
"Of course I will."Frost looked startled, before smirking a little. he so knew he was going to piss the other off, but really, him being pissed off was better then worrying about something that was never going to happen."Malfoy, if he leaves I'll do the world a favor and rid it of the mutt."He said patting the other's knees getting up. moving away before the blond could through a fit.
Draco looked relieved, and then sputtered with rage, storming after frost as Harry dozed on the couch, Lupin hovering over the boy looking extremely worried as he gently nuzzled harry who giggled a little and pushed the wolf away. "stop it, that tickles..." he complained sighing softly. "i'm ok, honest."
Frost snickered as he took the baby back, snuggling his son before pouncing on harry, snuggling him to. Looking at draco as if to say 'ha!Now you cant yell at me.' smiling slightly he cuddled his lover,"have we decided what we're doing yet? Are we going to fret about what to do?"
Draco glared at Frost hard before heading over to Lupin, offering the werewolf a small smile kissing the others cheek as Harry snuggled into frost, closing his eyes. "i...i HATE my family." he snarled suddenly. "those son of a bitches deserved to die." so harry had settled on hate for an emotion, most people felt grief or anger, not hate. "but they where MINE to kill, Dumbledore had NO right to kill my family...he's fucking DEAD!" he decided, lips pulled back into a snarl, but his tone calm to keep from frightening Corbin.
Frost nodded,"He is."He growled softly, not worried about frightening corbin.The baby had long grown used to his papa growling about something. "We'll get him."He yawned poking harry."Me and draco are going out tomorrow. Do you mind?"
Harry smiled a little and looked up at tom. "and don;t you even THINK about getting involved." he growled his eyes narrowing, Lucius lifting an eyebrow. "Dumbledore is MINE." so possessive. he nuzzled Frost's neck. "of course not, it will give me a chance to clean up, our house is a mess." he admitted chuckling a little. harry was a neat freak, their house was so clean it glowed, but it was a nice excuse to give to frost so he didn't feel guilty about having fun with Draco. "i was thinking of having a dude day out with my uncle anyway, it's been so long since i've had any time with Lupin."
Frost nodded, siling a little as he smirked."Good."He yawned before looking at draco."What time do you want to go tomorrow?"He asked hoping to get the day over with because he wanted to know if draco was going to be pregnant. Because he was worried about how the blond would be if they had to wait for awhile.
Draco hesitated then. "i was thinking maybe eight? int he morning." he admitted biting his lip a little, Harry lifting an eyebrow. "that's rather early." Harry muttered looking Draco over. suspicious now but not saying anything as he yawned a little and snuggled into Frost. "you'll have to go to bed early tonight love, if your going to get up and be ready on time." harry was suspicious, but he wouldn't say anything until the others left. no need to worry anyone if it was nothing.
Frost nodded yawning."I will. It'll be fun."

Tom smiled nudging lucius."I think that's our cue to get going."He said smirking,"Goodbye guys."He said wrapping his arms around the other and apparating out. Wondering what the hell frost was up to.It wasn't like frost to get out of bed early, and to be the one suggesting it. That was just weird.
Lucius nodded as they vanished, Lupin looking confused glancing at Harry who shrugged. "well, alright." Lupin decided scratching his head, looking confused. "you going to be alright there harry?" "course." Harry chirped smiling a little as he snuggled into Frost. "i'll see you in the morning ok? we'll go out and get some lunch or something." "alright, come on Draco, i wanna molest you before we go to bed. maybe get those silk ropes out." "dammit Lupin! stop putting that image in my head!" Draco bitched, flushing hard, but everyone could see the erection Draco had sported at the thought, Lupin laughing as he vanished with the blond, harry chuckling a little. "so whats up with Dray?"
Frost snickered at the blond's predictament before growing serious again, raising his head to kiss harry lightly, smiling as corbin grabbed his hair going to sleep snuggled against his papa's chest."He thinks he's pregnant. And is having one of those crisis of faiths and doesn't want to tell lupin, so he asked me to go with him to the doctor's. Which I guess means getting up ungodly early."
Harry paused then. "and Lupin doesn't know that Draco can get pregnant yet...damn." harry muttered shaking his head. "i don't know how Lupin will react to any of this...i won't tell him anything though, i promise." he murmured, knowing that Frost was probably a little worried about that. "Draco has to tell, or Lupin will feel betrayed."
"We're going to wait until we know for sure.Then he asked me to go with him tomorrow to tell lupin if he really is pregnant."His eyes were pained, sighing softly."He thinks lupin'll attack him if he tells him, so he wants me to be there...though he didn't say it, he'll fall apart if lupin leaves him."He shuddered, growling softly. So very protective of the blodn it was driving him up the walls to think of the other hurting
Harry nodded a little. "Lupin won't attack him." harry said with certainty. "he might be upset, but he won't attack Draco...he loves Draco." he admitted softly. "i haven't seen him smile like that since Sirius was killed." he admitted softly, shaking his head. "Lupin won't leave Draco," he promised, though he wasn't as sure as he sounded. "and if he does hurt Draco...just promise not to kill him ok? he's the last family i have...beat him up if that's what you need to do...but don't kill him."
Frost sighed softly, "Hey, I only said I'd kill the mutt to get draco angry. I know better then kill lupin, no matter how made I get."He said nuzzling harry's neck trying to stay calm at the idea of draco being hurt. It'd take nerves of steel to not go for lupin's throat...nerves and the certainity harry'd be pissed at him.
Harry chuckled a little. "you know, if Lupin hurt Draco, he'd probably roll over and let you do it." Harry admitted smiling a little. "Lupin is a very good person at heart, but he reacts instinctively, not emotionally. he's been alone for so long he forgets how to interact with other people. so don't jump on him for his first reaction, wait a couple days and then find out his reaction. and i'll explain to Draco when he comes to pick you up, but i think he already understands."
Frost nodded, nuzzling the other."I wont.We'll see how it goes."He said smiling.

The next morning frost raised his head, frowning at the sight in his doorway of his bedroom. Was he...Blinking stupidly, before looking at the clock, before laying back down."Draco, its six in the morning.I'm sleeping. And corbin's sleeping, though he is attached to you."He snickered a little looking at the baby cuddling against draco's chest.
Draco fidgeted a little and smiled nervously. "i...sorry i... the doctor called he..he changed my appointment time..." Draco stuttered, looking nervous, very nervous, Harry shifting a little on the bed. "whossit?" the brunette asked sleepily, blinking at the disheveled and clearly petrified Draco. "oh lord is it seven thirty already?" "no's six..." Draco admitted Harry blinking sleepily. "you didn't have a fight with Lup did you?" " they changed my doctors appointment..." Draco was certain Frost had told harry, honestly Draco was glad, it made trying to get frost to understand why Draco was there so early that much easier.
"I'm sleepy."The demon whined burying his head under the pillow, not wanting to get up but he knew he should probably get up. Yawning as he squirmed trying to convince himself to get up. At the moment though, he wanted to lay there."Okay.Okay. I'm moving."He growled at the two, knowing they were probably waiting for him to get up.
Harry chuckled a little as he stood up, pulling the blankets off his lover. "come on Frost, you know you want to know if Draco is pregnant." he teased, smirking a little. "besides Draco can't go alone, he's too nervous, and your going to have to be there when Draco tells Lupin, otherwise Draco will pansy out." "...gee, thanks harry..." "your welcome."
"You told me not to beat him up."Frost whined getting up, starting to get dressed. Whiny and cute, not to mention a bully when he was this sleepy. Yawning as he looked at the blond,"OKay, time to give the baby to harry, and get to the doctor's."
Harry chuckled a little and kissed his lovers temple. "oh come on, you know you want to know if Draco is pregnant or not." Harry teased snickering a little and shaking his head a little. "i'm even getting up with you, see?" he smacked Frost on the ass laughing as he helped the Demon Prince get ready before shipping him out to the doctors with Draco, who fidgeted nervously the entire time, often muttering to himself until he was led inside. Frost had to wait outside. when Draco came out he was pale and looked close to tears. "i don't understand, i used an infertility spell! how can i be pregnant!?"
Frost looked startled, getting up and wrapping his arms around the other, kissing his head. Keeping his control was a slippery slope, because he was reacting to the sight of draco crying. And he reallly wanted to hurt the doctor for making him cry, even if that wasn't the right thing to do."The wolf has amazing mutt sperm?"He offered hugging him tightly, leading him out the door."Come on lovely, we'll go talk to the mutt."
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