Winter's kiss, moon/lady

Harry blinked a little. "caffeine is bad for sick people." he stated simply pointing down the hall. "and in any case, shouldn't you be running?" Draco looked furious, his wand was out and he was nearly purple in the face. "Jackie Frost, i...and kill you!" Draco hissed advancing on Frost, harry snickering a little as two strong arms picked Draco up from behind, Lupin. "now now Draco, calm down." the once teacher ordered calmly, looking amused. "Frost didn't mean any harm."

Lucius huffed a little but allowed himself to be pulled back into the bed, huffing angrily as a House Elf popped in and set a tray of food on the bed before vanishing Lucius sulking a little as he picked up his coffee and took a sip. "yes, well he woke me up." he growled sulking a little as he reached for a piece of toast.
Frost looked at the other, smirking a little."No I didn't. I wanted to be helpful."He said looking like a tow year old who'd just been scolded as he stared down at his shoes, looking waaayy to adorable to stay angry with. "You didn't want to tell him.I thought I'd tell him for you."he said sadly.

Tom laughed softly, kissing his cheek as he sipped his own glass of coffee, sitting up on his elbow as he looked at the other."Poor luc.I'm sorry."He said hiding his smile. The blond was just to cute in the mornings."Draco'll punish him for waking you up."He said wisely.
Draco sighed a little and pinched the bridge of his nose. "your not getting ANY cream puffs." he growled as he spun on his heal and stormed away, Harry laughing again. "OR coffee!" "your so adorable." Harry growled smirking as he bit and nibbled at the others ear. "mmm makes me all horny for you." that made Lupin laugh a little as he followed after his new lover, tossing Frost and Harry a wink and motioning to a table, two cups of coffee and a tray of cream puffs and fudge suddenly appearing on the table next tot hem, Harry snickering a little. "i love fudge."

Lucius snorted a little. "you are not sorry, your finding this entire scenario entirely too amusing." he whined sipping at his coffee and sighing softly. "and he will not punish frost, Draco can never stay mad at that little brat." he complained scowling a little. "and neither can i for that matter! i think Veela are more sensitive to the whims of Demons than other creatures are." or it could just be that Luc and Draco where pushovers, but they'd kill anyone who dared say that.
Frost grinned pouncing on the cream puffs before looking at harry smirking."I make you horny?Even though I got you sick?"He asked, wondering if he'd get yelled at for screwing harry in draco's bed.Hmm now that had some serious appeal. While draco had his own house, he still kept a suite of rooms at the manor...and well that was to tempting.

Tom swallowed his laughter smiling as he ate a piece of toast."Yes, I'm sure thats it."He said agreeing even though he knew his lover was just a big softie who couldn't stay made at the demon who could be to adorable for his own good."Though I am curious about draco's relationship now."
Harry smirked a little. "well, as it turns out, i'm not sick." harry admitted laughing a little. "not yet anyway." he admitted kissing the other hard. "now come along lover, into the bedroom we go, it's been a long time since you've properly punished me." he growled smirking a little. "or maybe i aught to punish you?" he teased, flaming cuffs wrapping around Frost, hot, but not burning, letting the power slide through Frost, to get him more in the mood.

"Lucius huffed again and took another swallow of his coffee. "damn demons..." he complained sulking a little before he chuckled. "you mean that werewolf he has hidden in his room? i already know about him, the man came down and asked me if i was alright with him dating my son. being that Draco will live to be god only knows how old i figure Lupin will be a good way to keep Draco calm." he admitted yawning, bored. "but they are definitely not getting married. not for many, many, MANY years."
Frost shuddered as he led the way to draco's room, shutting the door behind them as he turned to look at his lover. "Hmmmthat feels good..."He purred feeling the touch of the flames, trembling a little as he looked at harry."And I wouldn't mind being punished.If you can do it."He teased.

Tom smirked."True."He yawned sitting up,stealing the other's coffee as he kissed him slowly."Come on. let's forget everything else for the day."He said sliding a hand down the other's back.Amused that lupin had asked for permission.
Harry smirked a little, glad that there was an empty room, trailing fingers of flame along his skin, again not burning, just very warm as he ran his hands up frost's belly, tweaking the nipples as he smirked a little. "i have a new spell that i've been meaning to try on you." he admitted smirking. "it's very like Crucio, only the complete opposite." he admitted smirking a little as his fingers stroked Frost's cock, teasing the flesh with a small snicker. "shall i try it on you?"

Lucius smirked a little at the other his eyes narrowing playfully. "you know, most people die when they try to take my coffee." he admitted licking his lips as he rolled over, laying himself atop Tom with an almost sadistic smirk. "i shall have to punish you now, naughty naughty." he teased bending down and kissing the other hard, driving his tongue into the others mouth running his fingers along Tom's sides, teasing, and tickling.
Frost nodded mutely, moaning softly as he shivered, hands fisting in harry's hair as he pulled him close for a kiss, falling back onto draco's plush bed with a smile, grinding himself against harry's front. Not about to ust hand him ccontrol,he was going to make him work for it.

Tom moaned fisting a hand in the other's long hair, jerking his head bak, tugging on the strands with a smile, rolling them over, lowering his head to kiss the blond again."You think you can punish me?"He said pinning the taller man to the bed. Smirking playfully.
Harry moaned softly as he was kissed, driving his tongue into Frost's mouth slicking it in and out as he was pushed into the bed, bucking his hips back into the other before rolling them over so that harry was on top, attaching the flaming cuffs to the bed so that Frost couldn't fight back with his hands, harry panting softly. "pleasentio." Harry muttered his wand aimed at frost, a smirk on his lips. it was as if every nerve, every cell in Frosts body was alive with an intense, almost agonizing pleasure. it was like having several orgasms all stacked up into one and then pushed over the entire body. Harry didn't leave it on for long, only about three seconds, oh but what amazing seconds they where. "howd that feel?"

Lucius hissed at the jerk of his head, a small groan falling from his lips as he smirked, letting them be rolled over. "mmm yes, yes i do." Lucius admitted, smirking at Tom. "and there's nothing you can do to stop me. i'm bigger than you are, and stronger." But Tom was better at wandless magic. so as Lucius arched, trying to toss Tom off of him, a hand gripping Tom's hair, it was anyone's game. if tom used magic, Lucius would probably end up the one getting punished. if Tom didn't, well his ass was Lucius's.
Frost cried out, pained and pleasured. the pleasure so strong that it had danced along that line that was true pain. Panting as the spell ended, he rested his head against his arm, looking up at the brunette with a smile shifting a litte."I think you just killed me."He said shivering as he shifted a little. Wanting more then just the spell now.

Tom smirkedshoving down harder against the blond, hands closing around the other's wrists letting the cuffs take form, pinning lucius to the bed. Smirking as he looked at his lover, running his hands over the other's body."Oh you think there's nothing I can do?I think I'm so owning your ass this morning."
Harry snickered a little looking amused licking his lips a little. "well, i guess i'll have to bring you back to life then won't i?" he teased smirking as he kissed the other hard, driving his tongue into frost's mouth and offering the other a good spank to the ass before muttering a lubing spell, slipping two fingers into his lover, slowly, tauntingly teasing his lover as he stretched him, running his tongue along the others nipples. "i have another idea that i wanted to try." he admitted smirking as he lifted his fingers, small sparks of electricity jumping from one finger to another, a smirk on his lips. "wanna try it?"

Lucius hissed as he was shoved back down, glancing up at the cuffs that held him to the bed with a small scowl on his face, sulking. "that's cheating." even though it wasn't, it was Lucius's way of saving his pride, wiggling against tom a smirk on his lips. "you can't own my ass." he taunted. "i already own yours." egging Tom on by lifting his hips, baring his tight, virgin entrance to the other, showing just how much he trusted the other, everyone knew Lucius did not bottom, the fact that he was willing to let Tom top him, that said a lot.
Frost eyed the electicy nervously before swallowing, squirming a little. Wanting to know what harry wanted to do, and trusting him enough to do it. "Yes."He swallowed hard, squirming, whimpering as he was teased. He wanted the other, any way harry wanted him.

Tom smirked stealing a kiss. "Oohhh you own me now?i think not."Tom smirked muttering the lubing spell, slipping his fingers into the other. Biting his lip. Trying not to think about how much this meant to him. Otherwise he might not go through with it. He'd probably overthink it. "And I'm a slytherin. Of course I cheated."He said as he lowered his head sucking the blond off as he got his ass ready. Taking his time doing both actions.
Harry chuckled a little bending down and kissing the other hard as he wrapped the electricity filled hand around his lovers cock, filing him with a very low amount of electrical current, stimulating him with jolts of small shocks of pain and a current that felt entirely too pleasurable, like a firm tingle, the same kind you got after holding a vibrator too long to your privates, a pleasant thrum that was entirely too unfair.

Luc smirked as he watched the other gasping as the fingers slid in, his back arching, gritting his teeth against the pain and then moaning hard at the feeling of lips on his cock, bucking before he could stop himself, panting softly. "ah..ah feels....good." he groaned moaning and groaning as Tom did as he pleased, no doubt feeding Tom's ego and spurring him on to be a little less timid in his actions. "A..aah yesss." Lucius groaned, wriggling on the bed. "fuck it feels good, deep inside me, aah yes i'm so glad i waited." he moaned. because in truth, Lucius had been saving himself for tom, for the man that Lucius had loved since he was no more than thirteen.
Frost moaned shivering as he smirked bucking up, wanting more. It felt so good."Hmmm that feels like a vibrator..."He mumbled. Now the question was, how the hell did a prince of demons know of the muggle invention of a vibratior.

Tom moaned becoming less timid, smirking as he listened to the other. Because he was glad that he was lucius's first. Growling as he raised his head, he crawled up, kissing the blond softly as he slid into him with practiced ease."Hmm now thats a ego boast."He teased thrusting into him slowly. Not wanting to hurt him more.
Harry snickered a little and gave the others cock a tight squeeze. "and pray tell my lover, how you would know what a vibrator is?" he teased smirking as he stroked Frost's cock, running his hand up and down, followed by the tingling, always with the tingling a small chuckle from his lips as he removed the electrified fingers and settled them inside of Frost, upping the voltage a little so the tingling was followed by a small sting every once and a while, just to add tot he pleasure.

Lucius moaned, bucking into the others fingers, a blush staining his cheeks as his eyes fluttered open panting hard as he kissed the other back, yelping in pain at being breached so widely arching into him, wanting more. "oh yesss, fuck feels so good. tom! oh god Tom faster, please, don't go so slow, no more teasing please!" Lucius always did have a slight masochistic streak to him.
Frost whimpered squirming, trying to get more. Oh it felt so good, shivering as he came, spurting cum across his stomach ,it was all just to much."oh know, draco thought it was funny giving me one when I had no idea what it was."He muttered panting as he tried to recover.

Tom moaned thrusting into him harder, doing what lucius wanted, because he knew lucius was just a masochistic slut who wanted to be hurt. "Beg. Come on love."He growled biting down on his neck as he thrust into him harder.
Harry snickered a little looking amused. "i'm amazed Draco did." he admitted giving his lover a pause to recover, smirking a little. "shall i punish you some more or have you learned your lesson?" he teased smirking a little licking his lips a little, kissing the other hard snickering a little. "shall i let you up so you can put me back in my place or shall i pound your ass into oblivion?" he teased looking amused.

Lucius moaned as the other moved harder, tossing his head back with a small pant whining in pleasure and pain. "yes, please!" he pleaded, begging bucking into the others thrusts, Gasping at the bite, his breathing a little heavier from the pain, loving it, loving every moment of it. "please, oh please, harder, fuck me harder, own my ass."
Frost moaned squirming a little, panting as he squirmed."Hmmm I think I shall allow you to pound my ass as you so elegantly put it."He said smiling a little at the other, wrapping a leg around the other's waist, trying to get him loser.

tom moaned softly, shivering as he came, hands tightening on the other's arms. Trembling a little as he rested his head on lucius's shoulder. It felt...amazing to lose control inside of his lover. It was...a piece of heaven that was just his own
Harry snickered a little as he let Frost nudge them closer together, rubbing his cock along the others ass, moaning softly before he lined up, and went down to the hilt with a small groan, tossing his head back. "yesss feels so good." he moaned smirking a little as he thrust into the other, panting hard. "uuuhm yesss."

Lucius moaned arching as he too came, hard, all over himself, panting harshly. "fu...fuck yesss." he moaned smirking a little. "christ, we're doing that again." he mumbled, sounding very sated, Lucius rarely sounded sated. a natural uke for Tom, wasn't that lovely?
Frost moaned, squirming, his hand sliding down closing around his own cock as the other slid in and out of him, swallowing hard as he looked up at him."ohhh yes...good..."He muttered, almost incomprehensible with pleasure.

Tom smiled a little as he laid down on the other, panting just as hard nuzzling lucius's neck. Not saying anything about how very sated the other sounded, knowing that it was a rare thing. Purring a little he smirked,"Hmmm good then?"He teased.
Harry moaned, smirking as he thrust in and out of the other, panting hard his nostrils flaring wide, pleased to be buried so deep inside of Frost, tipping his head back as he rode his lover quick but gently, groaning softly. "you feel so good." he moaned moving faster and harder arching as he came inside of his lover, panting hard. "yesss."

Lucius smiled a little as he was nuzzled, content to lay there still handcuffed at at his lovers mercy. "mm it was wonderful." he agreed smirking a little at the other his head tilted. "you do realize that you should cast an infertility spell on me right? if Draco can get pregnant so can i... it's hereditary you know."
Frost moaned as he came, shivering as he spilled himself across his stomach, nuzzling the other's neck before collapsing back, sighing softly."That was fun..."He muttered content, sated. And distantly worried about how long it'd take draco to come back to his room.

Tom yawned resting his head on the other's chest, to content to be worried about the idea of his lover being pregnant."Hmm I know."He said before releasing the handcuffs."I can to come to think of it."He said sounding a little amused."Poor draco, might get a prety sibling."He muttered.
Harry chuckled a little and nodded. "mmm yeah, very fun." he purred smiling a little blinking when the door opened and Draco was thrust in, his back hitting the side wall, groaning as he was pinned there by a horny Lupin, Harry snickering a little, the two lovers freezing and turning to look at th two in Draco's bed. "oh don't mind us, consider us a bonus."

Lucius snorted a little and smiled a little yawning as his handcuffs where released, running his hand through Tom's hair. "mm a very pretty sibling." he agreed smiling. "i can just see out baby now, white hair, and pale skin, and your beautiful red eyes... mm yeah." he purred smiling a little. "or your dark hair and tanned skin and my silver eyes, i wouldn't mind having a little girl." he admitted sighing softly.
Frost yawned, looking at the two lovers peacefully smirking a little as he rested his head on harrys' shoulder. Not in the least embarassed. He was a demon after all, he didn't have such human emotions....or so he told himself as he blushed a little at the sight of his friend being pushed into a wall."We should share that spell."

Tom snickered a little, shifting, cuddling.Not wanting to get up just yet."I hope you know if we have a little girl, frost is going to try to marry her to corbin....though if we wait long enough, draco can have a girl and then SHE can marry corbin and we wouldn't have to deal with frost being related to our little girl.Only your granddaughter instead of daughter."HE said wisely, as if that made it beter
Draco was blushing violently, Lupin still pinning him to the wall, their crotches still pressed tightly together, Harry snickering as they continued to stare at them. "did you just have sex in MY bed!?" Draco finally demanded, Lupin laughing at the absurdity of Draco's rage filled question. "well where else where we supposed to have sex?" "in your OWN house!" "we couldn't wait that long!" "goddammit potter!"

Lucius chuckled a little. "my daughter can marry whoever she want's. so long as she's happy." he decided yawning a little as he snuggled into the bed and into Tom as well. "besides, aren't you already related to Frost?" he asked lifting an eyebrow, smiling a little. "besides, maybe she'll find a nice wizard somewhere in France to Marry."
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