Winter's kiss, moon/lady

Harry smiled a little. "you said you liked it." harry admitted looking amused. "you don't?" he was pretty sure the other did in fact enjoy it. "how are you feeling?" he asked worried as he slid into the bed with the other still holding the tray of soup. "i made you some soup." because Harry knew Frost was sick, even if the Ice Prince was in denial.
"I do."He smiled sitting up taking the tray and starting to eat the soup,cuddling against harry as he did so."And I feel fine."He growled.Yes, eh was in denial, but really he was sulking and he hated being sick.He was like a child who refused to believe that he had chicken pox because it meant he'd have to stay home from school. In this case, it meant frost was bed bound, because he'd not be in control of his magic for a few days as his body fought to get the sickness out of his system.
he chuckled a little and kissed his lovers forehead. "come on love, it's not so bad, just eat some soup and you won't feel as sick later." he promised smiling a little. "and i even have some cream puff flavored medicine." he admitted grinning a little, that had taken some interesting magic to achieve. "and i'll stay right with you the entire time."
Frost looked up from eating his soup looking surprised."You have cream puff flavored medicine?"He said trying not to get excited.Yea...he was such a sucker for the pastry.Smiling happily as he kissed the other, wrinkling his nose."Love you might want to see if draco and lupin'll babysit, just so that corbin doesnt get sick.."
he chuckled a little and nodded. "yep, stayed up all night making it." he teased grinning a little. "and if you eat all of your soup i'll even bring you my special cream puffs." he teased grinning a little. "i added some very special ingredients and made them very delicious, i even like them." and harry rarely liked anything to do with cream, well unless it was Frost's Cream.
Frost snickered a little before swallowing down the soup in a hurry. He wanted the damned cream puffs. When he was done he looked up at him expectantly, smiling widely."I'm done."He announced, wanting the cream puffs bad enough to eat the soup he really didnt like.
Harry chuckled a little and rolled his eyes at his lovers exuberance towards the Cream puffs a small smirk on his lips as he silently summoned the cream puffs onto Frost's lap holding a spoon full of red medicine to his lips. "this first." he ordered, shoving it into Frost's mouth before he could complain, but it really did taste like cream puffs, a little watered down, but certainly nothing horrid like the cherry medicine that harry always took for himself. he really was too nice to frost. "ok, you can have the cream puffs now."
Frost purred a little as he started eating the cream puffs, when he finished he looked up at the other. Smiling softly."Thank you."he said kissing him lgihtly."You're to nice for your own good."he purred cuddling in close to him,yawning.Looking content, even when he was burning up.
Harry chuckled a little and gently kissed his lovers forehead smiling a little. "i am too nice for my own good." Harry agreed giving him a gently nip to the neck. "you sleep." he ordered gently. "i'll go get a nice cool rag and a tall glass of eater, when you wake up i'll let you have some more cream puffs." harry was still making them downstairs using magic, it was cheating, but harry figured as long as he had cream puffs he could make Frost eat soup and take the medicine, so cheating or not, harry was doing it.
Frost smiled going to sleep. Content with the knowledge he was going to get cream puffs.

Two days later Frost yawned, looking over at the blond, smirking slightly."Did you come because you wanted to get sick?Or is lupin giving your ass a good work out?"He teased eating a cream puff. Having ordered harry to tell the blond to come visit, because he was going insane being bed bound.
Draco smirked a little. "unfortunately, Lupin is giving my ass a good work out, he was so submissive when i finally got him to agree! i'm going to have to get him drunk again so i can top." he admitted shaking his head a little. "besides, if i hadn't come you would have got out of bed and MADE me come." he taunted smirking at hum. "so how are you feeling? any better? i hope so because Harry is starting to show the signs of getting sick too." of course, being that harry was with Frost nearly 24/7 to take care of him, it was only obvious that he was going to get sick too.
"I'm being a model patient.Ask harry!I've done all he's asked."He whined before snickering."I'm fine. Really. A little sick, but I'll be fine when he actually gets sick."He said before snickering louder."Poor draco, got to get a man drunk to sleep with him."
Draco smirked a little. "the only reason why your doing what harry tells you to ius because he keeps giving you cream puffs." he teased smirking a little. "i could ASK lupin to let me top, but it's more fun to get him drunk." he admitted snickering a little as he shook his head. "hey do you tell someone that you can get pregnant?" he asked looking a little worried. "i think i might actually like Lupin..." which was obvious from the way the werewolf was still in Draco's house, Draco usually kicked his fuck sessions out after two or three romps, but Draco and Lupin had been hanging out for three days, that was a full two and a half days longer than anyone else.
Frost gave him a look, smirking slightly."I don't know. I came to harry pregnant and fat."he said before sighing."Bring him over, I'll help you explain if you think he'd handle it better from someone who isn't you."he said tilting his head."Just tell him. He'll want to know before you do get pregnant."He said rubbing his eyes.
Draco groaned a little and shook his head. "no, i'd better tell him myself." he admitted with a small sigh. "it seams impersonal to make someone else do it, besides i'm under an infertility spell, so i won't get pregnant." he admitted with a small grin. "Harry's under one too, so you don't accidentally get him pregnant when your not ready for another one." he admitted chuckling a little. "he's not sure if you where joking or not when you said you wanted another baby, he's sort of freaking out about it, he really wants at LEAST three kids, but he isn't sure how to ask, you better help him out Frost, before his brain explodes, he's not good at thinking you know."
Frost snickered looking at him, dark amusement showing in those winter colored eyes."Ah but watching him try and figure out how to ask is so amusing."He said sighing a little."I don't lknow. The first tiem was bad enough."He said laying back in the bed.'But it wouldn't be me pregnant so I just dont know."he frowned."Wait....what did I say?"He asked not remembering.
Draco chuckled a little and smirked. "you said that you needed to have another baby so that your little girl could marry my little boy." he admitted smirking a little. "it was really very funny," he admitted smiling a little. "Besides, this baby will be just the same as Corbin, only with darker hair and harry will be the one carrying it. you do know that don't you?"
Frost twitched."I know."Before studying draco, smirking a little."I'm sorry, my kids are marrying your siblings. There's only so much wizarding blood I'm willing to comtaminate my blood with."He said smirking a little. Teasing. Mostly anyways.
Draco chuckled a little and shook his head, smiling a little. "that's ok, i'm not sure any of my little werewolf babies would mix with Demons very well anyway." he admitted smiling a little as he shook his head, watching as Harry came in with a tray of hot cocoa, a bottle of medicine, a tray of cream puffs, and a tray of eclairs setting it on the bed between the two. "cream puffs AFTER you take your medicine." harry ordered uncapping the bottle and pouring out the specified amount, once again shoving it into Frost's mouth before the man could protest, Draco snickering a little.
Frost choked for a minute as he swallowed it, pulling back as he sputtered, looking at harry. Whining a little as he reached for a cream puff."Love that wasn't kind."He stated, pulling the tray and pulling it into his lap as he looked at draco then the enclairs. silently demanding that the other only ate them and not the cream puffs."Draco doesnt want our demon children mating with his werewolf babies."He informed harry, snickering. knowing that this was going to be amusing to watch
Harry chuckled a little. "if i don't, you might spit it out, you didn't even realize that it wasn't cream puff flavored now did you?" he asked Draco cackling a little as he picked up an Eclair, nibbling on it as Harry paused and blinked at Frost. "...Demon and werewolves?...nnno i don't think that would be a good mix." he admitted smirking a little as he shook his head. "besides, that's WAY too much wizarding blood in our offense Draco." " two are so perfect for each other." Draco stated rolling his eyes.
Frost snickered looking at him."Of course we are.I'm perfect in every way."Frost said arrogantly studying the blond before laughing."I did to!Its the same medicine you gave me earlier."He protested, though he really hadn't, he figured he better protest his intelligence.
Draco laughed a little and Harry smirked a little. "no it's not, this was grape flavored." Harry admitted smirking a little as he headed out the door Draco snickering a little and rolling his eyes. "besides, you know very well that i'm not a full wizard." he pointed out to Frost once harry was out of earshot. "only, don't tell Harry that, he doesn't know and he doesn't need to."
Frost pouted watching harry leave before looking insulted as he looked at draco."Since when do I share friend's secrets?I do have a little honor, small and insignicate as it is."He sneered a little. Because unlike most demons, hell most humans, frost was truly honorable. If he said something he'd go through hell and high water to keep his word.
Draco smiled a little. "well... i didn't know if you knew it was a secrete yet or not." he admitted shaking his head a little. "i know it's not something to a Demon, me being a halfblood like this....but, well all of School i've tormented Harry about being a half blood, only to find out that i am as well... i don't think even Harry could resist the temptation of revenge." he sighed a little and closed his eyes
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