Winter's kiss, moon/lady

Draco laughed a little and shook his head. "no no, i am certain that Corbin will like younger men." he admitted grinning a little as he watched the baby. "not too much younger, maybe five years, maybe ten." "oh lord..." Lucius groaned smacking himself in the face. "Draco your making things worse." he complained scowling at him as Harry snickered, Lucius smiling as he leaned back into Tom. "oh that's perfectly alright, i'm sure we can find a way to make it up to me." he teased a smirk on his lips.
"I'm sure I can."Tom smiled resting his head on lucius's shoulder, nearly laughing out loud as frost piped up.

"Well, he might take after me, and like younger.After all harry's 79 years younger then me."He said, completely serious for once.
this time both Lucius and Harry choked, staring at Frost wide eyed. harry hadn't realized how much Older frost was, he suddenly felt very inadequate and childish and unpracticed. "how can you be so old and so immature at the same time?" Lucius demanded still staring at Frost wide eyed, harry snickering a little, feeling better about himself as he realized that Lucius was right. Frost might have been older but they where still about the same age emotionally and mentally...he hoped.
Frost snickered a little."For a demon, I still aAM a child.When you have a lifetime that can last into the thousands, a 100 years is barely a drop in the bucket."She said shrugging a little. As if it was normal to live that long...and well, for him it was.For him, and his maturity level, it was like a kid just starting to come into what he'd be. A rebellous teen, a young adult still learning. The only reason he'd been allowed near his throne was because he was the last winterborn prince, there was no other to control everyone while he grew up.
Harry blinked a little before smirking a little. "so in some sick and twisted way, i'm older than you." he teased smirking a little before laughing a little and shaking his head a little. "in any case Age is only a number." he stated simply running a hand through his hair and sighing softly with a small snicker. "anyway, who's staying for lunch?" "i am." Draco stated simply flopping down into a chair as if he owned the place, Harry rolling his eyes but saying nothing, he and Draco had reached a tentative truce after Harry had almost killed him with sectemsempra.
Frost blinked smirking a little as he collasped into teh chair next to draco, cuddling his baby as he did."What's for lunch?I'm hungry. Draco didn't give me enough cream puffs."She said sulking.

Tom snickered, pressing his face into lucius's shoulder to hide his smirk as he started laughing more. He couldn't believe the man was still obsessed with the cookie.
cream puffs are a pastry XDD)

Harry laughed a little and set a convenient dish of cream puffs in front of Frost, harry always kept a constant supply, otherwise frost got bitchy. "Chicken soup." he admitted grinning. "though it sort of looks like a stew." he had thrown in vegetables, rutabaga, carrots, celery, noodles of course, but he'd also made homemade dumplings which he was now scraping into the soup. "it will be done in just a moment." he promised smacking Draco's hand as he tried to grab a cream puff. "no, frost's." he growled glaring at the blond who rubbed his hand and sulked.
Frost growled softly as he looked at the blond."Mine."He said holdng the plate, looking odd and sulky with corbin cuddled against his shoulder. He really was a young child...most of the time anyways. Though the warrior that had seen a 100 years was nothing to screw with.
Draco smirked a little and shook his head as Harry snickered a little watching Frost eat the cream puffs and cuddle the baby as he dished up the soup, settling it in front of everyone before he got the garlic bread out of the oven and settled that onto the table as well as he kissed Frost's temple and licked a bit of filling off the corner of his lips as he gently took Corbin so he could change the little boy's diapers before getting him a bottle.
Frost whined a little as he started eating, giving his friend a look."It's not kind to laugh at me."He said sulking as he ate. Looking up at harry as he came back in with the baby, stealing a kiss."Tell him to be mean to me."
Harry chuckled a little and glared at Draco. "be nice or i'll sodomize you with a rolling pin." "he'd probably enjoy that." Lucius grumbled, sounding highly disgruntled, Draco choking on his tea at his fathers comment, Harry bursting into laughter again as he fed Corbin who giggled at the laughter. Draco was blushing furiously as he tried to clear his airways and calm himself from the horror of his fathers admittance, and acceptance, of Draco being a slut.
Tom snickered, watching draco."Oh no, he wouldn't. At least not unless lupin was holding it."he said smirking.

Frost raised his hands in self defense already seeing that he was going to get blamed for this."I didn't tell him!"
Harry lifted an eyebrow as he turned and looked at Frost before glaring at Tom as Lucius's eye twitched. "so i see you made another conquest..." he muttered trying very hard not to sound as pissed off as he did. "in Lupin's defense, he did protest until the end." Draco admitted sipping on his tea again Harry tossing his head back as he roared with laughter. "that sounds like Lupin." Harry agreed snickering a little as he shook his head. "and how did YOU find out Mr Riddle?" he demanded looking amused at Tom. "and when can we expect another little Lucius running around?" this time both Lucius and Draco choked violently on their tea.
Frost snickered, trying not to laugh out loud at their faces as tom choked on hs food."Oh you know half demons can get pregnant. So surely there'll be another malfoy running around.Hopefully a girl. Corbin'll need someone to date when he's older."He nodded, saying it as if it was all decided.

Tom paled, "W-what?What are you talking about frost?Having a kid of your own addling your brains.I can't get pregnant."

"Yes you can."
Harry nodded. "yup, you certainly can." "NO! i REFUSE!" Draco hissed slamming his hands on the table, Lucius looking startled. "well..." he muttered blinking a little. "personally i was going to suggest adoption later on, if you every wanted kids." he admitted rubbing the back of his head. "i guess i'm automatically bottom now aren't i?" he complained sulking a little as Harry snickered and shook his head. "don't feel bad tom, i can get pregnant too, though my lover being a demon it's rarer, but i'm sure as hell gonna try anyway! and Corbin is NOT dating a child born of that pompous ass."
"But-but she'll be soooo cute!Look how pretty draco is!"Frost protested ignoring the rest of the onversation.

Tom smirked a little, tilting his head."Maybe you will."He sid trying not to blush as he sighed softly. Already falling in love with the idea of a little lucius that he could raise without narcissa's infrence. Draco was to much like his mother, a baby he could raise as he wanted.
Harry snorted a little and tossed his nose in the air. "no, she'll be a horrid rotten spoiled brat like Draco is! i don't want Corbin to suffer like that!" he growled a smirk on his lips. Draco ignored the goading and simply sipped on his soup Harry snorting a little as Lucius smiled a little and kissed Tom's temple. "in any case, any children me and tom where to have, certainly would NOT end up like Draco." "i take insult to that." Draco complained pouting a little Harry laughing.
Frost smirked a little, looking at draco."Oh suck it up whiner. You know you take after your mother."He said sipping his soup.

Tom rolled his eyes resting his head on lucius's shoulder, closing his eyes as he finished his soup."They're just as bad as when they were 11."
Draco snorted a little. "i cant help that mother is a tyrant." he complained eating his soup as daintily as ever, making sure not to slurp, his mothers training would never be trained back out of him. "yes they are." Lucius agreed shaking his head a little. "we weren't bad at all at eleven." "sixteen was worse." "WAY worse." harry agreed shaking his head. "i almost killed you if i remember correctly." "that's ok, i was TRYING to kill you." Draco admitted. "still, you managed to keep me from becoming a murderer." "and you helped me find my dark side so we're even."
Tom smiled a little, smirking slightly."Let's go home.I have things to do tonight."He said, not wanting to say what he was going to do.After all he didn't want to scar draco for life.

Frost laughed sofly shaking his head as he leaned back in his chair. Not about to say what he was thinking. Because well, draco'd hit him for telling him that he might be having a little brother soon.
Lucius groaned a little. "paperwork." he whined Harry snorting a little. "ahuh, sure." he stated clearly not believing them. "your going to work on making little baby Lucius's you dirty dirty perverts." he stated sternly making Draco choke on his tea once more. "Dammit harry!" Draco complained blushing bright red, Lucius blushing now as well. "You have no right to speak Draco Malfoy Rapist of my innocent uncle!" "innocent my ass." Draco muttered sourly. "he knew things even i didn't know." "e got that from my godfather."

"Lets get out of here." Lucius muttered wrapping his arm around Tom's waist apparating them out of the house and into the beach once more, a small grin on his face. "you did say you wanted to come back here after checking in with frost yes?"
Frost shuddered,"I'm disturbed at the thought.I want to think of lupin as the innocently old victim that he is."He said smirking a little, looking at draco."You're so going to be a older brother."

Tom smiled at him, kissing him as he wrapped his arms around the other."Yes I did.And now he can't compain I didnt tell him how my date went. He really is such a child sometimes."
Harry snickered a little. "oh yes, he IS a victim." he admitted. "before Draco Lupin never had anyone younger than a year or two, Lupin prefers men his own age." Harry admitted chuckling a little. "Draco is just a lapse in Lupin's judgment." "i feel highly insulted." Draco complained scowling at Harry who smirked and shrugged. "i'm only telling the truth."

Lucius snickered a little. "well, in Demon Terms he is a child no?" he asked smiling a little. "hell Draco is still a child." he stated simply. "Harry is still a child, i'm still a child sometimes!" he admitted smiling as he kissed Tom's cheek. "and i KNOW you still act like a child." he teased smirking a little. "sex on the beach? that's a young person thing." he teased snickering a little as he ran his hands up Tom's belly. "so, who's topping?" he asked smirking as he nipped at Tom's ear, willing to let him decide.
Frost snickered,"Poor draco.You get insulted when you don't give me enough cream puffs.You need to bring more.And make sure you have a sister so corbin can marry her."He said looking smug.

Tom moaned softly leaning into the touch,nuzzling lucius's neck."This is not a young person thing.I'm old. So it's a old person thing."He said reasonably, smirking a little,biting down on his neck, blushing."I think you should."
Draco rolled his eyes and went back to eating his soup as Harry smirked a little and handed Frost another plate of fresh made cream puffs, right out of the fridge. "there you go love." harry chirped grinning a little as Draco rolled his eyes. "i'm going to go screw Lupin once more before he has time to decide that he really has made a mistake,." he decided smirking at Harry who rolled his eyes, the blond vanishing with a loud crack. "that man, is really going to have to give Draco a good harsh lesson." Harry stated simply. "what Draco fails to realize, is that Lupin never bottoms twice."

Lucius snickered a little. "aah but My Lord, you are not that old." he teased nibbling on the others ear playfully as he ran his fingers along the others nipples, panting softly in his ear. "mmm, you taste sweet." he teased, inching the other out onto the sand, transfiguring a rock into a towel so that Tom wouldn't have to lay in the sand. "where should i start?" he asked, teasing his Lord and Master.
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