Winter's kiss, moon/lady

Tom laughed softly taking lucius's hand, apparating out. Wondering what the other man had planned.

Frost snickered softly, pressing a kiss to harry's shoulder as he wrapped his arms around his wasit."You my love, sound so overprotective of him."
Lucius chuckled a little as he indicated a fancy Italian restaurant/cafe next to the ocean. "i hope you like Italian." he murmured softly, sounding....nervous? no certainly not!? Lucius malfoy was honestly nervous!?

Harry smirked a little. "hey, i hate Lucius, i like tom, whats not to be overprotective about?" he smirked a little. "besides that hair-due is my baby, i don't need that blond brute ripping it out by the roots or messing it up with his nasty body fluids." he smirked at Frost. " "i wouldn't mind a taste of your bodily fluids though."
Tom smiled nodding,"I do."He said following the other to the cafe, smirking a little.It wasn't often you heard lucius malfoy honestly nervous about something.Last time he had it was probably over something draco'd done.Absently brushing a hand against the other's."Don't be nervous."He teased smiling

Frost laughed softly as he groped the other, "Hmm you wouldn't?"He said absently thrusting against the other's ass."And I don't think he'll be ripping out tom's hair."
he smiled a little. " i'm not nervous." he lied smiling at him. "i'm excited...i finally get you all to myself." he teased gently kissing the others cheek before leading him into the Cafe, it was a fancy one, with fancy foods, and fancy wines.

Harry laughed a little and moaned as he was groped, leaning into the thrusts with a small pant. "mmm no, but you might be ripping out mine if i have my way about things." he growled smirking a little. "i did promise you could tie me up and own my ass."
Tom blushed slighty as he sat down at the table smiling as he looked the other over."How's draco doing?Harry mentioned something about frost wanting to visit with him...something about a bouncing ball..."He smirked a little.

"Hmmm so you did."Frost growled nudging him back toward sthe bedroom."And you want me ripping out your hair?"He said smirking as he pressed a kiss to harry's head.
Lucius chuckled a little. "Draco is ranting, he always is." he admitted smiling. "this time it's about the ministers lack of ability to make proper connections with the other wizarding countries." he admitted shaking his head. "that boy is completely determined to become minister, even if he has to take it by force." he admitted smiling as their food arrived. "a bouncing ball? huh i don't think i get the relevance." he admitted blinking a little.

Harry growled eagerly, smirking a little as he was pushed into the bedroom. "well maybe not ripping it out, but a few strands won't hurt too badly" he teased laughing a little.
Tom looked surprised."He DIDN"T rant about frost's amazing bouncing ferret ball?I thought he'd be howling for years about that."He smirked a little."Draco'd probably be a good minister.Better then the one controlling things now."

Frost smirked shoving him down onto the bed and pinning him there, kissing his lover slowly."A few strands then."He said wrapping his fingers in the other's hair, kissing him hard.
he lifted an eyebrow. "again i...don't see the connection..." Draco, apparently, had not told Lucius about being turned into a ferret, probably too ashamed. still it was funny seeing Lucius's baffled face. he smiled at the mention of a minister Draco. "please, he'd go power made, make all sorts of insane demands, and get impeached for being an immature dick."

Harry snickered as pe was pushed, then pinned to the bed, moaning into the kiss running his tongue along the others lips his hand reaching up and gripping his lovers ass tightly, as if he was the one in control there. "mmm yeah, just a few strands."
"Probably, but that's why we let frost be his secretary, and then anyoen would be to afraid to try and impeach him."He sniggered, teh blond was just so cute when he was confused."When they were younger draco got turned into a ferret and bounced around by a teacher, of course, he did the insane thing, and told frost about it."

Frost growled pressing into him, kissing him hard as he yanked the brunette's shirt off."You grab my ass like you plan to be in charge."He growled lowering his head to bit a nipple.
Lucius gaped at Tom looking completely horrified. "WHAT!?" he demanded in a roar, clapping his hand to his mouth as several people shot him dirty looks. they where promptly kicked out. "....well that didn't go as planned..." Lucius muttered, still sounding utterly horrified. "do these people not know who i am!? who YOU are! Who in the hell Dared turn my son into a Ferret!" he demanded looking at Tom, worry in his eyes. "Draco wasn't hurt was he!?"
Tom smiled, looking puzzled at getting kicked out. before looking at the other."Only his pride. And the fact that frost wont let it drop.Last I heard he had a bouncy ball made so he could throw it at draco when he saw him.Even calls him the amazing bouncing ferret most of the time."Tom said sliding a arm around lucius's waist,"Lets go for a walk."
Lucius relaxed as he realized that only Draco's pride had been damaged and now he began to chuckle as well. "oh man, my poor son...well then i guess i shouldn't tell you about all sots of humiliating baby stories of him for you to give to frost as ammunition mm?" he teased smiling a little as he wrapped his arm around Toms waist in return. "i'm sorry that i got us kicked out of the restaurant."

Harry moaned and smirked grabbing Frosts ass with Both hands now a wicked smirk on his lips. "mmm fuck yeah i am." he growled snickering a bit. "gonna ride you all night long." moaning and arching as Frost bit one of his nipples.
"It's fine.It's not the first time I've been thrown out of a place."Tom snickered a little."Though the first time I got kicked out because of who I was with and not who I am."He said snickering again."Humiliating baby stories?Now that sounds interesting.Frost needs to be informed.He's inviting draco to visit in the near future, and he does love bruising someone's pride."

Frost bit down harder, lifting up off the other man, not touching him except with his lips, letting ice and shadow encase the other."Oh, I think you got who's riding who backwards."He said biting down again.
Lucius laughed a little and shook his head. "that someone would DARE throw out the Dark Lord amazes me. the BALLS someone like that must have." he chuckled a little and shook his head a bit. "lets see, embarrassing stories... oh i know! when draco was nine we where having a slumber party for him with all of his little freinds. unbeknown to me they had read some scary stories before they went to sleep, and when i woke up in the morning there where five children in bed with me and my wife. i freaked out so hard that i actually fell out of bed and dragged out Draco and pansy with me. somehow, pansy ended up on top of draco and they ended up locking lips. Draco started screaming about cooties, i was laughing to hard to explain anything, and Pansy has never left him alone since."

Harry moaned as he bit harder tossing his head back, whining loudly as he shuddered panting hard. "u..uuhn." he groaned as he felt the demon magic circling around him making him jerk with pleasure, panting softly. "a..aah Frost fucking yess." he hissed at the bit, grabbing his shoulders and trying to drag him back down, shuddering a little. "more! i..aah need more."
"Well the person WAS frost, so he always has more balls then brains."He snickered, laughing out loud at the story."What a wake up call.No wonder draco's always getting followed around."He snickered laughing at the very image of them.pressing a kiss to lucius's cheek."Poor lucius. Startled awake...well, I can promise there wont be any kids in my bed."

frost growled at him, refusing to be pulled back down as he kissed the other."You act like your in charge. You're not. Now behave if you want me to continue."He growled kissing him harder.
he laughed a little glancing at Tom a small grin on his lips. "kids would be too terrified of you to get into bed...hell you would probably be down there reading the scary stories to them." he pointed out smirking a little. "and you would finish. 'and all the little boys and girls where gobbled up by the monster, pretending to be mummy and daddy' or something so that their too terrified to come get us...why didn't i think of that?
Tom snickered looking over at him,"Because you are a good dad. I on the other hand, don't care if I scare the shit out of people."He snickered tilting his head."Do you want me to read draco a bedtime story so he doesnt get in bed with you?"He smirked.
Lucius laughed brightly and shook his head. "i bet you would be a great father." Lucius admitted tangling his fingers in with Tom's, a small smile on his face. "your child would probably be the most spoiled, and the most psychotic thing that ever walked the planet." he teased chuckling a little. "he'd be overly handsome too."

Harry groaned a smirk on his lips as his hands where pinned down, panting softly as he kissed Frost back, but decided to be a good boy now, he didn't want frost to stop. "u..uuh yessir."He gasped, just for added effect, arching into Frost. "please don't stop."
"Oh so you mean my son would be frost?Sorry, the world can only handle one of him."Tom said with a snicker. Amused that lucius thought he'd be good with kids.

Frost smirked as he laid down on the other, sliding into him with a hard thrust, kissing him hard."Good boy."He said kissing him slowly and throughfully.
Lucius laughed brightly and nodded, looking pleased before hesitating a little. "so you don't want kids then?" Lucius could handle that of course, but...he would really love to have another kid, with someone he actually loved.

Harry moaned arching into the thrust, kissing him back intently his tongue slipping into the others mouth, licking his gums all over with a grin his arms wrapping around the others shoulders, holding him close groaning loudly. "ah. ah fuck me, yesss oh fuck me!"
"I never really thought about it."Tom shrugged looking at him."I never really had anyone to consider having kids with."

Frost growled thrusting into him, hands resting on his hips, pulling against him hard, kissing him again."And who's in charge?"he growled raising his head to look at the other.
Lucius smiled a little glancing at Tom. "well, you'll find that person someday." he promised smiling a little pausing. "have you ever been to the beach?"

Harry moaned arching against him panting hard his fingers tangling in the others hair whimpering loudly. "you, you are. your in charge!" he moaned tossing his head back, resisting to add the unspoken 'for now' that he so desperately wanted to say. but then frost would stop, and harry was soooo close.
Tom looked startled for a minute before shaking his head."No."He said smiling a little, curious to see what the blond had in mind.

Frost growled hearing the unspoken words, fucking him harder, kissing him harder as he came, hands gripping the man's hips bruisingly hard.
Lucius smirked and took Tom's hand winking at him before apparating them out, reappearing at the edge of a beach, completely deserted the edge littered with shells and the horizon shining red with a sunrise. "what do you think?"

Harry moaned loudly arching as he came with Frost panting hard arching against him a moan falling from his lips at the bruising of his hips panting hard. "mm fuck yesss." he groaned grinning squirming looking up at frost mischievously. "mmm you so good."
Tom stared in silence, looking amazed as he rested a hand on lucius's shoulder as he pulled off his boots."I think frost's going to kill me for getting sand in his clothes."He said tossing the boots onto the ground, heading for the water.

"I better be."He growled pulling out of him, laying down next to him, pulling the brunette hard against him."You know I'm the best."he growled softly, kissing him.
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