Winter's kiss, moon/lady

Frost smirked,"And they're part demon. It really is inhernet to us."He said amused."I truly like the idea of giving dumbledore to the demons. He's the one who's having a true bad idea for the dmeonkyn."

Tom smiled a little,"Hmmm I dont think I appericiate you being mad at someone besides me."He said sulking a little.
Harry snickered and nodded. "that's certainly true." harry agreed glancing at Tom and raising his eyebrow at him as Lucius chuckled and glanced at Harry. "so, since you have no house elves, who will be bringing out dessert?" "you really like to push me don't you?" Harry demanded his eyes narrowed dangerously at Lucius before smirking a little. "why don't you and i talk in the kitchen Lucius?" he suggested, a dark gleam in his eyes, not giving the other any time to respond before harry yanked him into the kitchen, locked the door, and silenced to room so no one could hear them. it only lasted five minutes, whatever Harry was doing, but Lucius came out holding two of the chocolate mousse cups and sat down, looking astonished and horrified as harry followed, smirking as he sat down next to Frost and handed him the larger mousse cup. "i think Lucius and i worked things out." "yes...i do too." Lucius admitted, still sounding horrified and shocked.
The two looked supicious, the full demon the first one to say something. He was always told he had more balls then brains."...well that's good."He said smiling slightly."it'll make the family visits easier, seeing as Tom's corbin's godfather."He said wincing when he heard the baby starting to cry, bouncing up and returning with a few minutes, the baby cuddled in his arms.
Harry smirked a little as he finished his mousse, jumping when he heard Corbin crying and smiling in relief when he saw the baby was ok, his cold demon shell dropping off in an instant to become a loving father as he tickled Corbin's feet playfully, chuckling a little at Lucius's, once more, stunned face.the blond was never going to get used to Harry's 'mood swings'.
Frost smiled as corbin giggled, rolling his eyes a little as he looked at lucius."What?You were more goofy over draco then he is being over this baby."He said defensively, still not used to being a mother, it was mildly odd to have someone else seeing his small family, and was feeling protective.
Lucius shook his head. "it's not that." Lucius promised closing his eyes a small smile on his face. "i just, didn't expect potter to be so loving after being so cold." he admitted opening his eyes again. "and after the things he told me." he shrugged. "i guess i'm just never going to be used to harry, that's all." "i'm like an earthquake, you put up with me because you have to, but you never get used to having your foundation rocked." Harry teased a smirk on his lips.
Tom snickered a little."I hear you don't just rok the house, you level the mother."He said trying to be serious as he looked over at the flushing demon. Really, it was nice for once to be the one not blushing and seeing frost go that shade of red.
Harry snickered a little. "oh i do more than level the mother." Harry hissed smirking a little. "i break the damn bed, and tear down the forest while i'm at it." he teased snickering a little as Lucius laughed a little as he noticed Frost's blush. "he's full of it isn't he?" he asked frost an amused smirk on his lips. "yes, yes i am." harry purred a wicked gleam. "i'm full of something alright and it sure does feel damn good." now Lucius was blushing as well.
Frost blushed."I-uh...corbin needs a diaper change."He said getting up, hurrying into the other room.

Tom snickered watching him o. Really he couldn't believe the ice prince had just ran away. That was so adorable."Now that was just cute."He smiled leaning over to kiss lucius's cheek."You blush so prettily."
Harry chuckled a little looking amused as Lucius blushed even harder at Tom's statement and the kiss to the cheek. "i am anything but Pretty" Lucius sulked Harry smirking. "aaw but you ARE pretty, in fact the first time i saw you i was certain you where Draco's mum." "that's it you little brat!" Lucius roared whipping out his wand and laying a silencing charm on Harry before the boy could respond. "MUCH better!" the smell of smoke suddenly drifted in the air and Lucius blinked looking around. "do you smell something burning?" harry had set the hem of Lucius's robes on fire.
Tom laughed before dousing the fire, rolling his eyes."He caught you on fire."He sighed softly."Being with you two is like being with teenagers. Or with draco."He said amused, smirking."Now harry, you have to be kind, because frost does like lucius most days, but even worse he LOVES spending time with draco."Tom snickered, knowing that wasn't going to be a good thing to tell,but really two could play at the harassing game.
Lucius scowled darkly at harry who glared at tom and opened his mouth to say something, rolling his eyes and motioning at himself before trying again. "Draco i don't mind, he at least can act like a human being once and a while. Lucius is nothing more than a soulless, heartless bastard who's tried to have me killed on no less than three occasions." he spat hatefully. "i don't mind you because you at least pretend to regret what you tried to do to me, he on the other hand has no soul." harry spat before staling out of the room after Frost Lucius pausing and pondering that then. "well...he has a point."
Tom smiled slightly."He does.We probably should be going...I have thins for you to do."he said before apparating out.

Frost looked up from changing corbin's diaper tilting his head as he smiled."You okay?"He asked worriedly
Harry scowled a little and shrugged. "i'm alright, he just gets me all riled up." he admitted scowling a little before sighing. "i'd feel better if you let me beat the shit out of him. you have no idea what that fuckers put me through." actually, no one did, in fact no one really knew anything of what harry went through, because he never told anyone. he paused and then. "i did have a question though." harry admitted glancing at him. "can all demons get pregnant?"
Frost frowned looking at him, before nodding slowly."Yes. Though its usually hard to get pregnant when both parents are demons....we live so long that we tend not to procreate alot...unless one of the parents is wizard or muggle..."He muttered shuddering a little.
Harry paused a moment and nodded. "i see...what about half demons? like my mother, or Tom?" so that was why Harry was asking, he wanted to know if Draco should be expecting a little baby brother. he wrapped his arm around Frost, gently kissing the others forehead at seeing the shiver. "you alright?"
Frost nodded, leaning into him."Just thinking about being pregnant..."He muttered. before realizing where harry was going with this conversation."It's probably a safe bet draco's going to have the shock of a lifetime. Because lucius is a wizard, and tom's half wizard they'll breed easier then we would. Because while you're half wizad, I'm not."
Harry nodded a little pondering the chances before snickering a little. "i would pay to see Lucius all fat and pregnant." he admitted with a chuckle. "poor tom, he's going to end up on bottom you watch." he admitted with a small chuckle before biting his lip a little, hesitating. "what are the chances of me getting pregnant?" he asked tipping his head to the side. "i mean, uhm...if you wanted to have another i wouldn't mind being pregnant..." hesitant, because he wasn't sure if his lover wanted another baby or not.
Frost snickered a little at the idea of lucus being pregnant. Before biting his lip, avoiding looking at harry."I...I don;t know.Not...not as goo as it'd be if I was wizard...but..I..."he whimpered softly, trying to figure out what harry wanted.He was willing to do whatever the other wanted,.
harry smiled and gently kissed the other. "calm down." he murmured softly kissing and nuzzling the others neck. "i was just trying to figure out if you wanted to maybe, have another baby with me?" he offered softly biting his lip a little smiling a bit. "but if you don't want to, i'd understand." he promised smiling at him kissing his temple.
Frost shuddered a little resting his head on harry's shoulder, closing his eyes."I..I dont know."he said lifting his head to look at the other."Maybe... lets see how corbin turns out before we subject another child to my childrearing skills."
Harry chuckled and kissed Frost's temple. "your a wonderful father." he murmured smiling at him. "your so good with Corbin, even when he cried for three days straight." he admitted shaking his head a little. "your a wonderful father and you should never think otherwise, Corbin is going to grow up perfect, you'll see."
Frost laughed softly kissing him, resting his head on his shoulder."You're so good to me."He said wrapping his arms around the other's waist, pulling him closer."Come on lets get some sleep cause tomorrow's going to be a long day, and we're going to be seeing tom get antsy for his date."
Harry snickered a little and nodded kissing the others forehead again. "i just hope that my sense of fashion doesn't make him want to slaughter me. i'm better at hair than i am at clothes." he admitted grinning. "so how about i give him the haircut and you do the clothes and we can both do his makeup?"
Frost laughed as he laid corbin down, making sure the baby was well settled before heading to the bedroom with harry, pulling him down next to him."Let's do that.Tom's going to be nervous as it is, he doesn't need to put up with your off the wall style."He teased.
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