Winter's kiss, moon/lady

Harry snorted a little and shook his head crawling back into bed with his lover sighing a little as he snuggled into him. "i know i'm mad, but i like to pretend i'm not." he admitted chuckling softly as he closed his eyes. "what should i make for breakfast today?" he asked pondering the situation. "i'm in a mood for waffles, how about you?"
Frost snickered a little, pressing a kiss to his head as he snugled against harry holding him close."Waffles sound perfect. I want some."He said,though he made no move to get up. Tom was right, he loved eating, but he really really hated cooking.
Harry laughe a little and nodded kissing the others forehead. "you got it love." he purred grinning. it was ok that Frost hated cooking, because Harry loved cooking, he loved cooking a lot, and he loved cooking for Frost even more, but he hated sharing his kitchen, so it worked perfectly! he grinned and slipped out of bed heading downstairs to make breakfast.
Frost snickered, going back to sleep for a few minutes before getting up, getting the fussy baby from his crib before going down to the kitchen.Getting corbin's bottle and giving it to him as he sat down at the table."Well?How's the cooking coming?"he smiled.
Harry smirked and lay a plate of fluffy golden waffles in front of the other, winking at him. "it's going well." he admitted humming as he set the waffle maker on for another batch, humming a little. "i'll have to tell tom that we need to be at the Shrieking shack at noon, preferably before hand to set up some 'just in cases'. don't want that little git getting away on me, i hate chasing people." he admitted sulking a little before grinning at the other. "waffle ok?"
"Waffles are fine."Frost smiled slightly shifting the baby in his arms, letting corbin rest on his shoulder as he started eating."You'll be careful yes?"He asked, put out that he couldn't go. Almost wanting to say screw tom, leave the dark lord in charge of their baby and go with harry and teach ron a lesson for thinking to mess with him.
Harry smiled and nodded. "yes, i'll be safe." he promised leaning forward and kissing the others forehead. "if you like, i can bring the ponce here, and let you have your revenge on him as well?" he offered smirking a little. "me and tom should be able to tie him up and restrain him enough to make him pretty harmless, so you can beat the shit out of him too."
Frost paled a little at the idea of actually seeing him again."I..uh no?"He said, the word coming out more as a question then anything else. Looking slightly confused.While he was angry, the instinctive fear of the man who'd hurt him was to deep to change
Harry chuckled and kissed the others knuckles. "alright, i'll just torture him for you then." he promised nuzzling the others neck gently. "and then when i come home you can molest me." he promised grinning. "because i am probably going to be randier than all hell... or severely traumatized, either way sex is definitely going to be helpful."
Frost laughed softly, turning his head to kiss him, "Heh, is there anything sex wont fix?"He said with a snicker leaning back to look at the brunette. Studying him, fear in that look. Almost sure that this was the last time he was going to see his lover and determined to memorize what he looked like.
Harry smiled softly and kissed the other gently. "i'll be fine." he promised softly, gently nuzzling the others neck. "i promise." he murmured softly glancing at Hedwig. "Hed, be a doll and go and get Tom for me?" he asked gently, the howl hooting and winging off into the sky as Harry wrapped his arms around Frost's shoulders holding him tightly.
Frost smiled, leaning into him, closing his eyes.

Within the hour tom smiled as he apparated in, tilting his head at the sight of the three laying on the couch."This is so sweet, I might get sick from sugar overdose."He teased running his fingers through his hair.
Harry grinned at Tom looking amused. "your just jealous that i have him and you don't." he teased smiling a little. "you know, i might know a couple of gay freinds i could set you up with, i'm sure they'll hate you at first, and try to kill you. but Stockholm syndrome happens pretty quickly i'm told." teasing tom again, Harry's favorite pass time.
Tom laughed shaking his head as he walked over, picking up his godson from the bassinet and cuddling the baby."Ah, no.It's bad enough I have death eaters trying to own my ass, I don't need help from you to have someone."
Harry chuckled a little looking at him with amusement. "not even a certain Fair Haired Slytherin named Lucius Malfoy?" he teased smirking at the other. "or maybe the delectable Severus Snape? or perhaps you like them younger? i know a couple of red headed twins who could really rock your world."
Tom paled a little at the mention of lucius, before shaking his head at the others."N-no, I'm good."He said trying very,very hard to not think about lucius. REally, he was plagued enough on his own, he didn't need help thinking on it.

Frost snickered,"I think that's the first time I've ever seen him nervous."
Harry blinked at Tom his head tilted a little. "something wrong with Lucius Tom?" he asked looking a little puzzled. "i kind of think he's pretty, not as good looking as Frost but certainly not hideous." he smirked a little and kissed Frost's cheek. "i think i should kidnap him a couple of red heads." he decided snickering a little. "the twins need to stop fucking each other anyway."
Frost snickered as he watched tom pointedly cooing the baby and ignoring them."Oh no, I don't think there's anything WRONG with Lucius. I think he finds him perfetctly acceptable."He laughed watching his friend, wondering if he could convince the blond to stop by and visit while tom and harry was out taking care of ron.
Harry snickered a little and shrugged. " yes well, i'm sure Tom will grow a set off balls eventually." he teased the Dark lord glancing at the clock. "sorry love, but i have to go now." he admitted kissing his forehead. "come on Riddle." Harry demanded. "lets get going." because he didn't want to drag it out, longer than he had to. he disparate, and a letter plopped tot he ground where Harry had been standing. a letter addressed to Frost in Harry's handwriting.

'To my Love,
I am not sure what will be happening today, so i thought that i would write you a letter, just in case. i want you to know that through my entire life you are the only person i have ever truly loved. you are the only person who has ever showed me honest care and concern and for that you will always be the holder of my heart and my soul. you will always be the missing piece of me, you will always be my one and only love. if i do not return tonight, know that i will always love you, know that i will always be yours, i will always protect you, even if i must do so from the grave. i love you Frost, i just wanted to let you know, though i am sure i will walk through the fireplace tonight, a smirk on my face and ready to let you fuck me into oblivion for making you worry, i thought it would be nice to tell you my feelings, and let you know that you are, and forever will be, my Abodonna.' (i forgot how to spell that XP)
Frost sighed, resting his head on his arms."Abadonna, if you're not dead I'm going to kill you."He growled softly, before sitting down to write a letter to lucius. It'd keep him from fretting to much.


Ron frowned a little as he walked into the shrieking shack, his wand in hand."Harry?"He called looking around.

Tom smiled as he leaned against the railing of the stairs, quietly out of sight, wanting to be a surprise if harry needed the help.
Harry was sitting on one of the ruined sofa's, looking up at Ron, his eyes red and puffy as if he'd been crying. and Harry had been, thanks to tom and a well placed crucio. Harry was still trembling, but it only added to the effect of greif as he slowly stood up. "r..ron i...i.." he rushed forward and wrapped his arms tightly around the red head, bursting into sobs. "i'm so sorry! so sorry!" harry's wizards half had surged up, aiding to this emotional scene, but the reminder that Tom was there kept Harry from kissing Ron passionately. "Everything is just so messed up." he stuttered looking up at Ron sniffling a little. "come and sit with me? i'll t..tell you everything." he admitted taking Ron's hand in his own, tangling their fingers together just like he used to.
Ron pressed akiss to his cheek, mentally gloating at the idea that harry had fallen apart without him. Smiling as he sat down with the other, wrapping his arms around him."Tell me what's been going on. You'll feel better after."

Tom rolled his eyes, hands tightening on the railing as he watched the touching reunion. If this was a trick....well he knew the ice prince was going to be vicious in his revenge at the abadonnahe loved.
Harry sniffled and snuggled into him laying his head on the others shoulder. "see ron i..i found out some v..very disturbing things." he admitted rather weakly. "i fou..found out that...well i'm...i'm half demon ron." he admitted sounding almost traumatized. "and my mother, she was actually killed by other demons...Voldemort...he's a half demon too... and he's upstairs right now." he admitted, a silent binding spell suddenly wrapping around Ron. "and i fell in love with the Demon Prince Jackie Frost. we've bonded with each other." scared tone completely gone Harry stood up and faced the completely immobilized Ron grabbing his wand and looking it over. "i also found out, that you Raped, said Jackie Frost." eh admitted suddenly snapping Ron's wand in half, a smirk on his lips. "and for that, you have to pay."
Ron looked shocked, shaking his head. "N-no I didn't!"He said, scared not knowing what to do.This wasn't how things were supposed to go!

Tom smirked a little as he walked down the stairs, glancing at the other half demon."He whines so nicely.I almost want to take him to frost to take care of."He mused.
Harry chuckled a little shaking his head. "yes you did Ronald Weasley, AND i can prove it." he admitted smirking at the other. "you see, when you raped the Prince, you impregnated him, and he had that baby. and I ran a genealogy spell on the baby, and guess who's name came up ron?" he demanded smirking at him, glancing at Tom. "Frost doesn't want to see him." he admitted. "but i won't complain if you rape him a little, so that he suffers just like Frost did. hell you might even keep him alive, i bet he would make a wonderful sex slave for you and your death eaters. he's not very good with his mouth, but his ass is nice and tight."
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