Winter's kiss, moon/lady

Frost smiled as he cooked a fmeal, setting the food down in front of him. gently shaking the man's shoulder, bending down to kiss his cheek."Come along love, time to eat up."he said sitting down to, eating a pickle.
Harry groaned and sat up rubbing his eyes as he blinked at the food and groaned again. "don't wanna." he slurred sleepily, laying back down and burying his head in his arms for a moment before he reached out and grabbed something off the plate and started eating, even while refusing to sit up or open his eyes.
Frost laugehd softly as he ate, sitting down and watching him eat. Once the food was gone he frowned, fretting a little."I don't want you to go alone."He said biting his nails. Looking over the man, "Will you let me do something for you?"He asked, biting his nails harder. Hating this.
Harry blinked at the other and gently took Frosts hands, preventing him from biting his nails. "Frost, please calm down." he ordered softly touching his cheek gently looking concerned for his friend who was so much more. "i've been dealing with Voldemort all of my life. or most of it anyway, he still thinks i'm on his side. i'm not going to piss him off, i'm just going to go in, tell Ron it's over, and vanish. that's all i'm going to do." he promised sighing a little. "of course you can do something for me." he murmured softly watching the other looking curious now. "...what are you going to do?"
Frost sighed as he let Harry stop him from biting his nails, reaching out and gently wrapping a layer of power around him, wrapping shadows around him slowly."It's like'll deflect a blow,,,in case.."He paled a little before swallowing hard."My personal armor is of ice, but your not a winterborn, you wont be able to hold that without me with you. This you can hold on your own, all demonkin can. Don't think about it, just let it be. And I'll rest easier for it."
Harry blinked letting out a small gasp of astonishment as the shadows pressed around his skin a look of joy and pleasure crossing his face as he felt the power of his own kin wrapping around him, activating his own Dormant powers as it latched on and kept Frost's shadows in place. "that feels wonderful." he breathed softly opening his eyes to look down at himself and seeing nothing, not a damn thing. "can wizards sense this?" he asked curiously no longer tired at all flexing his fingers to see if the residual power flickering over his body would diminish his movements at all.

(i'm babysitting with a bad internet connection, so i'm sorry if i don't post for the next two or three days XP)
(lol thats okay between work, babysitting my friends kid and sleeping I wont be around much either lol)

"No.It's a demon thing, unless we want them to see or like you saw in my armor, wrap it in ice."He said smiling slightly. Glad that his gift was making the man so happy. Leaning forward and kissing him softly, wrapping his arms around his lover."It should be wonderful. You're a demonling deprieved of demonkind, it will feel good."He said sadly, knowing he was deprieved of it now.
Harry smiled a little and leaned forward kissing the others cheek gently before looking down at his hands again licking his lips. "it feels so good against my skin." he admitted looking very pleased. "can i keep it?" he asked, not fully realizing that he could do it himself with a little practice. "if Demon magic feels this good, i can't wait to learn about the other things that Demon's can do." he suddenly felt much better about being part demon, after all something that felt that...RIGHT, couldn't be bad...right? of course.
Frost smiled slightly as he gently stroked his fingers through the man's hair, kissing him softly."You can keep it. Though you'll be able to do it on your own with practice."He said before shoving the man back a little."Go before I decide I have to go with you."
Harry smiled and bit his lip watching the other. "i'll be back soon." he promised glancing at him before tossing a handfull of Foo into the fire and stepping through, reapearing in teh gryffindor common room, crowded as always with the many student's that had flooded the gryffindor house. he tossed his emerald green eyes around the room, looking for Ron, his eyes settliong onto his boyfreinds and tossing him a small smile, motioning to the stairs. the dorm would be empty then, it always was. he could talk to ron in private there.
Ron smiled easily at the sight of his boyfriend, gettign up and following the man up the stairs. Smirking because he wondered what the other man wanted. Frowning slightly when he noticed a change in his appearance, it wasn't...anything he could definately see, but there was something different abut the boy who lived."harry?"He asked tilting his head as they walked into harry's bedroom.
Harry glanced at Ron and then looked down at the floor, biting his lip hard. a bad habit that always gave away when harry was feeling guilty. "ron i...we need to talk." he admitted softly sitting down on his bed glancing at the red head before looking back down. "i...your a great freind ron...and an even better fuck but.. i...we don't have... we don't have a relashionship...not the kind that i want...that i need... i...i want someone who will love me." harry admitted staring down at his hands. "i... i need someone, who can be there for me, not just for sex but for when i have an attack, or even when i just need someone to hold a great freind Ron but...but your not a very good boyfreind...i'm sorry but i... i think it's time we..we stopped pretending and...and find people who can truly make us happy..."
Ron looked surprised, before nodding slowly. Dumbledore was so not going to be happy about this. The elder man had assumed the brunette was in love with ron, that he'd be able to control him that way. But surely, now that wasn't a option. Damn that ice demon...everything had changed after he appeared in their lives."....who is it?"He asked slowly, frowning at the fanged bite marks along harry's neck,even as faded as they were, they were visible.
Harry's lip quivered a little and he set a hand to his neck his fingers twitching as he tried to hide the marks. "i don't know." he whispered softly closing his eyes. "just came out of nowhere..." Dumbledore would have known that Harry was lying. Ron would not. "i.. i tried to get away but they...." he closed his eyes and a tear ran down the side of harry's face, playing a rape victom was easy, when he already felt guilty and ashamed, no only about breaking up with ron, but cheeting on him as well. "i'm sorry Ron." he whispered softly glancing at the Red head getting to his feet. "i... i don't think i'm coming back." he admitted softly swallowing thickly. "i.. i'm... i'm going to kill Voldemort, and then i'm..." he didn't finish the sentance. 'everyone' knew harry was going to die killing Voldemort. even Harry knew it.
Ron nodded sadly."Goodbye Harry."He said hugging the other man, kissing him softly before leaving. Needing to report to Dumbledore, knowing he would want to know what was going on.

Meanwhile frost was making the house completely uninhabitable as he paced, ice and shadows frosting over everything in reach as he waited for the other man to return. Knowing he should explain, but he had no idea how it had happened so fast. Most demons had one weakness, one that when destoryed ripped out their hearts. Somehow the wizard he had wanted to hate, had become the one weakness Frost was afraid of. And knowing he was in enemy territory, talkign to a man who'd had him raped and nearly killed wasn't making the ice demon any more relaxed.
Harry hugged the other back and gave him one last kiss before he stood. he still had every intention of killing voldemort, the man was still too dangerous to let live, there was no denying that...but now Dumbledore was also on Harry's hit list. the Golden Boy headed downstairs his eyes down, depression flowing off of him as he headed to the fireplace, the many people in the common room stared at harry as he cast Floo into the fireplace and vanished into the emerald flames. reapearing at the Leaky Cauldron to buy a barrel of firewhiskey and a barrel of sweet rum. Harry fully intended to get smashing drunk. and then stepped into the flames once more, the small barrels tucked under each arm as he moved into his safe house, gaping as he saw all the ice. "well, this is a new look." he sort of liked all the ice and shadows, but he couldn't open his fridge or cupboards...which was more than a little annoying.
"Hary?"Frost skidded into the room, sliding on the ice, and the ice prince went down, landing hard on his ass. Sitting there looking startled and amazed as he rubbed the arm that smacked against the cupboard. Looking up cutely confused as he studied the man holding the bottles. Swallowing hard as he let the ice go, watching it retreat."Sorry...I uh... I was getting antsy."He said looking at the ice melting, blushing ever so slightly.
Harry snorted a little watching the other slip, setting the barrels down and grabbing Frosts hand to help the other to his feet. "it's alright, it's a good look." he teased smiling at the other helping him into a chair shaking his head. "well, i broke up with Ron, he thinks i was raped, and is going to tell Dumbledore i'm planning a scuicidal mission to off riddle." Harry admitted yawning a little as he cracked open the sweet rum and poured himself a well sized glass of it. "i'd offer you a glass but your pregnant." Harry stated simply. "sorry." he shrugged a little and started downing the glass, clearly still torn up about lying to Ron and breaking up with him.
Frost pouted looking at him, pulling the man in his lap, nuzzling his neck."I want some."He whined, hands running over the other man's body."Don't feel bad. You know itwasn't what it should be"He said knowing the man was ashamed of what happened. Drawing away a little, a hurt expression on his face. Wondering if it wasn't that he had cheated, but because of who he had cheated with."I'm going to go lay down..."He said relaxing a little, trying to keep hte hurt out of his voice. Now that he knew harry was safe, he could relax.
Harry gulped down his glass of sweet rum and shook his head. "no, you don't get any." Harry stated firmly wrapping his arms around frost's belly running his nose against the cool skin of the others neck smiling a little. "mmm if i'm going to protect you, n help you raise your baby, n be a daddy..." harry was clearly already drunk. "then i gotta make sure that you don't do anything to make baby hurt, or you hurt.." he paused for a moment then. "you feeling ok? you don't sound right.. are you hurt?" Harry asked softly, showing that it was just the manner in which everything had happened, and not who it had happened with. harry wouldn't admit it...but he felt...better, when he was with Frost, he felt love with the demon.
Frost studied the man holding onto him, tilting his head slightly before leaning down to kiss the half demon slowly."No,I'm fine."He said slowly picking the other man up."Come on daddy, if you're going to take care of me, you're takign a nap with me."He said heading up the stairs and laying him in the bed,cuddling close to the drunk
Harry smiled a little and kissed back, the taste of Alchohal still on his lips yelping as he was picked up. "but i'm not drunk yet!" he whined pathetically before scowling. "shouldn't i be carying you?" he demanded sulking a little. "this seams a little backwards." because despite bottiming during their first sex, harry was obviously the man in this relationship.
"I get carried by no one.I'm not that weak yet."Frost growled softly sulking at the idea before he set him in bed,crawling in beside him and cuddling close. Wanting his nap now.Resting his head on harry's chest."You're going to have to live with being not drunk. I want to sleep with you."
he snorted a littl and smirked. "but i like carrying people." Harry admitted kissing Frost's neck gently. "it makes me feel special and like i'm protecting them." he admitted softly nipping at the others ear as he was laid on the bed and pressed himself into the other sighing softly, smirking a bit to himself. "you always smell so good." he murmered happily.i like sleeping with you, you make the nightmares go away."
"Good."Frost muttered cuddling close glad to be relaxed and sleeping next to harry.

Hours later Frost yawned stretching slowly as he raised his head to look at harry, leaning down to kiss the brunette. Wanting company, and wanting to know what had happened.Gently running his hands over the other man, wanting him to wake up.
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