Winter's kiss, moon/lady

Harry ignored Frost until he felt himself getting hauled to his feat, letting out a small growl of rage. harry didn't want help! he didn't want comfort! he wanted pain and misery and aloneness and more misery!but frost was far stronger than harry was and he found himself yanked into the bedroom, and into the bed tensing at the contact before melting, completely into frost and sobbing silently into his pillow feeling the power curling around him. and while he was cold, he still had never felt safe before, he quietly calmed down and drifted off to sleep, comfortable in Frosts arms, wondering why the other was being so...kind. Ron had never even done anything like this, the red head usually ran away when harry got into one of his 'moods'. and even more startlingly, Harry did not dream, he did not have any nightmares, he was...peaceful for once in his life. he woke slowly the next morning, his eyes fluttering open as he carefully sat up, shivering from the chill of the ice fortress, though not really caring in the least as he looked down at Frost and sighed softly, leaning down and brushing his lips against the others temple. "thank you."
frost whimpered softly at a brush of his lips, shuddering as he blinked slowly."harry?"The ice prince muttered as he looked up at the brunette. 'sighing softly as he let his control on the ice go."did you sleep well?"He asked, fretting becayse ge dudn't know if te other was wking him fir a reason
Harry jumped, startled at the others voice and offered him a small smile. "i slept fine, i was wondering if you wanted some breakfast?" he offered softly, deciding to just not comment on his own mental breakdown. there was no reason to, harry didn't want to remember it, even though he had smeared blood all over the bed and himself, and his hand ached with a dull pain that nearly made harry whimper. some of the cuts where deep, but he didn't bother healing them, the pain was just one more reminder, and one more way to forget other pains. "you look tired, go back to sleep." harry ordered softly, hoping to bandage his hand before Dobby saw, Dobby would make him heal it, and Harry felt as if he deserved it, he also wanted to make sure that Frost didn't see, he wasn't sure of the others reaction, but he doubted it would be good.
Frost's stomach rumbled at the mention of food, shifting to roll on his stomach, a absent arm across the man's body."Breakfast would be grand."He muttered, pressing his face into the pillow."And heal your hand. Don't make me do it.It'll hurt if I do."He said his voice muffled a little from the pillow. Because he was a demon prince and a warrior, his arts laid with death instead of life, so if he forced his powers to bend to his will and heal something, he hurt like a wicked bitch-for both him and the healee. "I want peanut butter. And pickles. And eggs."He announced, raising his head to look at the other man, frowning. "No I don't.Eggs are fine."He said, unwillign to give into his body's cravings for the weird food. He'd already given up alot of things, he was not going to give up his sense of taste to the wizard spawn growing in him.
Harry sighed a little and shook his head. "i'll do to my own body what i please." Harry snapped, sounding breifly annoyed as he gently moved the others arm off of him so he could stand up and stretch. "i'll make you some eggs." he promised sounding amused again, Harry was almost as moody as Frost was. creepy. "and anyway you should listen to your body's cravings." he stated calmly. "they'll give you nutrients that both you and your baby need." he commented shaking his head a little as he headed for the door, grabbing his Wand on the way out, and healing the cuts on his hand. there was no point in keeping them if someone knew about them.
"I don't want peanut butter!"Frost yelled as the man left. Before frowning, "Yes I do. Eggs. And peanut butter."He said getting up to follow the man. Sitting down at the kitchen table as he looked at the brunette. "Is.."he stopped looking at the floor, biting his lip. Wanting to ask, but not sure if he'd come of as a arrogant jackass if he really did speak the words pressing at him.
Harry paused and looked over at the other his head tilted as he pulled out a skillet. "is?" Harry questioned. "go ahead and ask, i won't snap at you for it." he promised setting the pan on the stove and getting eggs from the fridge along with a jar of pickles that he slid over to frost, letting him sate one of his cravings as he put some toast into a toaster humming a little as he started cracking eggs. "and in any case, after last night i'm sure you have questions, you might as well ask them. if i don't want to answer one, i just won't."
Frost snickered a little,"Sounds like me.But no, the question isn't about you."He said, while he might be curious, he valued his own privacy to much to invade his rescuerer's. "Is it weird that I actually worried about the baby when I was hurt?I despise the little parasite, its...destroying me, yet when I blacked out I was afraid."He said biting his lip as he nibbled on the pickles.
Harry paused and then turned to stare at frost, an astonished look on his face at the question, and then amazingly. "no, it's not weird at all." he stated simply. "even thought he baby was made from pain and suffering, shame, despair...everything else that you felt when..." he cut himself off. "that baby, is still your baby, no matter how it was created. you can feel it, it feeds some part of you that you never knew you's not a parasite, though that's what it feels's yours, your baby. someone who will always love you, no matter if the world abandons you and hates you your baby will still always love you." it sounded almost as if Harry wanted one too...but Ron hated children, there was no way Harry could talk the other into adopting or even getting a pregnancy potion. "just because your changing, doesn't mean your being destroyed, change is a good thing, babies are a good thing."
Frost frowned at him as he looked up, nibbling on a pickle before sighing."I don't know about that...I tend to make people hate me after awhile."He said sadly sighing as he rubbed his hands over his stomach. "'s making me mortal."He said after a moment."You asked me why Dumbledore would do this. Demons are almost immortal...we die, but it takes alot to do it. Espcially the males, we were made to be warriors. Yet this...its changing me to match the father, a mortal. The further along I am, the more vulnerable I'll be.He knew it...and expected my people to kill me long before he had to deal with me."
Harry tensed at the mention of Dumbledore and the egg he held in his hands cracked just from his grip. "your wrong have to be." Harry stated thickly, unwilling to beleive that Dumbledore could do something so cruel. "why would Dumbledore want to kill you? it just doesn't make sense... it's not like he could get the throne, or put someone loyal to him on it..." could he? Harry didn't know... "anyway...your child, would he be fully mortal, or half demon?" he asked turning to look at the other his head tilted. "will you turn back into a demon after you give birth?" he was curious, he wanted to know how a demon worked. "are demons really so...cruel, all the time? do they really not have any emotions? do they really not care about anything? like in the stories parents tell to frighten their children to believing in God?"
"He can't hold the throne, and we as a people, are to vain to ever work with wizards, but a winter born prince is his people's heart, their life. If a winter born is weak the people will be weak. I'm mortal, even stripped of my title, I am winterborn."Frost frowned a little as he sat the pickles away from him, not wanting any more. Though he spoke the truth he ha a idea that if given the control of the shadow realm his younger cousin would work with Dumbledore to take his throne."He will kill us if he can't control us. By making me mortal, he's made us all weaker.More..liable to ter ourselves apart then to fight him on his control of the wizarding world. And I like Tom, he knew if push came to shove I'd never side with him."Frost's eyes grew sad as he thought over the rest of harry's words. "He will be a mortal with the benefits of a immortal. Well...almost. It'll be harder to kill, quicker then a mortal, yet with the same trappings as a mortal. nger all the things that make mortals what they arer, they will have, with benefit of being a winter born prince, a demonling with the ablity if he can hold it, to have the throne of shadows."His eyes widened slightly. That had to be it, the demons rarely had children. Dumbledore wanted a child he could raise as his own, a perfect winterborn prince who can obey him, though he kept that fact to himself for now. And avoidng the question of what would become of him,because the answer hurt to much to consider."We are cruel to each other, and we care of nothing that doesn't involve us.Well most of us do anyways. At least when we're older.Harry you must understand, we see centuries instead of decades, the emotional wear and tear is hard if we got involved in everything that came our way. We care, well at least I do. But then, I'm only a century old, it might fade..."He trailed off into a pained silence because he'd been robbed of centuries, he'd be restricted to decades now. because he knew a winterborn prince mated to a mortal only lasted as long as the child of the union lived. He was a guardian and a protector. The minute his ward breathed his last, his reign as winterborn would be done. At least...he thought it would be. It'd been so long since a demon had mated with a mortal, that he didn't know what had happened to the demon.
Harry listened to the explanation and he closed his eyes listening to the cooking eggs and the POP of the toaster taking a slow breath. "i don't like Tom at all." he admitted softly. "i suppose...Dumbeldore would be willing to go that exterminate a species he thought would side with the Dark Lord..." he admitted softly shaking his head. "but...i don't want to beleive it." Harry admitted poking one of the eggs and swallowing Hard. "i'm sure your child will be very strong and brave and kind and...everything." Harry had almost said that Frost was kind, but somehow harry had a feeling the other would take that as an insult. "it almost seams like a curse, living for so long." Harry admitted removing the pan from the stove and dumping the eggs onto a plate handing the eggs, and the toast over to Frost along with a jar of peanut butter. "i.." he paused and winced touching a head to his scar his breath hitching lightly in pain, trying to look as if he just had a common headache. "i'm sorry, i need to go lay down..." he didn't want Frost to witness this, the pain and agony that Voldemort caused him at every chance available. he didn't want Frost to see him so....week.
Frost nibbled on his food before getting up, sliding a arm around the brunette's waist, walking to the bedroom with him, carrying his plate of food. Nudging the brunette into the bed he laid down next to him, knowing it was something more. He could eel the magic sliding along his skin, like the feel of honey on his skin. Starting to eat his food he tossed his shields up, feeling the shadows wrap around, and block some of the magic around him, turning inwardly to find the source. Mentally looking for it even as he spoke to harry."Who does this to you?"He growled. Feeling protective, and there was one thing you didn't want to piss off, a protective demon when his ward was being hurt.
Harry staggered up the stairs, panting hard as the pain increased, this was going to be a bad one, he could already tell, if he was lucky he wouldn't have a seizure in the middle of it again. he was never that lucky, he shrieked lightly arching on the bed his hands coming up to claw at his scar as the pain tripled, it was worse than even the most hate filled of crucio "V..Vold..." he shrieked again shuddering against the sheets as his scar split open and started to bleed sluggishly down the side of his face as he jerked and writhed as if he was at the end of a wand. he was in so much pain now that all he could do was shriek and writhe on the bed and claw at his own skull. usually Dobby was there to pin the boy down so he wouldn't hurt himself, but Harry had sent the house elf out to get groceries. there was only one problem with the entire thing, it was not Toms magic that was filtering through Harry's scar.
Frost snarled softly as he turned his attention to the magic, feeling it wrap around him even as he wrapped ice and shadows around harry. Snarling louder.Tom!Stop this! he yelled, before he realized what was wrong. this wasn't...dammit. Snarling he cursed softly,Tom!Help me He begged, sighing as he felt the dark magic slide over his skin, grabbing the magic with both hands, as using it as a tightly controlled magical attack, letting the arrow of power smash the attack to pieces he sent the rest towards who was sending it. "Dumbledore!"He snarled involuntarily as he arched off the bed, feeling the magic wrap around him instead of Harry, feeling it try to grab hold. But he was the winter born prince of the realm of shadows, he was no one's victim.

"stop!"He snarled as he felt the attack break around them, trembling as the ice slid onto his skin,felt tom cradle him in magic even as his own left a thin layer of frost on his skin.
Harry arched violently, choking on his own air, gagging as he clawed at his scar, teetering on the edge of a seizure before he let out a long groan and fell completely limp panting hard, completely out cold as the magic released him and attacked Frost instead. unaware of anything that was happening, his forehead smeared with blood from his scar and the claw marks, but harry had gotten off lightly this time. the attacks usually lasted almost a half an hour before, Dumbledore let up.
Frost trembled as he curled up on his side, panting softly as he rested his head on harry's stomach. Strips of magic leaving burned marks on his arms and face as he struggled to get his temperature back down. Mortal he may be becoming, but he couldn't be all that warm. He was a winterborn for a reason. Whimpering as he cried."It's done..its over..."He muttered softly trembling harder. Even sharing with tom had taken to much energy for the ice prince and his body was rebelling at it. " okay...?"He whispered after a few minutes, sounding like himself, trying to hide the pain and how much he wanted to just sleep again.
Harry groaned a little his eyes fluttering open his fingers twitching a little licking his lips. "warm.." he groaned softly glancing at the fireplace, the fire suddenly going dead the room dropping almost ten degrees as Harry sighed softly closing his eyes again and dropping back to sleep. recovering from the pain of the attack meant sleep, and harry fully intended to sleep...until it got too warm in the bedroom, then he'd go draw a cool bath and sleep in there instead. harry never even realized what had happened, he could never tell how long the pain lasted, only that it was all consuming and unrelenting. he would realize in the morning however, and he was going to feel very, very guilty, and ashamed.
In the morning Frost shivered slightly as he eased out of the bed standing at the window stripped down to his pants, the cold making him shiver, yet he couldn't, wouldn't put on more clothes because it meant giving in to the baby and giving up another part of himself. Whimpering softly he crawled back in bed with the still damp harry, having gotten him out of the bath, worried about him. Cuddling against him, the man shivered slightly, his own body keeping the other cool even as harry warmed him up."Harry..."He muttered as he nuzzled the man's neck. Whimpering softly as he found himself running in his dreams, nightmares sent by dumbledore to tkeep the prince from fully resting. To drive him to the brink.""He whimpered.
Harry had protested lightly at his removal of the nice cool water, but had calmed when Frost had shared his chilly body temperature with him, sighing softly his eyes fluttering at his name. "wus g'n on?" he demanded. he sounded almost drunk as he turned to blink at Frost, never noticing his own nudity as he sat up and blinked at Frost his head tilted, looking confused before he leaned down and pressed his lips intently to the Ice Prince's kissing the man, or more correctly kissing away the nightmares. that was how Ron always stopped Harry's nightmares, was by a kiss, so Harry, in his half conscious state, assumed it would work the same way with him and frost. he added a spark of magic as well to dispel the lingering traces of magic that hovered around frost, easily killing the nightmares. they where a bitch to try and get rid of from the 'inside' but they where far too easy to kill from the 'outside'. with his job done Harry sighed softly and laid down snuggled into Frost, and went back to sleep.
Frost smiled in his sleep snuggling bak against him, sleeping peacefully.

In the morning Frost stirred, moaning softly as he shifted against the other man, his morning hard cock rubbing against the man's thigh as he nuzzled the brunette's neck."You smell good..."He muttered sleepily as he bit the man softly, a hand sliding down the man's side, gently rubbing his cock as he felt it harden against his hand. He was sleepy, scared, and waking up next to an attractive man. It was anormal thing to grope him. Frost wasn't used to being afraid of anything so to reorient himself with everything he gave into the base need of being touched, and touching.
Harry groaned softly as he felt the hard cock pressing against his leg, shifting so that it was pressed against his ass instead, still mostly asleep as he moaned arching into the teeth at his neck gasping lightly. "hah... mm." he murmured pressing his cock into the nice cool hand, it was certainly not Ron, Ron never woke harry up in such a pleasant manner. but then again, Ron never stayed with harry when he was suffering an attack, Ron never helped harry through the pain..Ron never told harry to heal his injuries, never asked harry to sleep with him or stay with him...all he and ron actually did was fuck. he moaned again, leaning into Frost his eyes fluttering open to stare at the man for a long moment, before his hand settled onto the others knee and began to slid up, teasing and feeling the others flesh, giving the other permission to do as he pleased...Harry could feel bad later, right then...harry wanted to feel good, and Frost was offering.
Frost shuddered a little as he was touched, grinding against the other man's ass a littlee. As much as he knew he'd changed, he hadn't started losing the warrior's body yet, hadn't lost anything besides his pride. Muscles flexing slightly under Harry's hand he sighed biting down harder slightly as he stroked the other man's cock, gently easing his fingers into the man's ass. Taking his time in stretching him, fingers brushing against his prostate. While another wizard would probably find Frost's easiness with sex, and with men odd, the demons had centuries of practie at sex, so he didn't find it odd at all. Smiling as he pulled his fingers out he eased into the brunette with a soft moan.
Harry moaned softly, leaning into the grinding panting softly shivering as his ran his fingers along the others ass simply feeling everything he could get his hands on, enjoying being the one who got to lay there and enjoy it for once. "Frost." Harry whispered, his voice hoarse with passion and want his eyes fluttering closed at the fingers, his breath hitching with every movement inside his ass. tight and sensitive, it almost looked like harry was a virgin there, either that or Harry didn't sub very often. Harry moaned with Frost at the inserting if the cock, pressing down, wanting more. " big...feels good." Harry whined shivering a little. "Frost, fuck me." harry was tired of slow, he wanted fast, feeling, and passionate.
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