Winter's kiss, moon/lady

Harry had spun around, utter fury in his eyes as he leveled his wand at the other, a killing rage had settled into his eyes, he was so enraged that he never even noticed...that his scar did not hurt... he paused at the Ice Prince's words and hissed with fury but dropped his wand, his eyes fixed on Voldemort's with an ice cold fury trembling with complete rage that his most hated enemy was in the same room with him.

what the fuck are you doing here Riddle!? harry demanded a snarl on his lips as he spoke in parseltongue. there's nothing here for you to destroy, why don't you go back to your followers and find some babies to rape!? more of an accusation than an insult as he spat towards the Dark Lord. though there was no actual spit, it was the same sort of insult. you won't survive the year riddle, i WILL kill you for what you've done to me and my family! i'll make it slow and painful for you! so you can know how you made your victims suffered!" it was almost frightening the sound of anger...and madness, int he boys voice.
Tom sighed softly looking at the boy he knew his own actions had caused. Yet, like harry, he'd once been a pawn, and when he'd turned on his maker...the man had destroyed him. Driven him insane to the point that it had taken him a long time to come back."I came because I had heard Frost had been hurt by dumbledore's men."He said remaining calm under the verbal attack.

"Enough!Potter, if you wish to remain alive, sit down.He is my guest, though if he is going to remain so is not decided yet. He has never lied to me, unlike Dumbledore who tries to be my friend and then destroys the foundation of who I am."Frost snarled, once again the fearsome lord of shadows keep. And proving that even though he hadnt said it, he'd known who attacked him, and why."I am sick and pregnant, I do not want to deal with a wizard's fight!"He growled slightly frightened at Harry's voice, but like any demon, unwilling to shw it.

Voldermort winced, it was one thing to suspect what was causing the power struggle in the shadow realm, it was another to have Frost fuck up and not even realize he'd said it.
Harry growled once more at Tom and then turned away from him, refusing to look at the man any longer staring into the flames of the fireplace, choking on air when he heard that it had been Dumbledore's men who had raped the Ice Prince, turning to Protest before falling still once more when he heard the word 'pregnant' staring at the Prince with startled eyes, and worry. he dropped his gaze to the floor and sighed a little but said nothing, simply letting Voldemort and the ice prince talk, Harry did not want to strain Lord Frost more than he already had been.
Frost meanwhile was staring at tom, studying the man. Looking for the hint of a lie, of that it had been voldermort and not dumbledore. Sighing softly relieved at the sign that there wasn't he smiled."Tom, you do fret over the most annoying things."

"Worrying about a friend is not annoying!"Voldermort protested, moving closer, bending down, trapping the man against his chair, even though he knew Frost could easily kill him if he chose to."You are coming back with me. You wont live through the week if you stay."

frost cringed at the truth of the words, looking at the home around him. This was home. The only home he'd ever known...but Voldermort was right. He wouldn't survive. Already, the mixing of the blood was already shutting his body down, already making the near immortal, mortal. Which is why the shadow realm had rules about breeding with the wizards, but it hadn't been his fault, and still, he was going to suffer the consquences, because he was becoming mortal."I...I can't.Not with you."He said softly staring at the floor."There's no where safe there. If I must die, let it be here."He said, unwilling to die alone and abandoned, and alomst hating the baby in him, yet he couldn't get rid of it.
"i.." Harry shut his mouth so fast that his teeth clicked together and he quickly turned away again. he didn't want to help the prince! especially not if he was a friend of Voldemort's! why had he been about to offer Lord Frost his secrete house? once that even Dumbledore and Ron did not know about? an old house that James, Sirius, Lupin, and Lily had often gone to together to just hang out in secrete... why was harry so concerned over Lord Frost? he shot a glance over to Tom, feeling rather astonished that the bloodthirsty man could show any sort of care for another being, it was probably a ruse. Harry had no doubt that it was Voldemort who had sent the attack, and was now blaming it on Dumbledore.
voldermort glad at the man pinned against the chair."You are a stubborn asshole.Make sure you stay buried this time would you?I don't need to hear you whining becasue your fat and pregnant."He snarled annoyed that Frost wouldn't let him help before walking out agin.

Frost frowned at the fire closing his eyes before looking at harry."I am sorry, that my personal drama has...made for a uncomfortable evening." He said studying the brunette, regret in his voice. Only one born to royalty, could have the grace or the dignity to feel shame over a meeting like this while he was suffering, both mentally and physically.
Harry glanced at Lord frost and sighed a little. "as much as i really, really hate to say this, and i mean REALLY hate to say this... i think Riddle is right." harry grumbled glaring at the fire for having to admit such a thing. "your not well, and from what i can gather your people are only keeping you alive, because no one can kill you." yet. "you should not be sorry for this, you should NEVER be sorry for something like this." harry informed him, pain in his eyes. "i've seen enough horror through HIS eyes." his gaze flicked towards the door that Voldemort had left through. "to know how traumatic it is." harry sighed and shook his head. "i don't know, what it is..this intense feeling like i NEED to help you..." he admitted. "but my gut instinct has never been if you like, i have a house, heavily warded, that no one but myself can find, or get to...if your interested..." harry couldn't believe how shy and timid he sounded while offering the Lord his home, and why in the hell was he blushing!?
Frost looked at a loss for words. And as much as he wanted to say that he'd never leave his home, he knew they were both right. He was alive as long as none of his rivals could kill him. Swallowing hard he nodded, "I...I hate to go, but you are right, he's right. I can't stay."He said sadly, shaking his head."Will..."He bit his lip."I know you can't stay the whole time I'm there, but...I've never been alone before. I've never had a house to come visit sometimes?"He said studying the brunette. Trying to figure why he had offered.
Harry nodded a little and ran a hand through his hair. "oh man....Dumbledore is gonna kill me.." Harry muttered to himself shaking his head. "supposed to get your help in a war and instead i hide you away from everyone...i must be going mad..." he glanced over at Frost and smiled a little. "i'll visit as often as i can." he promised nodding. "and you won't be completely alone, my house elf Dobby will probably stay with you, clean and cook and stuff. he gets bored at my house, since i usually do all that stuff myself." he admitted, wondering why he had volunteered himself. "going mad, that's all there is to it, i'm going mad..."
Frost laughed softly getting up looking at him, baringg his teeth at the mention of Dumbledore, a snarl on his face before he forced himelf to be calm."You're not mad. Just kind enough to know I can't help you."He said smiling slightly as he stepped towards the door."I will be right back."He said stepping through to his bedrooms. Packing a few things, looking around the rom, studying the ice coldness of it. Before jerking as he felt a knife slide though his ribs.

Looking up at his cousin,"Get off!"He cried stumbling as he shoved the man away, sinking to his knees as he didn't hear the man leave through the other front door, busy with trying to keep from bleeding out. Harry and Voldermort was right he needed out of here. PRessing a hand to his side he cursed,"Harry!"he yelled to the man in the connecting room, smiling as the blood slowed, but he was in no shape to getting himself out of the room, much less out of the shadow realm. Knowing he'd live, he was immortal enough to keep from a such weak attack to kill him, yet the fact that he was still bleeding a bit meant his body was becoming more mortal."Harry!"He yelled again.
Harry rushed into the room and gasped his mouth hanging open, his eyes wide as he spotted the blood and he rushed forward, pulling out his wand as he did so, ready for an attack as he pulled Lord Frost's hands away from the wound trying to heal it before the man bled to death. "my friend Ron is still outside...will he be alright?" Harry asked nervously glancing out through the doorway, he couldn't leave without ron...but he couldn't take Lord Frost to the safe house with ron....shit, what was he supposed to do!? aha! "DOBBY!" harry yelled, the loud crack of a house elf appearing nearly made harry jump. "Yes Sir harry potter sir?" "take Lord Frost to my house, the invisible one, and be very careful he's injured. as soon as he's there heal him alright?" Harry demanded Dobby nodding as hard as the little house elf could. "Lord Frost, please go with Dobby, he can help you." he stated panting with the onset of panic. "i have to get Ron out of here." he admitted looking at the door. "i have a sudden bad feeling about this." "please come with me Sir." Dobby stated holding his little hand out to Frost. "Dobby is going to be taking care of you until Harry Potter comes back."
Frost nodded, taking his hand before holding out a hand to harry, his signet ring laying in his palm."Take it. They might have dishonor themselves to the point of attacking me, but your friend is here as my guest. It'll mean the difference between getting out alive or not. They'll still hesitate before attacking."He said before slipping his hand into Dobby's, letting the house elf apparate him even as the world tried to go black. He refused to black out, and also refused to feel fear for the child he was caring. He didn't care. No he didn't. It was a parasite that was changing him....and he was such liar. Not that he'd admit it.

Ron swallowed hard as he looked at the calm lords of shadows keep, looking up relieve when Harry came back in."Can we go?"He asked, though he hadn't been hurt, he wasn't at ease here. It was uncofortable to see people so comfortable with themselves and with evil.They were demons, of course they were evil. Which is why the prince had to die. Hopefully his cousin succeeded in killing him, and Harry'd never realize Dumbledore had used to him to get a message to the prince's cousin.
Harry nodded and grabbed Draco's hand with his own. "we need to go." Harry hissed under his breath. "now." he murmured turning away from the lords and guiding Ron to the doors, making sure all of the demons saw the signet ring flashing on his finger, letting them know harry was protected and so was Ron. "if i give the signal, you run." harry ordered in a hoarse whisper. "this could get very bad..." he warned licking his lips nervously as he headed straight for the exit.

Dobby apparated Lord Frost to a cozy little cabin out in the middle of nowhere. the inside was all plush and gentle, thick full couches and plushy armchairs, a bed big enough to hold four people, as it often had, and a fireplace that was big enough to fit two or three people inside. outside it was a large grassy field, covered in thick wild flowers, offering a nice smell to the air, not that Frost would appreciate this right away, as Dobby immediately slapped a clotting pad onto the others wound to stop the bleeding, and then immediately went into the rather painful process of house elf healing. but in the end there was not even a scar to show what happened, and lord frost, while he had lost a lot of blood, would survive.
Ron nodded slightly, walking beside his boyfriend, amused that though the demons turned and wath them go, they didn't protest their leaving when the signet ring flashed in the light. "What happened?"He muttered, praying that he would be able to report a success to Dumbledore, that the prince was dead. Smiling relieved as they made it to the gates he walked out with a nod to the guards, gripping harry's hand tightly."Everyone went quiet after you left.What happened?"

For all of the healing Frost cursed, yelled and bitched as the house elf healed him.Haing that he'd beome mortal enough to be hurt like this. He hated this.Poking his stomach he smiled relieved, it seemed the child would live., that wasn't what he meant. He was pissed it survived. Yea, that was it. In no way shape or form who he be pleased to still be pregnant. Swallowing hard he sighed as he closed his eyes, waving a hand at the house elf."Go away. I am fine. Let Harry know that I survive and would not mind company when he has a free moment."
Harry swallowed thickly. "someone stabbed the prince." he muttered softly. "the guy vanished after killing the attacker, he tossed me the ring before he left and told me to get out." he admitted heading straight for the portal. "you go first," harry ordered looking around him. "i'll follow." he didn't want to be attacked while their backs where turned.

"Harry Potter said that Dobby is to be taking care of you Sir." Dobby informed lord frost. "Dobby is to stay here, Harry Potter will come when it is safe for him. Harry potter said, that he does not want Dumbledore to know what harry potter has done. harry potter is afraid of Dumbledore, even if harry potter does not realize it yet. Dobby does not like Dumbledore, Dumbledore is a cheat and a fraud, but Dobby cannot tell Harry Potter, or Dobby will suffer." Dobby explained to the Lord of the ice and shadows. "so Dobby asks if Sir could tell Harry Potter what a bad, bad man Dumbledore is?"
Ron nodded stepping through breathing relieved to be once again in his own world, not happy about not being able to report to dumbledore that the prince was dead, but if he disappeared he was probably well on his way to being so.waiting for harry, he smiled relieved when the other man ame through.It just wouldn't do to have to tell Dumbledore his pawn was dead."You okay?Want to set up camp and start out in the morning or get back to the castle now?"

Frost bared his teeth, because he knew just how bad Dmbledore was, and even if the man didn't know he was afraid of dumbledore, well Frost would see to it that he would believe."I will, don't doubt it. He's the one who's....defeated me."He said, strained because it didn't do well for the warrior prince to admit defeat, even if it had been against overwelming odds.
Harry just shook his head. "i need to go puke." he admitted heading over to a clump of tree's and loosing his lunch violently. he'd never been in such a tense situation before, he'd seen someone get stabbed, usually it was spells whipping around his head. harry could handle spells, but those demons, they would have been able to rip harry from limb to limb without even blinking. "i'll have to...tell Dumbledore...i failed." he muttered panting hard. "i don't want those...those...THINGS in this war!"

Dobby blinked at Frost and then broke into a wide grin. "Sir is not defeated." he stated simply. "Sir is only resting, Sir can only be defeated when Sir is dead." he pointed out shaking his head. "Sir will get his revenge, Dobby is sure of it." he admitted before turning to head into the kitchen. "id Sir needs anything, Dobby will be in the kitchen cleaning off all the dust."
Ron rubbed his back soothingly, nodding."I'm sure he'll understand. They're a violent race, as likely to turn on ally as well as enemy. They have no business being in a wizard's war."He said helping harry up, not saying that Dumbledore hadn't wanted them in the war, just the prince to be killed. Because then, no one else could lay claim ot the throne. Whch...meant anyone could take it.Even dumbledore. It just had to go to the strongest.

Frost stared after the odd little elf trying to figure him out, before smiling. It was going to be interesting staying here.
Harry nodded wiping his mouth a little as he straightened up breathing heavily as he rubbed his eyes. "i just want to go home." Harry murmured, sounding rather exhausted, physically and emotionally. Harry often vanished for a few days when he sounded like that, Dumbledore and Ron had long since stopped worrying about Harry when he vanished, or got into one of his 'moods' Harry always came back, and he always left Hedwig behind in case they needed to get a hold of him. "i'm going to tell Dumbledore what happened and then i'm going to go and relax for a day." he admitted scrubbing his face before tossing Ron a mischievous glance. "and then i'm going to pleasure you over and over and over as a reward for coming with me tonight."
Ron shivered as they walkedback up to the castle. "Hmmm I do like the sound of that."He smiled,"I deserve a reward for having to spend tiem with the prince. He's different. Weird."He said absently."More then any of the other demons, he was odd."He observed as they headed up to dumbledore's office.

"Harry?"Dumbledore looked surprised to see him back so soon as he stood from the seat he was sitting in.
Harry nodded. "he was...violent." Harry admitted shuddering as he remembered the attack on the Prince. "i don't know if he's dead or not, but i'm very glad i don't have to deal with him again." no need to let anyone know the prince was at Harry's hidden Safe House. "hello professor." Harry stated softly flopping into a chair his eyes staring at the edge of the desk. "i'm sorry Sir, i...didn't succeed. the prince was attacked before i could convince him to join the war...honestly though, i don't think we want creatures like that in this war, they'd be too tempted to join Voldemort, if their not already." he scrubbed his face, feeling exhausted, so exhausted.
"No, the prince would not get involved without declaring himself."Dumbledore said pleased at the idea of the prince being dead, though he probably couldn't count on the fact he was dead without proof."Rest harry.You look tired."He said smiling softly.
Harry smiled at Dumbledore and nodded, getting slowly to his feet before pausing. "Sir...those demons..they never come into our they?" he asked, sounding almost afraid. those demons, they frightened him, and inspired him. he felt...connected to them somehow, he felt as if he sort of understood them. or at least, he understood the prince, and that was who he was most worried about, if the other demons could follow Lord Frost into the wizarding world...harry didn't know if he could keep the other safe...
"No. They dislike this world, and only Frost in their long history ever ventured past their borders."Dumbledore said watching him. Though he assumed the fear was because the demons had tried to attack him, not because he was worried about frost.
Harry shuddered at that, looking terrified, as if lord frost might try to come and get him in his sleep. "alright." harry stated nodding as he turned to the door and wandered out heading for Hogsmead where he would apparate to the safe house. Dumbledore and Ron had never been there, Harry said it was because it was a dump, but he suspected that Dumbledore and Ron both knew it was because Harry didn't want to be bothered in any form when he was there. he appeared in the kitchen with a loud Crack, Dobby immediately starting to fret and fuss over Harry, making him some tea and sandwiches. "How is Lord frost?" Harry demanded once he'd gotten Dobby calmed down. "Sir is fine, Sir is resting, Harry Potter would like for Dobby to draw harry potter a bath?" "no, not just yet, i want to check on Frost first." he paused and then chuckled a little to himself. "i wonder if his first name is Jack?"
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