Winter's kiss, moon/lady

"My father had a wicked sense of humor when he named me jackie frost."He said leaning in the doorway, using it as support as he smiled at the man."Though I do prefer going by just frost, I don't sound so much like a girl that way."He said smiling easily, though the look was shadowed with pain. Hating that he'd been reduced to this.
Harry smiled as he looked Jacki Frost over blinking rther stupidly, some voice in the back of his head noting that they both looked like they'd been drug through hell and back. "here's your ring back." harry stated setting the ring on the table and offering Frost a small grin. "besides, Jackie's not such a bad name, it could be worse." he pointed out blinking at the other. "want some pain killers? i think i have some somewhere."
JAckie sighed softly smiling as he took his ring back, sliding it on as he shook his head."I'll be well soon enough."He said smiling slightly as he moved to sit down."We both need to lay down. And sleep.And probably shower."He said, wondering if he'd be able to stand up long enough to shower. the short walk from the couch to the kitchen had taxed his body.
Harry snorted a little. "i don't think either of us could stand long enough TO take a shower." he admitted shaking his head. "personally what i think YOU need, is a good long soak, in a hot bath with lots of smelly things like bubble bath and bath salts and candles and crap. it's very relaxing." Harry admitted his eyes closed. he would know, he took a great deal of them. sometimes Ron joked that harry was more of a girl than Hermione was. Harry always got even by pounding the hell out of Ron.
Frost laughed softly."A bath...haven't taken one in years. Since I was a kid actually."He said smirking a little, because for him centuries had past since he was a kid. Shifting to wrap a arm around Harry's shoulders so that he could lean on the other man as he headed to teh bathroom he smiled."You can go to sleep.I'll just soak in here."He said smiling as he turned on the water, undressing slowly. Pale and lean, frost was beautiful, almost womanly so, but there was no doubt that he was a warrior through and through. Sighing as he slid into the water he closed his eyes, looking at harry."Salts and bubbles?"he asked sounding amused.
Harry chuckled a little as he helped Frost into the bathtub, blushing at the others lack of Modesty. running his eyes along the pale smooth body of the Demon prince and swallowing thickly. remember Ron, he's your boyfriend, he's much prettier..... ok no, ron really wasn't but harry could pretend. "i like things that smell good." harry finally managed once Frost was well hidden by the water. "want to try some or should i leave you to it?"
Frost smiled as he looked at the other man."I'll try something."he said tilting his head as he breathed deeply. As a demon, his senses were more sensitive to things, and the other man smelled good. He wanted to try the things that made the man smell that good.
Harry chuckled and picked up a small jar of Bath salts, that smelled like vanilla, a jar of bath oil, that smelled like roses, and a bath fizzler that smelled like lavender. "which would you like? i wouldn't suggest mixing them, they tend to smell bad when you do that." Harry advised lining up the bath goodies along side the tub handing Frost some body soap that smelled like coconut and some shampoo that smelled like coconut too...harry was SUCH a girl. "if you need anything just yell, either me or Dobby will hear you."
"Roses."Frost grinned a little watching the man through half closed eyes, looking innocently seductive, a hand resting along the edge of the bath, "You are such a girl."He teased absently, starting to fall asleep in the warm water. "Stay and talk to me.Otherwise I'mg going to go to sleep."He said smiling at him.
Harry snorted a little as he gently added the Rose oil into the water, swallowing thickly as he looked the other over again. ron is better ron is better ron is better, god dammit... he growled dominantly at the mention of being a girl and he almost tangled his fingers into the others hair, just to prove him otherwise. he barley managed to restrain himself. "if you where anyone else Frost, i would beat you for that comment." he warned but settled onto the toilette seat and closed his eyes taking a deep calming breath of the rose water. "besides, my boyfriend would greatly disagree without." he smirked a little. "i am ALL man."
Frost smirked, he was goign to enjoy pushing the man's buttons. The fact that he had a boyfriend, to him meant nothing. Because in the demon's world, it was completely normal to have more then one lover, so he didn't find it odd to think about seducing the other man. It'd give himself something to think about while he was housebound."I'm not so sure.You might have to strip."He said eyes flickering over the man's body with a devilish smirk on his face,
Harry huffed lightly and didn't move from his spot, his eyes still closed. "i don't have to prove myself to someone like you frost." Harry stated simply with a small yawn. "besides, your supposed to find wizards repulsive remember? lets keep it that way. i have no interest in you." what a liar! harry didn't even believe himself. he sighed a little and shook his head. "and anyway, you wouldn't want someone like me, i'm damaged goods." he stated calmly as he stood up a strange look on his face. "enjoy your bath, i'll send Dobby in so you don't fall asleep int he water."
Frost frowned softly."So am I."He said sounding sad and lost. Not wanting him to leave, but not wanting to admit to wanting him to stay. Sighing a little as he soaked in the water, closing his eyes. Everything was so different here. Hell, he was even in a warm bath, his bath at home was always ice cold. But then, it'd been enjoyable to the ice prince. Now the ice prince was starting to thaw, and he was feeling lost by the person he found uner the surface.
Dobby wandered in, throwing worried glances over his shoulder at Harry. "Dobby will apologize on Harry Potters behalf Sir, since Harry Potter is being strange again." the little elf stated. "you mustn't listen to anything Harry Potter says right now, he's very tired and he's remembering things that he does not want to remember..." Dobby shook his head as he hopped onto the toilette seat with a great deal of effort. "there will be screams tonight, but Sire must not be concerned, or Harry Potter will feel guilty."
Frost smiled slightly."I will not be concerned."He said it was a normal thing for him to hear screams while he was trying to sleep. It was a normal occurance for the shadow court. Relaxing for about a hour in the bath he looked at the small elf, "Will you get Harry please?I do not want to fall trying to get out."He said gettig up slowly, using the wall to support himself. He'd been able to get up, but he wasn't sure if he could stand long enough to make it to bed.
Dobby nodded and vanished with a CRACK going to fetch Harry from the living room, the Golden boy staggering into the bathroom after a moment, yawning a little. Dobby must have woken him from napping on the couch. "did you enjoy your bath?" harry asked, chirpy and cheerful once more as he carefully took hold of Frost and helped him haul himself out of the bathtub, setting him on the toilette and handing him a towel. "ah, sorry about earlier." harry admitted sheepishly. "i'm a bit...moody..." he admitted looking rather sheepish. "i'm not used to being around other people when i get in one of my moods so, i say things that i shouldn't..."
"Don't worry about it. It wasn't the worst thing anyone's said to me and recently I've been hearing more than my fair share of bad moods."Frost said with a smile as he dried off before tugging the pants he'd been wearing on. Sighing as he wrapped a arm around the other's neck."Are you sure you dont mind me staying here?I...I'm going to be a bad reminder that your hero isn't the good person he pretends."He said looking at him. Even as fit and muscular as he still was, there was a softening to his body as if it was already changing to accomadate the two week old baby growing there.
Harry shook his head. "i want you to be here." he admitted softly. "besides i've always known that Dumbledore can be a very cruel person when he has to be." he admitted simply. "i just don't understand why he'd send someone to attack you, and then send me in for peace talks... i still think it's Riddle up to something." he scowled darkly. "and Riddle.... i don't like him at all but...i think he actually cares about someone, cares about you..and that's changing my perspective on things and i don't necessarily like it, but i'll get over it like i have everything else." he admitted helping Frost up the stairs and into a bedroom. "this is the Guest room." Harry admitted. "i had Dobby clean it out, it was full of dust." he looked amused. "it's funny, i always thought the first person i would bring here was Ron."
Frost snickered a little."But then he'd be sleeping in your bed and not in here."He said shifting a little biting his lip."I am should have been..."He groped for the words, he wasn't used to wizards ways of defining relationships."Your mate.Though I do appericate the place to stay."he said looking at him, because ti was marginally awkward, and he didn't want to be alone. He felt drawn to the man standing next to him.
Harry snorted a little and shook his head. "Ron isn't...well he's my boyfriend but.." harry sighed a little. "lately i think that he..doesn't really care about me." he admitted softly gently helping Frost sit on the bed. "in any case i'm glad your here, you don't hang all over me at least." he admitted flashing the other a small grin. "well, you know what i mean." he sighed a little and shook his head. "you should rest, it's been a long day, and you still need to recover from being stabbed." he ordered glancing at the clock and grimacing. Harry didn't much feel like trying to sleep, when he knew he was going to have the vivid nightmares that always came.
Frost studied him, before reaching out, pulling him onto the bed. Still achign from being injured, but well enough to be jerking him around if he wanted. Making the smaller man lay next to him he smiled."Stay with me. I don't want to be alone, and I don't think you do either."He said gently kissing the man's head, hands gently touching the other man. As demons went, he was touchy feely, and enjoyed being with other people."Your...'boyfriend'...I dont think he does either.He reminds me of the hell hounds we keep as pets. TAme as long as you have something they want."
Harry tensed as he was suddenly pulled into bed but didn't pull away, not yet anyway. he and ron weren't really touchy feely, the only time they where actually intimate with each other was during sex, and that was usually more kinky than anything else. "i'd...rather you not touch me." harry muttered softly, fighting to keep the blush off his face, fighting against the need to curl against the Ive Demon and go to sleep. Harry didn't even let Ron sleep with him anymore, because of the constant nightmares...harry was ashamed of them, and he knew if he let the other hear them, it was just one more weapon to be used against him. and as much attraction as he felt to Frost, harry could not trust anyone who was freinds with Riddle...Harry wasn't even sure why Frost was even in his house, harry wasn't sure of anything anymore. he tugged himself free and started to slid back out of the bed. "i'm sorry...i...i can't.."
Frost looked hurt but let the other man go."Goodnight...potter."He said softly, reverting to the only way he knew how to act. Like the cold ice prince he'd been.Shifting to lay on the edge of the bed, with his back towards the other man he curled up. His heart hurting, because everything was so different for him. He'd lost everything...and the one person he'd tried to hold, because he was drawn to the other man, pulled away. He didnt want anything else.Closing his eyes he started drifting to sleep, not even noticing the tears that slid down his face, not even noticing as they changed to ice.
Harry swallowed thickly. "i'm sorry Frost." he murmured softly setting his hand over his eyes. "but i..i'll just hurt you, in the end...i always do." he admitted softly standing up, his own tears landing on the floor. "it's better if..." he cut himself off and sighed, looking back over at the other. "i shouldn't like you so much..." he admitted before looking away and heading out into the hall. he couldn't like Frost, he loved Ron, he did!...didn't he? and besides Frost was freinds with Voldemort...who, hadn't attacked him, hadn't even made him hurt...had, looked worried. "FUCKING HELL!" Harry roared slamming his fist into the nearest thing, a mirror, making it shatter and cut his knuckles to shreds. "why...why do i have to do this!?" Harry demanded sliding to the floor, burying his face into his knees and bursting into tears. it was just too much, why should harry have to be the only person that could end the war? why did harry have to be the only person to push away anyone he cared about, loved, or even liked just to protect them? why did it always have to be him?
"W-what's wrong?"Frost asked as he stumbled out of the room. Leaning against the wall, fingers gripping the doorframe tightly to keep from falling. Tears still glistening on his cheeks, frozen and making him look like a fallen angel, fresh to earth.Cursing softly at the sight of the brunette on the ground he hobbled over, reaching down and pulling him up."Let me worry about getting hurt. I'll take the chance. Come on. You need someone to be with.At least in sleep. You'll feel better, and I promise I wont let anything happen to you."He said bracing himself and yanking, glad that as a demon born he was naturally strong enough to lift him up, even turning mortal, he was strong enough to pick him up. Heading back to the bedroom he winced as he dropped in the bed, panting ever so softly."Lay. still.And dont worry for tonight. I got you protected."He said cuddling against the man as he let his power uncurl enough, shivering slightly as the ice coated the room and shadows twined around the ice, offering a fortness,a protection. And hoping that even though it was dreams that Harry fought, that it would help make him feel safer.
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