Jugger x Gondola

Bayleaf just stood there, glaring at the Vaporeon. Hell, he didn't even wait for Elise to give an order. Vine whips went out and he began to beat Vaporeon harder and more brutal than any other pokemon he had done before. He seemed angry the whole time as he held vaporeon up in the air and continuously began to throw Razer Leaves at it.
It didn't take long for Vaporeon to lose, and Elise stood up, frowning. "Bayleaf...BAYLEAF!" she tried to snap him out of it. "It's over. You've beat her." she watched as the elader withdrew Vaporeon and sent out a Gyarados. "Use Razor leaf on him!"
Bayleaf roared as he ignored her order. It used Sunny Day as it dodged all of Gyarados' attacks until finally he shot out a charged solar beam to hit the Gyarados head on...literally on the head. Bayleaf roared once more as it began to become engulfed in white light, blinding his body into a white color until it started changing into a Meganium.
"Bayleaf, LISTEN TO ME!" she yelled across the battlefield, shocked as he started to evolve. She wasn't sure if she wanted him to, especially if he wasn't going to listen to her. She ran across in the midst of everything and put her hands on him. "Wait, stop!"
His body felt her touch and he slowly reverted back to the way he was. He looked around, dumbfounded. "E-Elise...? Whats wrong? Where am I? Wait...Oh...the Gym...did we win?" He seemed to have forgotten the events that had just happened earlier. He looked over to see the Gyarados on the ground. "Jeez...did Flaafy take it out?"
She stared at him in shock when he didn't remember. "You were about to evolve, you went mad and you didn't listen to me...you beat that vaporeon until he withdrew her and you totally knocked out Gyarados..." she stared at him. "I didn't want you to evolve, not if you're not gonna listen..." she seemed upset. "This is all my fault.."
Bayleaf shook his head. "Why is it your fault?" He said as he nuzzled against her. "You're just doing what every trainer does, training their pokemon. What you don't know is...every pokemon eventually loses their sanity for a split few minutes before evolving. Its rare for us not to listen to our trainers...but even still. Cmon, I think you have to get your badge now."
She walked over and took the badge with a small smile, pinning it into her badge box and she left with Bayleaf, warming up to him again. When they'd got out of the gym, she looked down awkwardly before bringing up what was on her mind. "If I couldn't...bear your children...what would happen?" she asked quietly.
Bayleaf blinked. "If you can't bare my children...then I have to find another pokemon who is willing to have my children...Are you jealous?" He asked a bit intrigued in this. It was weird that she would bring this up so sudden.
She looked awkward for a moment but then nodded. "Yeah, I would be, actually." she muttered, rubbing the back of her head. "Humans aren't really like you guys. I mean, would you like it if I turned around and went with a human right now after what we've been through...?"
Bayleaf just blinked and shrugged. "It does not matter to us pokemon. We usually have multiple mates at a time, rarely sticking to just one pokemon but I'm trying to find my true mate...shouldn't you?" He said frowning to her. "A love between Pokemon and Human can never last...you need to find another human Elise."
"...I don't want to be one of many." she frowned, hands in her pockets, scuffing her boots on the floor. "How do you know it couldn't last? You haven't tried it, neither of us have. We're probably the first to even attempt it." she sounded hurt.
"Its probably not the same for you and I...we're different...but I still worry about our people's conflicts with yours." He said sighing as he nuzzled her hand some more. "I'll stay with you forever though Elise...I promise...Now then...wasn't there supposed to be something we did after we won the gym battle?" He said smiling as he began to nuzzle her breasts now.
"You worry a bit too much, you know." she smiled at him and started heading towards the forest with the full intention of finding the place they were at before, butthere was a large crowd stood at the only entrance in. It was blocked with no way through because of an escaped pokemon running rampant in there.
Bayleaf looked around the crowd and felt annoyed that they were blocked from their only path to love making by the river banks. He sighed as he stood there, impatient by Elise. "There's no other way around...? Cmon Elise...." He whispered to her this next bit. "I'm too horny to wait right now..."
"Well, we;ve not got much choice, have we?" she muttered slightly, although she'd already been turned on just by the memories from the last night, feeling herself get slightly moist. "Even when we can get in there, there'll be loads of people suddenly just rushing in, we can't do it yet..."
Bayleaf just groaned and sat there. After ten minutes, he was just plain out distressed with boredom and horniness. Looking around, he bit his lip as he slowly slid a vine out to crawl up her leg and begin rubbing the tip along her crevice. He felt how moist she was, and it turned him on even more.
Her breath caught in her throat when she felt the vine creep up her leg and start rubbing her and it was all she could do to hold back a moan. She moved up against him and bit her lip, wishing the bloody crowd would clear so they could get to the river already.
Bayleaf could feel just as much satisfaction and pleasure she was feeling as he teased her with the vine. It eventually slipped into her panties, rubbing itself along her crevice without penetrating her as Bayleaf moaned and slowly began to erect in the crowd. "E-Elise...I can't help myself...!" He whispered to her.
She looked down at him and swallowed, looking around the crowd nervously. The gates had opened finally but there were still loads of people piling in. She was red in the face from the teasing and she felt more turned on than ever, feeling herself get even more moist over his vine as he rubbed it against her.
As he rubbed Elise with his vine, He walked over, hiding his erect by laying down beside her as he continued to play and tease her. Now his vine slowly went inside the girl, thrusting itself and turning as it seemed to get thicker as time went on. "E-Elise....This feels so amazing...!!" He said in a slightly louder voice.
She swallowed, her breathing quickening as she looked at Bayleaf with a small smile, gasping softly as he pushed inside her. The gates soon cleared and she swallowed, beginning to walk over to them, her thighs rubbing against part of his vine as she did.
Even as they walked, Bayleaf did not stop. He continued to play with her by thrusting into her with his vine but he started to go deeper than before. He wanted to embarrass her for some reason...He wanted her to moan in public or drop to her knees from the sheer pleasure.
She found it hard to keep her composure but she just about managed to get away from the crowds and into an enclosed clearing before she had to kneel down, bucking her hips against his vine. She pulled her shirt off quickly and kissed him, wondering if he'd be bigger when he evolved.
He kissed her back as his other vine went to taking her pants and panties off before laying her on her back, wrapping his vine around her torso like he had done the Vaporeon, only he was now thrusting a vine into her pussy as he kissed her. "Elise...Lets make love everyday..." He whispered into her ear before his vine began to spew out its seed. The two vines switched places, the one that just came held her while the other one thrust into her.
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