Jugger x Gondola

Rapidash stopped, but Elise tried to urge him on. "Elise..." he glanced up at her and then at Bayleaf but Elise just jumped off and carried on walking. "You can't have her, so you come running back to me? It doesn't work that way, you know." she snapped, her hand still on Rapidash's shoulder for support, still woozy from the medicine she'd had for the paralysis. "It's not my problem that you rejected me."
Bayleaf was shocked to hear this. "E-Elise...I didn't leave you for her...I didn't...I left you because you took me away from the one pokemon who was willing to...you know what...forget it...go...just go...I can find a mate all my own...and if not...I heard Kanto has a pokemon graveyard..." With that, he took off into town, without another word to say to her.
Elise carried on but eventually had to stop and curl up by a tree, tears running down her cheeks as she tried to hold back the sobs. Stupid, stupid...she always did stupid things that she regretted when she was angry and now she'd lost him for good.
Rapidash hesitated, his ears flicking up when he heard him say about a pokemon graveyard and he followed after him at a trot, easily keeping up due to his speed. "Bayleaf, don't do something you'll regret...she's angry, of course she is." he said softly, his voice calm as he lowered his head to Bayleef's height to talk to him eye to eye.
"I don't care...she doesn't care...if I can't find a mate Rapidash...there is no point in me living if I cannot even be with my trainer." He stopped to look at Rapidash. "Please...do me a favor...tell her to release me...if she becomes desperate enough, she'll just find me and put me inside the pokeball...probably not even letting me out just so she could keep me...by this point, I don't even care if she comes back. Please...take care of her for me...and destroy my pokeball if she refuses to release me...I beg of you..." They were right outside the gym.
He shook his large head. "I'm not gonna do that, I'm not letting you run away. You're both angry and you both owe each other apologies, don't do something you'll regret later...if she didn't want you by now, she'd just have released you." he stood in front of him, using his nose to nudge him back.
Bayleaf moved away from him. "I have to do this...I have to fight for my mate to become hers..." He said before walking into the gym, leaving Rapidash outside unless he would come in. He walked through the long hallway until he came to the gym leader's room. "Send out your Vaporeon gym leader! I must speak with the vaporeon!"
Rapidash followed at a trot, worrying slightly because he was a fire pokemon, albiet a strong one, in a purely water gym.
The Vaporeon was already out and she stepped out in front of her trainer, her tail curled around her body as she sat down. "What is it?" she asked coolly.,
"Why...why did you flirt with me before the Attract...and then just allow yourself to be taken by my vines when you have a mate...tell me...please..." Bayleaf asked, seeming desperate. "Where is Flareon...if I have to beat him just to win you over Vaporeon, I will!" He said to her in a proud manner.
She looked confused. "Because I do what my trainer asks, and he didn't ask me not to. He asked me to attract you so I did, and he never stopped me, so neither did I. I have no interest in being your mate." she looked around the corner and the flareon appeared with a respectful nod to Rapidash, glaring at Bayleaf. "Get out of here."
Rapidash seemed annoyed though, more at Bayleaf. He walked over to him. "Is a mate really more important to you than the person who raised you? You wouldn't be what you are if it wasn't for her, and neither would I."
Bayleaf frowned and scowled at the Vaporeon, surprised that she would go to such lengths as to having mated with him just to do what her trainer had said. Ignoring Rapidash, he simply walked past the Flareon, not saying or looking at it as he walked out of the gym. "To the graveyard..." He muttered. "How am I going to get to Kanto...thats a whole country over, the other side of this country..." He whimpered as he collapsed on the ground outside the gym. "Elise...will she really take me back...after all that went on, will she really...?" He wondered to himself. "She must hate me...She must still be angry at me...what if she keeps me inside the pokeball...I don't want to be in there...its so lonely..." The thing about Bayleaf was...before he was caught by Prof. Elm...he was always all alone, and hated it. He took a liking to Elm when he was caught, and was very reluctant to go with Elise when he had to part from Elm.
"It's your job to prove that you deserve to be with her!" Rapidash stomped his hoof angrily in front of Bayleaf, trying to make him snap out of it. "She at least deserves some thanks for everything she's done for you!" he growled slightly and turned around, his fire flaring up. "When you decide to stop being selfish, I'll be with our trainer." with that, he galloped off after Elise, who was still curled up against the tree crying.
Bayleaf didn't even wait. As Rapidash took off, Bayleaf tried his best to follow after him. When he arrived, he frowned as he walked over near Elise and laid down beside her, his head nuzzling her neck. "Elise...I'm so sorry...please...please take me back..." He said, but he cut himself short feeling he had said this before. "I'm your favorite pokemon and you're my favorite trainer...don't do this to me Elise...I want to be with you and win gym battles with you...if I can't do that, then...thank you...for everything you've done for me...If you truly don't want me..." He took the pokeball from her pouch. "Release me...if you don't want me..." The pokeball became large as he set it on the ground and pushed the button to put himself back inside...leaving his fate in her hands. Whether he was to stay with her, stay in the pokeball, or be released...it was all her choice. From within the pokeball, he was crying. "I love you Elise...please choose what you feel is best..."
Elise looked up and watched as he put himself back inside the pokeball. She picked it up and curled back up wth it, crying softly, barely noticing the thud as Rapidash flopped down next to her and put his head in her lap, letting his flames warm her gently as the night turned cold. She eventually managed to fall asleep using his neck as a pillow, in her sleep jerking about fitfully, accidently pushing the button to let Bayleaf out in her sleep.
Bayleaf lay in the pokeball, sitting there. He no longer was crying, accepting that she would forever keep him in the pokeball so she would have him without really having him as she had never let him out since then...but when he found himself leaving, he looked around as he was in the outside world and saw Elise asleep, holding his pokeball. "Oh Elise..." He said as he laid on her front side, moving his head to go under her arm to nuzzle next to the girl while she slept. He gently licked her cheek before closing his eyes to sleep.
As usual, she woke up when the sun rose and found Bayleaf next to her and her head on Rapidash. Her eyes were still sore and red from last night and she sat up, looking arund to see where they were, her eyes adjusting to the light. She looked down at Bayleaf and just sighed. "I'm sorry, Bayleaf, I didn't mean to ruin your chances of finding a mate...I was just jealous, I guess." she knew he was asleep but at least it was out there now.
Bayleaf shook his head. "She was just following orders...I just believed her cause she went so far with it..." Bayleaf sighed as he stayed in her arms. "I'll find a mate eventually...though as long as I'm with you Elise, I'm happy...now come on...we have to show that gym who's boss...and this time... we will win. I promise you. And this time...I swear that vaporeon is going down...!"

(Perhaps something like this happens at every gym only not as dramatic consequences unless you want em?)
ooc; It's not much of a pokemon x human thing if they're always arguing though D:

bic; She nodded with a sigh. "I thought you couldn't get one until next year, though?" she asked, standing up, shaking Rapidash who awoke with a jolt. "I'm not sure I like sleeping on the floor, Elise. Can I just go back into my pokeball until you need me?"
She nodded and returned him, putting his pokeball in her pocket.
(They don't have to argue with each thing, its just temptation resistance training :] Though it doesn't have to happen.)

"No. My mating season is not until next year....though I still wish to find a pokemon to call my own but...that can wait...I have my beloved trainer..." He cuddled up next to her and nuzzled his neck into hers as he lay there with her. He licked her cheek and kissed her lips once. "Elise...I couldn't tell you this because I was scared of how you would react....but I love you..."
Elise smiled slightly at that and slipped her arm around him, relaxing a bit against him, but then she realised something and frowned. "..If you love me, why do you want to find a mate...?" she asked quietly, looking down at him in slight confusion as he spoke to her. "I love you too, but...I don't want to start anything if you'll just leave me."
"I am looking for a mate to have children of my own...Elise...I love you but I also wish to love another to bare my children...please...know that if it were possible for you to be impregnated by my seed, I'd stay only with you..." He smiled and licked her once more. "I promise I won't leave you anymore...and I'm so sorry."
She seemed unsure about this, not particularly wanting to share, especially with another pokemon. What was she really doing, in a relationship with what was essentially an animal? She just stood up and started walking, gesturing for him to follow silently.
Bayleaf smiled and walked alongside her, his head nuzzling her hand as they walked. "So...how are we going to do this? Are you going to send Flaafy out to clear up most of the competition and send me in as a backup or do you want me to go all out on all the pokemon? Or do you want to risk Rapidash?" He said jokingly.
"I'll use Flaaffy for the gym leader. He's immune to Attract, so it won't be a bother for him taking out the competition." she nodded to herself and they soon reached the gym. "Okay, you ready?"
"No...let me take on the vaporeon. She's already caused me enough trouble...its time for me to get payback." He said frowning as he looked to her with a determined nod. "I'm ready whenever you are Elise. I trust you to command me well!" He said smiling to her as he walked into the gym.
"If you say so." ELise looked a little apprihensive as they walked past the other trainers in the gym, not needing to challenge them seeing as they'd beaten them once before. They stood in front of the gym leader again and as before, he started with Vaporeon, who used attract.
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