Jugger x Gondola

"But do the laws of humans apply directly to pokemon on pokemon rape? I think it would just make the other pokemon horny and then mad...or just mad. But either way, it could tire them out...lets just hope the pokemon is female."
"No, just leave it. Battle like normal." she said, a little harshly than she intended to. "I don't wanna risk breaking the rules and being kicked out of the gym league. People get pretty uptight when it comes to pokemon so the rules of rape probably do apply."
Bayleaf flailed back slightly as he heard her harsh voice. He felt hurt that she would sound that way to him...she had never spoken to him with any sort of harshness before. He simply nodded as he hung his head lower than usual as they continued into the gym. "Y-Yeah...alright Elise..." He said trying to hide the pain in his voice.
"Right, it's the usual...I'll save you for the gym leader so you have full power and HP." she was about to apologize but they were then challenged by a trainer. "Time to party.." she took out a pokeball and threw it. "Flaafy, use thundershock!!" she ordered the sheep-like creature. He made quick work of all of the contender's pokemon, levelling up in the process, but he was exhausted by the time they got to the gym leader.
Bayleaf stood before the gym leader on its little arena, growling at him as he awaited for a pokemon to come out. "Bring out your best!" He roared to the gym leader with a smirk. "I'll be sure to take you all out one by one by one!" He said before doing a cocky laugh.

(Ooo perhaps, the pokemon he battles accidentally/purposely sexually tempts him and he can't help but do things to it with his vines. This'd really piss of Elise lol)
ooc; go for it, but she would be REALLY pissed xD

bic; The gym leader gritted his teeth and sent out a vaporeon, who dived under the water as soon as she was released from her balll. It was obvious that she was still in heat and she surfaced behind Bayleaf, jumping up and hitting him with a tackle, smirking at him, skidding to an easy halt on the smooth surface of the battle arena. Her tail was high up in the air, exposing herself - Vaporeon were still in their mating season and she was clearl flirting.
(Thats the idea :])

Bayleaf blushed as he lay on the ground from the tackle, staring at her as she exposed himself to her. His mouth was agape. A pokemon wanted to mate with him...?! 'Finally...!' He thought to himself...but then Elise's words echoed in his head. He shook the mating thoughts out of his head as he used vine whip to attack the vaporeon before she could tempt him even more.
The Vaporeon just shook it off and smirked, flicking her tail to the side.
"Vaporeon, use attract!" the gym leader smirked as she did what he said, sidling up to Bayleaf, licking him on the nose.
Elise glared at the exchange and looked at Bayleaf. "Go on, Bayleaf, finish her off! Use razor leaf!"
Bayleaf just stood there, ignoring Elise as he looked to the Vaporeon when she used attract. His heart was thumping faster and faster. His breathing was uncontrolled. He couldn't hold it anymore. His vines came out, one grabbing her torso to push her onto the ground as the other vine went to start prodding her asshole as Bayleaf moved over to Vaporeon to start kissing her on the lips.
Vaporeon responded to this quite happily, flopping onto her back obediently to give him access.
"Vaporeon, return!" the gym leader sounded scandalized, as did Elise when she returned Bayleaf to his pokeball for the first time since she'd got him. She shoved it in her pocket angrily and her and the gym leader exchanged apologies before she walked out of the gym, waiting to get to the woods to release him.
(Release him like let him go or release him like from his pokeball?)

Bayleaf cried in despair as his mate was taken from him, followed by him returning into the pokeball. He forgot what it was like to be in one. It was quiet. It was his habitat, a nice forest with some watering streams. He sighed as he sat at the banks, whimpering as he missed his mate Vaporeon, the one pokemon willing to mate with him was taken before him in a flash of red light.
ooc; release him from his pokeball xD

She let him out and glared at him, the anger clear on her face. "Since when were you ever affected by attract? That was a gym battle, not a pass for easy sex!" she sounded really angry on top of being upset, trying to act like she didn't care about him when she did. "I should have just let Flaaffy do the job, at least he listens to me."
(Ah lol)

Hearing her, Nathan felt hurt. He became teary eyed as he looked away from her before he began to run off into the woods. "I hate you!!" He cried out as he disappeared into the vastness of the forest. When he found a hiding spot, he just hid there and cried. How could he not be affected by Attract when he was still sexual and the vaporeon was easily interested in him. He felt Elise wouldn't mind because he had found his mate...something she still offered to find him. Now he had run from her, forever.
She watched him run off and shot that he hated her and she just started walking blindly in the direction that he'd gone. She only carried a few pokemon with her, always Bayleaf, then Flaaffy (who was exhausted and low on HP, she'd left him in the care of the pokemon center for the night) and usually a rapidash for travel and for pokemon that both thwarted Flaaffy and Bayleaf, but he was in her box right now. She trekked deeper into the pitch black forest, her hands out in front of her as she tried to see where she was going. She tripped over something and she heard an angry hiss, watching in the dim light as a massive snake-like thing raised its head and turned to glare at her.
The Arbok's eyes flashed in the darkness and he launched at her, latching his teeth around her waist. She screamed loudly at first, but as the paralyzing venom course trhough her body she slowly quietened down and fell to the floor.
Hearing her cries, Bayleaf jumped and looked around. Surely she couldn't have gone into a forest of pokemon without a single pokemon to back her up...right? There was no room to wait for this. He began to run in the direction of where he had heard the scream. He was worried. "I shouldn't have left her...! Not then anyway...!" He said as he approached the area where Arbok and Elise was. He rushed over, tackling the Arbok hard as he yelled. "Let her go you bastard!!"
He did release her, but then he went for Bayleaf, snarling and snapping at the pokemon with a strong ferocity. "She's mine, you prissy little thing!" he yelled, whipping his tail around to hit Bayleaf angrily. "I found her first, now back off!" it was clear what he was going to do as he advanced on Elise with lust-hungry eyes.
Bayleaf shook his head as he recovered from the Arbok's attack with his tail. "No! She's my trainer! I must protect her!" He said as he began to use Razer Leaf on the arbok. Bayleaf had a disadvantage here. Arbok could easily use Super Effective poison attacks on him...but he didn't care. He had to protect Elise.
The Arbok hissed and backed down, not as strong in level as Bayleaf, but he still used Poison Sting on him. "Any trainer walking in the forest on their own is fair game!" he shouted in reply, coiling his tail around Elise.
Bayleaf dodged the poison sting and became furious as he rushed over to send razer leaves at the arbok at point-blank range. "Get your tail off of my god damn trainer!" He couldn't bring himself to say her name...he didn't respect her enough to even think of her name. As far as he knew, he had forgotten who she was other than that she was his trainer.
The Arbok quickly retreated with an angry, pissed off hiss, and the Paralysis eventually wore off Elise and she sat up slowly, her head spinning. She said nothing but a muttered 'thanks' to Bayleaf, heading back towards the lights of the city.
Bayleaf just watched her walk off. He didn't follow her...only watched until she was gone from view. Shedding a final tear, he laid down where the battle had just begun and awaited for the arbok to come back to finish him off...he didn't want to live anymore now that he lost his best friend because of his natural instincts as a pokemon.
The Arbok didn't return but the Vaporeon did, flanked by another pokemon - her true mate, the one that she;d found some time before the battle. He was a tall and strong looking Flareon, standing by her side proudly as they walked past the arew where Bayleaf was layed.
Bayleaf's eyes widened as he saw the vaporeon with the flareon. He felt hurt that she was with another male when they had gone to near sexual activity back in the gym. He would have said something, but the flareon might have caused him to faint if it had a short temper, so he just stayed there and cried a bit as he felt alone in this world. "Why...why am I just being used by everyone...why can't I find that one person for me...I lost my best friend and the closest thing to a mate I had in this world and to top it off another pokemon just used me for a quick sex..." He got up and began to walk aimlessly around the forest, head and neck soaked with tears as he began to walk along the city gate's edge.
Elise was walking out of the city gates on her Rapidash's back, too upset to walk herself in a straight line. Her fingers were curled into the firey mane for warmth and she just sat on his back with tears running down her cheeks while the Rapidash kept glancing back at her, worried for one of his best friends and his trainer.
Seeing Elise leave the city on Rapidash, Bayleaf knew he had to go apologize to her...it turned out that it would have all been for naught if he could not have the vaporeon as well. He hoped Elise would not hate him even after what he had said and done. He walked to her, his head low and his tail almost behind his legs as he whimpered up to the girl on Rapidash's back. "Elise...I'm sorry...please....please take me back...I didn't mean what I said...Please, I miss you and it turns out that...Vaporeon was just using me...I knew it...I could never find a pokemon to mate with me..."
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