Jugger x Gondola

"Oh? But...I think the idea of us making love on the back of a bird pokemon sounds fun. Haha." He smiled to her before he nuzzled into her side with his head as they walked on. It was obvious he loved her. He showed her so much affection and treated her so kindly.
She grinned at the thought. "I'm not all too sure the bird pokemon would enjoy it that much, though..." she replied, but she was giggling, her hand on his cheek, stroking him absent mindedly. To anybody else, they would have just looked like good friends, but Elise was glad that they were more than that.
Meganium could see the town begin to show up ahead. He smiled as he looked up to Elise. "Shall we make a run for it? Perhaps a race to see who can make it to the pokemon center first?" He said smiling to her. "I remember when we did that at Cherrygrove...you tried to get me to warm up to you when I practically hated your guts for taking me away from Elm."
"Oh yeah, I completely forgot about that." she frowned slightly at herself. "We've come a long way since then, haven't we?" her frown quickly changed to a smile and she scuffed a line with a stick. "Okay then...ready, set, go!" she grinned and set off running, quite aglie and fast for a human.

Meganium sneered as he sent out some tentacles to trip her and drag her back some, in a gently way however, as he ran by her chuckling. "You cheated the first time, I cheat this time!" He said as he had entered the town's gates. He couldn't find the pokemon center however. He just looked around, confused as humans walked by, looking at him. "Dammit where's the PC?"
She took this advantage after she'd got herself up to run to the pokemon center doors, waving at him. "Meganium! Beat you!" she called over the crowds, but her face fell as she watched what was going on.
A gardevoir had approached him, looking down at him with a smirk. "It seems we both have no mates.."
Hearing this, Meganium turned around and eyes went wide to see the female gardevoir. Unlike his past self, he was more calm and collected rather than jumpy and nervous. "Yes. It seems we don't have any pokemon mates. Quite a...predicament we're in." He said smiling to her with a small wink. "Tell me...Do you have a trainer Gardevoir?"
"...Er, yes I do, she's at the pokemon center right now..." she tilted her head to the side curiously as Elise watched with baited breath, still worried that he'd choose the Gardvoir over her.
"Why, what ae you suggesting...?"
"Perhaps...if you wish to become my pokemon mate, would you like to come with me and my trainer...perhaps even bare my children if you wish to become my pokemon mate? I'm very good with women you know..." He said as a vine came out and began to rub up and down her arm sensually.
Elise frowned and walked over to the two. "...Meganium?" she asked, watching as he ran the vine up and down Gardevoir's arm. "What happened to not needing a pokemon mate...?" the Gardevoir looked at her questioningly and she flushed slightly.
Meganium looked up to Elise. "I do not remember saying that specifically...I said as long as I have you, I'll always be happy...I have a human mate to love and I wish to have a pokemon mate to love and bare my children. Do you not want me to have children of my own Elise...?" The vine went back into his body rather than continued to rub up and down Gardevoir's arm.
"You said to me that you didn't need children..." she shook her head and folded her arms. "I'd rather you just tell me the truth all of the time instead of lying when you want sex." she looked at the gardevoir apologetically. "He's all yours." she looked back at Meganium. "You can still be in my team, but don't expect me to be your mate as well.."
Meganium frowned. He probably said this when he was still at loss of his sanity. If she could only remember what Bayleaf had said. All pokemon usually lose their sanity whenever they're evolving, but its rare for them not to take orders from their trainers. He was about to say something to Elise, but he couldn't quite find the words to say what he felt like saying. So instead, he said two simple words that would hardly change anything for the better. "I'm sorry..."
ooc; i'm sorry, i know its on your favouroite list but i really dont like being one of many lovers, i suppose, i don' mind it the other way round but i'm generally dom so :/ i've tried to put things in from your lists as well but they're not the big ones really...

bic; She said nothing as she walked away, taking his pokeball from her bag and putting it on the ground again. "Find me when you're finished." she muttered, retrieving Rapidash so she could go challenge the gym once she'd healed everybody at the PC.
(Ah okay. You shoulda said that, I wouldn't mind just having one :] My bad.)

Meganium frowned as he looked to Gardevoir then back to Elise. He sighed as he turned to the Gardevoir. "My offer still stands...but the pokemon mating does not." He said before rushing back over to Elise, grabbing his pokeball as well as he rushed into the Pokemon Center. "Elise...I choose you over her...!"
"...What offer was that?" Gardevoir called after him, confused now as she followed him, but didn't get very far before the crowds got in the way.
Elise was at the pokemon center, standing and waiting for Nurse Joy to finish replenishing the HP of her tired Rapidash and Flaafy while she got her milotic from the pokemon box.
Meganium felt her that she was ignoring him. "Elise..." He said as he tried to get her attention by rubbing her with his head. "Elise...don't be angry at me...please don't be..." He said, pleading to her with a sorrowful look in his eyes. "I choose you over the Gardevoir...please just forgive me...!"
"How many more times, though, Meganium?" she asked quietly, so not to give themselves away to the general public. "Look, I'm sorry that I can't...bear your children, but I don't want to be part of some harem or something, I'm not like that! I don't share. It's selfish, yeah, but I'm human."
Meganium sighed and nodded. "I'm sorry...I'm sorry, please...I won't go for another pokemon anymore...I promise you this." He nuzzled into her with his head as he tried to cheer her up and get her to forgive him. "Its just hard for me because its unnatural for pokemon..."
"I'm not making you stick with me, Meganium. You're free to go with another poekmon, but just don't expect me to stay your mate at the same time." she went forwards and collected her other pokemon, slipping the pokeballs in her pockets.
Meganium noticed she had six pokemon other than him in her belt. "W-Wait....why do you not have me in your party?" He said as he showed her his pokeball, which he had picked up earlier. "Elise...I WANT to stick with you...!"
She looked down at him. "You looked like you were gonna go off with her, so I letf you to it. I don't want you to be lonely with no children, so..." she shrugged. "It's your choice. If you can find her again, she can probably have your children...even if I could, a load of kids running round would be really odd. What if they were fully pokemon?" she shook her head.
"No!" He boomed through the PC, some people looking at him but he didn't care as his eyes were fixated onto hers. He didn't even care that people would be listening in now. "I love you and thats the end of it! I don't care if I can't have children with you, I just want to be there wit you!" Some people in the PC began to murmur about them and some giggled and snickered.
She went bright red and put her finger to his mouth, trying to hush him. "Sh! They're all whispering, we'll talk more outside!" she pulled him out as best as she could, quickly making it to a quieter area, but some damage was done already.
Meganium didn't change his attitude even as they were still in the secluded spot. "I'm not leaving until you forgive me...and I won't drop the subject either. Elise, I want to love you and no one else...Sure I want children, but if I am able to be with you, to hell with em, I love you!"
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