
Lupin moved faster than a snake, scooping his unconscious godson off the floor and disappearing with a loud CRACK, unsure where he was going but he could figure it out at some point. he'd just wait downstairs and try to bandage harry, he didn't dare take him to St. Mungo's, too many enemy's. too many dangers. he grabbed a towel and started trying to hold Harry's injuries shut, the boy groaning softly.

the family was silent then, without warning both the twins Lunged, Fred attacking Draco, punching the blond in the gut, George slamming his fist into James jaw, trying to get the advantage, both of them shouting for their mother to run, the woman sobbing as she scrabbled for her wand, hoping to stun James at the very least, her need to protect her children over riding everything else.
James growled as warded the room so the man couldn't leave, before going downstairs to see how harry was."Is is he ok?"He asked scared, observing from the doorway, not knowing what to do.

"Ow fucking hell. Malfoy I'm going to kill you."Marc growled, glad that he was used to get in slugging fests. DAnger of being a cop. Snarling as he gave up, hexing the two, glad that james had taught him that binding spell, studying the roomful of people, glad they were bound."Princess you're so taking care of me later."He growled unhappy about being in pain."Now. Do any of you know where they are?Because if not, I'll let james decide what to do with you.And if harry's not well....well he's not going to be happy."
Lupin shook his head. "he's bleeding too heavy, i can't stop it. you need to heal him." Lupin growled softly his hands stained with Harry's blood as he tried to stop the bleeding. "i'd do it, but i don't have a wand."

the twins both snarled their eyes narrowed. "Harry is dead!" Fred snarled, sounding wounded. "we had a funeral for fucks sake!" George continued struggling against the binding curse as Draco continued to gag from the punch to his stomach Molly standing, wand in her trembling hands. "now you j..just leave!" she demanded trembling violently, her eyes wide. "you leave, and...and don't come back!" clearly, none of the three believed Marc or Draco that harry was alive and that Arthur had kidnapped him.
James paled walking over, gently casting as he laid his wand against harry's stomach, holding his breath as he cast. Swallowing hard as the wounds healed."We need to get him home."He said after a long moment.

Marc sighed gently wrapping his arms around draco, not knowing what to do to stop the gagging,"He is alive, and James is screwing him six ways to sunday....."He said getting distracted for a minute."The spells will break when we leave.Goodbye."He said, looking disgusted as he tried to decide if they really should just leave them."I really dislike them."
Remus nodded and gathered harry into his arms. "i'll hold, you apparate." he demanded, unwilling to release his pup to just anyone, gently rubbing Harry's cheek looking intensely worried about him. "don't worry Harry, i'll protect you from now on." he promised softly, Harry groaning softly as he started to come to.

Draco chuckled a little as he nodded. "actually the twins where always very loyal to harry." he admitted wiping blood from his chin looking up at his lover grabbing his hand. "come on we better head home, Harry isn't here, so he has to be at the Order. we can bring them with, make them see harry with their own eyes and see what happens from there? and shut up." Draco ordered, placing silencing spells on the twins so they would stop yelling at him.
James nodded,resting his hand lightly on remus's arm, apparating them back to the house and into their bedroom directly pointing to the bed."Put him down, I'll get some potions to help."He said fretting because their wasn't more he could do, looking up startled at the sound of people apparating in.

Marc sighed looking at the twins, biting his lip before looking at draco"Hoepfully james had more luck then we did."He said not sure what he'd say to his brother if they'd been to late to save harry.
Remus gently laid Harry on the bed, brushing his hair back and pausing suddenly his head tilted grabbing James when he came back in, pointing at Harry's belly. "please tell me he's just getting a little fat." he pleaded swallowing hard as he glanced at the other. but Lupin knew, he could smell the pheromones, he wasn't aware than male wizards could get pregnant, of course, being a harpy, maybe it was different? Lupin didn't know...but it was sort of freaking him out.

Draco nodded and grabbed the Twins ankles, the red heads struggling as best they could, which was just twitches of their fingers as Molly weasley lay on the floor, still out cold. "i'll meet you at home?" Draco offered smiling at Marc. "i'll get these two weasels set up in out 'dungeon' he growled winking at Marc the Twins eyes widening in horror as Draco vanished, the twins with him.
James bared his teeth in a growl, shaking his head."He's pregnant."he said simply lifting harry's head to coax him to drink the potion, dropping a kiss onto his forehead."Love, come on sweetheart, wake up."He muttered extremely worried still.

Marc snickered as he apparated into the house after draco, tilting his head at the sight of the twins sitting on his couch."If they do something nasty to much couch princess, I'm taking it out of your h-"He stopped midsentence, looking up. The wards warning him that a stranger and the other two were there."Harry's back."He sighed relieved.
Harry whimpered a little turning his head away from the potion Remus simply gaping at them before shaking his head. "Harry Pup, you need to drink, it will make you better." Lupin murmured softly Harry's eyes fluttering open. "l..lu..pin?" Harry managed to stutter. "w..where...James..?" because Harry couldn't see anything, due to the fact that his glasses had gone missing. "James?" lupin asked looking at James before looking amused. "that was his dads name." he admitted moving so that James could sit in view sight of Harry. "b..baby?" Harry asked, sounding panicked as he tried to reach up and feel his own belly.

"oh thank god." Draco breathed glancing at the twins. "you two stay put." he ordered, snickering as they glared at him, still suffering the binding and silencing spells. "i'm going to go up and try to help." he decided looking up at the Ceiling before grabbing some potions and heading up the stairs, determined to make sure that Harry was ok. "i hope we don't have to take him to the hospital.." harry definitely wouldn't like that, not one bit.
"The baby's fine harry.You're both going to be fine."James winced a little at the reminder of his dad's name."If you have a daddy fixation yuo better let me know now because my sex life is going to suffer for it."he said, not at all amused considering he was almost old enough to be harry's dad...if he'd had him as a teen.Disturbing thought that. Smiling slightlyl as draco came in."Look who's being a fussy little princess harry."He teased watching the blond come in carrying everything.
Remus chuckled a little and shook his head. "Harry's not like that." he promised clapping his hand on James back. "you don't have to worry about him calling you daddy," a wide smirk crossed his lips. "unless your into that sort of thing." he was such an imp. "i can be a fussy princess all i like." Draco growled at James gently setting everything down. "Especially when i have two red heads downstairs thinking that Harry is dead." "why in the hell would they think Harry is dead!?" Remus demanded startled Draco blinking at him. "who the hell are you?" "i'm Professor Lupin you little brat, and watch your language." "hey your not a professor anymore you can't tell me what to do." Draco sulked as he headed over to Harry, gently helping the boy sit up scowling as Harry began to giggle. "you guys...funny." he muttered softly groaning as Draco set a potion to Harry's lips but obediently began to drink, eager to heal quickly.
James snickered watching them, amused. Before answering lupin's question."I told weasley and lucius that he was dead so they would stop harassing me when I went to work.They knew I was hiding him, they just couldn't figure out where.so I told them I packed him off the the cermation house, and that I washed his ashes down my toliet. It worked."He shrugged before gettign up."I'll go deal with the twins."He said amused leaving and heading downstairs, smirking at the sight of marc being cruel to the other two by telling them stories."Shut up. Help me walk them upstairs ,so Ican get them out of the house."He said not wanting them there longer then they had to be
Remus snorted a little and rolled his eyes and Harry went back to sleep, Draco chuckling as he led Remus to the bathroom so he could get cleaned up. the twins where glaring furiously at Marc, struggling not to crack a few grins at some of the stories he was telling, determined to continue hating him, for binding them and beating them if nothing else. they glared at James as well as he came into view but their eyes widened as they caught sight of Lupin, glancing at each other before looking at Lupin again, the werewolf pausing and blinking at the red heads, a silent standstill. "Does Harry know their here?" Lupin finally asked James. "you do realize that those red headed bastards betrayed him?" the twins glared at him, looking rather hurt, they hadn't betrayed harry! how dare he!
"No he doesn't know.And I'm going to let him deal with them if they did betray him."James said sounding calm."He's more creatively vicious then I am. It must be from being a cop. I don't do well with breaking the law."He said with a snicker that marc shared, because well...they both were really good at breaking laws. Levitating the twins in front of him he headed for his bedroom, setting them on the floor before he moved over to lean down and kiss harry."Love, I need you to wake up."
The twins looked a little afraid as they where levitated and settled in front of harry, their eyes wide in horror as they took in his wounds blinking as harry groaned softly his eyes fluttering open. "James..nng.." Harry whined, he hurt all over. his tired green eyes focused on the twins who where staring wide eyed at him. "what do you want?" harry demanded, Fred opening his mouth to talk, but still suffering from the silencing charm he couldn't actually say anything, Harry blinking a little. "James it's ok, they won't hurt me, let them free of the spells."

as soon as they where free the twins started stammering explanations and reliefs that he was still alive, stuttering and fighting over one another to talk as they explained that they hadn't realized Arthur and Ron where being payed off to be Harry's friend, that Molly weasley had divorced Arthur after she found out that harry had run away, that Arthur had gone, well rather mad after words, ron too for that matter, Percy was off somewhere causing chaos and they didn't know about Bill or Charley but that they where sorry they where family with those traitorous bastards before they both froze staring at Harry's belly their heads cocked in opposite directions.
James sighed, giving the twins a look as he shifted to hide harry's belly protectively."Don't stare its not polite."He growled, not happy with their growling.Though he was glad that harry still had some friends besides the blond, it'd do him good to know that not everyone betrayed him.

Marc smiled a little, reaching out and closing the door as he left, letting the friends have peace and quiet to get back on speaking terms.
Harry smiled as the twins blinked a little tilting their heads so that the tops where almost touching each other. "Harry... are you keeping a secrete from us?" Fred finally asked. "yeah, i mean it's totally ok if your really a girl, we totally don't min...OUCH!" harry had smacked him over the head with a transfigured pillow, turning it into a plank of wood. "i am a male!" Harry growled Fred rubbing his head. "ok, no need to get all pissy at us..." "what are we supposed to think? men can't get pregnant.." "...what do you mean?.. i'm not pregnant." "but...oh..." "....are you saying i'm fat!?" "no no! nothing like that honest!" harry loved fucking with the twins heads.
James rolled his eyes, crossing his arms as he leaned back against the headboard,"They're almost as bad as the princess.Can we tell them he's a girl?Please?Imight even be able to convince marc's he's a girl."He snickered at the idea of draco being so pretty he was mistaken for a girl.
the twins blinked at James and then at harry and in unison they called for a time out and demanded to know who James was, harry promptly responding with 'my husband'. then they had to know how the hell harry had met James and Harry started telling the entire story, how James rescued him, how they found Draco, how they killed Dumbledore and Voldemort, how Draco fell in love with Marc. the whole shebang. the twins where speechless and in awe by the end and they kept blinking and gasping at all the right parts. "oh man, we better get home to Mum. let her know that dad is an evil git." "...hey, er...what did you guys do with him anyway?" Harry paused and glanced at James, Harry didn't know, honestly he didn't care either, but he was still the Twins dad, evil bastard or not, and they had a right to know.
James gave him a look, before sighing."He's still tied up at the house. I didn't want to take the time to kill him, I needed to attend to."He said leaning over to steal a kiss, laying down next to harry cuddling up against him. Needing to reassure himself that the man was fine.
the twins bit their lips but said nothing, instead they decided to carefully poke Harry's belly, making the boy who lived giggle and squirm as he was tickled, the twins snickering and poking him again, deciding not to comment on their crazy father, he deserved anything James gave him...right?
James growled lightly as they poked harry, not liking it."hey. Hands off."He growled possessively, shifting to wrap his arms around the brunette.
the twins blinked at him looking startled their heads tilted before they grinned brightly and poked harry again, Harry laughing a little. "hey guys leave him alone, he's just being over protective because i was kidnapped." and almost died, but harry didn't know that. "hey, we're going to go downstairs and bug Draco then, you get well harry." Fred ordered dragging George out of the room making Harry chuckle as they left. "at least they know how to take a hint."
James laughed softly."They do, but they'll be back when Marc kicks their ass for giving his princess a hard time."

Downstairs marc glanced up from where he was laying cuddled up against draco, raising a eyebrow."He looks good pregnant doesn't he?"He said with a snicker.
the twins grinned at marc and nodded. "he looks good period. usually he's all skinny and bruised up." "and sad this is the first time i've seen him actually smile!" "he looks a lot better than dead that's for sure." "yeah i agree." "oh hey sorry about your Jaw there mate, i honestly thought you where death eaters." George admitted looking a little sheepish. "i was just trying to protect my mum yah know?" "oh hell! Mum! we left her behind!" "oh she's gonna be spitting fire!" "we gotta go home!" "hey Draco tell Harry we said bye!" "oh man we're gonna get the broom handle again!" "why? it's not our fault we where kidnapped against out will!" they both vanished with loud Cracks, Draco snorting a little rolling his eyes. "i can never get used to them."
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