
Marc olled his eyes at the thought,"Well get him here and we'll drag james off to bed. He needs some real sleep instead of just slumping over te edge of the bed or in a chair."He said wisely, kissing draco,wrappng his arms around the other.
Draco chuckled and nodded kissing Marc gently. "we can watch Lily while James sleeps, i've been taking baby sitting lessons." he admitted grinning a little. "and Lupin can stay with Mr. Feathers there...Harry hates being alone, ever since.." ever since Arthur had kidnapped him harry had become more and more terrified of being left alone, though no one had commented on it so far, it was just easier to never leave him alone.
Marc nodded,"...you've been taking baby sitting lessons princess?Are you trying to tell me something?"He asked wrapping his arms around the other, before apparating back to the house to get lupin. Looking for the werewolf."Lupin?"
Draco smirked a little. "well, if that wasn't a hint then i guess i better just outright say it." he took Marc's hand. "Marc, will you bear my babies!?" "...shouldn't that be the other way around?" Lupin asked walking into the room looking amused. "what!? you want ME to get all fat and cranky? when i'm already more than anyone can handle?" "...good point." Remus stated with a grimace. "hows harry? i would have gone but werewolves and harpies...well they don't usually get along and with it being so close to the full moon and all.." "you mean you weren't just being a coward?" "...he's as good as my own son Draco." great, now Draco felt guilty.
Marc rolled his eyes wrapping his arms around draco,pressing a kiss to hsi head."Oh stop feeling guilty oh guilty one, and I'd like to see the day you can top me."He smirked."If we can handle harry pregnant, and james crabby, I'm pretty sure we can handle one pregnant princess."
Draco scowled darkly. "but i'll get all fat and ugly." he complained pouting a little. "you'd look cute all round, i'll just look like an idiot." draco had that backwards, but there was going to be no convincing him of that. "anyway." Lupin interrupted grinning at James and his little baby. "can i hold her?" he asked hopefully pleading with his eyes. "i promise not to eat her." Draco had to laugh a little.
James smiled laying lily in lupin's arms,"Be careful.She's tiny."He said fretting as he sat back.

Marc snickered a little at jamess fretting.He was so going to be the overprotective father. This was going to be amusing."I think you have things backwards princess.A pregnant cop?I don't think so."
Lupin smiled as he carefully took her into his arms his face lighting up with joy as he held his tiny niece, cousin, granddaughter... he didn't know, all he knew was that she looked just like a little baby harry. "she's gorgeous James." he murmured softly, feeling a great sense of nostalgia, followed by a pain staking heartbreak as he remembered that it wasn't harry in his arms, and that his old friend James was dead. but he kept the pain off his face as he cooed at Lily, smiling a little more before carefully handing her back.

Draco snorted and tossed his head up. "i can't be pregnant if i'm going to apply to be an auror!" he whined pouting hard at his lover. "i thought you where going to retire and let me have the dangerous job." turning Marcs words against him, Draco was totally the woman in the relationship, and despite Draco's intense protests, they LL knew he was going to end up carrying the baby.
James smiled sadly. because he knew what the other was thinking. Becaue his own name was james...it made him think of another harpy, another baby."She is."He said softly smiling as the baby cooed at her uncle."I'm...sorry...do you want me to go?"He asked, willing to leave the room to not cause the older man pain.

marc sighed a little."I am.I'm going to make cakes. But I'm totally not the woman in this relationship.I don't bottom."He said seriously, kissing the other.
Lupin shook his head. "no no it's ok." he promised wiping his eyes a little. "i just get like this, i'll be fine." he promised smiling at James. "i'm just glad, that harry can finally be so happy." he admitted chuckling a little as he stood up. "i think i'm going to go check on Harry." he admitted hesitating. "i hope his hormones have settled down, i don't want to end up in the hospital myself again." he admitted with a grimace. "when Lily was in Labor she actually tried to kill me...almost succeeded too." he admitted with a small laugh before he apparated to the hospital, determined to check on his pup, who he was contemplating adopting.

Draco groaned a little. clearly not enjoying that decision as he kissed the other back. "fine." he grumbled sulking a little. " but i want a lot of little babies so your going to have to carry at least one." he ordered. "we'll artificially inseminate you like a Pegasus if we have to." he teased smirking at the other. "deal?"
James smiled a little, heading upstairs with the baby cooing the whole way, ignoring teh arguing couple.They were not entertaining enough to distract him from the small bundle in his arms.

"...."Marc stared at him,snickering a little."Whatever you say malfoy."He said, willing to ocede for the moment, though he had no intention of ever being pregnant.But for now, he was willing to forget it.
Draco smirked a little and nodded pleased that he had won before winking at him. "well then we better get started on making me all fat and pregnant shouldn't we?" he teased smirking a little at the other leaning up and biting his neck carefully. gently teasing his lover. "after you make me a cake, i'm hungry."
Marc moaned softly tilting his head back as he looked at the other."Oh you think you can demand that I make you a cake?"He asked groping the other."I have a better idea."
Draco smirked at him and rubbed himself along him groaning softly, panting a little snickering a little. "oh, but we ARE baking a cake." he growled smirking a little rubbing his ass into the other. "go on Marc, Frost my cake." he purred snickering again.
Marc growled holding the other's hips as he pressed him into the kitchen table."Hmm you want me to frost you before i make a cake?That's not how it works."He said laughing.
Draco laughed a little moaning as he found himself half pinned tot he table. "mmm sure it is, after all you have to frost me before i can get the oven going." he teased flashing him a smirk, "of course i am hungry so maybe you better do the baking first." he loved screwing with Marc.
Marc growled pressing him harder into the table, rubbing against him a little, wrapping his fingers through the blond's hair pulling him back for a kiss."What do you want me to do first?Feed you or fuck you?"
Marc smirked a little as he stripped the other, sliding his fingers into him."It's not nice teasing me.It's been a emotional few days."
Draco moaned arching into the fingers, panting softly. "m..mmm that's why i'm teasing." he teased shifting against the other panting softly. "the sex is better when i tease." he admitted chuckling a little, as he pressed back on the others cock, rubbing, teasing again.
Marc growled at him as he rested both hands on the others hips, before thrusting into him hard, moaning at the feel of his cock being engulfed."If you keep it up I'm going to leave you tied to something again."he threatened
Draco groaned loudly at the large cock in his ass, tossing his head back with a small whimper. "n..no that's ok." he stuttered panting hard. "i don't need to be tied down." he'd been severely adverse to rope after his mother had tied him up, just the thought of being tied up nearly sent him into tremors, but a Malfoy never showed his fear, and the stutter was easily explained away by the cock in his ass. "n..nn more, Marc oh please."
Mar moaned softly fucking him harder, nuzzling his neck.Having felt him tense ever so little he was worried.moaning softly as he nuzzled the other, gentle fingers playing over draco's cock.
Draco moaned as the other fucked him harder panting hard. "ye..eesss." he moaned ripping the table hard, tossing his head back in pleasure arching into the hand on his cock with a harsh pant. "so close, so fucking close Marc please!"
Marc moaned s oftly biting down on his neck as he stroked the other, struggling not to come until the other did. Wanting to watch draco come before he lost himself in pleasure. Cuddling the man he loved, pressing a kiss into his neck."I love you."He groaned ever so softly
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