
Marc frowned a little, rubbing his eyes with his hand, pinching the bridge of his nose, a headache starting."That was...do they always talk like that?"He asked, becaue his head hurt trying to follow their conversation.
Draco chuckled and nodded. "yeah, always." he admitted smiling a little. "i think it's kind of funny, but then i used to hang out with them back in school so i got used to it." he admitted yawning a little. "they'll be back later so your going to have to get used to it too." he teased grinning a little up at Marc his head tilted. "after all they are Harry's only freinds besides us. and they ARE going to be my best men when we get married. and Harry's too no doubt."
Marc grimaced smiling slightly as he kissed the blond's head."I guess I can get used to it then."He said amused as he ran a hand along his lover's back, perking up at the idea of marrying him. It was goign to be amazing. Along with becoming a uncle, it was going to be the best day in the world.
Draco chuckled and smiled at his lover laying his head against his chest, looking down at his own wedding band, letting out a small, content sigh looking very happy. "it's a shame that harry had such a crappy birthday." he muttered softly looking up at Marc. "if you finish making the cake, i'll go up and get harry, i bet we could still surprise him. and he doesn't realize yet that Lupin is here i bet, he could be one of Harry's birthday presents."
Marc smiled getting up, "That's true. Now go get him, and knock before you walk into the bedroom, make sure james knows it's you and not a enemy."He said kissing him softly, before heading into the kitchen to finish the cake.
Draco snickered a little and headed up there, passing lupin on the way, clean and shaved and looking like his old self again, though not so thin, and relayed the plan, the man chuckling a little and heading down to meet Marc, asking him to get a nice big bow that he could wear in his hair, like a present. Harry would think it funny at least.

Draco knocked on the door and a groan issued from inside, Harry's sleepy voice demanding that whoever it was, he was sleeping. to which draco answered. "but we have dinner ready for you downstairs, and a surprise too." "it better not be something from the Twins." Harry complained, sitting up anyway because he was hungry and wanted food.
James whined at being moved away from his resting spot, rolling on his back with a sigh."It's probably not. With my luck draco and marc went shopping."He whined getting up, pulling harry with him. Heading for the door and pulling it open looking down at the blond."What do you want?"He growled, not happy with being coerced out of bed.
Draco smirked at him and mouthed 'surprise' at James when harry wasn't looking, the brunette leaning against James, still feeling a little week kneed. "i'm hungry James." Harry whined pathetically "and Draco said that Marc made dinner, come on." he stated trying to tug James down, Draco chuckling as he scampered back down the stairs, making the confetti fall from the ceiling again, just for that added sparkle.

harry was rubbing his eyes when he walked in, and then froze when he saw the happy birthday banner, and the cake and the confetti and the several dozen presents sitting on the table for him his eyes wide. "i...i don't..i..." and then he burst into Sobs, covering his face with his hands. "i've n..never had a b...birthday p..p..party before!" he admitted shaking his head hard before hugging Draco tightly. "y..you g..guys are th..the b..best!"
Marc snickered, stealing a hug from his almost brother in law, giving harry a smacking playful kiss on his lips."You keep telling me that my ego's going to be bigger then james's, and he's going to be pissed that I'm better."

James snickered,"you'll never be better then me."
Harry hugged Marc as well, giving him a playful, and non painful smack when he kissed him, grinning a little tears still running down his face. "your both better so there." Draco stated deciding to cut off the fight before it even started. "come on Harry open your presents!" "open me first." Lupin's voice sounded from the doorway, Harry's eyes widening to the size of basketballs gaping at his once Professor before letting out an excited squeal and launching himself at the werewolf, Lupin squalling in surprise as Harpy smacked into werewolf and sent them both toppling to the floor, harry babbling non stop about how great it was to see him.
James snikered a little, grinning because he was glad harry was happy to see him."I think I might have to go to work more often if that's the kind of greeting I'm going to get."

Marc laughed, wrapping his arms around draco's waist, resting his head on his shoulder, nuzzling his neck."This was a good idea."
Draco chuckled a little. "of course it was a good idea, it was MY idea." he teased flashing his lover a smirk as Harry slammed into James now too, babbling that he loved them all, Lupin getting to his feet with a small groan. "i am getting WAY too old for this." he complained sighing a little as he rubbed Harry on the head. "alright now calm down your gonna throw yourself into a Tizzy." "i'm ALREADY in a Tizzy!" Harry stated grinning brightly at all of them, a true, happy smile all over his face was an amazing thing to see.
ames smiled, kissing him back.Glad he was so happy."Now calm down, you don't need to be gettign s excited.You've already had a exciting day."He said running his finges through his hair, smiling."Come on,lets eat some of marc's cake ebfore opening presents."

"Yes yes, my amazing cake."Marc said getting the cake that looked like two angels in flight one helping the other, spelled to make the complex figures.If you looked close enough, the two angels looked like harry and james....really, marc spent waaaayyy to much ime cooking amazing cakes.
Harry blinked at the cake and turned to Stare at mark with an eyebrow raised. "the things James and i do in bed, would definitely get us kicked out of cake heaven." he teased making Lupin start to laugh as Harry grinned and sat down, making James sit on one side and Lupin sit on the other as he stared at the amazing cake. "you have got to teach me how to do that, i only know how to cook the muggle way."
Marc grinned."I will.My mom's the one who's amazing.She taught me to do this after...my dad died."He said. having been about to say after his father was so sick he couldn't abuse either of them for marc wanting to do such a girly thing.

James smiled little sadly, wrapping a arm around harry's waist as he sat down next to him, starting to cut the cake."It's almost a shame to cut it."He remarked laughing,"It would get us kicked out of heaven.But he probably hasn't seen enough harpies to be able to do one in a cake."He said laughing.
Harry beamed at marc, deciding to ignore the 'slip' about their father, he always ignored it because he didn't know how to help, or even what was wrong. "you know, you could make thousands of dollars for that cake in the muggle world." Harry pointed out smirking at Marc. "it could be a side job." Lupin laughed a little and shook his head. "Harry when your an Auror..." "policeman." "pleasemen, there ARE no side jobs." Lupin pointed out Harry snorting a little and nodding. "yeah you'd be right, Draco wants to be an Auror." "i'd be damn good at it too! but i think Marc would get an ulcer from worrying too much."
Marc rolled his eyes, laughing."Maybe I'll retire early and let draco be the one who takes all the risks."He smiled lookign at the blond."Then again maybe I'll keep him here and make him help me cook."

James smiled wrapping his arms around harry's waist, pressing a kiss to his temple. "I don't think you could live with the idea of draco being out there without you hovering over his shoulder."
Draco snorted a little and smirked at Marc. "ruining all your cooking you mean." he corrected snickering a little. "or eating it when your not looking, i've done both." he admitted smirking a little as Harry laughed and reached out grabbing one of the brightly wrapped presents, looking rather excited. he'd never really gotten a birthday present before either, Ron and Hermione had always forgotten, of course Harry had never told them his birthday either so maybe that was why. "i could live with Draco being out there." Harry admitted smirking at the blond. "as long as he doesn't expect me to patch him up when he screws up." "i won't screw up! i'm better than you are!" "if i wasn't pregnant i'd kick your ass!"
James laughed softly."It's dangerous enough being in the same house with these two.We probbably should go to work to get away."He snickered.

Marc smiled shaking his head as harry opened the dress from him and draco, a smirk on his lips. Knowing they boh where going to find it amusing."He's going to be mean after we give him a wonderful present?I might take it back."He said with a slight pout.
harry blushed hard as he ran his fingers over the material looking wickedly perverted, Lupin gaping at them all. "you...you pervert!" Remus complained Harry laughing a little as he winked at James. "i'll have to wear this tonight eh? you could give me some Lessons Professor." he teased licking his lips at James. "i need help understanding my 'chemistry'. he was completely ignoring Marc at that point.
James had the grace to blush as he looked at the other, avoiding anyone's eyes. Looking embarassed and hot under the collar at the idea."Shut up."He grumbled embarassed.
Harry laughed and nodded grinning brightly as he grabbed Lupin's present, ripping it open and peering inside, laughing a little as he reached in and pulled out a stuffed dog that looked exactly like padfoot, the brunette bursting into tears again, wrapping his arms tightly around it, hiccuping that Lupin was the best.
James looked startled, bristling at the tears. Trying to figure out what he had to do to make it better."What's wrong?"He asked looking at the brunette holding the dog.
Harry shook his head and leaned into James. "nothings w..wrong it j..just looks like my g..godfather." he sobbed burying his face into the stuffed dog. "Harry i'm sorry... i didn't know it would upset you.." Lupin whispered softly, trying to console his 'nephew' looking incredibly guilty as harry shook his head and curled up into James a little more firmly, his hormones on full rampage from the emotional roller coaster he'd been on that day. "i think Harry needs to rest." Draco suggested to James looking a little worried about his frenemy.
James nodded.'Probably."He said getting up, wrapping hsi arms around harry as he picked the other up, looking at harry."don't worry.He's like this most days now."He said ebefore heading upstairs with the harpy snug in his arms."Tired?"He asked setting him in bed, crawling in next to him.
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