
"Probably."James snickered, looking at his soon to be brother in law."I'll go see where he got to."he sad before apparating out, heading to where they'd been getting the groceries. Wondering what his lover could have gotten to.
Draco nodded and went back to 'helping' Marc cook the cake a smirk on his lips as he stole another finger full of frosting and licking it clean.

when James got tot he grocery everything appeared normal save for the fact that there was no harry, but right out on the front there where long claw marks in the cement, that matched the ones that James bed often sported, groceries where scattered about on the ground, though a large amount of them had been picked up by random pedestrians, and there was the tell tale sign of a magical battle, long streaks of smoke lay around the area, and even worse, a few black feathers lay trapped in cracks in the cement, Harpy feathers...something bad had happened to Harry.
James stared, trying to sort out what could have happened.Not knowing, fear gripping his heart as he raced inside, grabbing one of the cashier's by the arm, needing to know what happened."I work for the aurors. What happened here?"He said, bending the truth just a little bit.
the man blinked a little looking startled. "what, but... ah, well there was a rampaging Harpy in here. ripped apart all of our things, it was attacking a red headed Auror who knocked it out and took it away. i dunno where to, probably to the Control of Magical Creatures department." he admitted shaking his head a little. "are you after the Harpy too? their really rare you know, i hope they don't kill the poor thing, i know they have tempers but their really very pretty. the one in here had such pretty green eyes." the cashier admitted, shaking his head as he went back to mopping up some spilled soda.
James cursed. He knew he couldn't go alone, and he didnt know the ministry.Hopefully draco and marc were up to coming, trying not to panic as he apparated home, running into the kitchen."We've got a problem."He panted, starting to panic."Harry's been taken."
Draco gaped at him his eyes widening. "i'm sorry...what!?" he demanded his head tilted looking horrified. "Harry can't have been taken it's his birthday for fucks sake!! this was supposed to be perfect! we have to go get him!!! where is he!?" he demanded practically freaking out twitching lightly. he didn't know what to do, he'd never had someone he cared about vanish before.
Marc wrapped his arms around the blond, pressing a kiss to his head."Be calm. You're not going to help anyone by being panicky."He said watching james calm down.

"They said a red headed auror and harry were fighting. and that he might be at the ministry.But I...But I dont' know."James said struggling to stay calm and in control.
Draco paused scowling a little. "red headed?" he demanded looking puzzled. "...last i heard, there weren't any red headed aurors... not active ones anyway." he admitted scowling. "i would know, i want to be one." he admitted biting his lip. "i can make a few fire-calls, see if anyone knows who it could have been. someone has to have at least heard about someone fighting with harry, it's harry!" Draco of course, had no idea that Harry was a Harpy.
James nodded,biting his lip."There's..."He stopped, weighing the choices."Harry's a harpy."He said, knowing it might make the difference.

Marc looked startled looking down at the man in his arms, feeling stupid for not thinking to ask what draco had done for a job. "You're an auror?Call in. We need to know what's going on."
Draco stared at James for a long moment blinking at him and then blinking again before pausing. "no i'm sixteen, sixteen year olds can't be Aurors i WANT to be an Auror." he chirped simply looking a little stunned. "thanks to my...er, Late Fathers connections i was often allowed a connection into the workings and politics of the Auror lifestyle, to give me a leg up. he thought i would make a wonderful spy within the auror ranks and supplied everything i might need to get a spot in the ranks, skilled or not." he admitted heading over tot he fireplace and tossing in some Floo sticking his head in and ignoring the two brothers for a long moment as he chatted to someone on the other side for almost a half an hour before pulling back. "there is no Auror with red hair in active duty right now, but they are getting reports of a fake fighting with a harpy at the grocer." he admitted shaking his head free of soot. "they have three possible options for who it could be, one works in muggle interactions, another works at the bank...and the third is Arthur Weasely, a man who once betrayed Harry for Money as i recall."
James paled nodding a little, swallowing hard."Yes, he did betray harry. and I'm sure he has again.Do you know where he'd take harry?"He said being calm now that they had a idea where to look
Draco hesitated a little and then. "well, he could have taken harry to his godfathers house, that's protected by a Fidelius Charm though so let's hope it's not that one. it's either that or he's taken him to that horrid little shack they call a home, it's such a hideous thing." he growled licking his lips. "we should try there first, and hope their there...or we might never find harry..." he paused then glanced at James. "actually...Remus Lupin...he would know... if one of us goes and get's Lupin he can take one of you to the Order of the Light, and me and the other could go check at the Burrow."
"I'll get lpin, you two check the house."James said before apparating out.

Marc swallowed, knowin why james had gone after lupin. If harry was hurt, if something had happened to the baby james didn't trust himself not to slaugter the red head."Come on, lets go."He said reaching for the blond's hand so draco could apparate them to the house.Praying draco was right, and they were there.
Lupin was in a muggle jail over by the Order, he was not looking good, he was overly thin, dressed in orange, he was gaunt and sickly looking, but being that it was near the full moon that was only to be expected. when James found him they had to run through all the legal stuff, and probably a bit of Magic before Lupin was finally led out to James, looking as wild as any werewolf, beard and shaggy hair in place. "and what do they want with me this time?" Lupin demanded hoarsely to James, thinking that he was part of the Order. "you won't get anything out of me, why don't you people give up already?" or maybe he thought James was a death eater, whatever the case, Lupin was ready to fight.

Draco nodded swallowing thickly. "i'll get my gun." he decided turning away and heading down the stairs to get his and Marc's guns, running back up and handing the other the pistol looking a little frightened. "ok...we're headed to the Burrow...do we Floo, or Apparate?" he asked nervously glancing at the other.
James swallowed hard, opening the door."I'm sorry it took me so long to come get you...it has been a long few weeks."He said rubbing his eyes."Now.I am going to tell you something that no one knows. Dumbledore is dead. Voldermort is dead.And I need you're help finding harry. He was kidnapped by a redhead pretending to be a auror."

Marc swallowed taking the gun, swallowing hard."Apparate. It'll keep us out of the house and less likely to get hurt when we arrive.Floo'd take us right inside the house."He said thoughtfully shaking his head."We'll apparate."
Lupin stared at him for a long moment, his head tilted to the side. "well that's a new one." he stated gruffly shaking his head. "but i don't beleive you, if Dumbledore was dead, people would know." he stated simply shaking his head. "just do what you want to me i don't care anymore." he stated simply his dark eyes empty and lifeless. "unless you can somehow prove that you've been with Harry and that your here to help him, your not getting a thing out of me." well, Lupin had always been the more difficult of the Marauders.

Draco nodded and took James hand, his gun in the other as he closed his eyes. he'd been to the Burrow once or twice with his father. he led the Apparition, sending them hurtling through London and appearing ten feet from the hideous house his eyes narrowed. "that's it...the Burrow, nasty place." he muttered sourly watching as a red headed Weasley girl left the house and headed to a small shed, probably to gather something. "alright, lets knock out the cunt, we can use her for leverage if things get nasty." he stated his eyes narrowed as he watched the house, darting forward before Marc could stop him, sprinting across the yard and into the shed, where only a single yelp spilled from it, Draco poking his head out to wave at Marc, indicating the cost was clear. well aware that Marc was probably pissed at him. but hey, Draco wanted to be an Auror...this was good practice.
James bared his teeth in a snarl, extremely unhappy about having to explain himself even if he understood the sentiment behind it. Undoing his gun holster he unbuttoned his shirt a few buttons, tugging it over to show the harpy branding mark blossoming around his heart."Potter's a harpy, and mine."He growled softly.

Marc was indeed pissed draco didn't wait, muttering darkly as he followed the man inside, tilting his head a little, wrinkling his nose at the cramped space and mess.Yes marc was a snob, but it was to be expected. Even if he worked for a living, he had a house that could fit this one in the living room. Looking at draco."Do you think she'd know where he was?"He said, getting creepied out by just being with the girl.
that had Lupin's attention, he leaned in, sniffing at the mark on the others chest and huffed violently, almost a sneeze, but not quite there. "Dumbledore is really dead?" Lupin asked startled before he darkened a little. "whats wrong with harry?" he demanded, struggling now against the handcuffs that kept his hands pinned behind his back. "you said a red head took him!? did you SEE him!?" he demanded snarling lightly, jerking at his restraints, wanting free so that he could murder, slaughter the person who was hurting his cub!

Draco smirked a little. "if you think this is bad you should see the upstairs." he muttered disdainfully. "and i doubt the little bitch knows anything, she's too much of a blabber mouth, she's only good for a hostage." he admitted looking around cautiously before moving a little further into the house, gun in one hand, wand in the other. "do you want to go first or do you want me to?" he already knew the answer to that.
James shook his head reaching out to undo the handcuffs, letting him out of the cell,resting a hand on lupin's arm, apparating them outside before answering."Yes, dumbledore really is dead.Along with voldermort. And harry went to the store, and no I didn't see but when I got worried and went looking for him, the cashier said he was fighting with a redhead auror and was taken away. But through...connections, we found out that there are no active redhead aurors.Which is where you come in. We need a place to look."He said desperate, but not willing to tell the man who'd gotten them the information.Not wanting to betray draco just in case.

Marc gave him a look, like draco, holding wand and gun as he gently nudged the other out of the doorway."Me of course."He growled possessively, not about to let draco go first. Heading into the room, looking around.
Lupin's eyes narrowed darkly. "red heads... it's either a Weasely...or a Weasely." he stated rubbing his wrists as he looked around. "the best place to look would be the Weasely's hobo house." he admitted scratching at his beard and sighing a little. "if their not there, well then their at Grimmauld place." he admitted. "i'd bet my money he's there, it's protected by a Fidilious charm, Arthur Weasley is the Secrete Keeper." he admitted shaking his head. "but i know a way around it, come on." he grabbed James wrist and apparated them straight into the library in Grimmauld place a smirk in place. "can't stop someone from apparating into a place, hidden or not. with Dumbledore dead all the anti apparation spells are gone."

Draco chuckled a little and followed after the other watching as Mrs. Weasley set the table for dinner, the twins arguing about something as they always did. they appeared to be the only ones in the house. "alright, set phasers on Stun." Draco muttered under his breath, wondering if Marc would comment on the muggle saying, from some muggle show. Draco needed to crack jokes, he was too worried to do anything else.
James swallowed hard as he looked around the library."My brother and his husband are already at the house."He whispered before going to the door, easing it open.Before pausing.Remembering who he was with."You're a werewolf...do you smell anything?"He asked softly.

Marc rolled his eyeslooking at his lover."Have you been watching my TV again?"He muttered clearing his throat."Hello.I'm looking for someone, and I think you can help me."He said watching them, knowing he sounded stupid, but well he didn't want james to go insane with worry.
Lupin paused at the mention of a brother and nodded, sniffing at the doorway his eyes narrowing violently. "blood." he growled, his tone dark. "i can't get any scents over the blood." he admitted looking around the room and breaking a leg off the table, he didn't have his wand anymore, Dumbledore had snapped it. "we better hurry." he hissed peeking out the door and then slowly inching down the hall, peeking in every open door with a paranoia that had to come from being in prison, or maybe being betrayed.

Draco smirked a little. "well your house is boring, and you don't screw me enough, i have to find SOMETHING to do!" he admitted gasping when Marc just outright stood up, the twins and their mother gaping at him for the longest moment then. "who might you be looking for..." "bloody hell it's malfoy!" the twins chorused looking shocked, both of their wands out now. "death eaters!?" molly demanded horrified, terrified.
James swallowed hard following, hating not being able to rush about and find harry. His stomach tight with fear at the idea of harry bleeding. Really that was to much for the cop. He hated that he hadn't been able to protect harry,even if he hadn't been with him at the time.

Marc smiled tilting his head, holding out a hand and summoning the twins wands, tutting softly."No.I'm not sadistic enough to be counted among their ranks."He said slightly amused, really he was going around the bend somewhat...it was just to much. First draco got kidnapped, then harry. The cop was going batty.Probably. or he was just to much of a cop to take these..people as a serious threat when he could drop them faster then they could cast."Where is your husband, father?"He asked, assuming that was who had taken harry having heard from james about the man looking for harry earlier in their relationship
Remus paused and sniffed at the air again, a strange...madness in his eyes as he turned and stalked down a new hallway licking his lips and pausing at a door, pressing his ear to it and glancing at James, nodding a little. "i'll kick it down, you restrain Arthur." he whispered softly. "on three. ready? one...two...three!" he swung his foot out, slamming it into the door and sending large splinters of wood everywhere, Arthur Weasley turning with a snarl, wand pointed at Lupin his eyes wild and mad, harry laying on the floor, bound, tightly, and gagged, blood streaming from various deep cuts that must have been very, very painful. but there where no cuts on his belly, thankfully. Arthur had been torturing, not killing.

the twins gasped in horror as they scrabbled for their wands as they vanished, leaping to their feet as Molly let out a small sob. "we don't know! he left us months ago! him and those brats of a thing i used to call my children!" he wailed the twins standing in front of her, trying to protect her, snarls on their lips. preparing to die to protect their mother. "we need to know!" Draco snarled back. "the fuckers kidnapped harry!" that made the twins pause. "but harry's dead." they chorused looking confused. "he's been dead for months." no, they'd all just been lied to.
James slammed into arthur, wrapping his arms around him, holding him in place, whispering the spell and kicking the man as he dropped him to the floor."Get harry."He ordered lupin, unwilling to take his eyes off the bound man.

"No. My brother lied to dumbledore, arthur....well everyone and told harry was dead so that they could have some peace.Harry's alive, well, and missing."Marc said calmly, looking slightly confused.They seemed....calm. This was not what he'd been expecting."Harry's fine. Well he was until arthur took him."
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