
Harry swallowed thickly. "i can't! she's got anti disparation wards up! i can't apparate out!" he hissed looking furiously at Narcissa as Draco whimpered hiding his face in Harry's neck trembling violently as Narcissa grinned viciously her own wand fixed on James her eyes narrowed. "i should thank you, murdering my husband was such a wonderful gift." she taunted laughing sadistically. "now i can be free to form Draco into the perfect little Dark Lord he was supposed to be."
"I think his lover would protest that.And he killed his father, not me."James said tilting his head, wanting to shoot her, but not knowing what to do."Let the wards down and we might all live through this."He said slowly, trying to stay calm, and wanting to get out soon. Because he knew he was going to have more of a problem if marc showed up.
she chuckled a little and shook her head. "i don't care who killed him, he's dead. he's out of the way." she admitted chuckling a little. "now put the boy back on the bed before i get angry." she growled looking angry again . "i can't allow you to leave here with him, and if you don't i'll have to kill you." she wasn't afraid of some muggle weapon. "just shoot her." Draco ordered softly trembling against harry. "kill her already please... just kill her."
James looked startled, before nodding."As you command."He said raising the gun and firing, wincing as the bullet exploded through the womans forehead, wincing as he caught her body, feeling the wards coming down."Get out of here you two."He growled lowering the blond's body to the ground.He was going to take care of her body before he left.
Draco flinched as the gunshot rang through the Air, Harry gasping lightly looking shocked as he watched the woman fall to the ground his eyes wide. "oh my god..." he muttered softly Draco whimpering and they both Vanished with a CRACK. Harry had never seen someone die up close before. with Dumbledore, well harry hadn't seen. Voldemort and Lucius Harry had been too terrified to pay attention. Cedric's hadn't been bloody, and Sirius had just fallen through the Arch. they both reappeared in James house and Harry stood there looking stunned and Draco just lay there in Harry's arms whimpering lightly in pain. "Marc...Marc." it was all Draco could do, he was in to much pain to try and fight free of Harry's grip.
"Whoo, princess, stop struggling."Marc said looking shocked as he ran into the room at the sound of them apparating in, taking the blond from harry, pressing a kiss to his head as he held him closer."You okay?"He asked looking the man over, moving to lay him down in his bed, laying down with him."What happened?"He asked trying to stay calm
Draco whimpered a little at pain as he was shifted, leaning into Marc and bursting into terrified sobs clinging to the older wizard with a desperation that was almost heartbreaking, Harry blinking slowly. "i....she....just fell over.." harry admitted softly. "i mean i..i've seen dead people before but i never...actually saw someone die and...there was...just...blood and then she fell over." he stammered, looking almost horrified as he looked down at his hands and flinched, looking away quickly. he'd killed people too, but had never actually stopped to watch them die like that... but what made him feel really, really traumatized...was that he didn't care that she was dead... he didn't care that he had watched her die... "i need to take a shower." he felt filthy and guilty, he needed to clean himself.
Marc pressed a kiss to draco's head as he held him tighter, shifting so that draco was curled up against him in the bed, giving harry a look as he made his way to the door."Wait a few minutes. James is going to want a shower and company when he gets back."He said, tilting his head at the sound of james apparating back, even though the other didn't appear in the doorway. Most likely the elder rizzoli was already on his way to take a shower.
Harry nodded and rushed to the sound of James, needing the elders comfort practically slamming into the man in his haste to get to him, wrapping his arms tightly around his lover, trembling lightly. he knew death was necessary, he knew that Narcissa needed to die... but it was still horrifying.

Draco whimpered a little at the kiss and curled tighter into Marc shivering with the pain of his back, looking up at the other. "c..can you fix my back?" he asked softly, swallowing thickly. even with magic, it was going to scar. "i'm sorry." Draco whispered softly. "i didn't take my gun with me, i didn't think i needed it anymore...i.. i didn't..." he pressed his fave into Marc's chest again. "i was so scared that you guys wouldn't be able to find me..."
James let out a startled bark of laughter, swallowing hard as he looked at him,gently herding him into a shower, turning it on as washed the blood off his skin. Quietly cleaning up.

"Draco,I didn't take mine with me either.We didn't think about it."He said gently raising a hand, running it down draco's skin, gently healing the wounds,pressing a kiss to his head again."I will always come for you princess."
Harry smiled a little, already feeling better now that he was with James, and he helped the other wash looking up at the other. "are you ok love?" he asked softly, gently washing the others cheek his head tilted, looking concerned about the other.

Draco sighed a little as the pain faded and relaxed against Marc looking better now, not so...half dead. "i love you." he whispered softly snuggling tightly some more wrapping his arms tightly around the other. "at least nothing else can happen...right?"
James smiled leaning his cheek into the other's touch, closing his eyes."I'm fine. Just...feeling bad about doing that."He sighed shuddering a little as he opened his eyes to look at the other.

"Love you to."Marc smiled kissing him again,"Nope, nothing else. At least not until the babys born, and that'll be interesting."He said running his fingers through draco's hair.
Harry nodded and wrapped his arms around James. "you shouldn't." he murmured softly. "if you hadn't, Draco would still be freaking out, she would have come after him again, she would have hurt innocents and Draco, she would have tried to kill me and Marc and you. it's better that you did what you did, she's where she belongs now."

Draco smiled and nodded sighing softly. "Harry's showing a little." he admitted softly. "he looks kind of funny with skinny stick arms and a bear gut." he admitted chuckling a little. "only, don't tell him i said that, he'd beat me." he admitted shaking his head. "Marc, kiss me ok?" he demanded, not waiting for an answer, just leaning forward and kissing his lover, needing to feel loved.
James smiled slightly, kissing him back, "Hmmm thank you.You always make me feel better..."he said smiling wider as he washed off.

Marc moaned softly kissing him back before drawing back, gently running his fingers through draco's hair."I'd kiss you anytime you wanted me to."He said smiling as he kissed him again.
Harry smiled and nodded. "you make me feel better too." he admitted softly. kissing his lover again as he grabbed the others ass and gave him a squeeze, smirking a little. "pregnant man horny." he growled softly. "seeing you so in charge like that is HOT."

Draco smiled a little at the other and nodded. "i love you." he murmured, well, lovingly before kissing Marc again, running his hands down the others back, feeling much better already.
"Oh really?"James smirked leaning him back against the wall, lifting the man up to rub against the other, moaning as his hardened cock rubbed against the other's.

Marc shuddered, kissing him softly."Get some sleep princess."He said holding him tightly. Never wanting to let go of him again.
Harry groaned arching into his lover tossing his head back, panting softly as he rubbed back, smirking lightly as he tangled his fingers into the others hair and forced him forward, kissing him hard. "mmmf." it would have been an order if it hadn't been muffled by James' lips.

Draco nodded and let out a small sigh, smiling peacefully as he dropped off to sleep, his eyes closed and looking happy as he snuggled into Marc once more before falling asleep. feeling safe, despite what had happened not a few minutes ago.
james snickered kissing him harder, shifting the brunette, moaning as he slid into him. Holding him tightly as he gently moved into him. TAking his time making love to his lover. Knowing that things could have ended so bad with narcissa earlier.
Harry moaned and wriggled and panted as he was made love to, using every trick in the book that existed only in his head trying to make the other cum first, just to prove himself in a way that even he didn't know. it didn't really matter either, Harry just enjoyed the sex, enjoyed James, and enjoyed their time together.
James moaned softly as he rested his head on harry's shoulder, coming with a soft curse, biting down on harrys shoulder as he trembled."Hmm you taste good."He muttered, nuzzling the other's neck as he slowly stroked harry's cock.
Harry groaned as he Came back, panting softly as he trembled and shivered against the other spilling his seed across the shower tiles a smirk on his face. "mmm i taste like soap." he pointed out laying his head on James shoulder sighing softly. "i feel better now, thank you." he mumbled smiling a little looking up at the other. "do you think Marc noticed when i went all feathery?"
James smiled, nuzzling the other, switching off the water and stepping out of the shower, picking up his wand and spelling them dry before walking to the bedroom, laying harry down before climbing in next to him, nuzzling his neck."Hmmm probably, but he ownt ask. He'll be to busy taking care of draco to question what happened."
he nodded sighing softly. "i just hope he doesn't tell anyone." Harry admitted softly, yawning a little, hoping that Draco had kept his mouth shut too. in three days Harry's birthday would arrive, and Harry wanted to forget it even existed. only bad things ever happened on his birthday, he despised his birthday.
James smiled,kissing his head."He wont."

Three days later james grinned, watching marc and draco cook a birthday cake.Well...marc cooked, draco got more in his way then anything else."Do you even know what you're doing draco?"
Draco snorted a little looking amused. "i don;t have a clue." he admitted licking frosting off his fingers. "in any case i have every right to get in the way, being that i'm the one who distracted Harry." he admitted smirking. Harry had eagerly agreed to go grocery shopping, feeling that perhaps Draco had forgotten his birthday, and that he was getting away without one that year. Draco had hurriedly began decorating before the two brothers where even out of bed, filling the kitchen with huge golden streamers stamped with lions, and long silver banners with the words HAPPY BIRTHDAY HARRY written across them. not to mention the balloons and the confetti that was steadily falling from the ceiling, vanishing without a trace when it touched the floor, or the cake, or the chairs...or anything really. yeah Draco had gone overboard, but Harry deserved it. what was strange however, was that harry had not come back yet. "he's probably in a book store right now reading." Draco scoffed, finding his only friend entirely too boring.
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