
harry groaned again and smirked a little more. "go on lover, give me your best shot!" he groaned, laughing a bit as he leaned up as much as he could, trying to get a kiss.

Draco groaned a little and grinned. "fuck yea, give it to me baby." he growled eagerly, looking a little worried about his lover, but willing to fuck if Marc was ready to. besides Draco was horny, he wanted smexing! they could figure out all the Drama after a nice long round of relaxing, and bonding sex.
James growled kissing him, thrusting into the brunette with a practiced stroke."Don't worry, I intend to."

Marc smiled slowly, kissing him hard, not wanting the other to worry about him he shifted him, undressing the blond and pressing him into the table as he eased into him, sighing at the heat engulfing his cock.
Harry moaned and arched into the other, smirking a little. "mmm yeah that's it lover, fuck me real hard." he purred chuckling as a few tiny feathers suddenly sprouted out, tickling Jame's nipples with every movement the man made. "aaah yeah, your so big and thick inside me, fills me up so good." suck up.

Draco smirked a little as he was kissed, his fingers tangling in the others hair, simply holding him so he couldn't back away until Draco was satisfied with the kiss, groaning as he helped get himself nakid, gasping in pleasure as he was slowly filled, groaning lightly. "a..aaah too slow." Draco whined, only to realize that...he kind of liked slow. "never mind." Draco had never had slow before, it was very nice.
"Suck up."James growled at them, thrusting into the man hard as he laid claim to the hrpy under him. Needing to dominate him.Nuzzlign the man's neck.

Marc snickered a little taking his time, stroking draco's cock at the same pace, leaning down to kiss him."Something wrng?"He teased running his free hand through draco's hair.
Harry moaned arching into the others cock panting hard smirking. "it's..aaah not sucking up, if it's true!" he growled shuddering underneath him. "yesss oooh fuck me yesss."

Draco shook his head moaning softly at the slow pace. "no, not wrong." he whispered looking astonished. "i just...never had...sex this gentle before." he admitted a smirk flicking at his lips. "it feels sooo goood." he groaned squirming lightly, feeling the pressure building deep inside. "a..aah yeah, keep going, please don't stop."
James snickered kissing him hard, running his hands over the other's body."Hmm and it is true?"He teased.

"Not going to princess."He said kissing him slowly, gently making love to the man under him, sighing a little as he did. He was so in love with the man he was holding.
Harry moaned and nodded. "you know it's true now stop talking and Focus!" he demanded panting hard. "mmm fuck James! fuck me hard! Fuck like the wind! Fuck forest Fuck!" tossing out as many corny lines as he could think of, resisting the urge to burst into laughter. "uhm." yeah he was out.

Draco moaned into the kiss, his tongue gently snacking into Marc's mouth for an even more passionate kiss feeling so very loved and safe. "mmm god i love you." Draco whispered panting softly. "i love you so damn much." he groaned. "aah , yes, there right there!" he pleaded as the others stroked his prostate, Draco whining a little at the soft pleasure coursing through him. it was like heaven.
james laughed softly as he gave up on talking, fucking the man as hard and fast as he could, fingers running over on the other's body, loving the feel of him under him. Wanting the harpy to come before he did.

"There?"Marc purred thrusting into him hard again, nailing his prostate as he kissed the man hard again. Enjoying having him, knowing that draco was in love with him. It was amazing to be loved by his princess.
Harry moaned arching into the thrusts, his long talons digging into the bed as he let out a loud screech of pleasure, spilling his seed all over the sheets looking so damn pleased.

Draco moaned loudly, shuddering as he tightened hard around Marc, one more good thrust and Draco would be cumming all over the place. "just, hah little more. nn so close, a..aah so goddamn close Marc, oooh please." he pleaded, kissing the other back almost desperately.
James moaned as he spilled into the other, collapsing down onto him with a contented sigh, pulling out of him as he nuzzled the man's neck."Hmmm...that was amazing."He muttered raising his head to kiss him.

Marc growled, kissing him hard as he thrust in coming with a shudder as he pressed the blond closer to him, fingers tangling in the blond's hair as he held his princess.
Harry groaned into the others orgasm, sighing softly, feeling very sated grinning as he relaxed on the bed and nodded. "mm yeah." he murmured softly. "that was good." he agreed licking his lips glancing up at the other. "i love you so much."

Draco arched and yelled loudly in pleasure as he came almost at exactly the same time as Marc, shuddering and trembling in pleasure before he slowly relaxed again, moaning lightly. "that was the best sex i ever had." Draco breathed looking shell shocked and highly, highly satisfied. "i didn't know sex could be so gentle." he admitted smiling happily as he snuggled into marc, looking up at him. "thank you."
James smiled beautifully at him, kissing him slowly as he snuggled into the other, running his fingers through the other's hair gently."I love you more then I can say."He muttered kissing him again. The handsome features of the cop's face even more beautiful because he was so in love with the other it showed in everything he did.

Marc smiled a little, blushing as he pulled out of the other, shifting to lay on his back on the table, pulling the blond on top of him, holding him gently. Not wanting to move just yet."You're welcome."He muttered pressing a kiss to draco's head, blushing more. Not sure what to think, but he wanted to hurt someone for teaching draco that sex wasn't a gentle thing.
Harry giggled a little smiling at the other. "i love you more than i have ever loved anything in my entire life." he admitted softly. "even flying." and for a Harpy, that was saying something. he gently ran his fingers along the others face, chuckling a little before setting his hand on his belly, he was starting to show now. "i can't wait till i have your baby." he admitted grinning. "i've always wanted a family."

Draco smiled and sighed softly, very content with where he was, closing his eyes gently nuzzling the other, ready to take a nap. "i wanna go shopping." he mumbled softly, smiling a little. "Harry's birthday is coming up." he admitted. "we should tell James, no doubt Harry's gonna be an ass and not say anything."
James smiled, gently stroking the curve of his stomach."Me to.I love you so much."He muttered nuzzling the man as he held him tighter. Knowing what it meant to be loved more then flying.He really couldn't wait until he was a dad.

Marc smiled,"In a minute."He muttered yawning as he kissed draco again, shifting and getting up, carrying the other into the living room, cuddling with him on the couch.Not caring they were naked. If the other two walked in, they could just live with it."We'll tell him. he'll feel bad if he misses it."Marc muttered, not saying the obvious. well, it would be obvious if james missed it. He was extremely-like insanely- obsessed with getting presents for birthdays and holidays. After a hard childhood under their father's fist who demanded that the boy get presents for their mother all the time, the habit was so deeply ingrained into the eldest rizzoli that he nearly had a mental breakdown if he missed getting a present.
Harry purred softly smiling a little snuggling into the other sighing softly. "mmm i need pickles." he mumbled softly licking his lips kissing the others neck. "can you get me some?" he asked hopefully smiling lovingly at his mate.

Draco giggled a little and snuggled into the other nuzzling the others neck grinning a little. "we're naked." he pointed out shaking his head a little. "harry doesn't like his birthday." he admitted. "it's always been a really bad memory for him, so i was thinking we could make it a really special day for him."
James smiled getting up, stealing another kiss."I'll get them."He said heading downstairs, pointedly ignoring the naked couple. After all it was marc's house, he couldn't complain.

"We will. And even if it's a bad day, James'll freak if he misses it."He said wondering how to explain the mental block james had, and he knew draco'd understand, because he knew what it was like to have a father abuse him.
Draco smiled a little and paused looking up at James grinning a little. "hey James! hold on a sec." he chirped sitting up. "we need to tell you something!" he admitted grinning a little. "Harry won't tell you, because he hates it, but his birthday is on the thirteenth, and i was hoping we could do something special for him and turn his bad birthdays into good ones."
James smiled, relaxing a little."Oh...I'll take care of it. Just get him a present or something, I'll do everything else."He said, feeling better at it. before heading back upstairs with the pickles.

Marc snickered a little, kissing draco's head."Want to go shopping now?"
Draco giggled a little and nodded to James. "oh and don't tell Harry! lets make it a surprise!" he ordered giggling a little as he snuggled into Marc, beaming at him. "yeah! i need to find him just the right present. something that says 'i like you and all, but your still an ass.' you know? something that really captures my feelings for him."

Harry was laying in the bed, prodding his belly scowling darkly. "James...am i fat?" harry demanded looking up at the other. "i think i am." he admitted prodding his belly again. "i can't make any of my pants fit." he whined pathetically flopping back into bed. "and i want my pickles..."
Marc stared at him as he got up to get dressed, smirking a little."You want to buy him a whip then?A dildo maybe?Noooo!I got it. Handcuffs.You could handcuff his royal pain in the ass to the bed while me and james are at work."He said snickering as he stole a kiss."Come on princess, we'll find something."

James frowned handing him the bottle of pickles, laying down next to him."No."he said shaking his head as he ran his hands over the toher."You're supposed to gain weight when you're pregnant love."
Draco snorted a little and rolled his eyes. "no nothing like that you jackass." he stated looking amused as he got his own clothes on, yawning a little and running a hand through his hair grinning a little. "i was thinking, maybe a dress. harry's been hinting about cross dressing for James." he admitted shrugging his shoulder. "but neither of us know if James is into that kind of thing...do you know?"

Harry stared at James for the longest, silent moment before his lip trembled. "so you think i'm fat?" he demanded, feeling out of sorts and overly emotional all of a sudden as his lip pushed out into a pout and his eyes glistened with tears as he looked back down at his belly.
Marc gave him a look as he pulled on his shirt."..I'd be scarred for life if I asked about his sex life."He sighed, before nodding."But I do know that he doesn't mind seeing a man in a dress."HE said shuddering at the memory of walking in on that.

"What?No.Sweetheart, you're not fat."james said struggling to be calm as he pressed a kiss to his lips, holding onto his sanity. Not knowing what to do becaue it hurt to think of harry upset with him. Actually it made him fairly frantic, not that he'd ever say it.
aco laughed a little and shrugged a bit. "well i'll take your word on it." Draco promised grinning a little. "come on, i think i heard Harry start complaining that he's fat. i do NOT want to get involved in that discussion."

Harry sniffled a little and leaned into James nuzzling him. "you'll still love me right? when i'm all fat and ugly and bitchy?" harry asked hopefully, terrified that James might leave him when harry could no longer give him sex, like Ron had abandoned harry when he stopped giving the red head money, or Dumbledore when harry stopped being the perfect pawn.
Marc lughed a little,"Me either."He said wrapping his arms around the other and apparating to diagon alley, looking around."so what kind of dress are we looking for?"

"Of course Ill still love you if you get fat and become as bitchy as draco."He sid kissing the other, smiling softly as he wrapped his arms around him.
Draco chuckled a little. "something flirty." he decided nodding as he looked around. "short, Harry has nice long girly legs. not as nice as mine but we can't ALL be perfect." he admitted arrogantly as he headed into a women's apparel shop to find what he was looking for.

Harry relaxed and smiled as he snuggled tighter into James looking much more at ease now. "promise?" he asked softly looking up at the other as he popped a pickle into his mouth.
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