
Draco moaned and mewled and shivered and writhed as he was finally fucked panting hard. "yes, yes so good, it's so good having your thick hot dick buried in my tight wanting ass." that would turn the tables! Draco hoped anyway. "a..aaah ye..yes!" he wailed as the other came inside of him, arching in his own orgasm as the hand wrapped around his swollen cock spilling his seed all over the floor with a shout of pleasure.
Marc smiled a little as he collapsed on his side next to him,"Hmmm you're amazing princess."He muttered cuddling the blond as he panted, trying to even out his breathing. Yawning. Though he knew he should get up, he didn't want to get up.
Draco was panting softly as he came down from his sex high, smirking a little. "of course i am." he purred softly. "can you at least un-cuff me before you fall asleep?" he demanded sulking a little at the other at being forgotten, but still looking oh so sated. he had plans for his lover, plans that could only be carried out while the man was asleep. "and then i suggest we take a..." he cut himself off with a wide yawn and a small groan. "nap."
Marc laughed sleepily."I should leave you handcuffed."He said amused before undong the cuffs, running a hand along draco's back, pressing a kiss against his head."I didn't forget princess."He muttered nibbling on his ear ever so softly.
Draco sighed softly, glad that his arms could rest now, chuckling a little. "hush and sleep." Draco ordered snuggling into Marc, slowly drifting off into a doze himself pressing himself intently into his lover, feeling peaceful and happy.
Marc smiled as he fell asleep ohldign the man close to him, wondering what the blond was plotting. Knowing there would be some kind of revenge for torturing him lke he had.
he was right, when Mark woke up he had been handcuffed to the head of the bed, laying on his back with a rubber band tightly rolled around his already hard dick, the feisty little bond was playfully running his fingers along the others shaft, using his nails to gently tickle the flesh. "good morning." he chirped a smirk on his face as he watched the other, Marc's wand laying out in the hallway. Draco didn't know if Marc knew wand-less, but he doubted it, not many people bothered learning it.
Marc stared at him, squirming a little."And what do you think you're doing?This wasn't what I had planned for my morning princess."He said yanking at his hands, wondering if he could get free.
he smirked a little running his tongue along the others cock head sucking lightly on the under side of the head smirking a little. "oh well." she chirped giggling a little running his tongue along the slit. "i am going to make you so horny lover that you just can't take it." he promised winking at him. "and then i am going to fuck myself on your perfect cock until your begging, and THEN i'll let you cum."
Marc moaned at the idea, squirming as he tried to get the man to move further onto his cock. Shifting, wanting to be buried in the mans mouth."And if I don't agree?"He asked, wanting to be buried in the blond somewhere.
Draco smirked. "then i'll leave you here and let Harry be the one who discovers you." he purred smirking a little. "and you don't want Harry to be the one to find you." he taunted his eyes dancing wickedly as he sucked on the others tip, using his wand to 'stick' Marc's hips to the bed so he couldn't thrust anymore. "and in any case i don't think your in the position to refuse anything."
Marc growled as he tried to move, glaring at the man holding him in place."Draco, why don't I want harry to find me?"He aksed wondering why that would be a bad thing. Glaring, because he couldn't believe his lover was doing this.
Draco giggled a little. "because he'll take pictures and tease you relentlessly for weeks." he admitted faltering at the others scowl hesitating a moment uncertainty flashing across his face. he watched the other for a moment, waiting for a sign that what he was doing to his lover was alright, that it was ok for him to continue sucking and licking and teasing. he wanted Marc to enjoy himself, but it almost looked as if the older man was upset with Draco.
"He does that anyways."Marc said as he let his head fall back against the pillows, struggling to remain calm. To remember it was draco and not a muggle bent on revenge who'd tricked a wizard. Struggled to keep his breathing easy and slow, because he knew this is what draco wanted, and he was willing to do himself any damage just to make the other happy.
Draco bit his lip and leaned over Marc a little, looking worried at him. "Marc, are you ok?" he asked softly. Marc really should have nkown better, Draco knew that look of Trauma on anyones face, all the slytherins where traumatized over different things, and they all had the same look when they where struggling not to remebure something. he carefully unhooked the other from the handcuffs, making sure not to pinch Marc's wrists. "i'm sorry.. i didn't know." well he still didn't, but it was better to apologize, in case Marc tried to beat him...he knew Marc would never, but that part of him still suspected.
As soon as he was free marc did attack the other...in a sense. Lunging for him he tackled the other man in a hug, cuddling against him as he shivered. Struggling to focus, burying his face against his chest, breathing deeply taking in the scent of his princess, that was unquiely the other man.
Draco yelped a flinched, expecting to be struck and relaxed as he saw the other was just cuddling him, wrapping his arms around the others shoulders and simply holding him, gently rocking him back and forth sighing softly. "it's alright." he murmered softly. "your safe here."
in a few minutes marc shuddered, drawing awy from him as he wiped his eyes smiling slightly at the other man."Next time...make sure I'm awake before you handcuff me."He muttered, smiling at him slightly.
Draco nodded. "i'm really sorry Marc." he murmered nuzzling the others neck. "i didn't mean to freek you out, i was just trying to tease you." he admitted looking rather amused his eyes flicking down to the others still bound up cock. "are you feeling better?"
Marc smirked a little, shifting."Much, but I want breakfast."He said, sounding slightly bad and guilty. Knowing it wasn't draco's fault, and that he shouldn't feel bad for not having sex now, but in this moment he didn't want to taint the moments with draco with the past.more then it had been anyways.
Draco smiled a little and nodded. "i am too." he admitted his stomach growling loudly, Draco didn't want to have sex when Marc didn't feel good. it wasn't as fun and he didn't want to feel like sex was the only basis of their relationship. "lets go see if Harry's cooking anything yet." he demanded grinning at the other. "and then you can help me bake a pie!"
Marc snickered a little."A pie?Why?And I suck at cooking. If you want help, ask James. Or potter."He said as he tugged on a pair of pants, waiting for draco to dress before wrapping his arms around the other, walking downstairs. Knowing he'd tell draco what happened later, after they were done eating.
Draco pouted a little at the other. "but Harry doesn't make the kind of pie i like because he's allergic to it." he admitted sulking at Marc. "i'll make James do it." he decided nodding. "ooh it smells like Harry's making french toast!" he admitted licking his lips. "i love French toast!"
Marc snickered as he walked into the kitchen."With your luck its some disgusting combo of french toast and something."

James laughed,"He's not so far gone he's screwing with french toast yet....well at least mine. He hasn't made his yet."
Harry stuck his tongue out at marc. "just for that your getting peanut butter and pickles put in yours." he chirped simply Draco wincing at the combination as he sat at the table, grinning as Harry offered him a perfectly normal slice of french toast, heading over to the fridge to find some pickles. "mmm yum." Harry purred smirking a little, fully intending on putting them on Marc's first slice of french toast, and then making him a normal piece, just to fuck with the mans head.
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