
Marc gave him a look as they headed for the niffler incloser."And you sure you're a malfoy?Cause you're acting like a pretty pretty princess."He said snickering. Amused that his lover was being so adorably cute.
Draco laughed a little and shook his head. "don't be an ass." he ordered smirking a little as he tossed his head into the air. "i am both obviously." he chirped looking rather pleased with himself. "now hurry up! i wanna see the animals." he ordered laughing a little.
Marc laughed hurrying after the other man, smirking as they neared the niffler enclosure, looking down at the animals."You know malfoy, I'm not sure what you see in them."he said smirking as he kissed the top of draco's head."You're cuter.and cuddlier."
Draco grinned a little as he watched the Nifflers digging all over the place, picking up chunks of gold and other shiny things and racing off with them, hoarding their own little treasure collection. several of them where playing with eachother, chasing their freinds around and Draco giggled softly. "i know i am, but their more amusing to watch." he chirped grinning. "as pretty as i am a mirror gets boring fairly quickly."
Marc laughed watching the nifflers,"Ahh but I get to watch you with your mouth on my cock, or watch you come. Now there is something I'll never get tired of."He smiled a little content to let draco decide what to do and when to go where.
Draco laughed a little and shook his head grabbing the others hand and kissing the knuckles. "true, so amusing for you, but still i am highly unamuzing to myself." he teased snickering a bit to himself licking his lips. "cmoe on, lets go see the dragons!"
Marc laughed as he headed for the dragon's. Smiling at the beautiful beasts. Who still had nothing on his own beautiful dragon."Hmmm maybe I'll put a mirror above the bed,so you can watch the amazing moments to."He snickered.
Draco went berat red at the suggestion and licked his lips a little nodding. "i kind of like that idea." he admitted smirking as ne of the Dragons spit out a large blast of flames at the crowd that spilled along the sheild that kept the visitors safe, Draco snickering a little. "their so powerfull." he murmered his eyes gleeming with excitment as he watched them. Draco was very attracted to his namesake. "can we buy one?" he teased smirking at his lover.
Marc looked at him startled, smirking a little."If only we let it live with James and Harry.I dont want to wake up with my house burned down."He said watching him. Almost, almost willing to risk losing everything just to have draco look at him with that kind of devotion.
Draco grinned at his lover. "deal!" he chiroed laughing a little and rested his head on Marc'schest sighing softly. "mmm your all warm." he purred softly, Draco was feeling a little chilly, the Zoo was out in the open, and the wind was rushing past them with a bitter edge to it. it was making Draco cold.
marc smiled kissing his head as he pressed the man closer, holding him tightly."You want to go?It is kinda chilly. And I'm sure harry wants to hear about my amazing proposal."He said with a smile rubbing the other's back.
Draco laughed a little and nodded shivering a little. "yeah it's pretty cold." he admitted grinning a little, he loved how Marc knew things that Draco was often too proud to admit or say. like being cold, Draco would never have asked to go hme. he would have just sat there and froze to death, he was a little stupid that way. "i think Harry proposed to James." Draco admitted snickering a little. "sort of."
Marc smirked a little apparating home before questioning the blond."Sort of?How do you sort of do something like that?"He asked nudging the man upstairs wanting to cuddle.
Draco laughed a little. "Harry made a comment, he didn't actually go out and say 'hey lets get married'." he admitted snorting and shaking his head as he snuggled into Marc sighing softly as he got warmer. "i had a lot of fun today." he admitted smiling softly. "i love you Marc."
Marc smiled kissing his head."I love you to."He said stroking his back, falling asleep.

The next day james smiled as he looked down at harry,gently stroking his hair out of his face."Hey.I have good news for you."He smiled stroking his hair.
Draco smiled and snuggled in again, drifting off to sleep sighing softly. so very content.

Harry smiled a little as he blinked awake. "mm?" he mumbled sleepily rubbing his eyes. "good news? did you get a raise?" he asked sleepily. "did Draco get eaten by a Dragon? didthe weasleys die in a giant fireball that fell from the sky?" aaah the delusions of a madman.
James snickered kissing him.Amused by his ramblings."No, no, no...draco's getting married.And forced into a wedding dress, becaue he's a pretty ferret."He said smiling. HAving already been up and talking to marc.
Harry blinked sleepily. "...woohoo..." he grumped flopping his head back into the pillow. "i want orange sherbet..." he whined pathetically, still not entirely awake. "with Caramel on it...and black olives..." harry mumbled softly a small smirk on his lips. "and, uhm...nacho cheese, on the side." groooosss.
"...."James swallowed hard as he thought about it."Fine.I'll be back."He said heading down the hall opening Marc's bedroom door, snickering a little."Draco, I need you to make something for me."
Draco groaned a little as he looked over at James. "he's YOUR boyfriend YOU make it." he ordered flicking his wand at the door and slamming it shut, locking the door, a loud sneeze echoing through the room. well, not only was Harry a hormonal bitch, but Draco was a whiny sick brat...lovely day the two brothers where going to have. "AND MAKE ME SOME TEA WHILE YOUR AT IT!" Draco demanded through the door, uncaring that James belonged to harry, Draco didn't want marc to get up, and since James was going to be in the kitchen anyway....
James scowled before sulking off to do as he was told.Giving harry his food-no matter how gross it was-first before walking in with the tea cup."Here your royal highness."He said handing the blond the mug of tea.

Marc snickered sleepily snuggling in agaisnt draco, his head resting on his chest."you my love, are a whiny person when sick."He said."We should have left earlier last night..."he muttered feeling guilty.
Harry beamed as his food was delivered, licking his lips as he shoved a large spoonful of nastiness into his mouth, making noises of appreciation the entire time, ignoring the fact that anyone watching him would probably be gagging at that point.

Draco smiled a little at Marc's comment. "no we shouldn't have." he growled softly. "i wouldn't have seen the Dragons if we'd left earlier, and then i would be just as bitchy as i am now. haven't you realized yet that there's no pleasing me?" he teased smiling a little as James offered him the mug. "wow, i didn't think you'd actually get me tea." he admitted. "thanks very much." he stated stirring the cup with the complimentary spoon to cool it off before sneezing again and letting out a small whine as he spilled some of his tea, quickly taking a long sip so he didn't lose anymore.
James snickered."Getting you the tea allowed me to leave the room while harry was eating."

Marc snickered."Poor papa. Disgusting foods."He smirked a little nuzzling draco."I'll please you dragon."He muttered running his hands over the man's body. Amused.And taking the words as a challenge.
Draco snickered a little as he took another long slow sip of his tea before moaning softly at the nuzzle leaning back into Marc. "mmm bet you can't." he re-challenged smirking a little as he glanced at James. "are you gonna stay and watch or something?" he demanded his eyes narrowed. "i never realized you where so kinky." teasing both brothers now.
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