
Harry groaned arching into it panting softly a smirk on his lips. "a..aaah fuck yesss." he hissed his fingers digging into the bed as James fucked him. "gonna....nnnng.." and there it was, he'd cum all over the bed. "aaah yeeesss!!!"

Draco moaned as they continued to fuck, arching into his lover panting hard his fingers gripping the others hips so that he could meet the thrusts a whimper of pleasure falling from his lips as he ran his tongue along the others wrist, flashing Mark a small mischievous smirk.
james moaned as he laid down on the man, resting his head on the man's chest panting."Oh damn..."He muttered closing his eyes, wrapping his arms around the man.

Marc shuddered, closing his eyes as he fucked the man harder. His wrists were senstive, really really senstive. Cursing softly as he came into the blond, closing his eyes. It was really to much.
Harry smirked a little as he snuggled into the other, his nipple ring gleaming in the light as he smirked at his lover. "mmm that was wonderful." he purred softly, grinning a little. "thank you for that."

Draco moaned tossing his head back panting hard. "ah..a..aaah ye..yes!" he wailed shuddering a little as he came as well arching into the other grinning a little. "haha, made you Cum." he teased breathlessly panting softly. "mm yeah love that."
"Welcome."James said pulling out of him, cuddling close as he sighed."Feeling better now?"He asked lifting his head to look at the brunette.

Marc shivered pulling out of the blond, moving to sit in the shallow water, looking at the blond."You always make me come princess."
Harry grinned and smiled a little nodding. "much better." he admitted nuzzling James neck. "i love you." he purred grinning a little as he trailed his fingers over James ribs.

Draco smirked a little as he snuggled into the other yawning a little and gently nuzzled Marc a smirk on his lips. "so, you don't like the idea of bottoming eh?"
"Love you to."James said with a shudder, just enjoying being with the other man.

Marc gave him a look, shifting away a little, his arms still wrapped around the man."No.And if you love me at all, you wont go there."He said resting his head on the blond's shoulder.
Harry smiled and laid his head on the others shoulder sighing softly. "night." he mumbled softly drifting off to sleep.

Draco smiled a little closing his eyes a little kissing the others neck. "it's ok, it's probably something similar to the reason why i'm terrified of topping." he admitted smirking a little showing that he had been bluffing the entire time about wanting to Top. Draco didn't think he even could, he'd been someone else's bitch all his life, and the thought of sticking his dick in something so foul just made him shudder.
Marc smiled a little."Maybe."He sighed softly as he thought about his father. And what made it worse he knew James had worse scars, worst fears and worse abuse then him, but he still felt weak for not being able to bear it, and falling short because James seemed just fine. Nuzzling the blond's neck he smiled."You ready to go home?"
Draco smiled a little and gently kissed the others neck. "i thought we where going to go out to eat?" he asked pouting a little up at Marc, determined to make sure the man didn't stay stuck in bad memories like Draco often was during the night. he paused and then smirked. "unless of course you have more things planned for me back home?" he teased smirking a little. "i picked up a few things while harry was shopping for clothes."
Marc laughed softly."After dinner princess. We'll get some food, then go home to have dessert."He said getting up heading to where their food was. Starting to dress as he tried to think about anything but his childhood.
Draco pouted a little but snickered a little kissing the others neck before brushing sand off of himself and heading over to the clothes his head lifted smirking a little as he glanced at the other. "come on love! i want to get the most expensive think on the menu and show off my new ring." he stated snickering a little. Draco still had not lost that Flair for showing off, and as Lucius was now dead, Draco had the entire Malfoy fortune.
"Spoiled brat."Marc grinned dressing before wrapping his arms around the blond, apparating them into town."Where do you want to eat?"He asked,kissing the blond's head."I hope you know despite the house, I am a poor cop."He said stroking the man's back absently.
Draco laughed a little and shook his head. "no worries." Draco admitted smiling. "i have plenty of money, the Goblins transferred all of Fathers money into my name." he admitted. "you are now looking at the richest teenager in the wizarding world." he admitted looking very smug. "so we can eat wherever you want to."
Marc grinned at him."Hmm well then."He said looking around before walking into the french resturant down the street, smiling as he walked to the back with a table for two, reading over the menu."So how does it feel to be dating out of your social range your highness?"he teased looking at the other man. Only slightly feeling off put by the man's richness. He'd known the malfoy's were rich, but it hadn't really occured to him just how rich. It was...weird. Weird in a good way though.
Draco blinked at him his head tilted at the other for a moment before he chuckled a little and opened his own menu humming a little as he pondered. "well, considering i've never dated anyone before, and i was supposed to be a sex slave for a raving madman, i think i got pretty lucky." Draco teased smiling at Marc. "besides i don't care what 'class' you are. you could be a homeless muggle for all i care, i'd still love you, so long as your you." he smiled at the other. "i don't care what you do for a living, how much money you, or we have.. i love you, and your never getting rid of me."
Marc smiled slightly relaxing more, brushing his fingers through his hair as he looked over the menu."Good.Cause I like being a cop."He said before snickering."A muggle?"He teased. "And you were amazingly lucky to get stuck with my amazing self."
Draco smiled at Marc and nodded. "yes i was." he admitted softly, affectionatly his eyes loving as he watched Marc. "and you where exceptionally lucky too, for getting to keep my amazing mouth." he teased winking at the other and licking his lips suggestivally. "you know, if you keep misbehaving. i might have to slip under the table and give you a good blow job." with the long tablecloth, no one would ever see draco or Marc's junk.
Marc moaned softly shuddering a little, eyes filling with lust as he studied the blond across from him, love and lust in that look."I don't misbehave.And if you keep it up, we're not going to make it through dinner."He said starting to eat trying to distract himself from the idea of what Draco could be doing.
Draco smirked a little as he licked his lips again winking at Marc. "des the thought of me bending down, taking your thick hot cock in my warm, wet, wanting mouth where anyone might discover us, where people will look at you and see you while i'm giving you the most amazing pleasure of your life, turn you on?" he demanded smirking a little. "does the idea of me sucking you off in public, make you horny?"
marc took a quick breath, swallowing hard."You know it does."He said shifting slightly, taking a sip of his wine. Damn the blond, he wanted him on his hands and knees taking his cock in his mouth."Are you sure it'd be the most amazing?"He teased breathing slowly, trying to not reach over and pull him into a kiss.
Draco smirked and cast a glance around them before smirking. "i want the Crab salad and the chease filled Ravioli." he stated simply. "with white wine and a cheasecake for dessert, don't forget." he demanded before ducking under the table, and vanishing from veiw just as the waiter showed up and paused. "would you care to order sir?" he asked primly staring at the other and blinking, waiting for an answer as draco's fingers tickled along the others knee.
Marc swallowed hard nodding, ordering Draco's food then his own order of ravioli and crab. Watching the waiter leave to get their orders he sighed, leaning back in his seat, absently reaching under the tablecloth to stroke the blond's head, glad that he was against the wall and no one could see what he was doing.
Draco snickered lightly as he leaned intot he hand, gripping the others zipper with his teath and dragging it down, making sure to press a good amount of pressure against the others crotch just to tease him his fingernails scaping gently at his inner thighs to tickle the flesh through his pants. determined to give his lover the blowjob of his life...in public, fuck Draco was even getting hard just thinking about it!
Marc's hand tightened a little as he squirmed under the man's teasing, swallowing hard as he stroked the blond's hair. Laughing softly as draco tickled him, it was truly one of the few spots he was actually ticklish.
Draco snickered softly as he shifted the others pants out of the way, grippingthe base as he ran his tongue alonge the head, teasing and licking the tip and shaft, trying to make Marc come unbound, yes...in the middle of a resteraunt.
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