
James rolled his eyes, taking his time going to find him. He really didn't want to see what his lover was eating."Come on sweeting, time to spend the day in bed."He grinned when he fund the other.

Marc moaned softly watching him, pulling the blond against him.Pulling out the engagment ring in his hand, smiling ever so softly."I guess this would be a good time to say that I NEED you to marry me."He said kissing him softly, holding out the silver ring, twin dragons forming the band, their mouths holding the emerald in their teeth.
Harry grinned, licking his lips free of what looked like nacho cheese, the bag and containers of food empty as Harry bounded after James tossing him a sly look. "bed you say? and what will we be doing in said bed?"

Draco snickered a little at the pull, pressing himself tightly into mark before his face fell into one of Awe and astonishment as he took notice of the ring, gasping a little at the words the other spoke looking up at him with awestruck eyes before he suddenly burst into tears and whipped around, wrapping his arms around the other and kissing him hard. "yes! oh Merlin Marc YES!" he wailed still sobbing with bright happy tears.
James smirked as he headed to his bedroom, laying down."Anything you want sweeting."

Marc yelped as he hit the ground with the blond in his lap."I take it your happy then?"Marc snickered as he slid the ring onto the man's finger, kissing him softly.
Harry made a face at the other. "well for one you could stop with the gooy mushy yucky muck stuff you keep calling me." he complained pouting as he snuggled into the other. "i can handle Love or Pet, or Lover, or hot hunk of amazing Man Flesh, but if i hear you call me 'sweetling' again i'm gonna barf." he whined, moody. besides he felt like a child when he was called stuff like that.

Draco giggled and nodded hiccuping from the force of his glee kissing back passionately before pulling away to look at the ring grinning brightly. "it matches our earrings." he murmured happily, nuzzling his lovers neck. "i love you so much Marc."
James sighed a little."You could have told me before love that it bothered you."He said gently stroking his hair."But I will stop."

"It does. Amazingly, I had already bought the ring before you got the earring."He said pressing a kiss to draco's mouth."I love you ot."
Harry muttered something about hurting James feelings, and that he was just hormonal, but thank you. and leaned into the hair stroking sighing softly. "mm that feels good." he murmured softly smiling a little. if harry where a cat, he'd have been purring, hell he practically was now. suddenly his head was all sensitive, it was nice.

Draco grinned a little and licked his lips. "fate." he purred smiling a little. "it's fate." he chirped looking rather pleased. "we where brought together by fate. and now we can be together forever." he murmured happily snuggling into the other and pinching Marc's ass teasingly. "is it safe to swim? i have a sudden urge to go skinny dipping."
James smiled kissing him softly keeping petting him."So I'll have to put up with you being bitchy to me until you have the kid?"He teased kissing him again.

Marc moaned softly as he got up starting to strip."Yea it's safe to swim, and I want to go to.Come on princess."He grinned heading for the water.
Harry grumbled a little and glared up at James. "yes, you are now my bitch. deal with it." he ordered before snuggling back into him. "...i'm horny." he complained a sulking tone to his voice as his hands trailed down James stomach, clearly heading for the balls and cock reign.

Draco laughed as he started pulling off all of his clothes as well bearing his belly ring to the world the little Dragon curled around itself seaming to wink at Mark as Draco yelled happily and moved into the water eagerly, diving head first into the salty water with a joyful expression, waiting for Mark to join him so he could 'strike.'
James moaned softly shifting against the bed, closing his eyes as he ran his fingers through harry's hair."Are you sulking because your horny?"He teased.

Marc laughed as he walked into the water, shivering lightly before splashing the laughing blond.Glad he was having fun.
"noo." Harry sulked, pouting at the other his hand squeezing the others crotch tightly and tried to pull james closer through that grip leaning forward himself to suck and nibble on the others neck, sighing softly at the hair strokes smiling a little. "come on James." he murmured passionately. "fuck me."

Draco snickered and dove under the water before he could get splashed and dove forward his hands suddenly gripping Marks hips, a warm tongue stroking along the underside of the others cock...Draco was planning on giving the other a blow job under the water!
James moaned as he groped the other man, pulling him into his lap, kissing him slowly, looking concerned."..do you think this is a good idea?You're pregnant."He muttered gently stroking the man's cock.

Marc moaned fisting his hands in the blond's hair, closing his eyes as the blond gave him a blow job, before opening his eyes to look down at him. The light playing across his back made his love look amazing.
Harry moaned softly at the groping and the shifting and he hissed softly in James ear. "sex is good for the baby, for the first trimester or so." he admitted panting lightly against James neck. "now are you going to give me what i want, or am i going to have to rape you?" he demanded his eyes narrowed at his lover. Harpies tended to get rather...violent when they where pregnant, particularly when they wanted something and didn't get it.

Draco smirked a little, a small water to air spell made it perfectly possible for him to breath as he ran his tongue, teeth, lips, fingers all over Marc's cock, not blowing him yet, just teasing him.
James smirked a little rolling the other man onto his back, sliding between his legs as he stretched the man slowly."I think I can handle giving you what you want."He said kissing him.

Marc moaned staring down at him, tangling his hands in his hair, gently tugging the other man closer, wanting what draco was teasing him with
Harry purred, pleased that he was getting what he wanted and kissed the other back bucking into the fingers as he ran his fingers through the others hair sighing softly. "mmm that's better." he murmured smirking a little nibbling on the others lips. "can't wait to have your cock buried in my ass." he hissed, a small feeling of metal running along James fingers. not only had harry gotten the base of his cock pierced, and his nipple but he had also gotten his ass pierced.
James looked startled, leaning back to look at harry."Really?"He said amazed as he looked at the man under him. Shifting slightly to slide into the brunette with a sigh, moaning slightly at the feel of his lover tightening around him.
Harry flushed a little. "you don't like it?" he asked softly, looking rather timid under James, waiting for the order to take them out, moaning as James sank into his ass, his tight warm ass the metal piercing dragging softly against the others cock as Harry moaned tossing his head back. "uuh fuuck yeah." harry growled his fingers digging into the bed panting softly.

Draco smirked under the water and slowly pulled the cock into his mouth, sucking and teasing and scraping his teeth gently against the others cock swallowing and licking along the others cock his fingers coming up to stroke and tease the others balls, the water moving all around them, making everything seam a little more sensitive.
James moaned softly as he moved in the blond, kissing him slowly."Hmm no, I think I like them."He said slowly stroking the man in his hand, moaning at the feel of metal against his cock.

After a few minutes marc moaned, pullling the blond off his cock, pulling him up into a kiss."Damn, you're good at that."He said holding him close as he sank his fingers into the blond.
harry's a brunette XD)

Harry moaned into the kiss looking pleased with himself as he bucked lightly into the other, his ass tightening again as he panted softly. "mm good." he purred smirking a little. "i like them too."

Draco smirked a little as he kissed Marc back moaning as the others fingers sank into him, making him tremble. "aah Marc. mmm yeah take me like the little whore i am." he teased smirking. "mm i'm YOUR little whore though." he purred, pleased with his own statement. he liked belonging to someone.
lol I knew that..damned draco for taking over xp)

James moaned moving in him harder, taking his time making love to the harpy."I love you."He whispered kissing him slowly.

Marc snickered a little stretching him quickly."You are a little whore, but yes you belng to me."He said before pulling out his fingers pulling the blond down onto his cock, moaning as he sank into the blond.
Harry moaned happily at the fucking panting softly. "mm there are no words to declare the levels of love that i feel for you." Harry breathed panting softly, :now fuck me harder for Merlin's sake, i'm not going to break!" harry complained bucking into the other. harry wanted to feel good, and while slow fucking was pleasurable, it would not bring harry to that mind blowing orgasm that James was so good at.

Draco moaned grinning brightly at the other gasping as he found himself on the others cock arching into it with a small pleased groan panting hard. "aaah fuuuck yesss." he hissed smirking a little his fingers tangling into Marc's hair and tugging him down for another kiss. "mmm fuck i love you."
James snickered slightly, kissing him slowly as he fucked the man hrder. Having been afraid of breaking him, but for now, he gave what the harpy wanted.

Marc smiled kissing him back, raising his head to look at the blond."You have no idea how nice that is to hear."He said his hands resting on the man's hips, thrusting into him hard.
Harry moaned arching into the fucking with a small pant and a smirk bucking into the other happily. "m..mmm that's better, aaah fuck yes James you fuck me so good." harry groaned his fingers twitching on the bed. "kiss me!" he demanded leaning up to try and find the others lips.

Draco groaned and smirked a little tossing his head back as he let Marc fuck him into oblivion panting hard, soft murmurs and moans filling the beach as Draco allowed himself to be completely fucked by the other. "ye.eesss mmm Marc your so fucking big." Draco moaned smirking as he gripped his wand suddenly, a small...something sliding up Marc's leg. "have you, a..aaah f..fuck yes!...have you ever been fucked before Marc?"
James laughed staying out of reach for a moment as he fucked him before giving in and kissing him slowly. Fucking him hard as he groaned, biting down on the man's lip in the effort not to come. But the brunette felt so good around his cock.

Marc tensed, stopping what he was doing, catching the blond's neck in his hand, squeezing ever so slightly as he felt the thing sliding up his leg."Don't even think about it malfoy."He growled seriously. For once, not being gentle with the blond in his arms, having reacted instinctively to the question.
Harry whined pathetically when he was denied his kiss moaning softly as it was finally granted, his tongue stroking all over the others mouth gasping softly as the other bit his lip. "u..uuh ye...yess so close."

Draco gasped softly at the sudden neck squeeze, but instead of being afraid, as someone with his...background was prone to be he leaned into the hand, cutting off more of his own air, his body shivering into it his ass clenching tightly in his lust. "wouldn't...hah...dream of it..." Draco wheezed softly, a look of lust on his face...it almost looked as if Draco....enjoyed being treated roughly.
James moaned softly at the words coming as he fucked the brunette hard,biting down on his lip harder. Eyes closed as he held the brunette close.

"Good."Marc said, looking startled as draco leaned into his hand, holding him gently though there was no doubt who was in command, as he shifted his other hand, starting to fuck him harder as he held the blond by the nek.
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