
The two snicker before going off to get the rings. in about a hour the two walked into the tattoo palor, looking amused as they looked for their lovers.

"Do you realy think Draco got something pierced?"

"Harry probably had him. Knew you were a child and would want something shiny to play with."The elder of the two stated with a smirk.
Harry and Draco where in the back, Draco bitching up a storm and Harry laughing his ass off, the guy with the piercing gun also laughing as Draco looked down at his belly button, a shining new peircing hanging thre for the world to see Harry grinning as he reached out and gently flicked the dangling Dragon, making Draco start to cuss all over again.

"God Draco your such a BABY!" harry teased lifting his own shirt to show Draco the already healed nipple piercing, with a pendant hanging off of it, two black wings. it suited him. "i can't wait to show James what i got pierced." Harry's decidedly wicked tone made you wonder if he wasn't hiding another piercing somewhere. "i still can't believe you talked me into this." Draco bitched as he tipped his ear to the guy who grinned and set the gun in place. a loud CHACK and it was in place, Draco cussing and cursing up a storm, making harry and the Tattoo guy start laughing again.
James snorted laughing as he leaned against the wall next to the wall. Raising his voice enough so the other two would know that they were there."If he sounds like that during sex you're going to get arrested for torture."

Marc snickered amused at his boyfriend's bitching, and curious to what they all got pierced."Nah, he sounds much more cuter. Now shut up, I'm trying to hear what they're talking about."
Harry's laughter had drowned out the two men as Draco rubbed his ear, letting the wizard tattooist heal the two piercings without any effort at all Draco grinning as he fiddled with the ear piercing, a simply silver hoop for now. later he'd get all sorts of things to trade it with.

"i wonder whats taking them so long." Draco fidgeted pulling his shirt back down glancing at Harry. "you don't think something happened?" "nah, they probably got into a fight or something, in any case we'll wait here until they show up. i wanna get James opinion on a tattoo." "fuck harry, your a masochist! i swear to god!" "what? of course i am, duh." Harry stated rolling his eyes as he continued to flip through a tattoo book. "what do you think of this one?" "to gryffindor." "i AM a gryffindor." "oh, sorry, i guess being Lame must runs on your blood." "jackass!" the tattooist was laughing again, who knew how many squabbles harry and Draco had gotten into.
"IF your getting a tattoo, its going to be something slytherin. I don't have a noble fucking kind bone in my body."James announced as he walked in.

Marc snorted at that idea, his brother was like the most gryffindor person he ever knew. Not that he'd ever tell James that. He liked havng a non broke nose."So what did you do princess?"He smirked, pretending he didn't hear what they'd been talking about.
Draco smirked at James and Marc as Harry pouted at his lover and started flipping through the book again humming a little. "got my ear pierced." Draco admitted, flashing the little silver hoop at Marc grinning as he lifted his shirt to show the other the belly button, Harry grinning as he held the book up to James.

"how about this then?" he demanded, it was a long snake, that was supposed to wind around the arm, or leg..or another male anatomy, a thick black cobra with emerald green eyes and a blood red tongue. "that Slytherin enough for you?" he teased looking rather pleased with himself. "i got my nip pierced too." he admitted chuckling a little. "it hurt like all fucking hell." "and yet Blondie was the only one cussing." the tattooist chirped. "he had the least sensitive area's pierced." "shut up!" Draco demanded, sulking a little.
James grinned,"Perfect."He nuzzled the man's neck, smirking slightly."I'll get one to.And I'll let you chose it.."He smirked looking at the tattoo again. it was beautiful.

"Just a pouty little princess."Marc teased wrapping his arms around the blond, nuzzling the newly pierced ear, teasing the piercing between his teeth."It's okay, I'll make you feel better."
Harry chuckled a little and ran his lips along the others neck. "where should i put this tattoo?" he wondered smirking a little glancing at his arm, wondering how much it would hurt, probably a lot...Harry was excited. "and i want you to get this." Harry admitted opening the book to a new page and pointing to a sword, a snake wrapped around it, long wings spread from behind making it look as if the sword was flying. "what do you think?"

Draco smirked a little and then groaned at the attention to his ear a smirk playing his lips. "mmm you should see what Harry got pierced." he whispered smirking. "James is in for one hell of a surprise." he admitted snickering a little. "he tried to talk me into it, but i said no." he glanced down at his crotch and grimaced. "are you going to do something too? i think you'd look cute with an earring. we could get ones that match."
"I like it."He grinned looking at the tattoo artist, before shrugging out of his shirt, pointing to his upper back, "Right there in the middle."He said sitting down in the seat, smiling at Harry.

Marc's eyes went wide as he looked at harry, smirking slightly as he kissed his boyfriend."Only for you, would I get something pierced.Earring it is.I'll even let you choose the ring princess."
Harry grinned as he sat in the other chair humming happily as he watched James get his Tattoo offering his arm to another Tattoist the tip of the snakes tail wrapped around Harry's wrist and wrapped around his arm until the head rested on his collar bone, long fangs glistening with venom, the red tongue resting just above the nipple, the green eyes glittering with Malice, or amusement depending on the lighting.

Draco chuckled as he held up the pre purchased earrings grinning. it was a pair of dragons that connected together when you slid them next to one another. it was a rather...sentimental thing for Draco to pick, Earrings that fit together, like BFF necklaces. it meant a lot to Draco, it honestly did. "what do you think of these?"
James smiled slightly as he rested his cheek against the chair, looking over at his boyfriend, then the other two."They're being cutely adorable aren't they?"He snickered a little.

Marc smiled."They're nice.Perfect."he said thinking about the ring in his pocket. The two dragons siding together was a perfect compliment for it. kissing the blond before he sat down to get his ear pierced, he winced as it wound through his ear."I better get kisses for this."He teased smiling.
Harry snorted and smirked. "nauseously so." he admitted watching the Tattoo gun trail over his own skin. "if i bitch and complain all the time will i get fucked more?" Harry mused tossing James a smirk, both Tattooist's chocking on laughter as Draco shot Harry a glare, replacing his 'stud' earring with the new Dragon one, grinning at Marc. "of course you get kisses. and maybe a blow job too." he teased grinning at the other making the guy with the piercing Gun go bright red. "why are wizards such perverts?" "because we don't have video games to quell our natural libido." Harry pointed out, draco and the three workers staring at him. "whats a video game?" "...never mind.."
Marc snickered laughing, wincing a little as the man pierced his ear and healed it, gently running the dragon through it as he looked at the blond."Well?How does it look?"He asked twisting his head to look.

"You look like a fairy."James said wincing as the tattooist finished his, twisting his head to look at the sword, wincing again as he healed the broken flesh before tugging on his shirt again.
Draco tossed James a fierce glare before beaming at Marc. "it makes you look handsome." Draco purred smiling as he kissed Marc's neck. grinning as he placed his ear against the others, making the earrings dangle against one another. "now were connected." Draco murmured happily, smiling. he never realized that he had just expressed out loud his want, his NEED to have a committed relationship with Marc. score one for the cop!

Harry grinned examining his arm intently and nodding as he handed the money owed over to the tattooist, paying for Draco's and Marc's as well. hell harry didn't need the money, not that much anyway. "thanks for the good work." Harry chirped grinning as he got to his feet, grabbing the shopping bags that he and draco had gotten. there where almost a dozen bags stuffed to the brim with clothes! "and now that the 'men' are here, they can carry our things." "yeah, you are always saying i'm a princess." Draco taunted flashing Marc a smug look. "now's the time to treat me like one."
"Hey, why am I being made to carry your things?I'm not the guy in... well you are pregnant."James said thoughtfully as the two brothers picked up the bags, carrying them out of the store."How many damn clothes do you need?"He asked peeking into the bags.

Marc snickered a little as he walked out with Draco, glad that the man wanted to be with him. While he didn't seem to realize what he'd just done, it made him relax a little more at the idea of asking him to marry him.

Elsewhere in Diagon Alley Voldermort looked at his most loyal servant, smiling slightly."Have you located your son as of yet?"He asked looking at Lucius, because he knew the location of his own children was a vexing problem for the other man. walking through the crowd he smiled as people got out of their way, even though he was in disguise, they moved. Having come with the sole purpose to see if rumors were true that Harry Potter was no longer among the living.
Harry smirked a little at James. "your being made to carry the stuff because i told you to." Harry stated simply. Draco snickering as he shook his head. "face it James, your never going to win against Potter, he's just too stubborn." he pointed out, Harry looking incredibly smug before he stopped in his tracks and stared at Lucius, an instant Glamor settling over himself, cast by Draco. after all, Harry was dead. the Golden boy immediately looked like a red headed brown eyed commoner. at least in Lucius's eyes. hopefully the blond bastard wouldn't look over at him.

Lucius sighed a little and scowled darkly to himself. "no, i have not found him yet but i will My lord, and when i do i'll make certain that he is Tame for you." he stated a sneer on his lips. "i cannot believe that little bitch has disgraced our family like...this...well." he smirked a little, his eyes fixed on a panicked looking Draco. "look who i found after all. and with a bunch of Mudbloods no less, i'm really going to have to punish him now, he's gone and sullied his body."
Voldermort frowned looking at the group in front of him, "Yes, you will have to punish him."He said liking the idea of seeing the blond man punished.

James frowned looking at himself, then at Marc. "I dont know what he's talking about. I don't see a mudblood around.Well...unless you count your lord malfoy."He drawled, he'd done his homework. He wasn't a cop for nothing.

Marc snikered a little stepping close to draco to hide teh action of drawing his gun even as he slid his wand into the other hand after setting the bags on the ground."Princess, remember what I do you?Brace and shoot."He muttered softly, not taking his eyes of lucius."We were just leaving. Goodbye."He said.
Lucius snarled darkly and took a step forward, his own wand out and ready. "Draco, your coming home, now." he snarled angrily Draco shaking his head and taking a step back Harry snarling and stepping in front of Lucius glaring furiously at him. "over my dead body!" he snapped Lucius smirking as he raised his wand at the other. "my pleasure...Mr. Potter." he hissed flicking his wand. "Crucio!" Harry hissed lightly at the pain, but did not Drop. his Harpy blood giving him a great deal of immunity over spells like Crucio and Avada Kedavra and Imperio.

"Stop!" Draco demanded pulling his gun out, Lucius laughing sadistically. "a Muggle weapon!? your using a MUGGLE WE.." he was Cut off by the loud BANG that filled the air, a perfect little dot appearing on the blond mans head, Lucius shuddering before Dropping to the ground, dead...Draco had actually shot, and killed his own father. "i...i.." and went straight into shock.
Marc cursed as he dropped his wand, catching the blond in his arms the same moment james got up in Voldermort's face, firing point blank before the other man could respond.

Stepping away as blood and gore dripped down his face."Get them home."He growled at his brother, aparating back to the house, needing cleaned up.

Marc cursed slightly sliding a arm in harry's, holding draco close to him."Come on. James needs you."He said worried about his brother, knowing james had hardly ever pulled the trigger, and it was going to screw him up. Apparating them all home, holding none of the clothes they'd gotten ,but having the most important things, glad to be home.
Draco was shaking violently, tears streaming down his face, he'd tried to move over to his father but had collapsed before he could even make a step, harry was trembling too from the effects of the Cruciatus and leaned into Marc for support as he watched Draco apologize again and again to his dead father, the blond protesting as he was yanked away from the dead man. "i'll take care of James." he promised. "you need to get Draco calmed down, use a sleeping spell if you have to." Harry ordered softly, his voice weak and weary, but as soon as they where home he went straight to James, using the bond between them to find him. Draco just kept babbling, over and over that he was sorry.
James was in the shower, his clothes on the floor as he scrubbed at his skin, trying to get the blood off his skin. Sighing softly as he heard the harpy come in."Potter?"He asked, sticking his head out to look at him. Looking upset and in need of comfort.

Marc snarled softly as he disarmed the blond, heading upstairs, tossing the man into the bed and under the covers, crawling in next to him, snuggling close to the blond as he gently stroked his hair."Princess, its over.you dont have anything to be sorry about. Princess..."He muttered trying to calm him down.
Harry silently shed his clothes and moved into the shower, taking the washcloth from James and re lathering it with the smelly soap that Harry loved so much and gently began to wash James off. "thank you. James." Harry whispered, his voice thick with emotions, pain....and relief. "i...i can't feel him anymore.. in my head, he's really gone...he can't hurt me anymore....he can't hurt us." he whispered washing the last bit of blood off of James before leaning into him, holding him tightly. "thank you so much."

Draco gave up the gun easily sobbing lightly as he was pushed into the bed, and curled tightly into Marc, seeking the comfort that his lover could give him slowly starting to calm down. "i k..k..killed him, i..i k..killed my f..father i...i k.." he hiccuped and pressed his face tightly into Marc's chest. "i k..k..killed him and he..j..just...fell over i..." he shuddered violently. "i...i...." he sniffed again and looked up at him. "i'm a horrible person... i..." he felt bad, for killing his father, but...now that he was calming down...he didn't feel the least bit guilty, and that only made him feel worse about himself.
James relaxed hugging him back, pressing a kiss against the man's temple."Welcome."He said closng his eyes.Slowly relaxing."oh...this means we can go home."He said after a moment. Amused at the idea of leaving Draco and Marc to themselves.

"He would have hurt you draco. There's nothing wrong with defending yourself. And if you must blame someone, blame me. I did teach you how to use it."he said pressing a kiss to the blond's head."Though it does have a wicked sense of justice for the blond bigot to be killed with a muggle's weapon."
Harry smiled a little resting in his lovers arms sighing softly. "i love you." he whispered softly, smiling a little. "but we will have to come and annoy...er, i mean, visit your brother and Draco often." he admitted smiling a bit to himself. "right?...and you owe me a new wardrobe too!" he complained pouting a little.

Draco sniffed again and closed his eyes. "i...forgot." he admitted softly. "for a moment i forgot he was trying to hurt me, for a moment i...i forgot everything that he did to me... and then he was...hurting harry and i just...i just." he shuddered violently in the others arms and then turned, bending over the bed and lost his lunch. killing was never an easy thing, no matter how much it needed to be done. "sorry." Draco muttered weakly, sounding less traumatized now and more tired. "i messed up your floor..."
"Of course we'll come visit. And I know I'll get you more clothes. We'll even take Draco with us to pick it out."He said running his hands over the other man, hugging him tightly.

"Nah, it's not a mess."Marc said waving a hand, smiling as it vanaished."Now sleep princess. We've had a long day, and I want you prepared for tomorrow."He said gently kissing the man's head.
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