
harry giggled a little and nodded looking very relieved as he leaned down and gently kissed James again nibbling on his lips playfully as he gently hugged the other. "it's not going to be a full wizard you realize?" he whispered softly so that Draco and Marc couldn't hear. "it's going to be mostly harpy, like me..." harry admitted biting his lip again, worried that James might be a little upset about that.

Draco smirked a little. "you want me to beg?" he demanded looking highly amused. "good luck with that one buddy." Draco taunted smirking darkly. "you'll be begging before i will be." his hand reached down and squeezed Marc's crotch, giving it a sensual stroke while he was at it before he suddenly started to wander away. "anyway i'm hungry, whats for eats?" he demanded heading for the kitchen, leaving Marc all alone to face his 'problems'
"It's our baby.it's perfect."James smiled at him, kissing him slowly before sitting up snickering at the sight of Marc stomping out after Draco. "Come on, lets get you some food."He said nudging the other man to his feet.

Marc scowled as he followed the blond out of the room, smirking a little."I don't beg for anything."He said as he walked into the kitchen, starting to make dinner.
Harry giggled as well as he watched Marc stomp out. "poor Marc has no idea what he's getting into." he murmured grinning as he helped James to his feet. "when all this is over, do you think we could move in together? i have three houses, and i know you have yours...so we have plenty to pick from..." he offered smiling a little. "what do you think?"

Draco smirked a little as he glanced back at Marc. "oh, you will." Draco promised snickering a bit as he yawned. "anyway, are we still going shopping today? i think Harry could use the distraction, and some ice cream."
"Yea, we can. I'd love that. And we could go from one house to the next mae a vacation of sorts out of it since I can just apparate into work from anywhere."He grinned getting up."Come on, we better go resue Marc cause he looked like he wanted to ask something."

"Yea, we'll go shopping as soon as we eat princess."He said handing him a plate of food."Come on eat, tehn we'll go get you some food."He said starting to eat.
Draco chuckled and stuffed some food into his mouth humming a little as Harry chuckled and headed into the kitchen stealing Draco's food, the blond scowled but said nothing, unwilling to upset the pregnant freak of nature. who knew what Harry might so do him!? "so were going shopping?" harry asked curiously blinking at Draco who nodded. "yeah, a certain freak of nature needs new clothes, wearing your cousins old things was cute when we where eleven, now it's just sad." "i'm going to beat you to a pulp one of these days Draco i really am." Harry growled glaring at the Malfoy Heir who just snickered and stole his food back from harry.
The brother's snort laughing at the two as they ate.

james smiled slightly."Don't call him a freak of nature. It's not nice. I can make sure you dont have sex you slut."He teased the blond.

Marc paled looking at his brother."Don't even go there. That's just not kind."
Harry blinked a little. "but i am a freak of Nature." Harry pointed out looking highly amused, and pleased to be as such. "besides if i'm a freak of nature, then that means that Draco is an insult to nature." "HEY!" Draco complained scowling at Harry who snickered and stole the food back from Draco who scowled and sulked. "Maaarc! are you gonna let him talk to me like that!?"
"You are a insult to nature. You make everything else seem ugly next to your pretty self."

"....only you could make a insult sound like a good thing."James said with a smirk, studying his brother. Giving Harry the rest of his food.
Draco preened under the praise and Harry made fake gagging noses just to piss Draco off again as he nibbled on the food, looking rather pleased when Draco went back to glaring at him. "anyway, if were going shopping today i want to look at some books, your house is boring and considering i can't screw James all the time i have to find something else to amuse myself with." harry tossed James an almost sadistic smirk, as if he was planning on molesting him at some point during their excursion.
James looked amused at the idea,"I'm sure we can find you a book or two."

"And I want you guys to come to the jewelry shop with me."Marc said squirming a little blushing slightly.
Draco grinned a little. "ooh jewelry store, need, harry can get his nipple pierced." Draco purred making Harry blush bright red. "s..shut up Draco! if i'm getting my nipple pierced you have to get your dick pierced!" "no way! i'm not whipping my junk out in front of strangers!" "why!? afraid you'll like it too much!?" there they went again, bickering like an old married couple, they both seamed completely clueless as to why they would be going into a jewelry store. "and anyways i'd rather get my ear pierced!" Draco countered smirking a little. "it's classier." "your just an idiot." "hey, i'm not the one getting my nip pierced." "i never said i was going to do that!"
Marc snickered at the idea of Draco getting his dick pierced."If you whipped it out for others, I might have a problem with that."He smirked."And I think I like the idea of you with your ear peirced."

James licked his lips swallowing hard."You probably shouldn't get anything pierced right now."He said liking the idea of his boyfriend's nipple pierced, but he fretted about the baby.
Draco chuckled as he winked at his lover. "i could get something else pierced too if you like." he teased winking at Mark, giving him the freedom to pick a spot, any spot as harry blinked at James. "why not? it won't hurt the baby." he promised before pausing. "unless you don't like the idea? if you don't want me to just say so." harry ordered smiling a little. "i won't get mad about it."
Marc smirked."Bellybutton."He grinned kissing the man as he stood. Already imaging it.

James frowned,"No, I dont mind I just..."

"Oh ignore him.He's a worrier, and he's going to fret over you while your pregnant."Marc said as he looked at the other two.
Draco grinned a little and nodded, licking his lips. "you got it." he growled smirking a little as he lifted his shirt so that Marc could see his belly button swirling his finger around it playfully, just to tease Marc.

harry chuckled and pulled James down for a kiss humming softly as he gently bit the others lip. "it will be alright." he promised smiling a little. "nothing will happen to the baby with you and Marc here to protect me." he promised smiling a little at him. "but i do like being worried and fussed over, so go ahead and keep doing that."
"I wil."James grinned getting up hugging him.

"Enough!Draco come here. We're going shopping now."He growled pulling him out of the room."come on, I'm getting you your own gun. I want you armed if we're going to go out in public."He said fretting over the idea of taking him outside where his father was.
Harry grinned and gently nuzzled James neck giving it a kiss. "i'll distract Draco later, while you and marc go get a ring." he promised smirking a little. "Draco is going to be so ecstatic." he teased snickering a little. "he's never really had someone love him before, so he's not really sure whats going on, but that just makes it more amusing to watch."

Draco laughed and then yelped as he was pulled out of the room, laughing again before pausing. "wait...i..is that ok? what if i accidentally shoot someone? w..what if it goes off on it's own again? what if it shoots ME!?" the little blond, was such a worry wart.
James snickered kissing his lover."It does. Marc's good for him, and Draco's good for Marc. It's been awhile since he's been this protective over the person sharing his bed.Hell, the last time someone said marriage he ran as fast as he could in the other direction."

"It wont shoot you, and don't drop it and it wont go off again."He said looking at the blond, biting his lip before kissing the man."Draco I want you armed because we're going out. Your father has magic to, I want you to have something he wont."He said fretting over the idea Lucius migt find them.
Harry chuckled a little and nodded. "Draco's finally learning about Love." he paused for a moment and glanced slyly at James. "so talking about marriage, is that something you'd be interested in? Harpy's rarely settle down with only one person, but i think i could make an exception, as long as it's you." harry teased grinning a little at James. "how bout it, wanna be the very first man to ever have tamed a Harpy?" what a wedding proposal.

Draco swallowed thickly and then nodded. "alright." he agreed biting his lip a little. "i'll carry a gun with me." he agreed glancing at Marc's holster and running a hand through his hair. "i don't want to go back to my father. i'll shoot him before he can ever touch me again."
"Now that was a lovely proposal."James teased kissing him."Yes, I would."He said getting up."Come on, we better get the other two so we can go."

Marc sighed softly, relieved he'd gotten the man to agree."Thank you."He said kissing the blond before sliding ont the shoulder holster onto the blond's frame, tightening it into place with a smile."comfortable?"He asked after a moment.
Harry chuckled a little as he nodded, kissing the other. "i thought it was pretty good." harry teased smirking a little. "now then my big bad Tamer, you have to pick out the ring, and make sure it's sparkly." Harry demanded smiling. "hell get me a plastic one, just make sure it's sparkly." he teased the other fighting the urge to snicker. Harry fully planned on paying for the ring, with Dumbledore dead, all control over Harry's money had reverted back to the Harpy. and amazingly enough, Dumbledore had somehow managed to quadruple it.

Draco paused and rolled his shoulders, lifting his arms and stretching this way and that, testing the gun holster before nodding his approval. "is it really ok for me to carry this?" Draco asked nervously. "in the wizarding world we have laws against things that can kill people i don't want to get in trouble, Harry's told me things about muggle prison, and i would MUCH rather not find out if their true."
"Sparkly it is."James smiled hearing the blond's question."Don't worry about it. We all carry wands, and they can kill people."He pointed out before sighing."Anyways, we have permits to carry in the wizarding wrld if needed. And you definately need it."

Marc smiled looking at the other two."Thank you.You explain things so much better then me."He smiled wrapping his arms around Draco, sliding the gun into the holster.
Harry smirked a little as Draco relaxed and nodded letting Marc slip the gun into place, rolling his shoulders again at the slight extra weight, glancing at Harry again who grinned. "Dangerous looks good on you Malfoy." he teased Draco grinning a little. "so do i need to get a permit then or is it already taken care of?" he asked curiously his head tilted at his lover as Harry rolled his eyes. "Draco stop analyzing everything and lets GO!" he demanded. "i want to go shopping! i'm TIRED of wearing Dudley's old shit."
The brother's laugh softly, wrapping their arms around their lovers before apparating them both to diagon alley, stepping back.

Marc smiled kissing Draco's forehead."Where do you want to go first?"He asked amused, wondering how to distract him so him and james could go get the ring.

James grinned groping his lover."And I'm tired of having to strip you out of them.They're ugly. And they need brned."
Harry laughed a little and Grabbed Draco's arm. "your coming with me!" he demanded the blond yelping. "w..what!? why where are we going!?" he demanded panicking a little as Harry laughed. "first your going to help me find some clothes that suit me, and then were going to meat up with the men at the tattoo parlor to pick out our piercings." "...why aren't they shopping with us?" "because i want to surprise James you dumb ass." harry was giving James and Mark an all clear. "now stop dragging your feat!"
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