
Draco groaned a little and handed Mark an unlit cig a small satisfied smirk on his face as he glanced at the other. "if you get to smoke then i do too." he warned sighing softly. "that was awesome... did you see the look on potters face!?"

harry just laughed harder at James question and then finally managed to calm himself a little. "i just saw your brother and Draco fucking on the front porch."
Marc smirked as he pulled out of the blond as he lit up. Just because he currently didn't smoke didn't mean he did. Bad cop habit drinkign or smoking. He'd forgotten how much he enjoyed it."Yea, that look was great."He said taking a drag before handing it to the other.

James stared, before starting to laugh. Wincing as his ribs ached."Thank god its his own property otherwise I'd have to arrest him for public indecency."
"Of course."Marc smirked as he took the cigarette back, taking a drag before blowing out a heart shaped smoke ring. Tilting his head as he looked at the blond."Enjoying yourself?"He asked, wondering if the blond really would be happy to live with him.Nerves in that look.
Draco grinned and nodded. "yeah." he admitted smiling. "i love it here, there's no end to the excitement." he teased still looking rather pleased as he sat up a little and settled himself onto the bench ont he other side of the porch. "i can't remember the last time i felt happy like this."

Harry snorted a little looking amused. "arresting your on brother sad." he teased grinning as he set something in the others hands. "i saw that wince buster, drink some more." he demanded indicating the healing potion.
"Good."Marc smiled kissing him as he pulled up his pants, sitting down next to him, wrapping a arm around his shoulders."When...even after we take care of voldermort..would you...consider, well you know, stay here?"He said blushing as he looked at the ground.

James winced again as he sat up more sipping the healing potion while protesting."I'm fine."He said giving his lover a look. The tough guy back in place, hating to admit a weakness.
Draco hesitated and looked at marc and then looking back down, blushing as well. "i..uhm, well if... you wouldn't mind having me.. i.. uhm.. i wouldn't mind...sharing a place with you.." in draco talk that meant. 'yes i wanna live with you forever!'

Harry smirked a little and shrugged. "a shame, i was going to make myself all pretty for you while you where sleeping this off but i guess if you don't want to be well enough to fuck then i guess i won't complain."
Marc smiled a little looking at him, turning his head to kiss his temple."Good."He muttered before getting up."Come on, we better be going inside."He said. Having had dumbledore come to the house was maknig him nervous about being outside.

James stared at him."I'm going back to sleep.Go get pretty."He said before laying down, looking content and obientant as he looked at his lover.
Draco nodded and smiled as he nodded yanking his own pants back into place before he stood up and ran a hand through his hair heading inside only to be stopped by Harry whispering something in his ear, making the blond blush a bright red but he nodded anyway. "i have to go make Harry 'pretty' for James." he explained to mark. "which usually involves a lot of sex toys...do you...mind?" he asked nervously, hoping not to upset Marc.
Marc looked at them, raising a eyebrow, laughing softly."No, I don't mind. Though I want to watch."He said smirking as he walked upstairs with the other two heading for James's room.
Harry smirked a little and nodded as Draco relaxed and stalked after harry, trying to look annoyed, though it kept crossing into amusement as he took his time wrapping a collar around Harry's neck and using a chain to connect him to the head of the bed, banishing all of the boys clothes as he set a pair of fuzzy cat ears onto the others head. Draco smirked as Harry opened his mouth and Draco obediently slipped a ring Gag into place, glancing at Marc and offering him a wink as he settled two silver fox ears onto his own head before picking up an ass plug that had a long black cat tail hanging from it, attached tot he plug was a cock ring that not only would keep harry cumming, but would make the plug wiggle anytime Harry squirmed and if James where to tug on the tail it would stimulate Harry's ass AND cock.

Draco quickly stretched harry out trying desperately not to make it too pleasurable, blushing violently making harry snicker, and then moan as Draco pushed the plug in, and then attached the tight ring. "anything else?" Draco demanded fighting to sound anything but embarrassed and slightly aroused Harry shaking his head, it was impossible to talk around a ring gag anyway. Draco huffed a little and grabbed Harry's wrists forcing them behind the brunettes back and tying them in place, forcing harry to lay on his chest with his ass in the air. "have fun." Draco stated snidely as he picked up another plug, this one with a long silver fox tail hanging off it. Draco could find uses for that.
"I'm not sure if I should be disturbed or amused."Marc said watching as he leaned against the doorjab, swallowing hard as he watched the blond pick up the plug, tugging him towards him."Come on princess, you have to earn the right to use that."He said grinning as he plucked it from his hands, tugging him towards the door."Have fun Harry."He grinned wondering how long James was going to be asleep.
Draco scowled a little at Marc tossing his head up in false indignation. "i already have!" he complained crossing his arms as he paused and then flicked his wand at harry, the Brunette squealing in pleasure as Draco did something to him Draco smirking a little. "i hope James isn't asleep TOO long." he teased snickering a little. "or Harry won't last long when he finally get's that ring off." he snickered a little and ran his hand along Marc's ass. "come on then." he purred smirking. "i'll prove how much i've earned that plug." he growled playfully.
Marc laughed a little, squirming awy from the touch as he headed for the shooting range."I was thinking more practice princess, you just had sex."He teased kissing the blond as they past the sleep mussed james n the stairs.Smirking he turned to watch his brother before wrapping his arms around Draco."Time to shoot. Then I might let you use your weapon."He said groping the blond.

James paused in his doorway, pausing in the doorway as he sleepily studied his lover."Now, this is something I could get used to waking up to."
Draco laughed a little and offered Marc a out. "but i love sex." he complained lightly. 'i can never get enough, come on, just one more round?" he tempted smirking a little. "i will let you do anything you want to me." he purred smirking at the other as he followed Marc. "you won't regret it."

Harry moaned lightly, squirming on the bed and whimpering as he tried to turn his head to look at James the collar cutting him short, giving James a clear view of the cat ears and the ring gag. "u..uuh." Damn draco, casting a pleasure spell! good thing it would break as soon as James touched him, or harry never would have survived the sex. "uuh!" pleading with James, wiggling his ass at the other trying to tempt the man to fuck the pretty kitty.
I never regret sex. And no, we're getting some practice in."He said seriously pulling the blond into the shooting range, drawing the gun before handing it to Draco. With Dumbledore in his home he was feeling paranoid enough to want to arm draco with the best defense he could.

"Such a damned pretty kitty.I thought you were a harpy."James said unable to undress fastenough as he tossed his clothes on the floor, crawling on the bed behiind the man, stretching him quickly before sliding into him with a moan."Good kitty..."He muttered.
Draco snickered a little and followed Marc into the room accepting the gun and looking up at his newfound lover with affection and gratitude. "thanks by the way... for protecting me." he kissed the others jaw gently. "it means a lot to me that you'd do something like that." he admitted grinning at him before turning to the target and starting to aim like a good boy.

Harry moaned, bucking into the fingers and then into the cock panting hard as he squirmed and writhed, moaning through the ring gag in his mouth, squirming around under the other panting hard, moaning and groaning as he enjoyed the sex. yet some part of him wished that James would be a little bit more dominant oh well, he could talk to the other later about it, for now, the mans perfect cock was touching all the right spots. "a...aaah..." he was so close!
Marc laughed standing behind him, helping him aim and grinned as he pulled the trigger."I have to protect the princess I'm in love with. "He said kissing Draco's head.

James grinned wrapping ish fingers in the brunette's hair jerking him up pressing a kiss to his cheek before releasing the cock ring, shoving into the man harder, nearly his orgasm."Come."He growled looking at the brunette.
Draco dropped the gun and stared up at the other wide eyes and looking confused. "i...l..love?" he asked looking...puzzled. "i...you..love me?" he asked sounding hopeful, so hopeful. he was certain that he loved Marc too, but he wanted to make sure that it hadn't just been a slip of the tongue before he admitted that.

Harry howled with pleasure arching into the other, bucking into the pleasure with a loud groan tossing his head back. "uuuh! uuuh uuuuh..AAH!" he yelled though the cock ring, cumming all over the bed whimpering a little, hoping James would tease him a little, would even humiliate him....what could he say harry was a masochist. he coughed a little and groaned, wiggling his ass again above all else, hoping for more.
Marc blushed looking down at the man in his arms,wincing as the loud bang of the gun going off sounded, and the sharp pain in his leg where it grazed him."Yes. I'm in love with you."He said brushing his lips over the blond's forehead.

James moaned, as he came. Swallowing hard after a few minutes before starting to pound into him again, sliding a hand down, teasing Harry's soft cock between rough fingers, smirking as the man reacted.
Draco nearly had a heart attack when the gun went off and he stared down at it looking back up at him and he smiled a little leaning forward and pressing his lips tightly to the other not realizing yet that he had accidentally shot Marc. "i love you too." Draco whispered softly, almost fearfully, as if someone might start beating him for uttering the most sinful of four letter words.

Harry moaned panting hard as the other came groaning loudly as the other started to move again arching into the other. "a..uuh. aah." he groaned bucking lightly into the others hand shuddering a little as he squirmed under the other, his cock quickly coming back to life. "u..uuhn."
Marc smiled a little, shifting his weight off his leg looking at the other man, pressing a kiss to his forehead."Come on then. Time to practice princess."He teased, mentally trying to figure out how badly he'd been shot.

James moaned softly, kissing his shoulder,dragging the other man up for a kiss, kissing him hard."Love you."He growled softly.
Draco smiled and bent down to pick up the Gun, pausing at a lone of Red on the floor frowning a little. "blood...Marc your bleeding!" Draco shrieked in terror yanking the others pants leg up to get a look at it. "i thought you said you weren't hurt!" he complained automatically assuming that it had been from fighting Dumbledore. after all in Draco's mind, getting shot by a gun, meant instant death how was he to know any better? "you didn't even bandage it!"

Harry whined a little, kissing back as best he could from around the ring gag, panting hard. "oh oo." Harry groaned back, looking far too pleased at another round bucking into the motions and moments of the other, squirming around, silently begging for more. he wanted to be fucked so much he couldn't stand in the morning.
It wasn't bleeding until you hit me."He pointed out, not about to tell the man he'd acidently shot him. Draco didn't need to know that."Don't drop the gun, you can hurt yourself that way."he said beore shifting."Come on, you can play doctor,"he grinned pulling his pant leg back down.

James smirked, giving him exactly what he wanted, fucking him as hard and fast as he could.
Draco smiled a little and nodded before frowning again. "i'm sorry i made you bleed." he admitted getting back to his feet and setting the gun carefully on the stand. "and i'm sorry i dropped the gin, i didn't know it could go off if i dropped it." he admitted shaking his head. "come on, lets get that bleeding to stop." he ordered carefully forcing Marc to sit down in a chair right there int he shooting range and rushed off to get the healing potions and salves.

Harry yowled in pleasure, bucking into it as he wriggled and writhed and moaned and groaned as he was fucked to an inch of insanity panting hard as he came twice before James even got to one, jerking against his bonds, howling with pleasure until he finally went limp and groaned softly his eyes fluttering closed, Harry just couldn't go anymore. he was grinning through as he watched James above him from the corner of his eyes, he clearly didn't mind at all being fucked into complete exhaustion.
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