
Harry chuckled a little and gently kissed the others lips. "oh hush." he demanded nuzzling him a little. "if i hadn't the healing spell wouldn't have healed them." he admitted glancing at Draco who was staring at his feet, worried about Marc. he sighed a little and offered James another potion. "take this, and then go to sleep, you deserve a rest." he smiled at the other. "i love you, and thank you for helping me James."
James smiled sipping the potion snuggling down into the couch."You're to pretty not to help."He muttered going to sleep.

Marc stepped through the door, smiling slightly."He always didn't make sense when he was drugged. Is he okay?"He asked looking at his brother worriedly, wrapping his arms around Draco."We have to talk. We should probably leave him, otherwise he'll try to wake up."
Harry smiled a little. "he makes perfect sense." harry admitted kissing James forehead and standing up, looking over at Marc looking him over for damages as Draco Shrieked and then gave a small relieved cheer as he returned the hug, holding him tightly before examining every inch of him to make sure he wasn't injured.
Marc growled softly as they both examined him, rubbing his arms."He was dead by the time I caught up to him. Apparently, I'm better shot then I thought I was. Put one through his heart."He said wrapping his arms around Draco, kissing his head, looking at harry."You wont have to worry about Dumbledore anymore. Dead and transfigured into a bone, hidden in the scotland highlands."He smiled, having picked up the trick from school....yea, a lot of his classmates had ended up as death eaters. It was good connections for a cop to have, to the underworld.
Harry looked horrified for a moment, as much of a bastard as Dumbledore was, harry had continued to believe that it was just a misunderstanding, that dumbledore still cared about him, that he was still harry's grandfather figure...that harry could still trust him. the golden boy dropped his eyes and swallowed hard before getting to his feet and heading into the other room to sit with James, and get over his own disappointment and grief.

"Are you sure your alright?" Draco asked softly, gently touching the others cheek a frown on his face. "are you ok?"
Marc shivered a little, holding Draco holder, kissing hs head."I didn't mean to kill him. I only wanted him away from James."He muttered."Come on. Shower with me."He said, wanting to get clean.Stepping away from Draco, feeling to dirty to touch his lover. He really hadn't meant to kill him,"Sorry Harry."He muttered walking out of the room, leaving James in Harry's car.
Harry paused and looked up at Marc. "there's nothing to be sorry for. Dumbledore killed a great many people, and would have continued to do so... his death...is a good thing." Harry admitted softly looking back down at his hands, just sitting there waiting for James to wake up, Draco following Mark and wrapping his arms around the others waist, holding him tightly. "let me." Draco murmured, trying to make his lover feel better as his firm, talented fingers brushed along Marc's crotch and then slowly began to unbutton the jeans.
Marc moaned softly, as he turned on the water, slipping into the shower, waiting till Draco undressed pulling him inside after him."You're wicked."He said running his fingers through the blond's hair, kissing him softly."I don't normally kill people."He said needing to let the blond know that.
Draco snickered a little and kissed the back of the others neck. "i'm not wicked, i just know what i want." he admitted smirking before he paused, Marc's pants hanging open before he slid them down the others legs. "i know." Draco admitted. "but Dumbledore... it would have led to one of you dying." he admitted shaking his head. "in the end you would have had to kill him, or died yourself. personally i'm glad you survived and not him."
"Yea...the idea of you doing with him what your doing to me is scarring."Marc teased kissing him, relaxing even more."And eventually yes, someone knew you were here. Eventually it would have been one or the other."
he nodded a little. "see? it was him or you, or rather him and the entire wizarding, and possibly muggle worlds. you made a good decision, you made the right decision Draco promised getting down on his knees and ran his tongue along the others cock. "mmm yummy." he growled playfully.
Marc moaned as he rested his head against the shower wall, running his fingers through the man's hair, sighing softly."You my love, are going to be the death of me."He muttered before paling, realizing what he'd called him."I uh...I..."He stuttered stopping. Waiting to see what the man would say.
Draco said nothing, he just smirked, and then grinned shooting Marc a loving look back as he slipped the others cock into his mouth and sucked hard, as if pleased that he had been called love. Draco wasn't sure if he felt love back to the other, but it was certainly something similar, or it had to be anyway, considering the thought of Marc getting hurt had made Draco panic far more than his own pain had ever done.
Marc moaned softly closing his eyes.Enjoying the sucking pressure on his cock, fingers tangling in Draco's hair. After a few minutes he tugged at the blond's hair."dray...go...gon...cum..."He panted struggling to hold off for a few minutes longer.
Draco smirked a little to himself, his mouth was the best, how many times had the boys at school said so? not to mention his father. he gave another great suck and pulled on it in his mouth scraping his teeth against the flesh as he paused and then bit, not hard, but enough to cause tiny sparkles of pain to mix in with the pleasure before giving another great suck, determined to make Marc cum before he was actually ready.
Marc cried out softly as his hands tightened in the man's hair, hot sticky seed spilling down the blond's throat, trembling slightly."Fucking hell..."Marc gasped softly, resting his back on the wall as the water beat against his back, shivering slightly. That man's mouth was absolutely wicked.
Draco smirked as he swallowed it down pulling away and licking his lips. "there, now don't you feel better now?" Draco teased a playful smirk on his lips as he winked at the other and stood up leaving the shower, and spreading a great amount of water all over, as he grabbed a clean washcloth from the drawer before heading back hopping back into the water and soaping up the washcloth before he began to wash Marc's chest.
Marc laughed a little kissing him lightly."I do actually."He said starting to wash his hair, watching the blond."You really do know how to make a guy feel welcome home."he teased washing his hair out."And you're cleaning up the water. You got it everywhere."
Draco smirked a little. "i'm a princess." Draco stated loftily. "and princesses don't HAVE to clean up after themselves." he teased nuzzling the others chest. "you smell good." Draco admitted looking safe and content once more, now that he was certain Marc wasn't hurt at all Draco could relax.
Marc smiled relaxing even more now that he knew Draco wasn't giving him a hard time about killing dumbledore. Snickering a little."Princesses clean if they want to have someone screw them tonight."He said sliding his hand down Draco's back, sliding his fingers into the blond, pressing against his prostate for a moment beore taking his fingers out. Snickering softly.
Draco smirked a little. "i'm irresistible.' he growled smirking at the other. "i'll get you to screw me easy." he growled leaning into the others fingers. "even if i don't clean the wa...a..aaah fuck." he groaned leaning into the fingers and groaning when they pulled out. "that's not nice!" Draco whined pouting up at Marc with the most innocent look he had.
Marc laughed softly at the look on his face, cupping his face in his hands, kissing him slowly before shutting off the shower."You have a floor to clean princess, and I want to check on James."He said getting out, starting to dry off. Amused at Draco's reaction.
Draco scowled at him and sighed a little and stepped out of the shower, grabbing his wand and waving it at the water, cleaning it with magic before he started to dry himself off. "there, all better." he grumbled, sulking a little as he pouted again at Marc as he followed the other down the stairs and into the living room, where Harry was still sitting vigil next to James.
Marc smiled, sliding a arm around Draco, kissing his head."Don't worry princess, I'll screw you. Later."He teased as he pulled on his shirt, looking at harry."How's he doing?"

"...sleepy...cold...Haarrryyy come here."James whined blinking sleepily.
Harry chuckled obediently and snuggled into James, checking the broken ribs with gentle fingers and nodding, declaring them healed in his own head as he kissed James a blanket settling over the both of them, a silent gift from a flick of Draco's wand who offered harry a sheepish smirk as he headed into the kitchen, Harry chuckling a little as he watched James sleep.
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