
"I didn't say that."Marc said smiling as he crossed the room undressing as he walked. "I love it."He said before settling on top of the blond, moaning softly as his cock brushed against the blond's."Are you doing this for a reason?"He teased searchign the blond's face.
Draco moaned softly and nodded. "i always have reasons for the things i do." he admitted smirking. "i'm doing this, because i like it when you touch me." selfish reason that was." "i'm doing it because i like it when you look at me. i'm doing it because i'm a horny little shit, who's tired of being a virgin, and wants you to fuck me because your nice, and gentle, and show me pleasure." Draco smirked a little rubbing their cocks together. "i'm doing it, because i want to be yours."
Marc growled softly, hands closing around the man's hips to hold him still."You keep doing that this is going to end soon."He growled in frustrated lust, having spent the whole day thinking about Draco. Smirking as he cast the lubing spell and quickly stretched the man, eager but not wanting to hurt him. Easing his fingers out he looked down at the blond, a slightly hesitant look on his face."You sure?"He asked, willing to even now, hard and aching, to walk away if Draco asked it.
Draco moaned and mewled and arched into the fingers, panting hard his face beat red as he felt the pleasure that Marc was offering him, feeling guilty about not making him feel good too groaning softly as the fingers pulled out, straining to follow them his silver eyes flicking open to stare at the others still panting. "i want you." Draco whispered softly, smiling a little. "i want to be yours, all yours."
Marc smirked as he eased into the blond, taking his time moving into him, head dropping to Dracos shoulder, panting."So tight...tight..."He muttered biting down on the blond's shoulder, shivering a little. The man felt amazing around him. Sliding a hand down to gently stroke Draco's cock he smiled, raising his head to gently kiss Draco."You okay?"He muttered studying his face.
Draco yelped at the sudden intrusion, the sharp pain of being entered for the first time dulled by the intense pleasure of being filled, arching into it, trying to ease the pain and maximize the pleasure, his face crossed with complicated emotions as he trembled lightly, his eyes fluttering open when Marc stopped moving panting hard. "i'm ok." Draco promised panting softly moaning into the cock strokes shivering again. "move" Draco pleaded, squirming against the other, wanting more, more pain, more pleasure, he didn't care which as long as it was more.
Marc laughed softly as he thrust into the man, "Such a demanding little princess."He teased kissing him hard as he moved into the man, shivering. It felt so good to be in the blond. Slowly fucking him harder as he lost control, his body going numb with pleasure. It was amazing.
Draco groaned softly in pain as the other started moving, but pain quickly faded into pleasure as Marc continued on, Draco's tight little ass squeezing and relaxing in response to the in and out motions of the cock so deep, deep and perfect in his ass, wriggling and writhing, gasping with pleasure and need. "p..please!" Draco finally wailed without warning. "please! the ring, please! i need to cum, Marc PLEASE!" Draco begged, his face flushed bright red with need and want as he squirmed and wriggled.
Marc laughed softly as he eased the cock ring off, "Come."He muttered, remembering Draco begging him in the shower, shivering as he buried himself as deep in blond, coming with a low moan, kissing him hard.
Draco groaned and then wailed in pleasure, arching hard into the other as he was finally allowed to cum, jerking and twitching with the pleasure as he achieved his orgasm, and enjoyed the sensation of being filled falling limp onto the bed gasping softly. "f..fu..fucking good." he groaned his eyes closed panting hard as he tried to recover from the rather exhausting exorcise.
Marc laughed softly as he eased out of the man, resting his head on Draco's shoulder, panting."Forget good. That was fan fucking tastic."He muttered trying to recover.
"Where's your wand?"James said as he undid the ropes before cuddling down back against the man, yawning as he rested his head on Draco's shoulder.
"It was.Now sleep."He growled softly, cuddling him, closing his eyes strting to fall asleep.

Downstairs James frowned a little as he stood at the window, watching the rain sliding down the window,"There's someone coming up the path."He said frowning harder, trying to see who it was.
Harry paused and then spun on his heal rushing up the stairs and jumping on Draco and Marc alike, shaking them both awake forcefully Draco groaning in annoyance. "Someone's coming!" he hissed softly shaking Marc even harder. "OI! wake the hell up dammit!" Harry demanded, the slightest hints of fear in his voice, Draco sitting up and rubbing his eyes.
"Ow ow ow!Get off me!"Marc growled shoving the brunette off of him, snarling as he reached for the gun."Stay here."He ordered looking at the two."If you don't, I'll tan both your hides....and not for our mutal pleasure."He growled. Waiting for a response. Looking deadly and angry. He didn't like visitors. And he didn't wake happy. Left to wake he was grumpy, startled awake he woke deadly.
Draco and Harry both nodded glanced at each other and made their way to hide under the bed, Harry was terrified it was Lucius, and Draco was too. or worse, Voldemort maybe, or even Dumbledore. Harry shuddered a little, he was an almighty Harpy, but he didn't have the courage nor the means to fight someone to the death as was expected of him.
Marc nodded relieved as he made his way downstairs, resetting the wards to allow the door to be opened without being broken.

James smiled opening the door stepping out, and shutting it behind him, not giving Marc a chance to follow.

"Dumbledore I assume?"James said studying the elder man in front of him.

"Yes. I have heard that you have found the boy, harry potter?I have... sources that say he is still alive.Here, at Dragongard."

James stared at him blankly, really wanting to put a bullet in him, "No. Not here."

"But he is still alive yes?"Dumbledore said, raising his wand, slamming the elder rizzoli brother hard into the door."Where is he?"

James gasped, as his ribs threatened to break under the pressure."London!"He gasped, drawing, wincing as gunfire sounded. Collapsing to the ground with a painful gasp.

Marc looked at the wizard, tilting his head, "I put one in your chest. Next one's between your eyes Alubs."He snarled levitating James into the front hallway, watching as the other wizard left. Stepping inside he shook his rain damp hair out of his face, looking at the brother he loved, swallowing."Potter!Get down here."He yelled, letting his voice sound through the castle like quiet thunder, the messager of fury.
Harry was quick to Dart out from under the bed and race downstairs, afraid from the sound of the gun shot, a hiss on his lips baring his flat human teeth looking about for the danger, the long black Talons sprouting from his fingers eager to do heavy damage to whoever was causing problems, pausing when he only saw Marc. "where's James!?" he demanded panic flying into those emerald green eyes.
"Living room."Marc growled walking into the room with harry, looking down at his brother."He broke a few ribs."He said gently bending down probing the skin, wincing as he felt bones shift."can you take care of him?There's bandages and potions in my bathroom. I need to take care of something."
Harry nodded and rushed into the bathroom, coming back out with all the items he would need, gently crooning to James and nuzzling the other kissing his neck and cheeks murmuring soft and loving things to him, completely ignoring Marc now that he had James to take care of, Draco hesitantly coming down the stairs, wide eyed and terrified, just in time to see Marc vanish.
James smiled slightly, dreamily as the blond came in, tilting her head."Hey... don't worry. He'll be back."He said smiling at harry as the potions started to put him to sleep. Looking dreamily at harry, "You look pretty."
Draco nodded and settled down next to James Harry snorting a little as he smiled at his older lover. "are you saying i'm not pretty all the time?" he complained, playfully pouting at James as he ran his fingers carefully along the others ribs before pressing hard, snapping the bones into place as best as he could.
"No thats no-bloody fucking hell!"James screeched as the pain snapped him back to himself. Looking at the harpy."Fucking hell potter, that hurt. After I get hurt for you, you hurt me more. Thanks."He growled, pouting, breathing slowly.
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