
Marc smirked as he followed Draco to the kitchen, looking relieved that James was doing okay, before looking at Draco."Now why couldn't you be like him?He shares his blanket."He teased starting to make something for a snack.
Draco smirked a little. "i've never shared well." he admitted snickering a little as he shot the other a strange glance. it almost seamed like Draco was hinting at Marc that he'd like to have a committed relationship with him, but Draco was too shy to actually ask. "so whats for dinner potter?" "who say's i'm cooking?" Harry demanded sleepily and Draco paused. "...well for one thing you always cook dinner." "...touche."
Marc smiled a little,"Don't worry about it. I got dinner.Unlike james, I can actually cook."He said with a smile starting to make steaks and fries. Tilting his head a little as he thought about what the blond had said. Wondering if he could take the sharing words how he thought he meant them. Then again...maybe he was reading to much into it. Sighing as he cook he fretted over what the man could mean.
Draco settled at the table and sighed a little harry smirking a little. "there see Draco, now you won't starve when you marry Marc." the Gryffindor teased Draco glaring at Harry and sticking his tongue out at the other, but not saying anything else as he traced small invisible patterns along the surface of the table Harry snickering a little. playing matchmaker was fun!
Marc jumped surprised at the words, cursing softly as he cut his finger open with the knife he was using. Sticking his thumb in his mouth he turned the steaks over turning to look at the blond, staring as he watched Draco draw patterns on the table."Oh damn, princess, your going to break me. You're going to want a expensive wedding and everything.Sorry to tell you, you might have to settle for a great wedding dress."He teased, wondering if that's what Draco wanted, because now that someone had said it he could see marrying the blond.
Draco went bright red and then. "i..i'd rather..have a small wedding." he admitted his voice soft. "with...with just, close freinds, and no family...a..and..." he coughed a little and stood up shaking his head. "i..need some fresh air." he decided, unused to the sudden rush of emotions flowing through him. he wasn't sure, but he suddenly had a feeling that Marc was teasing him. Harry looked amused as Draco went out the front door and shook his head. "your going to have to propose Marc or he's never going to make the connection." he pointed out before pausing. "and try to make him quite smoking too while your at it."
"I'll propose sometime. Might even have to go ring shopping."He said smirking a little, already wondering if he could convince all of them to go with him into Diagon alley under the disguise of James buying harry a ring, just so he could see what Draco liked. Before he frowned, "He smokes?"He asked curious, wondeirng why he didn't know this.
Harry nodded. "he told me once that his father used to beat him for it, so Draco never tells anyone. hell i don't think he even remembers telling ME." he admitted. "so he smokes in secrete so no one finds out." he admitted yawning a little as he flopped back down on the couch. "but it's a nasty habit and he should stop."
Marc wrinkled his nose,"I'll see what I can do."He smirked slightly, before following the blond outside, looking at him."You know, I plan on having like 50,60 years with you, so you really should stop smoking. Its hazardous to your health."He teased, not mentioning his job was just as dangerous to himself as smoking was to draco.
Draco choked hard and smashed the cigarette into the stone wall before it simply blinked from view. "smoking? i wasn't..what gave you that idea?" he asked feigning bafflement, conveniently ignoring the fifty to sixty year comment. draco was gonna be ugly by that time, and Draco did not DO ugly, he'd off himself before he got that old.
Marc snorted laughing, shifting to look at the cigarette smashed into his wall, raising a eyebrow."I don't know. Maybe that did."He said wrapping his arms around the blond, gently kissing him."Please, for me stop. Its gross. You taste like a ashtray."He said wrinkling his nose."And you don't smell like yourself."'He muttered lowering his head to nuzzle the blond's neck.
Draco shuddered a little, flinching as the hands came close and then relaxed as instead of pain, he got a hug and a neck nuzzle. "i...ok." he agreed softly letting out a small sigh. "but it feels good in my mouth." he admitted softly. "can't i just..once and a while?"
"Maybe."Marc snickered a little, running his hand through the blond's hair before down his back, a hand sliding into the blond's pants, fingers groping the well formed ass."But I can think of better things to put in your mouth."
Draco blushed and then smirked a little as he leaned into the others hand. "yeah?" Draco purred smirking. "can i suck it too?" he asked lifting a finger to his lips, running his soft pink tongue along his own digit with far too much emphasis. teasing little shit.
Which, is exactly what Marc was thinking."Teasing little princess."He growled, a finger slowly circling his entrance doing his own teasing."And of course you can suck it. You're very good at it."
Draco growled playfully arching into the teasing little finger as he licked his lips suggestively. "well then you better hurry up and give it to me because i've got a craving coming on." he teased winking at Marc. yeah he had a craving to pin mark down and suck him dry.
"Ah, maybe I'm having a craving."He smirked as he sank to his knees, undoing Draco's pants with a flick of his wrist, lowering his mouth over Draco's cock, sucking him eagerly, sliding his fingers into the blond, gently probing his prostate.
Draco gasped loudly and tossed his head back, bucking into the others mouth. "a..aah f..fuck M..M..Marc," he whined bucking again. "s..someone mi..a..aaah might see... f...fuck..." he groaned trying to lean into the fingers and buck into the mouth at the same time, pleasure overload to the max! it was also clear he had no issues at all about being caught, he was just trying to keep his cool.
Marc laughed giving another hard suck before standing up again, looking down at the blond in his arms as he stretched the blond quickly."I don't think you're actually worried about someone seeing."He teased undoing his own pants, shifting to set the blond on the brick porch wall, moaning softly as he slid into him.
Draco moaned bucking into the fingers panting hard as he blushed hard and bent over clutching the wall for support as Marc slid in. "f..fucking, a..aah yes." he groaned bucking lightly into the cock. "your s..so cruel." he whined laying his head against the cool stones trying not to moan too loudly and have harry or James come out to see what the hell was going on.
Marc snorted laughing as he fucked his lover, kissing him softly."I'm cruel?Well if that's what you think..."He said smirking as he started to pull away. Draco was just so adorable blushing like that. Shifting his hips to pound against the man's prostate he smirked wider."I'm cruel?"
Draco moaned loudly shaking his head as the other pulled away. "no no, aaah fuck don't stop! Marc don't s....Fucking hell!" he howled at the first thrust into his prostate, his knee's buckling, nearly giving out as he shuddered. "fu...fuck! y..yes! he moaned clawing at the wall in the pleasure. "Marc! please more!"
Marc laughed softly as he lifted the blond up, fuckign him hard and earnestly as he kissed him, pressing against his prostate with every touch as he slid his hand along the man's cock."More?"He teased gently touching him as he fucked him harder.
Draco mewled softly arching into it, bucking and writhing as the door opened and Harry poked his head out. "what the hell are you guys doi....oh.."" he blushed hard and Draco whimpered, cumming hard across the porch as harry spoke gasping at the humiliation of being caught and the lust at being watched. Harry had frozen and then quickly retreated a moment of silence and then Harry's wicked laughter.
Marc moaned, laughing softly as he came, holding the blond close to him as he rested his forehead against the blond's shoulder."...I think I could use a cigarette."He muttered nuzzling the blond's neck.

James sat up slowly from the couch, rubbing his face as he heard Harry's laughter, looking at his lover."What are you laughing at?"He said sleepily.
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